Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Sculpture

ARTIST of the DAY: Regardt van der Meulen

"Untitled" (20 mm mild steel round bar) by Regardt van der Meulen
“Untitled” (20 mm mild steel round bar) by Regardt van der Meulen

“People habitually live with a misled sense of security, the illusion that our environment or civilisation is dependable and static. Often times the dangers and violence of the current world we live in interrupts and the illusion of safety is exposed.” 
Regardt van der Meulen


A friend recently messaged me to say, “I don’t know how I’m going to make it through today. How do you do it?” I replied, “I just put on foot in front of the other until I get to the end.”  In hindsight, even that simple plan is fraught with assumption.  ANY way you get through is better than NOT getting through.  Don’t worry about the bonus points for style.  Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Regardt van der Meulen sculpts with full awareness of the ephemeral nature of how we exist. Fragile, but stubborn.


Steel yourself with more work from AAAD Artist of the Day,
Regardt van der Meulen!




ARTIST of the DAY: Dimosthenis Prodromou

Sculpture by Dimosthenis Prodromou
head sculpture by Dimosthenis Prodromou

“I use the term ready-made pallet to describe my color.” –Dimosthenis Prodromou

I’m such a fan of found-object assemblage, trash art & recycled materials.  I understand the debate over archival materials, and I embrace a movement toward outdoor ephemeral sculpture in parks and outside museums & universities.  However, I do often find my self frustrated when an artist chooses to use a recycled materia regardless of of whether it really works.  I don’t like the gimmick of it all.  But the sculptural work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Dimosthenis Prodromou finds itself at one with newsprint.  If feels like a natural progression of the paper’s lifecycle.  It appears both solid, but soft & light.   A ready-made pallet…


Learn more about AAAD Artist of the Day, sculptor Dimosthenis Prodromou!





CALL for ENTRIES: Faburry

Learn more from the Faburry Gallery!

what a peach APRICOT

I often feel indignant about crap people are willing to eat.  Yes, it’s a little judge-y.  But, there are so many people worldwide without the access to healthy food, so I find myself impatient when people take it for granted.  But, I digress.  My husband recently enjoyed making fun of the newly-acquired fact that the only apricots I have ever eaten have been dried or a part of a sauce or jam.  My husband insisted we buy a fresh apricot, and, apparently, it is on the menu as a part of my breakfast in the morning. I’m not opposed; it just hasn’t ever been a thing.  There is a first for everything, right? This Call is a first for this brand new gallery.  Investigate this artist-run space…

Check out this Call for Entries from the brand new Faburry Gallery for their First Exhibition!  It is rare to find ANY art opportunity for $5.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Faburry, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from the Faburry Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Faburry Gallery’s
1st Exhibition


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA:  Open to painting, digital, sculpture, photography & mixed media

DEADLINE:  June 28, 2016

NOTIFICATION: by July 5, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $5 for up to 3

AWARDS:  All chosen artists will be promoted via social media and website. All exhibitions & featured artists will be archived on the website.  Finalists will be contacted for an interview & a highlight feature.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Faburry Gallery!

ARTIST of the DAY: Gehard Demetz

sadness & SILENCE

The loss & violence in Orlando this week is unbearable.  I was once watching an interview with today’s artist in which he was trying to speak to his inspiration, his inner voice.  He said,”I represent this world, this culture.”  I heard this and wondered about the world of which he spoke, this world of children in arresting situations, and hoped his work wasn’t REALLY representative of the world.  I don’t want the world to be that painful, that complicated.  But it is.  I love this work.  I will always love this work.  Today, I wish it didn’t feels quite so real. Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Gehard Demetz has put a face on our world today.  (continues below)

"Stones in my Pocket" and detail (wood sculpture) by Gehard Demetz
“Stones in my Pocket” & detail (wood sculpture) by Gehard Demetz

“I represent this world, this culture.” — Gehard Demetz


Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day is Gehard Demetz!



CALL for ENTRIES: Up Against the Wall

Learn more about the Art in Clay IV exhibit Up Against the Wall from BWAC!


