Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Tag: Painting

OPEN CALL: Flow 2013

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There are monthly featured foods at my house. Last month is was asparagus ($1.99/lb).  This month it appears to be broccoli (2 double crowns for $3).  We’re heading toward Autumn, and I’ll be eating $1 butternut squash for at least 2 months.  It is all about eating what’s in season.  It is cheaper, healthier, and yummier.  Think of it as a seasonal treat.  This next Call is all about the upcoming season, and it’s a treat too!  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries for 2013 Exhibitions from Flow Art Space (Minneapolis, MN). Great news…NO COMMISSION, no really. This is a rare opportunity in a fairly new gallery.  Investigate for yourself…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, OPEN CALL: Flow 2013, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

OPEN CALL: 2013 Exhibitions

Learn more about Flow Art Space!Flow Art Space in Minneapolis, MN announces an open call for submissions for 2013 shows. Artists will be considered for possible inclusion in group shows and/or chosen as a featured artist.

ELIGIBILITY: US artists at least 18 are welcome to submit.

MEDIA: 2D and 3D media and all subject matter will be considered, including but not limited to drawing, painting, photography, book art, printmaking, sculpture, fiber, glass, encaustic,  ceramics, mixed media, wood, digital art, video, and installation.

EARLY DEADLINE: October 17, 2012

EARLY DEADLINE ENTRY FEE: $40 for up to 4 images

JLearn more about Flow Art Space!UROR: Artist, Curator and Flow Art Space Founder Melissa Metzler will select work.

SALES: Artists will keep 100% of their sales and handle their own transactions by accepting their preferred method(s) of payment. Artists deliver or ship their sold work to buyers. The mission of Flow Art Space is to provide ongoing opportunities for artists to show their work in a professional environment and to connect them with potential buyers. The goal is to establish ongoing relationships between artists and buyers, because buyers like to buy directly from artists and artists like to keep 100% of their sales!

For complete details, Download the Prospectus!

Download the Propsectus from the Flow Art Space website!

CALL for ENTRIES: The Naked Truth

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I am guilty of making the occasional sauce to cover up an over-cooked piece of meat. Yes, I know that any meat that NEEDS sauce shouldn’t be served, but it happens.  However, the best things to eat are usually at their prime when featured naked.  The pluot is a perfect example.  It is a cross between a plum and an apricot. They are the blood orange of the plum world according to my hubby and best served nekkid.  This next call also wants to see the naked truth of it all.  Investigate…

Check out this Call to Artists for The Naked Truth from the Linus Galleries (California). The media for this show is a cool mixture, and this could be a cool online opportunity for you. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: The Naked Truth, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Check out the Call for Entries at the Linus Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
The Naked Truth

The truth of a naked body
will always reveal itself.

Show them  incredible artwork of the
human form to be in this show.

If it’s like the last nude art show, it will probably be an all nude art exhibit.

Open to all artists.

MEDIA: Photography to paintings in oil, acrylic, watercolor and ink, graphite drawings and fabric work from quilts to stitch work.

Learn more abou the Naked Truth show from the Linus Galleries!DEADLINE:
September 25,

$35 for 3 entries,
$5 per add’l


Accepted entries for this online exhibit will be judged again for their collective live exhibition at one of their art galleries. The artists will be asked if they wish to submit their artwork for the collective exhibition, which is not a requirement to being a part of the online exhibition.

SALES: Artwork will be offered for sale at the reception & other days the gallery will be open. 40% commission on all sales.

For complete details,
Read the Guidelines!

Learn more about  the Linus Galleries!

CALL for PROPOSALS: Public Art

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My son has recently decided to try to break a Guinness World Record, but he can’t figure out which one (he’s 13).  It takes all the self-control to not suggest that he make the world’s largest chocolate chip cookie.  This next call will resort in only a 10 foot circle; I suspect that is far to small for the world’s largest cookie.  Nonetheless, this is a great opportunity…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Warrensburg Arts Commission (WAC) for Public Art Design Proposals.  The entry fee is cheap, and unlike many public art calls, this is not limited to sculpture.  Take a closer work…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for PROPOSALS: Public Art, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Sponsored in part by the Warrensburg Missouri Arts Commission!CALL for PROPOSALS:
Public Art


On behalf of a public art initiative for the city of Warrensburg, Missouri, the Warrensburg Arts Commission (WAC) seeks a two-dimensional design for a 10-foot diameter etched concrete circle that will be permanently installed in the sidewalk on Pine Street in historic downtown Warrensburg.

