Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Media

CALL for ENTRIES: We Love People

Learn more about the We Love People exhibit from Atelier Alen!so so many EGGS

We eat dozens & dozens of eggs each month. It would be easy to assume that when we’re out, we’d avoid them.  That’s not really the case.  I have them fried, over-medium, after late night outings, take them cold & hard-boiled to picnics or on early mornings.  And on my recent stop at Sugar Mama’s, a little bakery/bar combo, in Knoxville, I was treated to “German Eggs”.  Think of it as a fluffy egg bake or like a crustless quiche.  Delicious.  (Funny enough, German tourists suggested we Google “german eggs slang”. Funny.)  This Call hails from Munich, but doesn’t require the inclusion of eggs.  Great international show opportunity…

Check out this Call for Entries from Atelier Alen (Munich) for We Love People. If you’ve been looking for a European show without shipping concerns, this could be the Call for you.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: We Love People, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the We Love People exhibit from Atelier Alen!CALL for ENTRIES:
We Love People
from Atelier Alen


“We love People. What is it about them that we like, admire & adore so much? Is it their actions, their words, or just their presence? Personality, shared experiences & situations can all contribute to shaping the feelings that people inspire in us, and the force of love & affection can manifest itself in countless different ways. What is it that we love so much about people? How do these feelings express themselves? And how can we capture this love & transcribe it photographically?” –from

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA: Photography

DEADLINE: July 31, 2016 (if you are outside Munich, please note time differences)

NOTIFICATION:  August 8, 2016

ENTRY FEE: €40 for up to 5 (approx $45USD), €5 ea. add’l (approx. $5.60USD)

SALES:  Alen GmbH retains 49% commission on sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Atelier Alen!


CALL for ENTRIES: Faburry

Learn more from the Faburry Gallery!

what a peach APRICOT

I often feel indignant about crap people are willing to eat.  Yes, it’s a little judge-y.  But, there are so many people worldwide without the access to healthy food, so I find myself impatient when people take it for granted.  But, I digress.  My husband recently enjoyed making fun of the newly-acquired fact that the only apricots I have ever eaten have been dried or a part of a sauce or jam.  My husband insisted we buy a fresh apricot, and, apparently, it is on the menu as a part of my breakfast in the morning. I’m not opposed; it just hasn’t ever been a thing.  There is a first for everything, right? This Call is a first for this brand new gallery.  Investigate this artist-run space…

Check out this Call for Entries from the brand new Faburry Gallery for their First Exhibition!  It is rare to find ANY art opportunity for $5.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Faburry, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from the Faburry Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Faburry Gallery’s
1st Exhibition


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA:  Open to painting, digital, sculpture, photography & mixed media

DEADLINE:  June 28, 2016

NOTIFICATION: by July 5, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $5 for up to 3

AWARDS:  All chosen artists will be promoted via social media and website. All exhibitions & featured artists will be archived on the website.  Finalists will be contacted for an interview & a highlight feature.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Faburry Gallery!

ARTIST of the DAY: Gehard Demetz

sadness & SILENCE

The loss & violence in Orlando this week is unbearable.  I was once watching an interview with today’s artist in which he was trying to speak to his inspiration, his inner voice.  He said,”I represent this world, this culture.”  I heard this and wondered about the world of which he spoke, this world of children in arresting situations, and hoped his work wasn’t REALLY representative of the world.  I don’t want the world to be that painful, that complicated.  But it is.  I love this work.  I will always love this work.  Today, I wish it didn’t feels quite so real. Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Gehard Demetz has put a face on our world today.  (continues below)

"Stones in my Pocket" and detail (wood sculpture) by Gehard Demetz
“Stones in my Pocket” & detail (wood sculpture) by Gehard Demetz

“I represent this world, this culture.” — Gehard Demetz


Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day is Gehard Demetz!



