Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Tag: Painting

CALL for ENTRIES: Bowery 26th Annual

Learn more about the 26th Annual Juried Competition from the Bowery Gallery in New York, NY! les ÉPINARDS

I am what I am, and this week, I am a spinach lover.  To be honest, I am a spinach lover every week, but this week I have had spinach quiche & spinach salad without a wilted leaf to be seen.  Because of the popularity of aquaponics and the number of artisan growers in my area, every day is spinach season for me (happy dance), but this next Call just has a few more days left.  Don’t miss this deadline…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Bowery Gallery (New York, NY) for the 26th Annual Juried Competition. $35 entry & No commission.  Take a look…

Learn more about the 26th Annual Juried Competition from the Bowery Gallery in New York, NY!CALL for ENTRIES:
26th Annual Juried
from Bowery Gallery

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to include painting, drawing, printmaking & mixed media. Sculpture, photography and digital art not eligible.

DEADLINE:  April 20, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  June 1, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 3, $6 ea. add’l

JUROR:  Kyle Staver received her MFA in painting from Yale School of Art, and has exhibited throughout the United States. She has been a recipient of the Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship (2015) and the American Academy of Arts and Letters Purchase Prize (2015). Her work has been exhibited at Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects, and the American Academy of Arts & Letters. She currently exhibits at Kent Fine Art in New York, and lives in Brooklyn.

SALES:  All work will be for sale unless artist states otherwise. All proceeds go to the artist.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Bowery Gallery in New York, NY!

CALL for ENTRIES: monochrome

Learn more about the monochrome exhibit at Las Laguna Gallery!sautee or FRY?

There is a fine line between golden goodness & fried brown sameness.  I have an aunt who won’t eat “lacy” eggs or “dirty” biscuits, her phraseology for anything browned, but she only eats meats well done. (Go figure.)  Personally, I love a butter browned anything, but I shy away from the monotony of bread-crumb brown.  This next Call wants your monotone work –food references not requiredTake a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Las Laguna Gallery (Laguna Beach, CA) for the monochrome exhibit.  Sales commission is only 25%. Don’t miss this opportunity…

Learn more about the monochrome exhibit at Las Laguna Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
from Las Laguna Gallery

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Open to all* media, except jewelry and sculpture.

THEME:  Monochrome “Art that explores values of one color.” — from

DEADLINE:  April 16, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  April 21, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $35 for 1, $2 ea. add’l

SALES: The gallery will retain 25% commission on all sales

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Las Laguna Gallery!



ARTIST of the DAY: Marissa J. Menefee

Exploration Metallum 001, watercolor on paper, by Marissa J. Menefee
Exploration Metallum 001, watercolor on paper, by Marissa J. Menefee

“When lost, it feels like we are going in circles.
When there is great accomplishment, it feels as if
we have come full circle.”
Marissa J. Menefee

I find myself rehearsing half-hearted apologies for the decisions to step off the edge of the earth, or so it feels, in pursuit of adventure and truly living in the coming years.  I am taking baby steps toward a goal, but feel an immediate, obligatory sense of guilt creep up on me after every accomplishment.  Proud but guilty. Excited but apologetic. Emotional semantics. 

Seeing the work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Marissa J. Menefee, I thought, “this artist understands the circles in which I spin and spin and spin.”  Thanks, Marissa.

Lose (or find) yourself in the mesmerizing patterns of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, painter Marissa J. Menefee!


CALL for ENTRIES: Abstractions

Learn more about the Abstractions exhibit from Las Laguna Gallery!comfort, hold the BREAD

Peanut butter & jam used to be my go-to comfort food, back before wheat allergies took my family down with a thud.  So I’ve been trying out abstractions of the PB&J.  Peanuts & raisins, dried cranberries & sunflower seeds, and my favorite, pumpkin seeds and raspberries.  It is the same comfort, but without the structure.  I’m a fan.  This next Call wants to test your comfort with abstraction.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Las Laguna Gallery (Laguna Beach, CA) for Abstractions. Sales commission is only 25%. Don’t miss this opportunity…

Learn more about the Abstractions exhibit from Las Laguna Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
from Las Laguna Gallery

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Open to many media, including acrylic, airbrush, assemblage, charcoal, color pencil, collage, digital art, drawings, encaustic, fiber art, graphite, illustration, mixed media, new media, oil, painting, pastel, photography & watercolor.