In the process of planning a new kitchen, I am now addicted to ceramic tile.  I find a few feet I love, buy what I can afford, then fall in love with a new tile.  I’m going to have to become a mosaic artist if this continues.  This next Call is also in love with hanging ceramic work, but it doesn’t have to be tile.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from BWAC (Brooklyn, NY) for Up Against the Wall. Take advantage of a discount for early entry, a distinguished juror & significant cash awards. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Up Against the Wall, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Art in Clay IV exhibit Up Against the Wall from BWAC!CALL for ENTRIES:
Up Against the Wall exhibit from BWAC

“Up Against The Wall invites you to forget the pedestal! Let’s put our clay on the map, on the vertical axis, just perfect for a Brooklyn where horizontal space is at such a premium. In NYC, we have to Build UP! Big or small, fat or flat, however it’s hanging.  Confrontational clay at it’s most insistent. Suspend your disbelief (literally) Up in the air without a net? Bring it!” –from

ELIGIBILITY: Open to U.S. artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media

ENTRY FEE: $45 up to 6, $5 ea. add’l (early bird), $55 for up to 6, $5 ea. add’l (June 24 – July 6) or $65 up to 6, $5 ea add’l after July 6

DEADLINE: June 23rd (early bird), July 6th (on time) or July 20, 2016, midnight PST (final)

NOTIFICATION: August 8, 2016

JUROR:   Matt Nolen is a studio artist living and working in New York City. Trained as a painter and architect, his work includes sculptural objects and architectural installations using clay and mixed media.  Mr. Nolen is currently serving as President of the Board of Trustees for Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts in Newcastle Maine and is Adjunct Professor of Art at New York University and Pratt Institute.

AWARDS: Gold $500, Silver $250, Bronze $100 & 5 Certificates of Recognition.

SALES: BWAC will retain a 25% commission on all exhibition sales.

For full details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the COLOR exhibit from BWAC!

CALL for ENTRIES: Dreams 2

Learn more about the Dreams 2 exhibit from!

scrambling your EGGS

I dream about hollandaise sauce pretty often.  I’m not sure why.  Ive looked into what dreams about food symbolize, and while I can find lot of references to the symbolism of eggs, the main component of hollandaise sauce, but nothing sauce-specific.  Anyone have suggestions?  In the meantime, this Call is an opportunity to investigate your own dreams.   Great theme…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Dreams 2. $20 Entry & great marketing perks. Field of winners narrowed to 18 artists. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Dreams 2, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Dreams 2 exhibit from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Dreams 2 from


“I paint what cannot be photographed, that which comes from the imagination or from dreams, or from an unconscious drive.”
-– Man Ray

ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: Open to all still media: painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, digital, etc.

THEME:  Dreams are a window into an alternative reality that we all experience. The memory of a dream can be fleeting or can haunt us for a lifetime.  Art can help us connect to our dreams.

DEADLINE: May 23, 2016

NOTIFICATION: June 7, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $10 each add’l

AWARDS: Eighteen artists/photographers will be selected for a group exhibit, “Dreams 2” at G25N’s online gallery, the exhibit and artists will be extensively marketed.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!
We are happy to have as a sponsor of AAAD.



Learn more about the Artist Residency at The Edge from Just Shift!

such sweet NECTAR

Pancakes are an uncommon treat at our house.  Even the best of store bought syrup shouldn’t be kept as long as the periods between pancake occurrences at our breakfast table.  So, my husband now makes our pancake syrup.  Someone suggested he substitute agave nectar for the sugar in the recipe.  Wow.  It isn’t a 1:1 substitution.  Agave nectar is much sweeter than honey or refined sugar.  I can’t handle it.  We’ll stick to the water, sugar, molasses & vanilla standard, thanks.  This next Call is just sweet enough to intrigue.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Applicants from Just Shift for an Artist Residency at The Edge. One of 3 residencies can be completed virtually.  If you meet the requirements, be sure to apply even if you don’t want to travel to California.  Great opportunity…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for APPLICANTS: Just Shift, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Artist Residency at The Edge from Just Shift!CALL for APPLICANTS:
Artist Residency
from Just Shift


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to U.S. citizens, age 21+ with at least a BFA degree

MEDIA:  Open to drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, mixed media, computer & book arts

DEADLINE:  June 1, 2016 (if your last name begins with A-L)  or June 3, 2016 (if your last name begins with M-Z) 

NOTIFICATION:  Via email by June 29, 2016  to schedule phone interview.  Final notification via email by July 13, 2016.

ENTRY FEE: $5 per application

SELECTION: Nina Karavasiles & Julie McConnell,”the facilitators,” are both artists & long time friends from opposite coasts. They met at a self defense class for women in San Diego in 1989. Fast forward twenty-six years of following their individual artistic paths to their decision to establish a creative and supportive space for artists to make work that fosters a mindful and behavioral change oriented towards the preservation and respect of the environment and animals.

