Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Printmaking

CALL for ENTRIES: Spring Feature

Enter the Featured Artist Contest today!COCOA
powder puff

I have always preferred chocolate in my stomach, not necessarily on my face–unless it got there on its way to my stomach.  But as my journey toward a simpler life continues.  I am fascinated by the foodstuffs that can be used for non-culinary purposes.  I’ve used coconut oil on my hair and avocado on my skin for a long time.  But did you know that you can use cocoa as a colorant in a food-based face powder.  I’d put on weight if I had to breathe in the smell of cocoa all day.  But, it will still make me look at what I wear on my face differently. Hopefully this next Call will make you look at faces a little differently too…

Check out this Call for Entries for Spring 2014 Featured Artist from the Kiernan Gallery (Lexington, VA).  This is a shot at a solo show for all 2-dimensional media except photography. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Spring Feature, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Kiernan Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Spring 2014
Featured Artist


Portraiture is one of the most prevalent and widely interpreted art genres. The Kiernan Gallery seeks portfolio submissions for a solo exhibition as its Spring Featured Artist.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: All 2D non-photographic media that depicts the subject’s expression, personality, or mood are encouraged.

DEADLINE:  February 25, 2014

NOTIFICATION: Approx. 8 days after deadline

ENTRY FEE: $50 for 8-10 images

Learn more about the Featured Artist Call from the Kiernan Gallery!

AWARDS:  The Spring Featured Artist will have their work occupy the entirety of a room in the main gallery. The featured artist will receive:  A one-month solo show, a feature on The Kiernan Gallery’s blog and website, and an electronic show card designed and distributed by The Kiernan Gallery.

SALES:  Kiernan Gallery no longer takes commission on sold works.  The Kiernan Gallery DOES still have incentive to sell your work. The gallery was founded by an emerging artist, and recognizes the importance of selling work; they believe that if artists are paying a submission fee, the gallery should not also take a portion of the sale. They do reserve the right to negotiate 20% in order to make a sale.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Read the full call from The Kiernan Gallery website!

CALL for ENTRIES: Like a Tom Waits Song

Learn more about the "Like a Tom Waits Song" Call for Entries from Arc Studios & Gallery!sometimes an EGG
is more than an EGG

The creative are often food obsessed.  I am not alone. Food is a common experience for us all, but I find that creative people tend to purposefully try to indulge all the senses at once–musicians, writers, dancers AND visual artists.  So how perfect is this next Call that centers around a slightly food-obsessed musician.  If you don’t know his work (Eggs & Sausage is one of my favorites, but Chocolate Jesus was infamously controversial), do your homework…you won’t be sorry.

Check out of this Call for Entries from the Arc Studios & Gallery (San Francisco, CA) for Like a Tom Waits Song.  This is one of the most unique themes I have ever published.  Fascinating…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Like a Tom Waits Song, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from the Arc Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Like a Tom Waits Song


This open call is for all artists who have found themselves deeply moved, enraptured, bemused or inspired by Tom Waits. Has his music ever transported you to a dusty desert town or an abandoned train yard or a glowing, gritty neon rainy city street filled with steam? Listening to his music do you come away from the experience with a flash of inspiration embodying his lyrics? Like Tom Waits, do you tell tall tales and spin yarns with your work?

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all US artists

MEDIA:  Sculpture, painting, drawing, photo, printmaking, ceramics, assemblage, collage, mixed media, fiber art  & artist books. This exhibition cannot accept jewelry, video, film, performance art, installation and works requiring an external electrical source.

DEADLINE:  February 23rd, 2014

NOTIFICATION:  March 28, 2014

ENTRY FEE:  $35 for up to 3

Learn more about the Like a Tom Waits song exhibit! JUROR:  graduated from the San Francisco Art Institute in 1977.  Her background as an artist has assisted in her understanding of the perspectives and idiosyncrasies of the art world.

For over twenty-five years the Andrea Schwartz Gallery has supported work that is challenging and at the forefront of contemporary practice, representing a select group of mid-career artists from the Bay Area and throughout the country. The range of work includes paintings, works on paper, photography and sculpture.

AWARDS:  A Juror’s Award ribbon and certificate will be presented to three works that express the most imaginative interpretation of the theme.  There are two opportunities to get into this show. The juror will select works that will be exhibited in the Arc Gallery at 1246 Folsom Street and on the Arc On-line Gallery. The juror will also select works that will be shown in the Arc On-line gallery only. This allows for more works to be seen beyond the 1,000 square feet physical limitation of the gallery.

SALES: Arc Gallery receives 40% commission.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Arc Gallery!

