One of the most valuable assets to a cook is the money to buy groceries, but money won’t help if you don’t have anywhere to cook. State art agencies often provide both funding and the opportunities to use it. I believe that state art agencies are under used by artists, and as a result, are often among the first to lose their funding during budget cuts.
Start Cooking!
In an effort to take away your excuses, here are all 50 of the state art agencies in two halves. This is Alabama to Missouri; the second half is forthcoming. Contact them today. Pour over their sites. Download grant applications. Don’t complain about the food until you’ve tried it.
Be the feather in the cap of your state’s art foundation, council or agency.
1. Alabama State Council on the Arts & the Alabama Artists Gallery, 201 Monroe Street, Montgomery, AL 36130-1800. Telephone: 334/242-4076, FAX: 334/240-3269. The purpose of the Alabama Arts’ mission is to promote the arts in Alabama, especially arts education, including fine arts, dance, folk arts, drama and music.
2. Alaska State Council on the Arts, 411 West 4th Avenue, STE 1E, Anchorage, AK 99501-2343, Telephone: (907) 269-6610, Toll-free: 1-888-278-7424, Fax: (907) 269-6601, TTY: 1-800-770-8973. The Alaska State Council on the Arts is a state agency that fosters the development of the arts for all Alaskans through education, partnerships, grants and services.
3. Arizona Commission on the Arts, 417 W. Roosevelt Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003-1326, Phone: (602) 771-6501, Fax: (602) 256-0282, email: The mission of the Arizona Commission on the Arts is an Arizona where people broaden, deepen and diversity their engagement with the arts, as creators, audiences and supporters, in ways that are satisfying and integral to their lives.
4. Arkansas Arts Council, 1500 Tower Building, 323 Center Street, Little Rock, AR 72201-2606, Phone: (501) 324-9766, Fax: (501) 324-9207, TDD: (501) 324-9811, email: The Arkansas Arts Council advances the arts in Arkansas by providing services and grants-in-aid supporting arts endeavors that encourage and assist literary, performing and visual artists in achieving standards of professional excellence. They also provide technical & financial assistance to Arkansas arts organizations.
5. California Arts Council, 1300 I Street, Suite 930, Sacramento, CA 95814, Phone: (916) 322-6555 / (800) 201-6201 , Fax: (916) 322-6575, Email: The California Arts Council, a state agency, has the mission to advance California through the arts and creativity with an emphasis on children and artistically underserved communities. The agency encourages widespread public participation in the arts; helps build strong arts organizations at the local level; assists with the professional development of arts leaders; promotes awareness of the value of the arts; and directly support arts program for children and communities.
6. Colorado Council on the Arts, 1625 Broadway, Suite 2700, Denver, CO 80202, Phone: 303.892.3802, Fax: 303.892.3848. The Colorado Council on the Arts, a state agency, combines state funds with federal funds from the National Endowment for the Arts, and invests in communities across the state to ensure that the cultural, educational and economic benefits of the arts are enjoyed by thousands of Colorado youth and millions of Colorado citizens and visitors every day. The mission of the Colorado Council on the Arts is to promote the cultural, educational and economic growth of Colorado through development of its arts and cultural heritage. 7. Connecticut Commission on Culture & Tourism, One Constitution Plaza, 2nd Floor, Hartford, Connecticut 06103, Phone: 860-256-2800, Fax: 860-256-2811. The Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism was created in 2003 to bring together arts, historic preservation, film and tourism. Its mission is to preserve and promote Connecticut’s cultural and tourism assets in order to enhance the quality of life and economic vitality of the State.
8. Delaware Division of the Arts, Carvel State Office Bldg., 4th floor, 820 North French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801, Phone: 302-577-8278, Fax: 302-577-6561, Email: The Delaware Division of the Arts, a branch of the Delaware Department of State, is dedicated to nurturing and supporting the arts to enhance the quality of life for all Delawareans. Together with its advisory body, the Delaware State Arts Council, the Division administers grants and programs that support arts programming, educate the public, increase awareness of the arts, and integrate the arts into all facets of Delaware life.
9. Florida Division of Cultural Affairs, R.A. Gray Bldg, 3rd Floor, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250, Phone: 850.245.6470, Fax: 850.245.6497. The Division of Cultural Affairs promotes the arts and culture as essential to quality of life for all Floridians. They believe that arts and culture change the world for the better by significantly contributing to the economic vitality of communities, enriching the lives of participants, and educating people of all ages.
