Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

ARTIST of the DAY: Sunga Park

"Ilica Street, Zagreb, Croatia" (watercolor) by Sunga Park
“Ilica Street, Zagreb, Croatia” (watercolor) by Sunga Park

“Watercolors taught me about life, because I created tons of failures over repeated attempts.” Sunga Park


With xenophobia rocking every continent these days, I find myself drawn to universal symbols and signs and habits.  I love seeing clotheslines the world over –streetlamps, sidewalks, door knockers.  We are so much more alike than we are different.  The work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Sunga Park, takes me around the world, but the details land me right back on my doorstep.


Take a trip around the world with AAAD’s Artist of the Day, watercolorist Sunga Park!



FREE Resources.

Enjoy FREE resources from!

Over the past seven years Art& has evolved.  If you haven’t been with us from the beginning, just assume we’ve always been this fabulous.  But if you’ve been reading for 5+ years, well, we’re happy to have had a witness to the transformation.  The fundamental change from rambling, long posts to shorter posts in standard formatting came somewhere around year two, followed quickly by changes to color and imagery.  Last year the branding got more consistent, and the pics grew in size.

Even my taste in food has changed over time. 


This year we have begun to follow through on the art portion of Art& with the #artistoftheday posts, but we still have a lot of work to do.  And the next step is offering additional resources for professional development like grants, purchase awards and residencies –maybe even a guest post or two.

If you want to help, we welcome your suggestions, need your re-posts & shares.  What do YOU need?  On a more personal note, I would welcome your feedback & support.  Seven years is a long time to post opportunities, and the payoffs have been huge on a personal level.  The artists and jurors and gallerists that I have have come to know and love and count amongst my friends and peers remains the biggest and most unexpected gift.  Thank you.  If we don’t know each other, comment or message or email me.  Say hello.  I’m here for, fingers-crossed, years to come.

Check out Art&Art’s new Resources Page!



ARTIST of the DAY: Monica Loya

watercolor by Monica Loya
watercolor portrait by Monica Loya

When I saw this image by today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Monica Loya, I thought that is exactly how I feel right now.  Trying to remain stoic while slowly shaking my head in disbelief.


“Simple, direct & feminine.” Monica Loya describing her style


Discover yourself in the work of Artist of the Day, painter Monica Loya!



CALL for ENTRIES: Games: Marbles to Minecraft

Learn more about the Marbles to Minecraft exhibit from Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Art Center! one POTATO, two POTATOES

I caught my child harvesting poisonous potatoes.  Digging up a rare, toxic tater is a good thing I’m told. They weren’t meant for us, luckily, and he didn’t dig them from our yard.  He found them in the Desert Biome on Minecraft.  If you don’t understand that last sentence, fear not, you can stick to checkers or chess for this next Call.  Play through…

Check out this Call for Entries from Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center (Solomons, MD) for Games: Marbles to Minecraft. $25 entry. I really don’t see this curatorial theme often. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Games: Marbles to Minecraft, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

CALL for ENTRIES: Games: Marbles to Minecraft from Annmarie


Learn more about the Marbles to Minecraft exhibit from Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Art Center!“From primitive dice games played with small pieces of bone or shell, to early checkers games developed in Ancient Greece, playing games has long been a means of human social interaction. In modern times, game culture has evolved into a multi-faceted, and largely commercial enterprise that includes board games, role playing, card games, and digital games, to name but a few. ” –from

ELIGIBILITY: All artists working in U.S.

MEDIA: Open to all media

DEADLINE: August 18, 2016

NOTIFICATION: August 29, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $25 for up to 4

JUROR: The exhibit will be juried by a 1-2 member panel; typically, one member of the panel is drawn from the Smithsonian Institution.

AWARDS: Annmarie will present cash awards to outstanding work from installed works. Awards are contingent upon sponsors; typically there are four awards of approx. $200 each.

SALES: Annmarie will retain a 40% commission of the listed sale price.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center!

ARTIST of the DAY: William Hall

"The Fifth Labor" (dry pigment & polished grout) by William Hart
“The Fifth Labor” (dry pigment & polished grout) by William Hart

“I ask the question ‘what if?’.  I am not always happy with the result, nor is it  always what I expected.” William Hart


Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day asks the universal question, and better yet, is brave enough to admit that he isn’t always happy with the outcome.  Thank you.  The unrelenting pressure to make creativity look easy and always perfect, not only leads to the demise of artist confidence, but renders experimentation and growth high risk.


Discover the possibilities with the mixed media work of
AAAD Artist of the Day, William Hall!


ARTIST of the DAY: Regardt van der Meulen

"Untitled" (20 mm mild steel round bar) by Regardt van der Meulen
“Untitled” (20 mm mild steel round bar) by Regardt van der Meulen

“People habitually live with a misled sense of security, the illusion that our environment or civilisation is dependable and static. Often times the dangers and violence of the current world we live in interrupts and the illusion of safety is exposed.” 
Regardt van der Meulen


A friend recently messaged me to say, “I don’t know how I’m going to make it through today. How do you do it?” I replied, “I just put on foot in front of the other until I get to the end.”  In hindsight, even that simple plan is fraught with assumption.  ANY way you get through is better than NOT getting through.  Don’t worry about the bonus points for style.  Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Regardt van der Meulen sculpts with full awareness of the ephemeral nature of how we exist. Fragile, but stubborn.