ELIGIBILITY:  This is an open competition for non-professional and professional artists.  A team of artists is welcome to apply, and multiple applications are allowed.

MEDIA:  2 Dimensional work.  There is no pre-determined theme for artwork, but WAC suggests that the content reflect the vibrancy of downtown, the beauty of the region, and the energy of the Arts and Entertainment District.

Sponsored in part by the Warrensburg Missouri Arts Commission! DEADLINE:  September 1, 2012

NOTIFICATION:  September 7, 2012

ENTRY FEE:  $20 for 1 to 3 images

SELECTION PROCESS:  The Warrensburg Arts Commission and the City of Warrensburg will select one design based on creativity, appropriateness, and practicality for implementation.

AWARDS:  A prize of $500 will be awarded for the chosen design. The award funds are made available through the WAC and the City of Warrensburg.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Sponsored in part by the Warrensburg Missouri Arts Commission!

OPEN CALL: Allegra LaViola

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All the dishes in my house are white.  Okay, I have a couple of random colored pieces that I received as gifts, but even those are mostly white.  I chose white because we celebrate the food, not the plate, at my house.  It is a blank canvas–much like a blank gallery wall.  This next Call is offering you the same opportunity, but in a gallery where it counts.  Don’t chicken out, people…

Check out this Open Curatorial Call from the Allegra LaViola Gallery in Manhattan.  This is a huge opportunity if you want it to be.  I can already hear all of your excuses.  Quit it.  If you want something, you have to try or it will never come to you.  Sermon over.  Take a chance…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, OPEN CALL: Allegra LaViola, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Past Exhibit by Doreen McCarthy at the Allegra LaViola Gallery!OPEN CALL:  Allegra LaViola Curatorial Opportunity


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all media; but, there is an emphasis on painting, installation and performance related work.

DEADLINE:  August 30, 2012

NOTIFICATION:  September 20, 2012

ENTRY FEE:  $75 is due upon submission

AWARDS:  Chosen applicants will receive a $100 stipend for exhibition related materials, as well as having 250 postcards printed by the gallery for the exhibition, an opening party, and full support of the gallery in promotion.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Read the Full Call from the Allegra LaViola Gallery!


CALL for ENTRIES: Motion

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I love moving, whirring, whistling kitchen gadgets.  I prefer the manual versions.  I own an egg beater, hand mixer and screaming tea pot, and they all make me happy.  It is the little things, you know?  . This next Call wants to know all about the motion in your life. Let’s see ’em, folks…

Check out this Call to Artists for Motion from the Linus Galleries (California). The media for this show is a cool mixture, and this could be a great opportunity. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Motion, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Check out the Call for Entries at the Linus Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:

Always moving, life does not sit still for us.

It all goes by in a blur.

Capturing movement in art
creates a elusive dynamic.

Submit your best art with motion
for this future exhibition.

Open to all artists.

MEDIA: Photography to paintings in oil, acrylic, watercolor and ink, graphite drawings and fabric work from quilts to stitch work.

Learn more about the Motion show at the Linus Galleries!DEADLINE:
September 17,

$35 for 3 entries,
$5 per add’l


Those accepted artists will be asked to be a part of a collective show in the future months. The artists will be asked if they wish to submit their artwork for the show, which is not a requirement to being a part of this show.

SALES: Artwork will be offered for sale at the reception & other days the gallery will be open. 40% commission on all sales.

For complete details,
Read the Guidelines!

Learn more about the Beauty Show at the Linus Gallery in Irvine!

CALL for ENTRIES: Patterns

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It takes great restraint not to continue food patterns in our menus.  I am guilty of taco night, pizza night, and buffalo chicken night.  I am trying to rationalize it by changing up the taco and pizza ingredients, but it is a pattern, nonetheless.  I’m not saying it si a bad thing, I just think it can lead to dangerous stall patterns that end in pre-packaged and fast food that I try to live without.  This next Call wants to know all about your patterns.   Let’s see ’em, folks…

Check out this Call to Artists for Patterns from the Linus Galleries (California). The media for this show is a cool mixture, and this could be a great opportunity. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Patterns, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Check out the Call for Entries at the Linus Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:

Sometimes patterns are intentional.

