your face
Why can’t we play with our food? If I have to get my kid to use green peas as a moat to his mashed potato castle to get dinner eat, well, so be it. And honestly, you can’t tell me that having the requisite clown face of barbeque sauce while eating ribs isn’t part of the the yum of it all. I’ll play with my food if I want to. This next call wants to see what you consider play. What will it be?
Check out this Call for Entries for Play brought to you by the A. Smith Gallery (Johnson City, Texas). The entry fee is low, and you might be inspired to create a little green space of your own. Take a look…
*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Play, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.
“play : amuse oneself, be the life of the party, portray, caper, carouse, cavort, impersonate, clown, frolic, perform, joke, jump, rejoice, have fun, theatrical performance, tickle, produce music, merriment, laughter
“Ahhhhhh….play. When I was a little girl I had an imaginary friend named Jingo. We contentedly played for hours. I even insisted my mother set a place at the dinner table for my special friend. Now that I’m all grown up, I seem to do much of my playing on my iPhone. Angry Birds and photography apps occupy my play time. So however, whenever and with whomever, look through your viewfinder and see what kind of “Play” you can capture. “ — from the A. Smith Gallery website.
ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists. Entries must not have been exhibited previously in an exhibition at A Smith Gallery.
May 7, 2012
May 20, 2012
ENTRY FEE: A non-refundable entry fee of $25 for the first 5 images and $5 for each additional image is required. The Paypal link is on the Entry Form.
JUROR: Angela Bacon-Kidwell is an award winning photographer and visual artist that lives and works in Wichita Falls, Texas where she lives with her husband and young son. Angela has a BFA from Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, Texas, with specialization in painting and photography.
Her work emerges from her journey of recovering a sense of self, strength and spirituality through an examination of her identities as daughter, granddaughter, wife, mother and artist. Her photographic work has received numerous awards and honors and has been exhibited and published both nationally and internationally.
AWARDS: Cash prizes of $250 each will be awarded for The Juror’s Award and The Director’s Award, along with a $100 prize for the Visitors’ Choice Award. There will also be five Honorable Mentions.
SALES: A Smith Gallery will retain 40% commission out of the sales price.