Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Media


Learn more about the RED exhibit from!*blush*

Red is undeniably my favorite color.  I find myself drawn to red tones in food, from salmon to cherry Jell-o, Bloody Mary’s to pomegranates.  Go figure.  But recently I tripped across golden raspberries.  How had I missed them all these years?  They are slightly sweeter & milder than the traditional red variety, and I am willing to admit that I like them better in some instances.  I feel like such a traitor.  The next Call is the perfect red celebration.  I like this group exhibit…

Check out this Call for Entries from & G25N (online) for RED, an online group exhibit. $20 entry & significant marketing efforts.  Take a look

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Red, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the RED exhibit from!CALL



ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: Open to all 2D media: painting, drawing, collage, photography, digital, etc.

THEME: “RED” The judges will be looking for artwork where the artist’s interpretation of any subject is enhanced by the use of the color red, whether it is a single dot of red or completely red image.

The color red can imply many emotions and feelings, for example: power, heat, love, sexuality, anger, joy, war, etc.  It can be used to enhance, emphasize or be a focal point in the artwork.  The artwork can be expressed from representational, expressionistic, surrealistic and or abstraction.

DEADLINE:  July 13, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  July 20, 2015

Learn more about the RED exhibit from!ENTRY FEE:  $20 for 1, $10 each add’l

AWARDS: & will co-market the ten artists and their artwork in the exhibition worldwide in the following ways:  An electronic invitation (12,000+ recipients), press release, event listings & calendars, social media marketing via, Artist Website Pro & Gallery 25N’s social media-marketing network via LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tweeter, GooglePlus, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc., Art Market newsletter (over 16,000+ subscribers), exhibit will remain in the “Past Exhibits” section of Gallery 25N’s website with a back-link to the artist’s websites for a minimum of two years & a video published on G25N’s website & YouTube Channel.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the RED exhibit from!

CALL for ENTRIES: Finding Our Place

Learn more about the Finding Our Place exhibit at Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center!space to

I have been searching for my place–in art, in music, in food, in the world.  I have a long history of wanting to do everything at all times.  I want to get it all right, experience it all, eat it all, see it all, do it all.  As a result, I often get none of them quite right.  Silly to some, I believe the answer is geographical.  I continue to seek smaller spaces and places–one town smaller than the next.  Now I seek space, acres inside the next smallest town.  Not isolation so much as controlled interaction.  Space to think.  Space to choose.  Space to grow.  Where is YOUR space?  Your place?  The next Call wants your answers–or questions.  What do you have to say? 

Check out this Call for Entries from Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center (Solomons, MD) for Finding Our Place: The Geography of Art.  $25 entry, epic jurors & great art, time & time again. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Finding Our Place, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Finding Our Place exhibit at Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center!CALL for ENTRIES:
Finding Our Place

“If you don’t know where you are, you don’t know who you are.”
–Wendell Berry

A sense of place can be an essential element in artists’ creative life, and frequently informs their subject matter, materials, style, approach, studio location, and more.  Whether it be ones childhood “primal landscape,” full of memories of home and family, or the pull of a dramatic landscape, or a connection to a particular place based on historical and cultural events, geography calls to the imagination.  As the world shifts to a focus on the virtual, how has this impacted artists’ work?  Has it resulted in a weakening of a sense of place, or has the meaning of place simply adjusted to this new reality?  This exhibit invites artists to explore this issue from either or both sides, and to celebrate what place means to them.  What informs your work?  A physical location or a virtual world?  Do you know “where you are?” — from

Learn more about the Finding Our Place exhibit at Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center!

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists
working in the US

MEDIA: Open to all media

DEADLINE: August 14, 2015

NOTIFICATION: August , 2015

ENTRY FEE: $25 for up to 4

JUROR: The exhibit will be juried by a 1-2 member panel; typically, one member of the panel is drawn from the Smithsonian Institution.

AWARDS: Annmarie will present cash awards to outstanding work. Jurors will review installed works (not application images) for award selection. Award amounts are contingent upon sponsorship; typically there are at least three awards each about $250. All award winning artists will receive an invitation for a solo or group show.

