Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

CALL for ENTRIES: unknown

Learn more about the Photographers Unknown Exhibit from the hob'art Gallery in Hoboken, NJ!phenomenal FUNGUS

After dropping my phone a dozen or more times, it finally died.  When I downloaded everything from the cloud to my new phone (yeah insurance), I left off the food photos. Now that I’m food photo-less, I’m shamelessly beginning again.  This week mushrooms, next week .  My husband is graciously eating room temp meals while I patiently get the perfect shot.  (It must be love.)  This next Call want your cell phone pics, but, per usual,  they don’t have to be of food, ha.  Submit your best…

Check out this Call for Entries from the hob’art gallery (Hoboken, NJ) for the Photographers Unknown exhibit.  Great jurors & no shipping required.  Take a look…

Learn more about Photographers Unknown from the hob'art Gallery in Hoboken, NJ!CALL for ENTRIES:
Photographers Unknown
from hob’art Gallery

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to cell phone photography*No selfies, please.

DEADLINE:  March 19, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  March 23, 2017

ENTRY FEE:  $25 for up to 5 images

JURORS: Don Sichler is an award winning photographer & former Vice President of Pictorial Photographers of America. 

Miriam Untoria is an art educator & artist, and Ann Kinney is an accomplished photographer & artist.

AWARDS:  All photos chosen will be printed by master printer Don Sichler.  The “Best in Show” winner will receive a framed image of their submission.

SALES:  No commission is retained. However, a 20% donation of sales would be appreciated.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the hob'art Gallery in Hoboken, NJ!

ARTIST of the DAY: Mel Prest

"Off Screen" (acrylic & phosphorescent acrylic on panel) 2014 by Mel Prest
“Off Screen” (acrylic & phosphorescent acrylic on panel, 2014) by Mel Prest

“My work shifts and changes in response to light and proximity. I layer conflicting personal references, such as fog colors, music, fabric and thought patterns, to create a new shape-space. I want spontaneity and chance to influence the outcome and direction of each piece.” Mel Prest

As Winter shifts into Spring, I find my creative inspiration also seems to shift in focus and tone, both physical and metaphorical.  I was intrigued to read about the work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day Mel Prest and her awakening to the influence of the difference of the quality of light from San Francisco and Brooklyn.  I’m facing a move of nearly 2300 miles; will my work change too?  Does your work change depending on your geographical location?

Let your mind wander to warmer climes with the work of
AAAD Artist of the Day, painter Mel Prest!

ARTIST of the DAY: Maria Santacecilia

"Music" (drawing on paper, 2017) by Maria Santacecilia
“Music” (drawing on paper, 2017) by Maria Santacecilia

“I build my works with a sense of fragmentation . . . a metaphor of daily life.” Maria Santacecilia

I have buttons from everywhere. I have collected them for no reason for years and years.  And just yesterday, I met an artist yesterday that makes button bracelets as a fundraising source for a non-profit that provides showers and laundry facilities for homeless women.  Today, I came across this drawing by today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Maria Santacecilia, and as a musician, it spoke to me.  Then I saw the buttons, those things that hold everything together. Lovely.

Find a common thread in the work of fragmentation
Artist of the Day Maria Santacecilia!



ARTIST of the DAY: Gabe Brown

"Ladder to the Sun" (oil on linen on board) by Gabe Brown
“Ladder to the Sun” (oil on linen on board) by Gabe Brown

“Art is like magic, an illusion created
by the force of humanity.”
Gabe Brown

I could use a little magic.  If art is magic, like today’s AAAD Artist of the Day Gabe Brown suggests, then maybe I should make a trip to a studio, gallery or museum today.  Maybe you should too.

Take in the magic of AAAD Artist of the Day, painter Gabe Brown.

CALL for ENTRIES: Fight or Flight

Learn more about the Fight or Flight exhibit from The Painting Center!FOOD anyone?