CALL for ENTRIES: Flowers

Learn more about Flowers from!

everything’s ROSY

I am craving rose perfumed applesauce, but it isn’t apple season.  Luckily I have a few frozen apples left from my cold storage batch of October Black apples and my friend has wild roses growing in her yard.  it won’t make a large batch, but I am so excited.  If you haven’t experimented with floral foods, give it a try (organic only, please). This next Call wants your flowers, and you don’t even have to taste them first. Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Flowers. $20 Entry & great marketing awards. Sometimes a flower is more than just a flower

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Flowers, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Flowers from!CALL for ART ENTRIES:
Flowers from


“Flowers have inspired artists to create some of their most beautiful, emotional & memorable works of art. Throughout history, flowers have symbolized new life, beginnings, rebirth, beauty, peace & love. Whether it is a single flower or an endless field of flowers there is no mistaking the majestic beauty or appreciation of plant life on our planet. “ – from

ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: Open to any still media including painting, drawing, sculpture, collage, photography, digital art, fiber art, etc.

THEME: “Flowers”

DEADLINE: June 20, 2016

NOTIFICATION: June 30, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $10 ea. add’l

AWARDS: First place $1000 cash + $5,000 marketing value, 2nd place $150 cash + $1,500 marketing value, 3rd place $125, 4th place $100, 5th place $75, 6th place $50, & 7th place $25. The 1st through 7th place winners’ work + 10 Honorable Mentions will have their work featured in Art-Competition.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!
We are happy to have as a sponsor of AAAD.



CALL for ENTRIES: Up Against the Wall

Learn more about the Art in Clay IV exhibit Up Against the Wall from BWAC!


In the process of planning a new kitchen, I am now addicted to ceramic tile.  I find a few feet I love, buy what I can afford, then fall in love with a new tile.  I’m going to have to become a mosaic artist if this continues.  This next Call is also in love with hanging ceramic work, but it doesn’t have to be tile.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from BWAC (Brooklyn, NY) for Up Against the Wall. Take advantage of a discount for early entry, a distinguished juror & significant cash awards. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Up Against the Wall, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Art in Clay IV exhibit Up Against the Wall from BWAC!CALL for ENTRIES:
Up Against the Wall exhibit from BWAC

“Up Against The Wall invites you to forget the pedestal! Let’s put our clay on the map, on the vertical axis, just perfect for a Brooklyn where horizontal space is at such a premium. In NYC, we have to Build UP! Big or small, fat or flat, however it’s hanging.  Confrontational clay at it’s most insistent. Suspend your disbelief (literally) Up in the air without a net? Bring it!” –from

ELIGIBILITY: Open to U.S. artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media

ENTRY FEE: $45 up to 6, $5 ea. add’l (early bird), $55 for up to 6, $5 ea. add’l (June 24 – July 6) or $65 up to 6, $5 ea add’l after July 6

DEADLINE: June 23rd (early bird), July 6th (on time) or July 20, 2016, midnight PST (final)

NOTIFICATION: August 8, 2016

JUROR:   Matt Nolen is a studio artist living and working in New York City. Trained as a painter and architect, his work includes sculptural objects and architectural installations using clay and mixed media.  Mr. Nolen is currently serving as President of the Board of Trustees for Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts in Newcastle Maine and is Adjunct Professor of Art at New York University and Pratt Institute.

AWARDS: Gold $500, Silver $250, Bronze $100 & 5 Certificates of Recognition.

SALES: BWAC will retain a 25% commission on all exhibition sales.

For full details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the COLOR exhibit from BWAC!