SALES: Annmarie will retain a 40% commission of the listed sale price.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Finding Our Place exhibit at Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center!

CALL for ENTRIES: Reveal

Learn more about the Reveal exhibit from Darkroom Gallery!green-eyed

I prefer my food naked.  I love food in its simplest forms.  Sauces all seem to sweet or to salty lately.  Just a hint of added flavors like ginger, lemon & the ever-lovely sesame oil are appreciated.  Yes, ceasing smoking 18+ months ago is partly to thank.  But after weeks on the road, I crave asian-slaw-topped avocados like these from Coffee & Quinoa–not comfort food.  Nakedness is good; this next Call echoes that thought.  Seize this opportunity…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Darkroom Gallery (Essex Junction, VT) for Reveal. $24 entry. We’re proud our readers have been both shown & awarded at Darkroom.  Join their ranks

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Reveal, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Reveal exhbit from the Darkroom Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:

“The allure of the human body has always been a gift to photography, from shirtless boxers showing off their guns in the 1850s to the trickery of Man Ray and the provocative images of Robert Mapplethorpe. Darkroom Gallery is calling for figural nudes that push the confines of the photographic medium. Images that are expressive, evocotive & revealing.  A timeless subject matter redefined & propelled into contemporary resonance.” –

Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA:  Photography

DEADLINE: July 15, 2015

NOTIFICATION: July 23, 2015

ENTRY FEE: 4 for $24 (online)/$29 (email)

JUROR:   Daniel Power is the Founder/CEO of powerHouse Books, a world-renowned publisher acclaimed for its diverse publishing program and its ethos of perpetually challenging popular conceptions of the role of the “art book” in contemporary culture.

Learn more about the Darkroom Gallery online!Power is also the Director and Co-Founder of the New York Photo Festival, a series of Brooklyn-based photography events focusing on the Future of Contemporary Photography. powerHouse publishes both photographers and artists known for work in other fields. It partnered with Charlie Ahearn on Wild Style: The Sampler, a behind-the-scenes look at Ahearn’s 1982 Wild Style, considered the firsthip hop film.  Other prominent photographers published by the firm include Jack Pierson, Ron Galella, Helen Levitt, Danny Lyon, and the cooperative Magnum Photos.

AWARDS: All selected entries are included in a full color exhibit catalog & gallery exhibition. Juror’s Choice: 30×48″ image banner. People’s Choice – a free future entry. Honorable Mentions receive free exhibition catalogs and free entry in a future exhibition.

SALES: Free matting & framing of accepted entries, subject to standard sizes. For commission details, go to the bottom of the Submissions page!

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Darkroom Gallery!

*Editor’s Note: It is important to let Darkroom Gallery know you found their Call on They are friends & sponsors of AAAD, and I always want them to know they have our support…

CALL for ENTRIES: Small Plates

Learn more about the Small Plates exhibit from!i want some

Remember having “eyes bigger than your stomach”?  That was the automatic response to an overly large-portioned plate at my childhood dinner table.  It was then immediately followed by a lecture reminding me of children thought to be starving in a far away country that seemed, well, other worldly to a five year old.  The truth would have been more effective.  There were starving children in my own country, my own state, my own town, probably my own neighborhood.  I was fortunate not to want for food as a child.  But today, my eyes are always bigger than my stomach.  I always take on more than I can easily digest, gastronomically and otherwise, and yet I always find myself both hungry to pile on more–even while suffering the indigestion of my last turn at the proverbial table.  This next Call is proof.  In 2016, we are proud to be offering a buffet for all of you.  Take us up on this, the first of several dinner invitations to come… 

Check out this Call for Entries from (AAAD) for Small Plates: A Response to Hunger, a small works show, exhibited in The Balcony gallery (Knoxville, TN) located at The Emporium Center.   Grow with us…

Enter the Small Plates Exhibit at The Balcony in Knoxville, TN sponsored by AAAD!CALL for ENTRIES:
Small Plates


“The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Here at AAAD, we believed that the food metaphor is a perfect vehicle to inspire you to feed your creative self. We shun the demeaning cutesy-ness of the bohemian “starving artist” image as it numbs us to the real struggle of hunger & starvation worldwide.  Starvation, in a literal way, robs humanity of being human and ends even the possibility of a creative self. For SMALL PLATES, AAAD wants your views on hunger —physical, spiritual, political, emotional and/or creative. Food references are optional.