Sometimes they exist by coincidence.

 Sometime they’re
simply beautiful,

and sometimes they
have deep meaning.

Submit your best patterned art
for this future exhibition.

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists.

Learn more about the Patterns show at the Linus Gallery!MEDIA:

Photography to paintings in oil, acrylic, watercolor and ink, graphite drawings and fabric work from quilts to stitch work.

August 27,

$35 for 3 entries,
$5 per add’l


Those accepted artists will be asked to be a part of a collective show in the future months. The artists will be asked if they wish to submit their artwork for the show, which is not a requirement to being a part of this show.


Artwork will be offered for sale at the reception & other days the gallery will be open.  40% commission on all sales.

For complete details,
Read the Guidelines!

Learn more about the Beauty Show at the Linus Gallery in Irvine!

CALL for ENTRIES: 2012 International

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The adventurous palate is all about first chances.  Imagine if the first person to try kiwi or coconut was scared off by appearances.  What if the first person to try uni was unable to overcome the fear of the unknown.  This next Call is the inaugural project of the IAF.  Let’s give them a chance…

Check out this Call for Entries from The International Art Festival, Inc. (IAF), Fine Art Magazine (FAM), and the Museum of Russian Art (MoRA) for the 2012 International Art Festival Competition which will include an exhibit at the Museum of Russian Art in Jersey City, a gallery space just minutes from downtown New York City.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES:2012 International, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the 2012 International Art Festival Competition!CALL for ENTRIES:
2012 International


ELIGIBILITY:  This juried competition, which aims to identify and recognize outstanding contemporary artists, is open to persons 18 or older.

MEDIA:  Paintings, graphic works (illustrations, drawings, etc.), and photographs may be entered for consideration. No sculpture, installations or videos will be accepted.

DEADLINE:  June 15, 2012

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 3, $5 per add’l up to 10 total

JUROR:  The works will be judged by practicing artists and art world professionals affiliated with IAF, FAM, and MoRA:  Dr. Margaret Dikovitskaya, Nancy Engstad, Jamie Ellin Forbes, Grigory Gurevich, Darren Jones, Elina Kotler and Sam Omans.

AWARDS:  The top three choices of the jury will each be awarded a $1,000 cash prize, publication in Fine Art Magazine and a solo exhibition at MORA. The inaugural International Art Festival award exhibition, featuring a selection of the best works submitted in each category.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the 2012 International Art Festival Competition at MoRA!

REMINDER: Art Inter/National

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EAT your
HEART out!

While watching a TV show about how salami is made, my son announced that eating the organs of an animal is wrong. However, when I explained all the things that his new belief would eliminate from his menu, he then asked, “Do they at least WASH the intestines first?” Hehehe. These days I prefer my animal organs in the form of chicken pate, but I will have to start keeping the ingredient list to myself, apparently. This next Call for Entries involves a different sort of heart all together. This could be an excellent opportunity…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Boxheart Gallery (Pittsburgh, PA) for the 2012 Art Inter/National Exhibition. There is no entry free and no media restriction on this exhibit. Don’t miss this chance!

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, REMINDER: Art Inter/National, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Boxheart Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Art Inter/National


Art Inter/National is a celebration of artistic expression from all over the world. It’s an exhibition that displays how the space one occupies both influences and guides the creative process.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists.

MEDIA: Open to all media. Box Heart encourages diversity in the media used to create the work, in the artists and his/her interpretation of Art Inter/National. There are no limits or boundaries, no categories or types.

Work by Kuzana Ogg - Art Inter/National's 2012 Best of Show Winner!DEADLINE:
November 1, 2012

December 1, 2012

No entry fee.

AWARDS: One artist will receive the Best of Show Award. This artist is awarded Box Heart “Artist of the Year” and receives their own Solo Exhibition in the 2013 Exhibition Year. This includes Gallery Representation with Box Heart Gallery.

SALES: 40% Commission on all sales. (All work must be for sale.)