AWARD:  Just Shift takes place at “The Edge,” in CA, combining a 9-day residency (late September) & grant. 3 selected artists (1 of 3 is distance/cyber) will work independently & take part in writing exercises, environmental/animal education, dialog, good food & a field trips.  Modest sleeping accommodations  provided & plant-based meals.  2 on-site artists will each receive a grant of $800.  Cyber artist grant is $400.

For complete details, Review the Full Site!

Learn more about the Artist Residency at The Edge from Just Shift!

ARTIST of the DAY: Mark Castator

cooling OFF

My brain spins. And my mouth usually keeps up. I turned to my husband recently & asked, “Are your ears tired? I can’t seem to shut up.”  I struggle to quiet my mind, hence twenty years of insomnia. Some days I require a sole project or a single object upon which to focus to have a more solitary soundtrack in my head. I find the work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Mark Castator, requires me to concentrate on the forms within the form which is oddly calming. (continues below)

Learn more about AAAD Artist of the Day sculptor Mark Castator!
Leda: Moons of Jupiter by sculptor Mark Castator

“Engage the eye. Quiet the mind. Open the heart.” Mark Castator


Calm your mind with the work of
Artist of the Mark Castator!


CALL for ENTRIES: Pure Abstraction 2

Learn more about the Pure Abstraction 2 exhibit from!fuzzy

I believe the concept of “edible” is abstract, not just subjective.  Technically, anything that doesn’t kill you is edible.  Well, really, you can still eat things that WILL kill you.  So, I suppose if you are physically able to consume something, it is edible.  So, maybe the notion of “eatability” is the abstract one.  Why would someone pay a fortune to eat a fertilized duck egg?  Because they are yummy? Doubtful.  But, the precedent for eating eggs and eating ducks has been set, so I understand why it would occur to someone to try.  But coconut?  Green or furry, how did someone look at a coconut and say, “let’s eat one”?  Abstract.  This next Call is also purely abstract.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Pure Abstraction 2.  $20 Entry and great marketing awards.  Is this one right for you?

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Pure Abstraction 2, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Pure Abstraction 2 exhibit from!CALL for ART ENTRIES:
Pure Abstraction 2


“What goes on in abstract art is the proclaiming of aesthetic principles… It is in our own time that we have become aware of pure aesthetic considerations.  Art never can be imitation.”  — Hans Hofmann

ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: Open to any still medium: painting, collage, photography, drawing, digital art, sculpture, fiber art, etc.

THEME: The work should be purely abstract with little to no depiction of the real world. This work must rely on color, form and line to create an abstract work of art with little or no reference to the external world.

DEADLINE:  March 7, 2016

NOTIFICATION: March 16, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $35 for 3 and $60 for 7

AWARDS: Up to 15 artists will be selected for a group exhibit, “Pure Abstraction 2” at G25N’s online gallery, the exhibit and artists will be extensively marketed.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!
We are happy to have as a sponsor of AAAD.



CALL for ENTRIES: April Int’l

Learn more about the April International issue from FreshPaintMagazine!FRUIT

Fresh fruit is still my favorite dessert.  I will take a bowl of berries over chocolate 9 times out of 10.  The only thing I miss is the fat content, the luscious mouth feel.  But, my husband has solved that problem with scratch-made whipped cream, heavy on the vanilla, light on the sugar.  There’s no going back. This next call could be the whipped cream on top of your fresh new art season.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Fresh Paint Magazine (print & digital) for the April International issue. This is a luxe art publication; I savor each edition. Remember, this call is open to more than PAINTING

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: April Int’l, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the April International issue from FreshPaintMagazine!CALL for ENTRIES: April Int’l
published by AAAD


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all forms of painting, drawing, art photography, sculpture and mixed media are eligible.

DEADLINE: March 1, 2016

NOTIFICATION: March 15, 2016

ENTRY FEE: £30 for up to 2 (~$43 USD)

JUROR: Andrew Salgado is one of the most promising young figurative painters at work today. Saatchi Art calls him “one to invest in today”; critic Edward Lucie Smith states he is a “dazzlingly skillful advocate [for painting]”; Tony Godfrey (author of Phaidon’s Painting Today) calls him an “exciting artist with a particular vision”; and even London’s Evening Standard has labeled him a “rising star”.

AWARDS: Winning artists will be published in the April international issue of FreshPaintMagazine (April 2016).

For complete details, Read the Full ART Call!

Learn more from Fresh Paint Magazine!