THEME:  Abstraction “Las Laguna Gallery is seeking unique abstract works in a variety of mediums.” — from

DEADLINE:  April 2, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  April 7, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $35 for 1, $2 ea. add’l

SALES: The gallery will retain 25% commission on all sales

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Las Laguna Gallery!

ARTIST of the DAY: Margaret Fitzgerald

"End of the World" (oil on canvas) by Margaret Fitzgerald
“End of the World” (oil on canvas) by Margaret Fitzgerald

“Painting, for me, is a journey into the unknown.”
Margaret Fitzgerald

I’m a planner.  I like structure and process and, well, control.  And this holds true for my art, my food, my life.  But, here I am faced with opportunities for which I can never really be fully prepared.  So, what to do?  Let go, that’s what. So, I am embracing the unknown, and the work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Margaret Fitzgerald, has helped me on my way.

Embrace the journey found in the work of AAAD Artist of the Day, painter Margaret Fitzgerald!

ARTIST of the DAY: Mel Prest

"Off Screen" (acrylic & phosphorescent acrylic on panel) 2014 by Mel Prest
“Off Screen” (acrylic & phosphorescent acrylic on panel, 2014) by Mel Prest

“My work shifts and changes in response to light and proximity. I layer conflicting personal references, such as fog colors, music, fabric and thought patterns, to create a new shape-space. I want spontaneity and chance to influence the outcome and direction of each piece.” Mel Prest

As Winter shifts into Spring, I find my creative inspiration also seems to shift in focus and tone, both physical and metaphorical.  I was intrigued to read about the work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day Mel Prest and her awakening to the influence of the difference of the quality of light from San Francisco and Brooklyn.  I’m facing a move of nearly 2300 miles; will my work change too?  Does your work change depending on your geographical location?

Let your mind wander to warmer climes with the work of
AAAD Artist of the Day, painter Mel Prest!

CALL for ENTRIES: Create! May 2017

Learn more about the May 2017 International Print Edition from Create! Magazinela fresa, LAS FRESAS

I am trying to learn some basic Spanish.  As you might imagine, I skipped ahead to the food lessons almost immediately, ha.  I can order water, milk & fish now, agua, leche & pescado, yeah.  But as my lessons continue, I am amazed by how many words I already knew or could at least guess from brief French language studies more than a decade past.  Like fresas.  Strawberries.  This next Call offers publication during National Strawberry Month (May) Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Create! Magazine for the May 2017.  Just wait until you get your hands on this gorgeous magazine.  Don’t miss this chance…

Learn more about the May 2017 International Print Edition from Create! MagazineCALL for ENTRIES:
May 2017
of Create! Magazine

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all media, i.e.: painting, sculpture, digital, printmaking, fiber, mixed media, photography, installation & more.

DEADLINE:  March 19, 2017

ENTRY FEE:  $25 for up to 3, $30 for 5

JUROR:  Sandra Apperloo is a blogger, crafter & social media fanatic based in Utrecht, The Netherlands. She is the founder and curator of; a fun and passionate website that promotes starting and established artists from around the globe. Sandra has a passion for traveling and likes to look for inspiration abroad. In 2015 she traveled to one of her favorite cities, Tokyo, where she interviewed 10 contemporary artists and illustrators and met with the Tokyo Illustrators Society.

AWARDS:  Artists selected by the guest juror will receive a 2-page spread including a brief bio, website, and 2 images in print and digital formats. Published artists will receive a complimentary digital issue and will be listed on Create! Magazine’s website/social media.

SALES:  The May Issue will be available at McNally Jackson Books in NYC, Charlotte Street News in London & online.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Create! Magazine.