Learn more about the ARTifact exhibit from Darkroom Gallery!GREEN gold

I grow basil in most of the window sills in my home for just one purpose –making homemade pesto.  I can’t grow much outdoors due to the bears and turkey and wild pigs (no, really).  So, my windowsills stay full.  I haven’t reaped much yet this year, and my stash of pesto is gone.  Sad.  But as I was excavating my freezer to avoid going to the grocery before dinner, I found a lone artifact– a bag of frozen basil large enough for a side dish.  This next Call is interested in YOUR artifacts.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Darkroom Gallery (Essex Junction, VT) for ARTifact. $29 entry, free framing & a great juror. I cannot wait to see this exhibit…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: ARTifact, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the ARTifact exhibit from Darkroom Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
ARTifact from Darkroom Gallery


“Relics of the past rediscovered and redefined through the medium of photography.” –

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Photography

DEADLINE: June 15, 2016

NOTIFICATION: June 23, 2016

ENTRY FEE: 4 for $29 (online)/$34 (email)

JUROR: Davy Rothbart is the creator of Found Magazine, a publication dedicated to discarded notes, letters, flyers, photos, lists, and drawings found and sent in by readers.  The magazine is published annually and has a worldwide following, it’s online blog is updated daily.  Rothbart lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan and Los Angeles, California.

AWARDS: Selected entries are included in a full color exhibit catalog & gallery exhibit. Plus: Juror’s Choice: 30×48″ image banner; People’s Choice – a free future entry; Honorable Mentions receive free exhibition catalogs and free entry in a future exhibition.

SALES: For commission details, go to the bottom of the Submissions page!

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Darkroom Gallery!


CALL for ENTRIES: 10x10x10

Learn more about the 10x10x10 exhibit from Tieton Arts & Humanities!


Olives & cheese have saved me so many times.  When I’m traveling and haven’t been able to cook (or enjoy my husband’s cooking) for several weeks, an olive bar is the answer.  Whole foods with decadent amounts of fat that are great cold.  Tiny treats.  This next Call wants your tiny treats, or small treats, whatever.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Tieton Arts & Humanities (Tieton, WA) for the 10 x 10 x 10 exhibit, a small works show. This is open internationally, and the fully-illustrated, handbound, hardcover catalogue is a great perk! Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: 10x10x10, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the 10x10x10 exhibit from Tieton Arts & Humanities!CALL for ENTRIES:
10 x 10 x 10 from Tieton Arts & Humanities


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Open to all media, but no larger than 10″ on any side.

DEADLINE: June 13, 2016

NOTIFICATION: June 27, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $30 for 2, $10 ea. add’l

JURORS: Adam Gildar is the owner and director of Gildar Gallery, a contemporary gallery in Denver CO that cultivates the careers of emerging artists and expand the legacies of important historical figures. Susanna Crum is Assistant Professor of Fine Art – Printmaking at Indiana University Southeast. Crum co-founded Calliope Arts in Louisville KY where she currently resides. Rodolfo Salgado teaches at the Louisville Visual Art Association, and is an Adjunct Faculty at the Kentucky College of Art and Design. Salgado co-founded and directs Calliope Arts in Louisville KY where he currently resides.

AWARDS: Each accepted entry will be featured in a fully illustrated, hand-bound, hardcover catalogue of the exhibit. Each accepted artist will receive one copy of the catalogue.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the 10x10x10 exhibit from Tieton Arts & Humanities!

CALL for ENTRIES: Streetscapes

Learn more about the Streetscapes exhibit from the 1650 Gallery!

SWEET streets

Have you ever attended a fast food wedding?  I kinda have.  At a recent wedding, the bride & groom opted for an outdoor ceremony & reception.  The reception was catered… by a sweet food truck featuring a custom French menu including pastries in lieu of a wedding cake.  It was priceless.  They met in Paris; they fell in love under a lamppost, street food in hand.  Sweet & from the street, just like this next call. Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the 1650 Gallery (Los Angeles, CA) for Streetscapes, a juried photography exhibit. $35 entry & free matting and framing (pre-set sizes). There’s even a way to avoid shipping. Enjoy the opportunity…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Streetscapes, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Streetscapes exhibit from the 1650 Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Streetscapes fm 1650 Gallery


“Ahh, the street. That intoxicating cocktail of humanity. They come in all shapes and sizes, from the majesty of New York’s Fifth Ave or the Champ de Elysee to the humblest backstreet and alley. Some have seen better days, like the ghost towns of Highway 61, and some are teeming with the kaleidoscope of humanity. But whether they are asphalt or cobblestone, made of dirt or even water, every street tells a story.” — from 1650 Gallery

ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: Photography

DEADLINE: June 12, 2016

NOTIFICATION: By June 20, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 5, $5 ea. add’l

JUROR: Andrew Overtoom is an award-winning filmmaker & photographer living in L.A. He publishes THE UNDEAD NEG, is launching a quarterly photography journal & owns the 1650 Gallery.