OPEN CALL: Ace Gallery

Enter the Featured Artist Contest today!dip or

My new ace-in-the-whole dish is for last minute parties and desserts is anything topped with chocolate glaze.  3/4 cup of dark chocolate chips melted with 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil.  From cheesecake to strawberries, it works on everything.  Warm, it is like velvet. Cold, it is a beautiful shell.  Here’s hoping everything turns up aces for you with this next Call.  Remember, nothing great happens unless you TRY.  Investigate for yourself…

Check out this ongoing Open Call from the Ace Gallery (Los Angeles & Beverly Hills, CA) for Curatorial Planning.  Calls like this are one of the answers to the question I hear most often, “How do I get a solo show?”.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, OPEN CALL: Ace Gallery, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from the Ace Gallery!

Ace Gallery


Open to all artists

Open to all media


ENTRY FEE:  $60 for a minimum of 12 images created in the past 16 months.

EVALUATIONs BY:  The Ace Gallery curatorial department

Learn more from the Ace Gallery!

NOTIFICATION:  If the gallery feels that your work needs further information or if the gallery wishes to discuss possible inclusion in a curation, there should be an email and/or phone contact provided in your information.

ABOUT the GALLERY:   Founded in 1961 by the Gallery’s current director Douglas Chrismas,  ACE GALLERY has a history of installing museum quality exhibitions.

The Gallery’s exhibition program balances a selection of emerging and mid-career artists with artists who have become fully established over the last fifty years.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Ace Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Library Thoughts 4

Enter the Featured Artist Contest today!MAKE IT AGAIN,

I still have a recipe box.  Yep.  When I find a recipe I love or make a masterpiece that warrants an official record, I write it down on an index card and stash it in my recipe box.  Why do I feel like I just confessed to some horribly illicit activity?  Well, if you still illicitly work with paper in some way, here’s a curated international open Call for works on paper.  Investigate…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Hungarian Multicultural Center (Dallas, TX & Budapest, Hungary) for Library Thoughts 4, a juried exhibit at the Hegyvidek Gallery in Hungary from August 26 – September 06, 2014.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Library Thoughts 4, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

An image of Library Thoughts 3!CALL for ENTRIES:
Library Thoughts 4


Johann Gutenberg’s invention of movable type books ignited the explosion of art.  These days the printed books that were previously published by publishers now can be read on line as ebooks.

What is the future? 


Instead of having to interact with computers through not-so-intuitive and sometimes even counter intuitive devices like a computer mouse or track pad, soon users will be able to control their computers doing natural human movements such as gestures, whole-body movement, eye movement, and perhaps even such things as facial expressions.

Is it the end for books as we know them?  Question the survival of paper, books, libraries in this digital age.  The process of sending artworks through the mail, with the envelope, the stamp and the postmark as entire part of the mail-art-object make this process to what we call MailArt.


An image of Library Thoughts 3!

Editor’s Note:  Once again, this is only Mail Art in the sense that most of the art will be mailed for the show.  Unlike traditional Mail Art shows, any unsold work will be returned in December. 

Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Artist books, works on or of paper may be any size, but MUST fit in a 9″ X 12″ (22.9X30.5cm) envelope. Unmated, unframed photography, drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, mixed media, cast or folded paper, multimedia or digital prints.

DEADLINE: March 31, 2014

NOTIFICATION: April 4, 2014

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 3

SALES:  30% commission

For complete details, Download the Prospectus**!

**Editor’s Note:  I cannot find this Call on their website.  So, bookmark this page so that you can download the prospectus/entry form at a later date.

Download the Prospectus!

CALL for ENTRIES: Gallery App for Android

Enter the Featured Artist Contest today!PLAY IT

Food shows have been almost banned on my home television.  There are only so many hours in the day, and I can’t possibly keep up with every new cooking method, or you might never receive another Call from me again.  I’ve also had to limit the number of art show invitations I accept for the same reason.  This next Call will allow you to attend the opening regardless of WHERE you live or how much time you have.  Did I mention it is free?

Check out this Call for Entries from The Flaneur for their Fine Art Gallery Android App. There is no entry fee, and there is an opportunity to reach a HUGE audience.The Call has been ongoing for more than a year, so consider this a reminder

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Gallery App for Android, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from The Flaneur!CALL for ENTRIES:

The Flaneur has an exciting new fine art project – the Flaneur Fine Art Gallery Android App. If you have an Android device you can try the latest version of the Gallery app here: Contemporary art app. This is a curated art gallery displayed on Android phones and tablets around the world. As there are 850,000 Android devices activated daily this gallery has the potential to reach millions of art lovers around the world.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Images of work in all fine art media are eligible but the submission must be made as a jpeg image.

DEADLINE: Ongoing each month. Each new show will start approximately at the start of each month. The deadline for each month is a week before the end of the previous month. Applications that miss a deadline will be considered for the next show to be curated.


For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from The Flaneur!


