I am rapidly approaching 40, and I don’t like it.
I have alot to say about aging, but it hasn’t come out in my artwork yet. I am afraid to open that proverbial can of worms for fear of spiralling into my own narcissitic world of self-indulgent “Oh Woe is Me” work that will permanently end my ability to produce work of any sort of value aside from auto-biographical. Yep, issues. Moving on…
I have found an opportunity to say something about my aging in a project-oriented way that might help restrain my tendancy for getting carried away, and I thought you might like it too.
“At Her Age”
an exhibition on Women, Sex and Age
curated by Martha Wilson, artist and founder of Franklin Furnace
A.I.R. Gallery is pleased to announce CURRENTS, a timely and innovative exhibition series. Each year the CURRENTS exhibit will address an issue that warrants expanded critical attention in the art world.
A.I.R. will invite established and non-traditional curators (artists, activists, writers, poets) to select the works to be exhibited with the theme designed as a collaboration between the curator and the gallery.
This new opportunity is open to all self-identified women artists worldwide and will be curated through an open call and through invitations by the curator.
For the inaugural CURRENTS exhibit, Martha Wilson will curate, “At Her Age,” an exhibit on Women, Age and Sex.
“At Her Age” will examine how women at any period in their life, old or young, view their changing bodies.
Questions to be addressed could be:
“How does age affect experiencing one’s sexual/sensual life?”
“How age impacts one’s evolving personal and social relationships?”
While older women may be perceived by others as inconsequential or asexual, they personally experience increasing knowledge of themselves.
Younger women may experience curiosity/fear/pleasure about the changes in their own bodies due to age.
A.I.R. Gallery is looking for artwork, to be selected by Martha Wilson, that addresses age and sex as part of an evolutionary process.
Download the Prospectus Here.

About the Curator:
Martha Wilson is an artist and Founding Director of Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc. Since its inception in 1976, Franklin Furnace has presented and preserved temporal art: artists’ books and other multiples produced internationally after 1960; temporary installations; and performance art. Ms. Wilson lectures widely on the book as an art form, on performance art, and on “live art on the Internet.”
Trained in English Literature, Ms. Wilson was teaching at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design when she became fascinated by artworks created at the intersection of text and image.
In New York, she founded DISBAND, the all-girl punk band of artists who couldn’t play any instruments. Since DISBAND disbanded in 1982, she has performed in the guises of Alexander Haig, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush, and Tipper Gore. In the spring of 2008, she had her first solo exhibition in New York at Mitchell Algus Gallery, “Martha Wilson: Photo/Text Works, 1971-1974.”
DEADLINE: May 14, 2010 – Midnight online, 6pm drop off, or postmark
DIGITAL: Submit digital images online or on CD. Jpg files only. File names should be your telephone number followed by the image number (i.e. 2122556651-1.jpg, 2122556651-2.jpg). Images should not exceed 1000 pixels x 1000 pixels or 300k in memory. All images should be oriented correctly.
VIDEO: Submit 3 minutes or less on DVD that is playable on a computer and on a DVD player. A.I.R.’s website does not accept video uploads. DVDs must be mailed or hand delivered to the gallery on or before TBD at 6pm.
EXHIBITION DATES: The exhibit will be located in A.I.R.’s Gallery 1 space from December 1, 2010 through January 2, 2011.
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