10. Georgia Council for the Arts is a state agency with the mission to provide access to the arts for all Georgians. The agency strives for 100% statewide coverage in the support of arts programming through grants, which are competitive applications for funding that are adjudicated by peers. The charter also encourages the agency to provide services such as programming that supports the arts, artists, and the arts organizations of Georgia. Among these services, GCA maintains and loans pieces from Georgia’s State Art Collection, supports arts organizations, and partners with other state agencies to provide general support for the arts.
11. Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, 250 South Hotel Street, 2nd Floor, Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813, Telephone: (808) 586-0300, Fax: (808) 586-0308, TTY: (808) 586-0740. The foundation’s mission is to promote, perpetuate, preserve and encourage culture and the arts, history and the humanities as central to the quality of life of the people of Hawaii. In addition, the foundation also offers national and international opportunities for Hawaiian artists.
12. Idaho Commission on the Arts, Mailing Address: P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0008, Street address: 2410 North Old Penitentiary Rd., Boise, ID 83712, Phone: 208/334-2119 or 800/278-3863 Fax: 208/334-2488. The Idaho Commission on the Arts endeavors to provide quality experiences in the arts for all Idahoans. It is charged by state law to “stimulate and encourage throughout the state the study and presentation of the arts and public interest and participation therein…” The Commission must also “encourage and assist freedom of artistic expression essential to the well-being of the arts.” The Commission is both a service organization with a professional staff offering technical assistance and training, and a funding organization providing financial assistance.
13. Illinois Arts Council, James R. Thompson Center, 100 West Randolph, Suite 10-500, Chicago, IL 60601, Phone: 312-814-6750, Toll Free: 800-237-6994, TTY: 888-261-7957, FAX: 312/814-1471, email: Illinois Arts Council Mission Building a strong, creative, and connected Illinois through the engagement of all Illinoisans in the pursuit of, participation in, and enjoyment of the arts. Mission: They believe in active engagement with all Illinoisans, ensuring that residents of all ages and abilities have the opportunity to participate in, and experience, the arts and culture.
14. Indiana Arts Commission, 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N505, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204, Phone: 317-232-1268, Fax: 317-232-5595, email: On behalf of the people of Indiana, the Indiana Arts Commission advocates engagement with the arts to enrich the quality of individual and community life. The Arts Commission encourages the presence of the arts in communities of all sizes while promoting artistic quality and expression. The Arts Commission advocates arts development opportunities across the state, and stewards effective use of public and private resources for the arts. It stimulates public interest in, and participation with, Indiana’s diverse arts resources and cultural heritage. The Arts Commission works to enhance public awareness of the arts, life-long learning opportunities, and arts education programs.
15. Iowa Arts Council, 600 E Locust, Des Moines, IA 50319-0290. Phone: 515-281-6412, Fax: 515-242-6498, TTY: 800-735-2942. The mission of the Iowa Arts Council is to enrich the quality of life for Iowans through support of the arts. The vision of the Iowa Arts Council is that Iowans recognize the arts are essential to their quality of life.
16. Kansas Arts Commission, 700 SW Jackson, Suite 1004, Topeka, Kansas 66603-3774, Toll Free in Kansas: 866-433-0688, Phone: 785-296-3335, Fax: 785-296-4989, email: The mission of the Kansas Arts Commission is to provide opportunities for the people of Kansas to experience, celebrate and value the arts throughout their lives. KAC serves artists, nonprofit organizations, schools and government agencies through grants to support the arts in communities. They also provide seminars, workshops and one-on-one consulting in business development, grantwriting, strategic planning, marketing and other areas of nonprofit arts management.
17. Kentucky Arts Council, 21st Floor, Capital Plaza Tower, 500 Mero Street, Frankfort KY 40601-1987, Phone: 502-564-3757, Toll Free: 888-833-2787, Fax: (502) 564-2839, email: The Kentucky Arts Council creates opportunities for Kentuckians to value, benefit from and participate in the arts. The agency facilitates the delivery of the arts throughout the commonwealth through matching grants, arts marketing programs, awards, events and services. Major areas of emphasis are: support for arts organizations, individual artist recognition and development, arts in education, community arts support and marketing and promotion of Kentucky arts products in regional, national and international markets.