I received more “why food?” inquiries this week.  Because.  That’s the short answer.  Specifically I had someone to challenge the relevancy of a food theme with all that is going on politically in the U.S.  Long Answer, well, food IS political, and global. (Reminder, the world is larger than the U.S.)  Regulations governing food safety couldn’t be more political. Quinoa and milk and coffee and avocados, political. Choosing the source of your food and having confidence the quality of your options is all about politics and privilege.  I love food.  AAAD will continue to celebrate food.  We all grow and buy and cook and serve in reaction to our experiences of the world around us.  We act and react, indulge and temper, daily.  This next Call wants your reaction to current events.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from The Painting Center (New York, NY) for Fight or Flight.  This non-profit art center in the heart of Chelsea is offering a beautiful space & opportunity for painting and more…

Learn more about the Fight or Flight exhibit from The Painting Center!CALL for ENTRIES:
Fight or Flight
fm The Painting Center

“Looking back to specific artists’ reactions to unsettled times, there are Picasso’s Guernica & Gerhard Richter’s cycle of paintings October 18, 1977. On the other hand, Matisse created his joyful collaged paper cutouts for his Jazz series during World War II in France, and Jackson Pollock’s poured paintings were created in the 1950s during the McCarthy era. Creativity can feed off the inspiration of current events and/or a personal vision. We are looking for artists’ responses to these times in which we live, in 2017.” –

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all media (except digital art)

DEADLINE:  May 5, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  May 15, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $40 for up to 5 images

SALES:  The Painting Center retains a 20% commission on all sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from The Painting Center!

ARTIST of the DAY: Margery Amdur

Amass #6, cosmetic sponges coated with pastel pigment, by Margery Amdur
Amass #6, cosmetic sponges coated with pastel pigment, by Margery Amdur

“I like to live in that very fluid space between painting, sculpture, & printmaking, and the idea of an obsessively ritualized process is still very prominent in the work.” Margery Amdur

Some people are all about intent and just work through the process.  I always have intent, but I do love process.  When I saw the work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Margery Amdur, I immediately thought, “show the #wip pics”.  (They are some on Instagram, BTW.)  Celebrate the work, the making of the work, the result of the work.  Just celebrate.

Explore the assemblage work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Margery Amdur!

CALL for ENTRIES: Fairies in the Garden

Learn more about the Fairies in the Garden exhibit at Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center!food for FAIRIES

My grandmother loved fairy food.  She would boil sugar and vinegar together for what felt like forever (15 minutes) and then add baking soda at the last minute.  Magically, it seemed, the concoction would turn almost orange.  Once cooled, it had this beautifully buttery flavor.  Sugar + vinegar = fairy food.  Try it.  In the meantime, this next Call is all about the fairies.  Maybe a fairy kitchen?  This one is creative fun…

Check out this Call for Entries from Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center (Solomons, MD) for Fairies in the Garden.  There are no rules & regs regarding structure, so you CAN choose to make it a shippable size/weight. Take a look…

Learn more about the Fairies in the Garden exhibit at Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center!CALL for ENTRIES:
Fairies in the Garden

from Annmarie

“Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center is accepting submission for our 8th annual outdoor exhibit of all things magical – including fairy houses, fairy gardens, gnome homes, elf houses and more! ” –from

ELIGIBILITY: All artists working in U.S.

MEDIA: Open to outdoor art constructed of durable materials and adhesives that can withstand five months outdoors & the enthusiastic affection of summer visitors to the garden.

DEADLINE:  March 24, 2017

DELIVERY: Between March 30 – April 4


JUROR:  All submissions are eligible for the “People’s Choice Award,” which will be voted on by guests throughout the summer.

AWARDS: $200 cash prize.  Plus, all builders will enjoy free admission to the opening reception on April 7 & the Fairy House Festival on April 23.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center!

