Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Sculpture

ARTIST of the DAY: Anastassia Elias

throw away DAYS

We’re on snow day THREE here in the Smokies.   I love snow.  I love lots of snow, in fact.  But, the stark isolationism associated with snow is not lost on me.  Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Anastassia Elias seemed the ideal person to illustrate this issue.   It is a very small world …and getting smaller everyday. (continues below)

"Pyramide" by Artist of the Day Anastassia Elias
“Pyramide” by Artist of the Day Anastassia Elias

These collages are interior to discarded cardboard / paper tubes like you might find inside a roll of paper towels or toilet tissue.  These simple silhouettes remind me to celebrate home, and remember it IS wherever YOU are.

Discover other work by Anastassia Elias!

ARTIST of the DAY: Jani Leinonen

results REPORTED

A friend recently boasted on social media of her successful year of NOT shopping at Wal-mart, her 2015 resolution.  I am proud of her.  I hate resolutions, as I frequently mention, that imply that I should be less (physically) or spend more (as a consumer) or be more (insert anything superficial).  But what if we all chose to do one small thing to become the person WE want to be?

Many years ago, I vowed never to spend another dollar at McDonald’s. I believe their food is toxic, and the treatment of employees is abysmal.  Why would I support any company whose business model involves killing me slowly?  Their recent efforts to change the public perception of McDonald’s are no better than saying “I’m sorry you feel that way” instead of “I am sorry.”  I am bombarded with warnings from other bloggers and even a few readers about how I should be careful not to burn bridges with my opinions. Hmmph. Clearly today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Jani Leinonen, creates with an open heart & mind.  So shall I.

McJesus (left) and McBuddha (right) by Jani Leinonen!
McJesus (left) and McBuddha (right) by Jani Leinonen

“Art is a lie that reveals the truth. And the truth is that we are allowed to think about alternatives. Conflicts keep spreading, social and economical differences keep widening, and our ecosystem is on the verge of breakdown. If the taboo is broken, we do not live in the best possible world. So, we know what we do not want. But what do we want?” — Jani Leinonen

Enjoy more irreverence complements of Jani Leinonen!

ARTIST of the DAY: Fenella Elms


I met the talented James Dickey, the author of  the book Deliverance, many years ago. As I drove through the rural south today in search of the perfect patch upon which to grow the rest of my life, I felt the feral nature that must have inspired so much of the desperation with which the book reeks.  When my flight instinct kicks in, I need only look up to the trees to see the topmost tiny branches swaying in the biting cold air to find my calm again.  The work of today’s Artist of the Day, Fenella Elms, gives me that same sense of order in the disorder.  Calm in the chaos.

White Flow by Fenella Elms, individually-made beads on porcelain, attached with slip
White Flow by Fenella Elms, individually-made, ceramic beads on porcelain, attached with slip

“Aspects of my past career in mental health continue to influence my work with clay: the subconscious approach, a sense of rhythm, attention to detail and difference. I don’t seek to put my experiences into the clay, but marvel at how they emerge.” Fenella Elms

Enjoy the calming forms of Fenella Elms!

CALL for ENTRIES: Benjamin’s Banquet

Learn more about the Benjamins Banquet exhibit from the Chait Galleries downtown!feed me
(or Iowa)

All people have something in common –hunger.  As a product of that hunger, we all have to eat.  Some of us are more interested in food than others.  Granted, not everyone is as obsessed as I am, but I’m also not the only one contemplating food several meals (sometimes several months) in advance.  There are towns where I feel right a home simply because of the food — like New Orleans, Louisiana.  This next Call, also food obsessed, feels like home too.  Iowa is calling…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Chait Galleries Downtown (Iowa City, IA) for Benjamin’s Banquet.   $25 entry, and well, the theme.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Benjamin’s Banquet, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Benjamins Banquet exhibit from the Chait Galleries downtown!CALL for ENTRIES:
Benjamin’s Banquet


“What is your most closely held connection or apparent disconnection to food? What insights do you have to our global food system or perhaps there is a secret love/hate relationship in your own personal consumption? What about food moves you?” — from

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists 18+ residing in the U.S.

MEDIA: Open to all 2D and 3D media considered –except photography & jewelry.

DEADLINE:  January 15, 2016

NOTIFICATION:  January 21, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $25  for up to 3, $10 ea. add’l

AWARDS: Best in Show $300 & 2 $100 Honorable Mentions

SALES: The gallery will retain 50% commission on sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Chait Galleries downtown!

ARTIST of the DAY: Robin Antar

egging on the POUNDS

This is not just a season of mass consumerism, but a season of mass consumption.  As a Southerner, I am unceasingly amazed by how many holiday dishes include mayonnaise.  It is an embedded part of the culture.  There are less-than-playful, spiteful & angry debates, conversations & argument over brands.  I stand firmly on the side of homemade.  *Please note, all hate mail containing the word “Dukes” has been filtered to my junk mail box.  The work of today’s Artist of the Day, Robin Antar takes its own stand, intention or not. (continues below)

Hellman's Real Mayonnaise (realism in stone) by Robin Antar
Hellman’s Real Mayonnaise (realism in stone) by Robin Antar

“My passion as a sculptor involves a technique I uncovered more than 20 years ago — the precise art of creating ‘virtual records’ of contemporary culture — capturing common, everyday items in stone. Essentially, I replicate these items on a real life-scale, complete with meticulous detail. I achieve this absolute realism by incorporating parts of the actual object, as well as custom-made stains, paints, plastics and gold leaf. It’s more than art imitating life, it’s art mirroring life.” —Robin Antar

Discover more from sculptor Robin Antar!