18. Louisiana Division of the Arts, 1051 North 3rd Street, 4th Floor, Rm #420, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802, Grants Help Line: 225-342-8180, email:, Fax: 225-342-8173. Mission Statement: The Louisiana Division of the Arts in cooperation with the Louisiana State Arts Council is the catalyst for participation, education, development and promotion of excellence in the arts. It is the responsibility of the Louisiana Division of the Arts to support established arts institutions, nurture both emerging arts organizations and overall cultural economy, assist individual artists, encourage the expansion of audiences and stimulate public participation in the arts in the State of Louisiana.
19. Maine Arts Commission, 193 State Street, 25 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0025, Auto attendant: 207-287-2724, Fax: 207-287-2725, TTY: 1-877/887-3878, e-mail: Mission: The Maine Arts Commission shall encourage and stimulate public interest and participation in the cultural heritage and cultural programs of our state; shall expand the state’s cultural resources; and shall encourage and assist freedom of artistic expression for the well being of the arts, to meet the needs and aspirations of persons in all parts of the state.
20. Maryland State Arts Council, 175 W. Ostend Street, Suite E, Baltimore, Maryland 21230, Phone: 410-767-6555, TTY: 1-800-735-2258 or 711, Fax: 410-333-1062, email: The mission of MSAC is to encourage and invest in the advancement of the arts for the people of our State. The goals of the Council are to support artists and arts organizations in their pursuit of artistic excellence, to ensure the accessibility of the arts to all citizens, and to promote statewide awareness of arts resources and opportunities.
21. Massachusetts Cultural Council, 10 St. James Ave., 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02116-3803, Phone: 617-727-3668, Toll Free (in MA only): 800-232-0960, Fax: 617-727-0044, TTY: 617-338-9153, email: The Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) is a state agency that promotes excellence, access, education and diversity in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences to improve the quality of life for all Massachusetts residents and contribute to the economic vitality of Massachusetts’ communities.
22. Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, 702 West Kalamazoo Street, P.O. Box 30705, Lansing, MI 48909-8205, Phone: 517-241-4011, Fax: 517-241-3979, email:, TDD: (517) 373-1592. The Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs serves to encourage, develop and facilitate an enriched environment of artistic, creative, cultural activity in Michigan. Goals: Strengthen arts and culture; support arts education; recognize, reflect and celebrate cultural pluralism and broaden cultural understanding; establish and facilitate communications networks; increase visibility and awareness of the arts and culture; encourage new, creative and innovative works of art; and expand and develop funding resources.
23. Minnesota State Arts Board, Park Square Court, Suite 200, 400 Sibley Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101-1928, Pone: 651-215-1600, Toll-free: 800-8MN-ARTS (800-866-2787), Fax: 651-215-1602, TTY: 711 or 800-627-3529, E-mail: Mission: The Minnesota State Arts Board will serve as a leading catalyst for creating a healthy environment for the arts that fosters broad public participation in, and support for, the arts in Minnesota; promote artistic excellence and preserve the diverse cultural heritage of the people of Minnesota through its support of artists and organizations; act as a responsible steward of the public trust; and work with the statewide network of regional arts councils to ensure accessibility to arts activities for all Minnesotans.
24. Mississippi Arts Commission, 501 North West St., Suite 1101A, Woolfolk Building , Jackson, MS 39201, Phone: 601-359-6030, TDD: 800-582-2233, Fax: 601-359-6008. To serve as a catalyst for arts development at the local level, the Commission must foster networks of local leaders, artists of all disciplines, arts volunteers and patrons; consult on community arts development, performing, visual and literary arts, folk arts, and arts education; provide training in arts management, arts education planning, arts facilities planning and communitywide cultural planning; and promote broad-based public awareness of the importance of the arts in education and community life. Through the arts, diverse communities of all sizes can better identify shared values, create vibrant public spaces, and enhance the effectiveness of schools. The arts also attract visitors who leave with a strong, positive image of Mississippi. Fostering excellence in the arts provides the inspiration to generate a higher quality of life for all citizens.
25. Missouri Arts Council, 815 Olive Street, Suite 16, St. Louis, MO 63101-1503, Phone: 314-340-6845 or toll-free (866) 407-4752, TDD: 800-735-2966, The Missouri Arts Council is dedicated to broadening the appreciation and availability of the arts in the state and fostering the diversity, vitality and excellence of Missouri’s communities, economy and cultural heritage.
Click here for the State Art Organizations update from June 21, 2010.