CALL for Entries
I always fascinated, and a little baffled, by which posts get the most hits at ArtAndArtDeadlines.com…
The Featured Artists posts that I expect no one to care about send my hits skyrocketing, while the occasional FREE entry call for entries for an International show opportunity sometimes barely limps by.
One Google search term, however, is so frequently searched that my blog posts from long ago are still coming up as results–printmaking call for entries.
You heard me, folks.
My best guess is that there are a lot of printmakers out there, and there aren’t nearly enough shows to showcase them all. I’ll see what I can do solve this problem, but in the meantime…here’s a little appetizer:
International Printmaking Show
The Biennale Internationale d’Estampe Contemporaine de Trois-Rivières is presented from June to September. The competition is open to all printmaking artists.
Interested artists must complete the entry form, submit a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 digital reproductions or color photograps of their works (see instructions below) and pay the entry fees.
Accepted techniques: intaglio, relief prints, lithography, silkscreen.
Techniques not accepted: photography, monotype, photocopy, and digital prints.
There is no maximum size for works, however, works exceeding 100 cm per side will not be framed. For installation works, the commitee should select less than 5 works for an artist.
The presented works must have been created within the last ve years. Works selected for previous editions of the Biennale internationale d’estampe contemporaine de Trois-Rivières cannot be submitted for an other edition.
Artists who have been selected on the two last editions in a row of the Biennial are not admissable for a third selection in a row.
Participation in the exhibition implies that the artists give the organizers of the Biennial the right to reproduce their works in all of the Biennial publications.
The Biennale Internationale d’Estampe Contemporaine de Trois-Rivières has a permanent and up-to-date web site on the internet. The prizewinners’ works will appear on the site.
A color catalogue will be published.
The catalogue will illustrate all of the works of the selected artists. All chosen artists will receive a copy of this catalogue. In order to encourage the idea of a network of exchange, the artists’ addresses will be published into the catalogue.
All artists who participate will be bound by the Biennial regulations.
$25 CND money order, $25 USD or €35 Euros to « Biennale internationale d’estampe contemporaine de Trois-Rivières ». The money order must be sent at the mailing address indicated at the bottom of the form. If the form and the images are not sent by email, include them in the mailing of the money order. Entry fees are not refundable.
The documents must be sent to the Biennial organizers not later than October 1, 2010. If sent after this date, they will not be presented to the selection committee of the Biennial. The postmark will serve as proof of entry prior to deadline. Documents will not be returned to artists.
A jury, composed of experts and artists, will make the selection amongst the proposed dossiers. The decisions are without appeal.
Each selected artist will receive an exhibition fee.
Several prizes will be awarded during the Biennial. Some prizes will be attributed by the Biennial selection jury, and others by juries set up by the associates, in close collaboration with the Biennial organizers.
An artist can receive only one prize awarded by the Biennial jury. However, he can be awarded another prize, attributed by the associates or by the public. All decisions are nal and binding.
The prizes to be awarded are as follows:
– The Grand Prix de la Biennale, accompanied by a bursary of $3000 CND. This prize will be awarded by the Biennial jury.
– The Prix Banque Nationale Groupe Financier, accompanied by a prize of $1500 CND. This prize will be awarded by the Biennial jury.
– The Public Award will be attributed, at the end of the exhibition to the artist who has received the greatest number of votes from the visitors. This prize is for a value of $1000 CND.
– The Invitation Presse Papier prize will be attributed to the foreign artist whose work is the most appreciated by the members of the Presse Papier workshop, the professional artist printmakers collective of Trois-Rivières. This prize o-ers a working residency at the Presse Papier workshop. The jury for this prize will be composed of workshop members.
Some other prizes may be added to this list.
Instructions for sending works will be given after selection to the selected artists.
Digital reproductions: 1000 x 1000 pixels @ 100dpi. Works should de presented on a black background, in the good way of presentation. In the down-right corner will gure the corresponding number of the work, the name of the artist, the title and the year of creation of the work, in white letters (Arial or Helvetica). Image should be saved in JPEG format, high quality (10). Each document will be titled by the artist family name followed by a stroke and the corresponding number of the work to the presentation list (ex.: Jones-1.jpg).
Photographs: Color photography, 10 x 15 cm. On the reverse side, an arrow will indicate the upper side of the image. The name of the artist and informations about the works will be written with the corresponding number of the work on the list.
For additional information or to receive the prospectus by mail please email info@biectr.ca or call 819-370-1117.
BIEC office hours: Monday to Thursday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Postal Address: 58, rue Raymond-Lasnier Trois-Rivières (Québec) Canada G9A 2J6