I am fascinated by small food & small restaurants. There is something special about the smallest of goodies served in the smallest of places. One automatically assumes great care has been taken because you have less real estate literally & figuratively to make an impression. Sel et Gras in NYC was always on my list to try, but I heard it closed. Do you have any suggestions I should try? I suggest you take part in this next study in tiny art. This could be a good opportunity for some of you.
Check out this Call for Entries from the Pitt County Arts Council (Greenville, NC) for The Tiny Art Show at Emerge Gallery & Art Center. If you are looking to add a line to your resume from a legitimate arts organization, this is a great resource. Take a look…
tiny art show
ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists
MEDIA: Open to all artwork no larger than 5″ x 5″ x 7″. (*Editor’s Note: This is an ideal call for artists needing an extra line on their resume that happen to work on paper or any other lightweight, easily mailable media.)
DEADLINE: Arrive by January 29-31, 2015.
NOTIFICATION: All hung. However, the staff has the right to reject any work for work sized wrong or inappropriate subject matter.
SALES: Work must be priced at either $5 or $10. If the “juried” box is checked on the inventory sheet, the work may be juried and MAY be repriced to be $25 or $50 by Emerge Gallery. 50% commission will go to the Pitt County Arts Council (Greenville, NC); however, they would also appreciate any additional support through a complete sale donation if the artist so chooses.