CALL for ENTRIES: Jonesborough Open

Learn more about the Jonesborough Open Juried Art Exhibit from the Mary B Martin Program for the Arts! more than CORN

Appalachian cuisine is a “new” thing in food circles.  But it isn’t. Everyone carries their own baggage about regional foods.  When I was little, if you referred to mountain food, fried chicken would be hailed as the prime example.  Then with the legalization of moonshine, everyone seems to think the local fare is all about corn whiskey and cornbread.  It is all more complicated than that, I promise.  What if food, in concert with art and culture are THE answer for Appalachian economic recovery?  This next Call offers an art opportunity in Appalachia.  This is a beautiful venue…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Mary B. Martin Program for the Arts for the Jonesborough Open Juried Art Exhibition 2017 at the McKinney Center (Jonesborough, TN).  Only 20% commission on sales.  Take a look….

Learn more about the Jonesborough Open from the McKinney Center!CALL for ENTRIES:
Jonesborough Open
at the McKinney Center

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA:  Open to most media, including but not limited to painting, photography, ceramics, wood, sculpture & mixed media.

DEADLINE:  March 13, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  March 25, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 3, $10 ea. add’l

JUROR: Ted Rose, Professor and Chair, Art Department, Cumberland University

AWARDS:  $2,000 in cash awards will be presented at the exhibition’s Opening Reception on Friday, April 21, 2017, McKinney Center at Booker T. Washington School.  Selection of the awards will be based on the actual art work.  Best in Show $1,000, 2nd place $600 and 3rd place $400.

SALES:  20% commission will be retained as a donation to the McKinney Center.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Mary B Martin Program for the Arts!



CALL to ARTISTS: Purchase Award / Artist Grant

Learn more about the Purchase Award from WorkingArtist.Org! chicka-chicka-CHICK

You can always find chickpeas in my cabinet.  Be they canned or dried, they are a go-to item that has so many uses –from toasted finger food in the spring, to protein-rich soups in winter.  Then there’s hummus, of which I never tire.  Chickpeas even make a tasty addition to sweet-infused trail mix. I appreciate the versatility.  This next Call awards artists from a wide variety of media.  And what’s more versatile than a cash award?  Nothing.  Take a look…

Check out this Call to Artists from for the $1000 Purchase Award. $25 entry & send a link. It doesn’t get any easier. Don’t miss this one…

Learn more from WorkingArtist.Org!CALL to ARTISTS:
Purchase Award


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Open to visual media, including but not limited to drawing, painting, conceptual, installation, prints, sculpture, new media, mixed media, photography & video.

DEADLINE: March 31, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $25 for up to 5

AWARDS: If selected as the winner, the award recipient must exchange one of their original works or smaller series of original works for inclusion into a collection, in return for the award. Work considered by the artist as of equal value, and available for acquisition can be negotiated upon receipt of the award. Shipping costs will be paid by

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Working Artist Grant and Purchase Award!

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CALL for ENTRIES: 2 Elizabeths

Cover Art wanted by 2 Elizabeths magazine!the MISSING middle

I enjoy creative process.  I find it meditative.  My own visual work requires lots of repetition.  I like to knit.  More repetition.  I have a handful of favorite recipes. Even more repetition.  As a result, I often end up in looping rut of repetition.  In the kitchen, I break the sameness by trying a recipe outside my comfort zone. (Today gumbo, tomorrow doughnuts;)  When working visually, I find a themed Call that dictates the inspiration not only helps me start a new piece, but it sometimes marks the beginning of a whole new direction.  This Call is a paying opportunity too, which I appreciate albeit meager.  Maybe it is right for you…

Check out this Call for Entries from 2 Elizabeths magazine for Cover Art. Only $5 to enter. Even if you don’t win the cover spot, it is a great way to jump start your creativity this winter.  Take a look…

Cover Art wanted by 2 Elizabeths magazine!CALL for ENTRIES: Cover Art
2 Elizabeths magazine

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to 2-dimensional representations of work including drawing, painting, illustration, photography, etc.  Be inspired by their published fiction & poetry.

DEADLINE:  March 28, 2017

ENTRY FEE:  $5 for 1 or $9.75 for two entries

JURORS:  2 Elizabeths will select their favorite three pieces of art, and at that time their email subscribers will be given the opportunity to vote on a selection for each bi-monthly issue of the electronic magazine.  You (and your friends/family) can subscribe for free.

AWARDS:  If your work is chosen for the cover, you will be paid $50 for first & electronic rights to the work.  Afterward, your work is your own to sell again.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from 2 Elizabeths!