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Tag: d’Art Center

CALL for ENTRIES: Persistence

Learn more about Persistence A National Exhibition Celebrating Women’s Empowerment from the d’Art Center of Norfolk, VA!

the need for CHEESE

I had emergency ravioli last weekend.  Well, I had emergency oral surgery.  It was every bit as awful as that sounds, but necessary.  Since my husband & son both have Celiac disease, so true Italian pasta deliciousness is an uncommon sight in my house.  But after all the soup and oatmeal I could stand, I was craving comfort food that wouldn’t make me hate life later.  I tried everything in my house, one after the other, foods were too hot, too cold, to crunchy, too crispy, too bland, too sticky.  And then there was delivery cheese ravioli.  It was like the clouds parted. Divine.

If only all such persistence paid dividends, right?  Sometime persistence in art leads to over-working.  I’ve put a lot of holes in a lot of paper, and even a few canvases, over the years. The outcome of political persistence has varied over the years from victory parties to concession speeches, rallies to protests, elections to resignation.  What drives your artist persistence? What is the benchmark you trying to pass or surpass? Is it a resume qualifier?  Is it a sales or publication goal? Is it a signature body of work or finding your voice?  It is all of those things for me, but somewhere tied up in all of those things is belief in my own legitimacy as an artist.  Again, what drives your artist persistence?

Today’s Call celebrates the persistence of women by celebrating female artists.  Take a look to see if this one is right for you. This Call for Entries from the d’Art Center (Norlfolk, VA) for Persistence: A National Exhibition Celebrating Women’s Empowerment.  I’m happy to publish a Call that welcomes both fine art & fine craft. Do you have work for this Call?  

Learn more about Persistence A National Exhibition Celebrating Women’s Empowerment from the d’Art Center of Norfolk, VA!CALL for ENTRIES:
from the d’Art Center

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all female artists residing in the U.S.

MEDIA: Open to functional, non-functional, 2D, 3D, fine art & fine craft in all mediums. 

DEADLINE:  February 7, 2019

NOTIFICATION:  February 19, 2019

ENTRY FEE: $35 up to 3

JUROR:  Lori Pratico is the founder of the Girl Noticed Community Mural Project.  For Lori, her artwork is not only her passion but also her voice. She is driven to inspire people to recognize that no matter what, there is always something about them extraordinary and worth noticing. Girl Noticed reminds us to pause, acknowledge and appreciate others and ourselves. Aside from Girl Noticed, Lori serves on the Broward County Public Art and Design Committee.

AWARD:  1st Place $500, 2nd Place $300 and 3rd Place $150.

SALES:  The d’Art Center retains a 40% commission, not including awards.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the d’Art Center of Norfolk, VA!