I live amongst the big trees, copious wildlife and dizzying views of the Great Smoky Mountains. Nature HERE seems rough and rugged and and indomitable. It is easy to forget the delicate wonder and our responsibility to protect it. Nothing could be clearer in the work of Anne ten Donkelaar, today’s Artist of the Day. (continues below)

“Weeds become poetry, each unique twig gets attention,
nature seems to float.”
“A damaged butterfly, a broken twig, a bumblebee, some strangely grown weeds: I find all these unique discoveries in my path and then take them home to my studio. Here, I take my time to explore the objects and try to work out how I can show each one to it’s best advantage. My finds inspire me. While looking at them I can invent my own stories about their existence and their lives. By protecting these precious pieces under glass, I give the objects a second lifeand hope to inspire people to make up their own stories about them.” — Anne ten Donkelaar
Learn more about Anne ten Donkelaar!