The SMALL PLATES will be exhibit will both open & close on May 6, 2016 as a part of the First Friday festivities at The Balcony Gallery, located in The Emporium Center in Knoxville, TN –a one-day show.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists —any age, any gender, any location.

THEME: Hunger—physical, spiritual, political, emotional or creative. Food reference optional.

MEDIA: Open to all media that will fit in a 9”x12” envelope (aka 229 mm x 305 mm or No. 10 ½), including but not limited to: painting, drawing, fiber, collage, digital, photography, graphic design, illustration, pen and ink, printmaking, etc.

DEADLINE:  April 18, 2016

NOTIFICATION:  Ongoing by April 19, 2016

Small Plates: A Response to Hunger from artandartdeadlines.comENTRY FEE: $5 for up to 5. Entry fee waived for members in good standing of The Haggus Society.

CURATOR:  R.L. Gibson (yours truly), a working artist, also serves as the editor of (AAAD). Trained in classical, French culinary techniques, Gibson created AAAD as a food-themed resource to motivate artists to create their own community, standards & artistic opportunities.  In addition to producing her own solo & collaborative art, Gibson has served as a gallerist, juror, teacher & arts administrator for nearly two decades.

AWARDS:  To assist resume building, designations of Best of Show, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place will be awarded; however, cash prizes will NOT be awarded.  Award designations will be chosen from the physical work and will be judged based on artistic merit and interpretation of the theme.  If not chosen for the gallery exhibit, please note that at the curator’s discretion, ONE image from EVERY artist will go into the online exhibit* with a link to the artist’s website. *Editor’s note: So if you follow all the rules, you can at the very least add the online exhibit to your resume, even if you are not selected for the physical exhibit.

SALES:  All work will be considered for sale unless marked NFS.  A commission of 30% will be taken on all sales. Please note, 20% commission on cash/check sales and 25% commission on credit card sales is held by Arts & Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville.  The additional 5-10% commission is retained by AAAD.  Unsold artwork will be returned and payment for sold artwork will be made within 30 days of the close of the exhibit.

For complete details, Read the Full Prospectus!

Click to Read the Full Call for Small Plates: A Response to Hunger!

CALL for ENTRIES: Still Life II

Learn more about the Still Life II exhibit from!make mine a

Do you know what is better than fresh, local fruits & vegetables? Twice as many fresh local fruits & vegetables.  Have you heard about a program that is slowly spreading throughout farmers’ markets & co-ops in the U.S. called Double Bucks?  It seems just about right that it would be folks dedicated to fresh food that would figure out how to get it into the hands of people who need it–affordably.  Double the veggies might be the only thing better than the doubled cash prizes in this next Call.  Make us proud…

Check out this Call for Entries from (online) for Still Life II.  The cash prizes are DOUBLED for this one!  Take a look

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Still Life II, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Mind Spirit and Emotion exhbiti from!CALL

Still Life II


ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: Open to all 2D media: painting, drawing, collage, photography, digital, etc.

A still life artwork featuring an arrangement of inanimate, everyday objects, whether natural organic objects such as flowers, food, wine, etc and or manufactured items such as books, bottles, crockery, etc.

The Still Life art is an under estimated art genre, the art is usually quiet & subtle in its communication, however it’s narrative can speak volumes about a culture, a society or a lifestyle. – Edward Burke

DEADLINE:  July 6, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  July 14, 2015

ENTRY FEE:  1 Entry for $20, up to 3 entries for $35, up to 5 entries for $60

Learn more from!AWARDS:
st Place: $1000 in cash & $5,200 in prizes
2nd Place: $250 in cash & $1,625 in prizes
3rd Place: $125 in cash & $125 prizes
4th Place: $75 in cash 5th Place: $50 in cash

The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th place winner’s art will be featured in “Winners Showcase” with links to their websites.