For complete details, Read the Prospectus!

Learn more about the Boxheart Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Appropriated Gender

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Gender roles and alcoholic beverages are laughable.  Out of town on business this week, I was sitting in the hotel bar watching women ordering glasses of wine and brightly-colored martinis while men ordered beer and brown liquors.  Really, people?  I know I live in the South, but do we really have to fulfill this stereotype.  Kudos to the couple in the corner– he ordered a daiquiri (umbrella included), and she order a shot of something brown.  You saved my night, folks.  This next call is all about challenging notions of gender.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries for Appropriated Gender at the 1310 Gallery in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.  The entry fee is dirt cheap, and there is so much to say within this theme.  Investigate and enter…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Appropriated Gender, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Appropriated Gender show!CALL for ENTRIES: Appropriated Gender


The “Appropriated Gender” curatorial vision embraces diverse visual art and performance interpretations of gender perception and self-identity. It is the curator’s aim to examine how gender is portrayed visually, enlighten and challenge the audience, stimulating cultural discussion.

ELIGIBILITY:  Open call for all visual & performance artists whose work relates to the topic of gender.

MEDIA:  Open to all media, but contemporary approaches are encouraged, including 2D, 3D, Mixed media, Collage, Painting, Printmaking, Photography, Digital art, Sculpture, Assemblage, Video art, and performance art. Art must have been created within the last 10 years.  They also encourage proposals for performances and site-specific Installation art with explanation, including documentation of examples of previous work.

Learn more about the Appropriated Gender show at the 1310 gallery!DEADLINE:
August 19, 2012

By September 5, 2012

ENTRY FEE:  $15 for up to 10 images.

If accepted, each artist will be asked to pay a one time, $10 participation fee (on top of the jury fee) to go towards costs of the exhibit.

Editor’s Note:
$25 for 10 images is still dirt cheap.

JUROR:  Lisa Rockford received her MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Lisa is a resident artist at Sailboat Bend artist Lofts and founding member 1310 Gallery. Lisa began curating Contemporary art exhibitions in her position as Art Services Director of the Dittmar Gallery at Northwestern University in 2000.

Learn more about the Appropriated Gender show at the 1310 gallery! In 2011, Lisa Rockford curated the Art of Whimsy exhibition (as part of the ART FALLOUT event), with 33 artists, and 12 prominent art professionals acting as guest judges. As a visual artist, Lisa Rockford exhibits her artwork both nationally and internationally, has been featured on Chicago Public Radio, and covered by the Chicago Reader, Time Out Chicago, Peel Magazine, and the Miami Herald. Lisa was recently awarded the Innovative Collaborative Grant through Funding Arts Broward for her recent Solo show at the Art and culture Center.

AWARDS:  Cash prizes

For full details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Appropriated Gender show at the 1310 gallery!


CALL for ENTRIES: Where I Live

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It is all about local food, regardless of where local is.  In South Carolina, it was boiled peanuts and mustard-based barbeque.  In Tennessee, it is Ole Smoky Moonshine and free-range chicken (as in…it wanders around your neighbor’s yard).  Soon for me, it will be blackberries from my backyard.  Local is where YOU are.  This next Call wants to know all about where YOU live.  Be proud…

Check out this Call to Artists for Where I Live from the Linus Galleries (California). The media for this show is a cool mixture, and this could be a great opportunity. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Where I Live, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Check out the Call for Entries at the Linus Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Where I Live

What is local to you?

Where do you live?

They are interested in seeing what is in your world, what is your every day local life.

Take the things you see every day and create.

Open to all artists.

MEDIA: Photography to paintings in oil, acrylic, watercolor and ink, graphite drawings and fabric work from quilts to stitch work.

Art by Michael Knapstein a Linus Galleries artistDEADLINE:
July 30
, 2012

$35 for 3 entries,$5 per add’l


Accepted entries for this online exhibit will be judged again for their collective live show at the Pasadena Gallery in August 2012. $500 will be awarded to the curator’s choice for best artist for the collective show.

SALES: Artwork will be offered for sale at the reception & other days the gallery will be open.

40% commission on all sales.

For complete details, Read the Guidelines!

Learn more about the Beauty Show at the Linus Gallery in Irvine!