Art and Art

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Art and Art

Tag: Los Angeles Art Gallery

CALL for ENTRIES: Distorted in Los Angeles

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I don’t own a kitchen timer. The end result of that oversight is over-baked brownies, extra-crunchy crostini, dried-out lasagna and the more-than-occasional burned frozen pizza… not to mention the frantic run to the oven while muttering explicatives after realizing that I am too late to save tonight’s dinner. Don’t wait and then be too late to enter this next show opportunity in Los Angeles.

Check out this Call for Entries from Studio 5216 for Distorted, a Group Show. The entry fee is low, but the deadline is just around the corner. Don’t delay your entry.

Learn more about the Distorted show at Studio 5216 in Los Angeles!CALL for ENTRIES: Distorted

1. not truly or completely representing the facts or reality; misrepresented; false: 2. twisted; deformed; misshapen. 3. mentally or morally twisted, as with an aberration or bias. 4. to twist or pull out of shape; make bent or misshapen; contort; deform 5. electronics to reproduce or amplify (a signal) inaccurately, changing the shape of the waveform.

Learn more about the Distorted show at Studio 5216 in Los Angeles!ELGIBILITY: Open to all artists.

MEDIA: All media will be considered. Sound artists encouraged to apply.

DEADLINE: March 25, 2011

ENTRY FEE: A non-refundable $25.00 entry fee per artist submission, you may submit up to 3 pieces. Submission fee payment can be made through Paypal, check or money order.

COMMISSION: Only 30% commission is taken by the gallery.

Please email lo-res jpegs to and include the following information with your submission: artist name, title of work, selling price, medium, size (height x width), email address and phone.

For more information, read the Prospectus!

Learn more about the Distorted show at Studio 5216 in Los Angeles!