The 10 Honorable Mentions artwork will also be displayed in the “Honorable Mentions” section of the Art Competition website.  All entries will be displayed on our Art-Competition website Submissions Showcase page in the order that the submissions are received.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from art-competitions dot net! 2


Learn more about the FL3TCH3R Exhibit!BLANK

Normally my cup runneth over, but lately my plate has been empty.  I am an eternal optimist.  But with all the violence with which we have been confronted in our lives and via media in the past few days, I find myself paralyzed to find a quirky food segue for art posts.  I am pretty grateful to have received the next Call that allows me to give you an outlet for YOUR voice amongst all the violence.  I needed the opportunity, and I am hoping that you will seize it as well..

Check out this Call for Entries from the Reece Museum at ETSU (Johnson City, TN) for The FL3TCH3R Exhibit.  Here’s your chance to speak your mind without media restriction.  Don’t miss this chance…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: FL3TCH3R 2015, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the FL3TCH3R Exhibit!CALL for ENTRIES:
FL3TCH3R 2015


The theme of THE FL3TCH3R EXHIBIT is focused on work with strong social and political content. Work entered in the exhibit should reflect current issues that affect contemporary culture and investigate societal and political concerns. Diverse media and approach to the theme are encouraged.

ELIGIBILITY:  U.S. artists age 18+

MEDIA:  All 2D, 3D, performance & installation & video art are eligible. Due to space & logistical considerations, large-scale & complicated installation is not encouraged.

DEADLINE:  August 26, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  September 14, 2015

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 3, $7 ea. add’l if rcv’d by August 19th. Extended deadline for August 20-26 requires a fee of $40 for up to 3 & $7 ea. add’l.

Learn more about the FL3TCH3R Exhibit!JUROR: Joyce Ogden is an artist based in Southern Indiana whose work explores dialogues between sustainability, the importance of water to local agriculture, nature, time & space.  She received an MFA from  Indiana University & has exhibited throughout the southeastern U.S., including: the Speed Museum in Kentucky & Contemporary Art Center in Atlanta.

Ogden has been the recipient of grants and awards that include the Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters & Sculptors Grant Program & Kentucky Foundation for Women Sallie Bingham Award. In addition, she is a founding member of ENID, a Louisville based women sculptors organization.  Her work has been reviewed in regional and national publications.  Ms. Ogden is currently Professor of Art at Spalding University & the Kentucky School of Art at Spalding in Louisville, KY.

AWARDS:  Best of Show $300, 2 Awards of Excellence $100 ea & Appalachian Artist Award (TBA)

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the FL3TCH3R exhbit!


ARTIST to LOVE: Martha Carroll

We have a new Artist to Love!

Join us in saying “Welcome” to Martha Carroll, our newest Artist to Love

• • • • • • • • •

Martha Carroll
Mixed Media
Beijing Wall, Mixed Media by Martha Carroll
Beijing Wall
Mixed Media
After earning both a BFA & a MS degree at UT Knoxville, CARROLL began her art career as an illustrator. Art direction led her into years of talent & production work. In her second career, Robbins has taught drawing, painting and photography for all levels in public schools.

Carroll's mixed media works demonstrates both her perspective of humanity and the stories associated with objects, people, or landscapes. Currently, she enjoys incorporating her original photography into her mixed media work.


Are you an Artist to Love? Be sure to let us know!

• • • • • • • • •

CALL for ENTRIES: Art of Brands (Summer)

Learn more about selling your art from Art of Brands!a soupçon

What would we do without the iconic dishes that everyone likes?  They are frequently soup-related in my house.  Tonight is corn chowder. No matter who ends up at the table, I can cover vegetarian, vegan & gluten-free. This Call is all about iconic art–including food art (even soup). There is likely a way to make this work for you

Check out this Call for Entries from Art of Brands (an AAAD sponsor) for Iconic Images. No entry fee; you could EARN money instead. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: So many of you have talked to me about selling your work. I really like this option. If you work in 2-D, don’t dismiss this Call. Consider directing some content to suit this purpose. It isn’t for everyone, but I think it is a valid option for some.

