spin like SALAD
Food needs better PR. There are laws against trans fats, but I have trouble convincing my mother that ginger will settle her stomach. Why are we willing to believe the worst about food but eager to assume all benefits are purely science fiction? Natural healing is not science fiction, but the next Call definitely is. Traditional media only…
Check out this Call for Entries from the OA Gallery (St. Louis, MO) for Crossover, a juried sci-fi/fantasy exhibit. A fantastic, theme-valued juror, a gorgeous gallery & lower commission rate. Take a look…
Crossover from OA Gallery
ELIGIBILITY: Open to artists 18+ residing in U.S.
MEDIA: Open to two-dimensional work done in traditional media only. Acceptable mediums include but are not limited to oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, graphite, pencil, ink, and/or gouache. No digital component in this category.
THEME: Science Fiction & Fantasy
DEADLINE: September 25, 2016
NOTIFICATION: October 6, 2016
ENTRY FEE: $35 for one; $5 ea. add’l
JUROR: Mark A. Nelson, image maker
AWARDS: Best of Show, 1st, 2nd, 3rd place & Awards of Excellence at juror’s discretion
SALES: OA Gallery will receive a 35% commission for works sold during the exhibit.