WATER you up to?
It feels like it has been raining forever and may just never stop. Ever. I’ve never had a green thumb, but my grandmother tried to teach me the basic. I remember almost nothing she taught me except leaves turn yellow when you over water, and nothing is more exciting than the burst of the seed pod of a touch-me-not. So, while I can grow herbs on a windowsill, my dream of having a sustainable farming endeavor is a lost cause. But many of my friends are out there trying only to eat what they grow.
Realistically what do you grow end the land of never ending rain? Apparently taro thrives even in water logged conditions for up to weeks at a time. I could live on taro chips, right? Maybe not. Luckily I can still canoe to my local grocer. The rain is also making me hyperbolic, ha. I could paint the rain, I suppose, or gather rainwater to feed my watercolors for this next landscape call. I then I could use the prize money to buy aquaponic supplies.
Check out this Call for Entries from Art-Competition.net for Scapes 2019. $20 entry & no shipping. In addition to cash prizes, there are also marketing benefits. Take a look…
Scapes 2019
from Art-competition.net
ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+
MEDIA: Open to still media, including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, digital, prints, fiber art, collage, etc.
THEME: ‘Scapes “…original interpretations of different types of landscapes, seascapes, or mindscapes from representational to abstract. The visual narrative of the work should transport the viewer to experience the beauty, uniqueness, or fantasy of these special places..”
DEADLINE: January 14, 2019
NOTIFICATION: January 18, 2019
ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $10 ea. add’l
AWARDS: $8,125 in cash & marketing prizes. (e.g. 1st place $500, 2nd Place $400, 3rd Place $300, etc) + helpful marketing. There will be 7 Winners and 10 Honorable Mentions.