"Balancing Act" by Ljuba Stille - Learn more about selling YOUR art from Art of Brands!CALL for ENTRIES:
Art of Brands


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Open to 2-D work including drawing, painting, illustration, printmaking, photography, digital art, mixed media, etc.

THEME: Favorite interests (cars, cities, kids, gaming, wine, etc.) or specific, iconic brands (i.e. Campbell’s).  Let them know if you have work that you think might fit but isn’t currently represented by one of their categories.

DEADLINE: Ongoing entries wanted

NOTIFICATION: Within 72 hours of completing the sign-up process

ENTRY FEE:  No entry fee

CURATORS: A committee of members with backgrounds in art

SALES: For reproductions (like paper, canvas, di-bond, acrylic/plexi glass) the commission rate is 20%. Art of Brands also sells originals.  Commission for originals is higher & is negotiated individually.  Payments made quarterly.

For complete details, Check out Art of Brands online!

Learn more about selling YOUR art from Art of Brands!*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Art of Brands (Summer), anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

CALL for ENTRIES: Open Theme at F-Stop

Learn more about the Open Theme Call from F-Stop Magazine!

I am food brave–usually.  I can muster the courage to try bizarre foods, but I’ve gotten pretty squeamish lately.  I am going to just admit this: I am more than mildly addicted to the new TV show iZombie.  I got rid of cable TV in my home in favor of Hulu about 6 months ago, and I thought that would be the end of any regular show watching.  Wrong.  I found iZombie BECAUSE OF Hulu.  But, as you might imagine, zombies eat brains.  Now I realize that they aren’t real human brains, and I realize people indulge in all kinds of brain delicacies” from jello to calves and goat and more.  But, no.  I just can’t.  So apparently I am not open to “anything”, but this next Call IS open to any theme.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from F-Stop Magazine for their Issue #72: Open Theme.  No Entry Fee.  We’re proud of our readers’ successes with this mag.  Now it is YOUR turn

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Open Theme at F-Stop, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Open Theme

Learn more about the Open Theme Call from F-Stop Magazine!  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Photography

DEADLINE:  July 15, 2015

PUBLICATION:  August 1, 2015


AWARDS: Selected artists/photographers will have an image published in Issue #72

ABOUT F-Stop: F-STOP MAGAZINE is an online photography magazine featuring contemporary photography from established and emerging photographers from around the world. Each issue has a theme or an idea that the unites the photographs to create a dynamic dialogue among the artists. Founded in 2003 and published online, bi-monthly.

For complete details, Read the Guidelines!

Learn more from F-Stop Magazine!


Learn more about the Earth Exhibit from Dubuque Area Arts Collective!
for cubs?

In our continuing efforts to downsize in preparation for “tiny living”, I downsized myself out of garden space.  We moved back to our previous 2-acre, mountain-top abode, but anything other than container gardening is impossible with out a major terracing project to provide flat space on the side of the mountain.  So, we’re going to attempt to grow a few squash & cucumbers on the deck using the railings as support.  But, considering the fact that my dog has tree’d several black bears during the past two-weeks.  Am I simply creating a buffet dinner on my porch?  Nature. Hmm.  This next Call wants to know your perspective.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Dubuque Area Arts Collective (Dubuque, IA) for the Earth Exhibit!  No entry fee, open to all media & fast notification.  It is like a dream…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Earth, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Earth Exhibit from Dubuque Area Arts Collective! for ENTRIES:

“Works should focus on topics related to environmental issues and/or consist of salvaged or found objects. The purpose of this exhibit is to showcase unique and contemporary perspectives on environmental topics as well as unexpected and sophisticated use of recycled and found materials.” –from

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all media, including painting, drawing, sculpture, multimedia, photography, digital, installation art, video, recycled art, found object assemblage, etc.

DEADLINE:  July 5, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  July 6, 2015 *Note: Work must ARRIVE by July 15.


AWARDS:  Best in Show will be featured on the cover of Grain Magazine along with an artist feature in a 2-page spread.  Publication will be released in August. Outstanding artists submitting to the exhibit will also be featured in the magazine.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Dubuque Area Arts Collective!