AWARDS: Approximately fifty works will be chosen from submitted photos to be included in the STREETSCAPES group photography exhibition at 1650 Gallery in Los Angeles. Best In Show, 2nd & 3rd Place will be awarded & posted after the opening. Awarded photos will be featured on the show page & Best In Show winners will have a small portfolio featured in the 1650 Spotlight gallery.

SALES: Selected artists may choose to offer their work for sale. The gallery retains 50% commission. The 1650 Gallery offers free matting and framing for accepted photographs that fit their pre-cut mat sizes for the duration of the exhibition. Photo sizes are 8″ x 10″, 11″ x 14″ 16″ x 20″, or 20″ x 24″.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the 1650 Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Water, Water Everywhere

Learn more about the Water Water Everywhere exhibit from the Black Bar Gallery!

entirely DRINKABLE

I lived in the USVI for a couple of years, and my house used only cistern water.   Rainfall kept the supply flowing for most of the year, but a couple of months prior to the rainy season we’d have to pay to have the cistern fill… about $500.  That was 20 years ago.  I try to internalize this memory every time I pay my $85 water bill.  Well, that and I can actually cook with the tap water at my current home.  Back then the hashtag would have been #dontlookinthebottomofcistern or #youdontwanttoknow.  This next call is all about the water, and there are no restriction on the orgin of YOUR water.  Investigate…

Check out this Call for Entries from Black Bar Gallery (Boise, ID) for Water Water Everywhere. $20 entry for this art publication opportunity.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Water, Water Everywhere, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Water Water Everywhere exhibit from the Black Bar Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES: Water Water Everywhere from Black Bar Gallery


“If there is magic in this world, it is contained in water.” – Loren Eiseley

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA: Photography

DEADLINE:  June 15, 2016

NOTIFICATION: by June 20, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $20 for up to 3, $5 ea. add’l

SALES:  Black Bar Gallery retains 20% commission

AWARDS:  This exhibition will have 14 photographs selected by the juror for exhibition.  Images will be archived online for five years.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Black Bar Gallery!

ARTIST of the DAY: Vivienne Strauss

duck duck GOOSE

When I came home from the hospital with my bouncing baby boy so many years ago, I found a bottle of cold duck in my fridge –a gift from my mother.  Not champagne.  Cold Duck.  This particular variety was a blend of port & champagne.  I never asked her why, and I’ve never had it since.  But, after a pregnancy free from alcohol for both myself and my husband, it only took a glass a piece to make us a little giddy and able to let go of the fears and stress of being a new parent, if only for an hour or so.  It is a fond, silly memory that I treasure.  When I came across this work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Vivienne Strauss, it put a smile on my face.  The perfect complement. (continues below)

"Cold duck" (collage & embroidery on paper) by Vivienne Strauss
“Cold duck” (collage & embroidery on paper) by Vivienne Strauss

A self-taught painter with a background in Philosophy, Vivienne Strauss works predominately in oil and watercolor. Her paintings often migrating around the humor of being human – shared dejection, things left unsaid, false arrogance, disbelief, inspired irony. She is an observer and chronicler, in the actual world in which she exists and in the world of characters she creates, exposing, with precise wit, the subterranean elements lying in wait beneath the deceptively quotidian.


Enjoy the witty observation in the work of today’s
AAAD Artist of the Day, Vivienne Strauss!