CALL for ENTRIES: Create! May 2017

Learn more about the May 2017 International Print Edition from Create! Magazinela fresa, LAS FRESAS

I am trying to learn some basic Spanish.  As you might imagine, I skipped ahead to the food lessons almost immediately, ha.  I can order water, milk & fish now, agua, leche & pescado, yeah.  But as my lessons continue, I am amazed by how many words I already knew or could at least guess from brief French language studies more than a decade past.  Like fresas.  Strawberries.  This next Call offers publication during National Strawberry Month (May) Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Create! Magazine for the May 2017.  Just wait until you get your hands on this gorgeous magazine.  Don’t miss this chance…

Learn more about the May 2017 International Print Edition from Create! MagazineCALL for ENTRIES:
May 2017
of Create! Magazine

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all media, i.e.: painting, sculpture, digital, printmaking, fiber, mixed media, photography, installation & more.

DEADLINE:  March 19, 2017

ENTRY FEE:  $25 for up to 3, $30 for 5

JUROR:  Sandra Apperloo is a blogger, crafter & social media fanatic based in Utrecht, The Netherlands. She is the founder and curator of; a fun and passionate website that promotes starting and established artists from around the globe. Sandra has a passion for traveling and likes to look for inspiration abroad. In 2015 she traveled to one of her favorite cities, Tokyo, where she interviewed 10 contemporary artists and illustrators and met with the Tokyo Illustrators Society.

AWARDS:  Artists selected by the guest juror will receive a 2-page spread including a brief bio, website, and 2 images in print and digital formats. Published artists will receive a complimentary digital issue and will be listed on Create! Magazine’s website/social media.

SALES:  The May Issue will be available at McNally Jackson Books in NYC, Charlotte Street News in London & online.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Create! Magazine.



ARTIST of the DAY: Claire Tabouret

left to right, "Makeup (Red & Purple)" and "Makeup (Red Mouth)" by Claire Tabouret
left to right, “Makeup (Red & Purple)” and “Makeup (Red Mouth)” by Claire Tabouret

“It’s what happens between two sets of eyes. How you look at things and how you believe you are looked at by things.  It’s all about power. Voyeurs and viewers are not innocent.  You have a responsibility as a witness.” Claire Tabouret

Whether you act or don’t act, you are responsible.  You are not absolved because you are merely a witness.  Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Claire Tabouret‘s work from the series Voyeur vs. Viewer illustrates that visual, that face, that personal acknowledgement of culpability.  Portraiture wins.

Are you a voyeur or a viewer? Find the answer in the work of AAAD Artist of the Day, painter Claire Tabouret!


CALL for ENTRIES: Jonesborough Open

Learn more about the Jonesborough Open Juried Art Exhibit from the Mary B Martin Program for the Arts! more than CORN

Appalachian cuisine is a “new” thing in food circles.  But it isn’t. Everyone carries their own baggage about regional foods.  When I was little, if you referred to mountain food, fried chicken would be hailed as the prime example.  Then with the legalization of moonshine, everyone seems to think the local fare is all about corn whiskey and cornbread.  It is all more complicated than that, I promise.  What if food, in concert with art and culture are THE answer for Appalachian economic recovery?  This next Call offers an art opportunity in Appalachia.  This is a beautiful venue…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Mary B. Martin Program for the Arts for the Jonesborough Open Juried Art Exhibition 2017 at the McKinney Center (Jonesborough, TN).  Only 20% commission on sales.  Take a look….

Learn more about the Jonesborough Open from the McKinney Center!CALL for ENTRIES:
Jonesborough Open
at the McKinney Center

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA:  Open to most media, including but not limited to painting, photography, ceramics, wood, sculpture & mixed media.

DEADLINE:  March 13, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  March 25, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 3, $10 ea. add’l

JUROR: Ted Rose, Professor and Chair, Art Department, Cumberland University

AWARDS:  $2,000 in cash awards will be presented at the exhibition’s Opening Reception on Friday, April 21, 2017, McKinney Center at Booker T. Washington School.  Selection of the awards will be based on the actual art work.  Best in Show $1,000, 2nd place $600 and 3rd place $400.

SALES:  20% commission will be retained as a donation to the McKinney Center.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Mary B Martin Program for the Arts!