ARTIST of the DAY: Ellen Jewett

STRANGE and gentle

As the years go by, I have come to view the details with different eyes.   With people, I have a far greater capacity for empathy even without intimate knowledge of every detail.  But with art, I find myself captivated by the minutia.  I enjoy dissecting the elements.  The sculpture of today’s Artist of the Day, Ellen Jewett, keeps me busy for hours.  A cursory glance may reveal spectacular figurative work, but the individual elements offer tiny narratives to be combined into a more complicated world view.  Mesmerizing. (continues below)

strange and gentle by Ellen Jewett
strange and gentle by Ellen Jewett

“At first glance my work explores the more modern prosaic concept of nature: a source of serene nostalgia balanced with the more visceral experience of ‘wildness’ as remarkably alien and indifferent.  Upon closer inspection of each ‘creature’ the viewer may discover a frieze on which themes as familiar as domestication and as abrasive as domination fall into sharp relief.”Ellen Jewett

Discover more work by Ellen Jewett!

ARTIST of the DAY: Pedro Marzorati

hot weather, cold WATER

It has been unseasonably warm in the Great Smoky Mountains this past week — 70+ degrees in mid-December.  While I appreciate the bonus, it also made me think of the AAAD’s Artist of the Day Pedro Marzorati.  His work is a perfect physical embodiment of climate change, and it changes based on your perspective, time & place.  Simply perfect. (continues below)

Where the Tides Ebb and Flow by Pedro Marzorati
Where the Tides Ebb and Flow by Pedro Marzorati, land art installation

“The statues speak for us, it’s a way of interrogation,
just ask yourselves!”
–Pedro Marzorati

“Where the Tides Ebb and Flow” was introduced for the first time in 2008, as a part of Land Art “Kielzog” festival, near Amsterdam & then again at the “Sentier du Rhone 2009” festival, in France.  The sculptures illustrates the human silhouette that are more or less submerged in water depending on the increasing water levels.

Take the time to discover more about Pedro Marzorati!

ARTIST of the DAY: Freya Jobbins


Upcycling is close to my heart.  As with many, my obsession with the reuse of discarded objects resulted from the collecting of “art supplies”.  Consider the previous quotes as air quotes from my bemused husband.  Collecting fueled my love for upcycling AND assemblage.  Today’s Artist of the Day, Freya Jobbins has such a smart sense of irony & humor.  This work is a delightful comment on consumerism and the untouchable nature of the creative object. (continues below)

Cassiopeia by Freya Jobbins, found-object assemblage
Cassiopeia by Freya Jobbins, found-object assemblage

““I am interested in generating a range of responses to existing cultural objects, which have been placed out of context. The irony of my plastic works is that I take a material that was created to be touched, and I make it untouchable as an artwork.” ” Freya Jobbins

Learn more about Freya Jobbins!

ARTIST of the DAY: Frédérique Morrel


The season of mass consumption is upon us.  I will not waste my time trying to dissuade you of the want to give gifts to loved ones. I just want to ask you to consider value.  Does the item you are bestowing add to the recipient’s lives?  Does it help them grow?  Does it better equip them to dispel hate or anger?  Does it convey how you value the one who will receive it?  Mixed media artist Frédérique Morrel, today’s Artist of the Day., has addressed the question of value beautifully, and I offer it to you as yet another perspective.   (continues below)

Ma Biche (My Doe) by Frédérique Morrel (foam, fur & tapastries)
Ma Biche (My Doe) by Frédérique Morrel (foam, fur & tapastries)

“…these neglected tapestries, seen and re-seen along these journeys, suddenly appeared to me as the idealized transference of my own visionary.  These tapestries appeared to be the most accurate material to illustrate my work about modern vanities, loss of the paradise and rebirth in a better world.  These tapestries are the most obvious and literally impicturing vocabulary to depict loss of some values, consequently to the injection of hyper consuming in occidental societies.  These tapestries are telling the stories of these key and essential casualties:

  • loss of sale value : these tapestries are expensive (material & time consuming), but worth peanuts.
  • loss of aesthetic value : these tapestries are considered ugly and out of date, but have their own hidden beauty, particularly for those who are them.
  • loss of emotional value : these tapestries are telling love and family happiness stories, but are abandoned and thrown into mud.

“I revitalize them, offering a redemption, beneath animal appearance and covered with this popular language.” –Frédérique Morrel

Learn more about Frédérique Morrel!

CALL for ENTRIES: Fresh February

Learn more about the February Call from Fresh Paint Magazine!CITRUS

Fresh, in-season foods are the heart of our family meals.  And as much as I love celebrating winter and the approaching new year with fudge and brownies and cookies and cocoa, the star of the season is always the clementine for me.  The supply is bountiful until January, but it is just enough to promise me that Spring really will arrive.  This next Call will offer you a little bit of fresh in February too.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Fresh Paint Magazine (print & digital) for the February 2016 Edition.  This is a rare PRINTED art publication.  Don’t forget that this call is open to more than PAINTING

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Fresh February, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the February Call from Fresh Paint Magazine!CALL for ENTRIES:
Fresh February


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all forms of painting, drawing, art photography, sculpture and mixed media are eligible.

DEADLINE:  January 5, 2016

NOTIFICATION:  January 15, 2016

ENTRY FEE: £40 for up to 3 (approx. $60.45 USD), £5 ea. add’l (approx. $7.76 USD).

CURATOR: Alice Herrick is an artist, curator and gallerist and founder and director of Herrick Gallery.  Alice trained as a painter at Kingston University, B.A. ’92 and Chelsea School of Art, M.A. ’93, and is a practicing artist, exhibiting her work in London and beyond.

AWARDS: Winning artists will be published in the next digital and print issue of FreshPaintMagazine (February 2016).

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Fresh Paint Magazine!

We are PROUD to have Fresh Paint Magazine as a sponsor of AAAD!