CALL for MAIL ART: Temporality

Click for Recipe & Photography by Tanya ZouevKISSY

I only feel justified making pavlova during a holiday week.  Pavlova (like the one at left by Tanya Zouevis) a little like two meringues kiss–through sweetened whipped cream.  I think it has to do with the temporary nature of the fragile, crispy meringue and the fluffy (but easily flattened) whipped cream.  We’ve just finished with New Year’s Day, and I’m already looking for a holiday.  MLK Jr. Day doesn’t usually strike me as a day earmarked for indulgence.  What’s after the next holiday?  I’ll look into it.  In the meantime, this next Call is inspired by the temporary, but you can expand your repertoire past whipped cream.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from International Blowing Bubbles Day (Netherlands) for Temporality, a mail art show.  There is no entry fee, but you won’t get your work back (so don’t forget to document).  If you’ve been looking for an international show for your resume, here’s one in the Netherlands…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for MAIL ART: Temporality, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from International Blowing Bubbles Day!CALL for



ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Mail art (e.g. envelopes, cards and other art that can be mailed)

DEADLINE:  May 1, 2014

NOTIFICATION:  All-hung exhibit


EXHIBITION:  There will be an exhibition in Venray in the Netherlands on May 6, 2014 and documentation on the blog of the International Blowing Bubbles Day.

For complete details, Check out the Website and/or Blog!

Learn more from International Blowing Bubbles Day!

CALL for ENTRIES: Art Biologic 2014

Enter the $5 Art Contest today!here a CHICKEN
there a GOAT

As I search for land for the straw bale house that my family intends to build, critters have become an issue. I am thrilled by the prospects of having chickens for eggs & goats for milk, but am I really dedicated to the biology of it all?  Do I really want to be married to the drama of a chicken coop and all the possible predators?  Do I really want to give up spontaneous long weekends due to a milking schedule?  It may BE all natural, but it doesn’t necessarily COME NATURALLY.  This next call wants your take on the art of biology, but it needn’t be all chickens and goats. Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from SlowArt Productions with Art Biologic. The entry fee is reasonable at $35. There are no media restrictions, and the awards include both an exhibit at the Limner Gallery as well as an opportunity to have your work in the nationally-distributed art magazine, Direct Art. A New York art show AND art publication? Please don’t miss this double-duty art opportunity!

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Art Biologic 2014, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Art Biologic from the Limner Gallery and SlowArt Productions!CALL for ENTRIES:
Art Biologic 2014


SlowArt Productions presents the fourth, periodic group exhibition, Art Biologic. This exhibition will focus on art inspired by nature and biology. The exhibition will be held at the Limner Gallery from May 15 – June 14, 2014.

All artists 18+

MEDIA: All art forms relating to, or gaining inspiration from nature and biology. All artist interpretations of the theme, from the realist to the abstract and conceptual, will be reviewed and considered.

DEADLINE: February 28, 2014

Learn more about Art Biologic from the Limner Gallery and SlowArt Productions!NOTIFICATION: By March 31, 2014

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 4, $5 ea add’l. Artists accepted to exhibit will not be charged additional fees of any kind. Payments may be by check or money order payable to SlowArt Productions, or by credit card using PayPal.

SALES: All works in the show must be for sale. The gallery will take a 30 % commission on all sales. Sale price is determined by the artist.

AWARDS: Winning artists will be featured in a group exhibition at the Limner Gallery, May 15 – June 14, 2014. The exhibition will also be displayed on the Limner Gallery web site.

One artist will be awarded a two page display in Direct Art Volume #21, Fall 2014 issue. Two artists will be awarded a single page display.  Direct Art is distributed to bookstores across the USA including Borders and Barnes and Noble.  Click for more information on Direct Art magazine.

For the full guidelines, Download the Prospectus!

Download the Prospectus from SlowArt and the Limner Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Washington Pavilion

Enter the $5 Art Contest today!don’t cut the

Isn’t it funny how certain seasons suddenly bring about the craving for very specific foods?  It never occurs to most people to even think about fruitcake until we start seeing winter holiday decorations appear.  My German in-laws (3rd generation via Wisconsin) save kuchen for Christmas.  Kuchen is German & approximately translates to “cake,” but I know it as a sort of custard & jam filled sweet-dough, low-rise cake that screams Christmas.  Much to my surprise, it is also the state dessert of South Dakota–the home of this next CallThis is a beautiful venue, by the way…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Visual Arts Center at the Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science (Sioux Falls, SD) for the Visual Arts Center Juried Exhibition. The entry fee is only $25, and the commission is ONLY 20%! For those of you looking to add a SD show to your resume, here is your chance…

Learn more from the Washington Pavilion Visual Arts Center!CALL for ENTRIES:
Washington Pavilion


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists age 18+

MEDIA: Works in all visual media completed in the last 3 years may be submitted.