Steel yourself with more work from AAAD Artist of the Day,
Regardt van der Meulen!




CALL for ENTRIES: Landscapes 2

Learn more about Landscapes 2 from!gorgeous GROCERIES

Grow food, not grass is popping up as a meme all over social media.  But, if you have an home owners association, you are also facing rules against front-yard gardens and maybe even stiff penalties.  so of my neighbors have solved the issue for themselves by growing supplemental foods among their shrubs and flowers.  Red peppers are beautiful next to day lilies.  This next Call wants to see the landscape(ing) through YOUR eyes.  Perspective is key…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Landscapes 2. $20 entry with the opportunity for both cash & marketing awards. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Landscapes 2, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Landscapes 2 from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Landscapes 2 from


ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: 2-D media: painting, drawing, photography, digital, collage, fiber, etc.

THEME: Landscapes “The power of landscape art is that the artist presents us with their unique interpretation of a landscape, and we get to see the landscape from each of their emotional interpretations and perspectives. Perhaps the actual landscape itself is not as important as the many interpretations we are presented with by the fertile minds of artists.”

DEADLINE: August 2, 2016

NOTIFICATION: August 23, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $10 ea. add’l

AWARDS: $8,125 in cash & marketing awards. Click here for details.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!






ARTIST of the DAY: Curtner

"What Moment Will You Remember?" (collage) by Robert Curtner
“What Moment Will You Remember?” (collage) by Robert Curtner

It has been a tempestuous year. It isn’t because I didn’t get achieve a goal or make it to some proverbial guidepost along my chosen path.  It is because this year I lost site of the journey TO the guidepost, I think.  You never know which moment you will remember, so it is best to make them all count.  The collage work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Robert Curtner, reminded to take a moment to take a breath.


Journey to more destinations with AAAD Artist of the Day, Robert Curtner!




CALL for ENTRIES: Really, Really

Learn more about the really really affordable art show from BWAC!squish SQUASH

Need a squash recipe?  We should talk.  Because they are in-season, inexpensive & always in-stock at my farmer’s market, it seems as though my family eats “crookneck” summer squash & zucchini nearly every day –sauteed, cassarole’d, mashed & even as soup.  It is the perfect make-something-with-what-you-have veggie, and it is really, really affordable, sometimes 99¢ or less a pound.  This next Call is for really, really affordable art, but I promise their definition is more palatable.  Time to purge the studio…

Check out this Call for Entries from BWAC (Brooklyn, NY) for The really, really Affordable Art Show. Take advantage of a discount for early entry, a distinguished juror & a possible purchase award. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Really, Really, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the really really affordable art show from BWAC!CALL for ENTRIES:
Really, Really Affordable Art Show
from BWAC

“This is a selling show with art priced for all.  The people most likely to buy your work in the future are your current collectors.  After all, they have expressed their love of your work with their wallet – the sincerest compliment.   But now it is time to expand your collector base in NYC.” –from

ELIGIBILITY: Open to U.S. artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media

ENTRY FEE: $45 up to 6, $5 ea. add’l (early bird), $55 for up to 6, $5 ea. add’l (June 24 – July 6) or $65 up to 6, $5 ea add’l after July 6

DEADLINE: July 26 (early bird) or August 8, 2016, midnight PST (final)

NOTIFICATION: August 23, 2016

JUROR: Helga Christoffersen, Assistant Curator at New Museum of Contemporary Art, NYC.

AWARDS: Best of Show Gold:  $1000 Purchase Prize (Helga Christoffersen collection), Best of Show Silver: $250 & Eight (8) Certificates of Recognition: $100 each

SALES: BWAC will retain a 25% commission on all exhibition sales.  For THIS SHOW, all work must be priced at $499 or below. Every artist selected by Helga Christofferen can also send in one additional pieceof the artist’s choice for the really‐really Affordable Art section. These will be slightly smaller pieces and priced at $399 or less.

For full details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the COLOR exhibit from BWAC!



ARTIST of the DAY: Karen Jacobs

Penumbra by Karen Jacobs
Penumbra by Karen Jacobs

There is, perhaps, a seed of an idea when I begin but I am quickly directed by the work, answering the needs, sorting the puzzles and discovering solutions.” Karen Jacobs


Each day on my way to work, I fall into a rabbit hole. Some days the rabbit hole leads me down a productive path, but the odds are pretty even.   The method of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, painter Karen Jacobs, seems to replicate my rabbit-hole wayfinding with gorgeous resolve.  Enjoy.


Navigate your way through the work of today’s
AAAD Artist of the Day, painter Karen Jacobs!
