Time for planting decisions has arrived. We’re probably clear of the last frost where I live, but now it is time for mama black bears and their cubs to begin wandering out of their dens. In fact, critters all seem to be ready to get the season started. So, how do I choose to what to plant? I need hardy veggies that aren’t overly attractive to foraging wildlife. Then there is what we have dubbed the fern-factor. There seem to be some things, I simply cannot grow; tomatoes & ferns are on the short list. Funny how gardens differ based on the gardener. Thumbs definitely come in different shades of green. This Call for photography wants to see your interpretation of how the figure influences the landscape. Take a look…
Check out this Call for Entries from L.A. Photo Curator for the Figure in Landscape exhibit. $20 entry, no shipping, great prizes & exposure for ALL entrants. Great opportunity…
*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Figure in Landscape, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.
The relationship between a figure & the landscape context can be powerful. Landscapes are often presented as pristine places, without human presence. However, figures within landscapes can play dynamic roles as scale elements, protagonists in a narrative, or mysterious presences. Sometimes figures can ask more questions about a place than they can answer. For this exhibition photographs that extend beyond documentation of place to bring a human element into the natural or urban landscape are sought. –from
ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists
MEDIA: Photography
DEADLINE: April 15, 2016 (Midnight PST)
EXHIBITION: April 23 – May 23, 2016
ENTRY FEE: $20 for up to 3
CURATOR: Emma Powell received her MFA in Photography from the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technology & is currently an Asst. Professor of Art, with a focus in photography at Colorado College. Powell brings a varied & full background to L.A. Photo Curator, which includes awards, residencies & fellowships.
AWARDS: The curator will still choose one 1st place winner, one 2nd place winner & 3 honorable mentions. The 1st place winner will receive a review by one or more curators including a Q&A about the photographer’s work. In addition, their image will be on our home page for a month. 2nd place & honorable mentions will have their image shown along with their bio, artist statement, CV & a link back to their website.
Plus, ALL entrants’ work will be exhibited online in a group on-line exhibition. In keeping with the mission of creating exposure opportunities and PR, L.A. Photo Curator is proud to offer this feature. In addition to your work being seen, there will also be a short artist statement and bio about you plus a link back to your website.
SALES: All sales are conducted between the artist & buyer. L.A. Photo Curator does not handle any part of sales. There is no commission.