DEADLINE:  April 18, 2014

NOTIFICATION:  May 14, 2014

ENTRY FEE:  $25 for up to 3

JUROR:  John Rychtarik, a South Dakota native, received his B.S. in Art Education from Northern State University in Aberdeen, SD; and attended the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, SD. John then spent several years teaching art throughout South Dakota to students of all ages in public schools, South Dakota Arts Council programs, and Native American schools.

Learn more from the Washington Pavilion Visual Arts Center!Rychtarik  later transitioned into the museum field, where he worked for 35 years at the Robinson State Museum, the Siouxland Heritage Museums and the South Dakota Art Museum. During his 11.5 years as the Exhibitions Coordinator at the South Dakota Art Museum, he booked, organized, curated, and installed almost 150 exhibitions. John is also an artist himself. His work has been exhibited throughout South Dakota, including a solo exhibit at the Visual Arts Center of the Washington Pavilion.

AWARDS:  $1,000 first place, $500 second place, $250 third place

SALES: The Washington Pavilion Visual Arts Center will retain a 20% commission on sales.

For complete details, Download the Call from their Website!

Learn more from Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science!

CALL for ENTRIES: Figuratively Speaking

Enter the 5 Art Contest today!FAT free
CARB free
SUGAR free

Because you know I’ve been a foodie for so many years, it should come as no surprise that my weight has fluctuated for decades.  I have been everything from a size 8 to a size 24 over the years.  I have given up carbs, given up fat, eaten only fruit, eaten only soup… You name it, and I’ve tried it.  Nothing ever worked for long.  Then I was forced to quit eating wheat, and my weight stabilizes.  Go figure.  I’m not a size 8, or a 24, but I haven’t gained or lost more than 2 lbs in 8 months.  This next Call is all about YOUR figure.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Customs House Museum (Clarksville, TN) for their 2014 Juried Exhibition: Figuratively SpeakingYou know you have figurative work ready to be submitted.  This is a great museum…

Learn more about the Figuratively Speaking from the Customs House Museum!CALL for ENTRIES: Figuratively Speaking


ELIGIBILITY:  All U.S. artists age 18+

MEDIA:  Painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, printmaking, ceramics, wood, metal and mixed media, representing the human figure.

DEADLINE:  February 23, 2014

NOTIFICATION:  March 21, 2014

ENTRY FEE:  $35 for up to 2 images

JUROR:  Ruth Crnkovich is a fine art appraiser and collection management specialist for private collectors, corporations, museums, and an independent curator for cultural institutions. She serves on multiple museum boards, including being a founding member of the Nathan Manilow Sculpture Park in Illinois. Ruth has been a guest lecturer throughout the world, including Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007, and Shanghai University, China, 2005. She has published articles, critiques, and essays internationally. Ruth holds advanced degrees in Art History and Fine Art & Decorative Art Appraising.

AWARDS:  Over $1500 in cash and prizes will be awarded.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Customs House Museum!

OPEN CALL: Flow 2014

Click to Subscribe to by Email!RECIPE
for success

Everyone I know makes at least one dish that makes people ask, “How do you make that?”  Mine has changed over the years from hollandaise sauce to creamed spinach to 40 spice hummus.  Similarly, everyone who is in arts management or administration hears the same question, “How do I get a solo/group show in a gallery?”  This next Call answers that question.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries for 2014 Exhibitions from Flow Art Space (Minneapolis, MN).  Great news…NO COMMISSION, no really.  This is a rare opportunity in a fairly young gallery. Investigate for yourself…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, OPEN CALL: Flow 2014, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

OPEN CALL: 2014 Exhibitions

Learn more about Flow Art Space!Flow Art Space in Minneapolis, MN announces an open call for submissions for shows for the first half of 2014.  Artists will be considered for possible inclusion in group shows and/or chosen as a featured artist.

ELIGIBILITY: US artists at least 18 are welcome to submit.

MEDIA: 2D and 3D media and all subject matter will be considered, including but not limited to drawing, painting, photography, book art, printmaking, sculpture, fiber, glass, encaustic, ceramics, mixed media, wood, digital art, video, and installation.

EARLY DEADLINE: November 13, 2013

Learn more about Flow Art Space!EARLY DEADLINE ENTRY FEE: $15 for 1 image, $35 for 3 images, and $50 for 6 images, $5 each add’l up to a max.

NOTIFICATION:  January 11, 2014

JUROR: Artist, Curator and Flow Art Space Founder Melissa Metzler will select work.

SALES: Artists will keep 100% of their sales and handle their own transactions by accepting their preferred method(s) of payment. Artists deliver or ship their sold work to buyers. The mission of Flow Art Space is to provide ongoing opportunities for artists to show their work in a professional environment and to connect them with potential buyers. The goal is to establish ongoing relationships between artists and buyers, because buyers like to buy directly from artists and artists like to keep 100% of their sales!

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Read the Full Call from the Flow Art Space website!