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Art and Art

Category: Media

CALL for ARTISTS: Open Doors 2016

Learn more about Open Doors 2016 from Newark Arts Council and Aferro Gallery!hold the PUMPKIN

Farmer’s markets are in full swing. Summer heat is pervasive –and distracting.  Most galleries & arts organizations take a casual approach to Summer programming due to competition from outdoor activities. But Fall is just around the corner, and it signals the onslaught of pumpkin-flavored foods and arts festival that take advantage of the glorious weather.  This next Call is for just such a festival.  This could be an opportunity for you.

Check out this Call for Artists from Newark Arts Council (Newark, NJ) & Gallery Aferro for Open Doors 2016.  This 4-day festival also has curated show opportunities. All you have to do is send a FREE email.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ARTISTS: Open Doors 2016, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Open Doors 2016 from Newark Arts Council & Aferro Gallery!CALL for ARTISTS:
Open Doors 2016 from Newark Arts Council & Aferro Gallery

“The Newark Arts Council is excited to invite you to participate in Open Doors 2016, the citywide arts festival.  The festival draws thousands of visitors, as more than 40 venues join forces to showcase visual, performing, and literary art. In 2016, the festival will run concurrently with the Dodge Poetry Festival & Newark Celebration 350, which marks the city’s 350th birthday.”

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all media

DEADLINE: August 1, 2016

CURATORS:  This year the NAC has contracted with Gallery Aferro to produce Open Doors, your contact person will be Evonne Davis, she can be reached here.

AWARDS:  Opportunities for individual artists include consideration for curated exhibits, access to temporary space in which they can individually showcase their works, artfair/project style during October 20-23, and having your artwork shared with curators

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Newark Arts Council!


CALL for ENTRIES: Fur, Feathers & Fins

Learn more about the Fur Feathers and Fins exhibit from the Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center!scraps or SNACKS?

Countertop composting alludes me.  We bought the mini-composter, we diligently saved scraps.  The problem is that we never have enough green bits.  The culprit?  The dog.  She’s addicted to carrot ends and lettuce spines and broccoli stalks.  This next Call wants to hear about your furry, feathered and finned culprits.  I love this venue…

Check out this Call for Entries from Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center (Solomons, MD) for Fur, Feathers & Fins. $25 entry, epic jurors & a great show, every time. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Fur, Feathers & Fins, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Fur, Feathers & Fins exhibit from the Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center!CALL for ENTRIES:
Fur, Feathers & Fins from Annmarie

“Surveys report that about 62% of American households include a pet. Why do we seek out the companionship of animals? Why do we need to be close to them? What needs do they fulfill? The jury seeks works that explore the wide world of pets & the role that our faithful companions play in our lives.” –from

ELIGIBILITY: All artists working in U.S.

MEDIA: Open to all media

DEADLINE:  August 10, 2016

NOTIFICATION: August 22, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $25 for up to 4

JUROR: The exhibit will be juried by a 1-2 member panel; typically, one member of the panel is drawn from the Smithsonian Institution.

AWARDS: Annmarie will present cash awards to outstanding work from installed works. Awards are contingent upon sponsors; typically there are four awards of approx. $200 each.

SALES: Annmarie will retain a 40% commission of the listed sale price.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center!




ARTIST of the DAY: Sarah Stone

(left to right) Persephone, Cosmic Serpents, & Hades by Sarah Stone!
(left to right) Persephone, Cosmic Serpents & Hades by Sarah Stone

“Searching for nodes of human commonality across distance,
time and cultural diversity, I hope that my work can
connect people using recognizable threads drawn
from our shared mythologies.”Sarah Stone


My time as an illustrator has made me such a fan of iconography –from typography to sacred icons.  I appreciate the the subtleties of unspoken language.  I ask all new design clients a handful of questions that help me get to know them & their design style.  In answer to the “serif vs. sans serif” question, one of my recent artist-clients responded, “Sans serif. What am I, a lawyer?” Perfect.

Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Sarah Stone employs icons, both common & obscure, to open a dialogue.  Does the need to ask & discover open up the possibility for understanding?  Isn’t understanding the foundation for everything we want?  What do you see in this work?


Understanding is key to today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, painter Sarah Stone!





CALL for ENTRIES: I’ll Fly Away

Learn more about the I'll Fly Away exhibit from the 1650 Gallery!NUTTY solutions

Have you ever tried to shell sunflower seeds while driving?  It’s dangerous, trust me.  As a result, I buy them shelled, roasted & salted.  Have you ever tried to eat shelled sunflower seeds while driving? It’s messy, trust me.   I think I’ll leave the sunflower seeds to the birds and the birds to this next Call.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the 1650 Gallery (Los Angeles, CA) for I’ll Fly Away, a juried photography exhibit. $35 entry & free matting and framing (pre-set sizes). There’s even a way to avoid shipping. Enjoy the opportunity…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: I’ll Fly Away, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the I'll Fly Away exhibit from the 1650 Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
I’ll Fly Away
from 1650 Gallery


“What is it then about the bird that affects us so? Are they everything we want to be beautiful, carefree and literally above it all? Do we envy their freedom? Do we project on to them our desire to take wing from the grave cares and pedestrian repetitions of our human-ness, to a far place both wild and beautiful, and a life lived literally ‘on the fly’ ?” — from 1650 Gallery

ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: Photography

DEADLINE: July 10, 2016

NOTIFICATION: By July 17, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 5, $5 ea. add’l

JUROR: Andrew Overtoom is an award-winning filmmaker & photographer living in L.A. He publishes THE UNDEAD NEG, is launching a quarterly photography journal & owns the 1650 Gallery.

AWARDS: Best In Show, 2nd Place & 3rd Place will be awarded and posted online after the show opening. Award winning photos will be featured on the show page & Best In Show winners will have a small portfolio of their work featured in the 1650 Spotlight gallery of photographic excellence.

SALES: Selected artists may choose to offer their work for sale. The gallery retains 50% commission. The 1650 Gallery offers free matting and framing for accepted photographs that fit their pre-cut mat sizes for the duration of the exhibition. Photo sizes are 8″ x 10″, 11″ x 14″ 16″ x 20″, or 20″ x 24″.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the 1650 Gallery!

ARTIST of the DAY: Ed Freeman

(left to right) images from Desert Realty and Western Realty series by Ed Freeman
(left to right) images from Desert Realty & Western Realty series by Ed Freeman

I want to believe the best of people, but the current political climate has challenged that ability.  It as though the majority of people I already knew to have political leanings in one direction or the other have suddenly become extremists who are not only willing, but happy, to spout hate or accept the complete destruction of those that differ from them.  It scares me.  Then I ran across this quote… [These images] “are a way of seeing commonplace architecture with fresh eyes and discovering both the charm and the dark side of easily-ignored structures.”

I went in search of the images referenced by the quote. That’s how I happened across this work from today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Ed Freeman. While that is completely backward of my normal process, it seems that his images quietly, innocently & unintentionally mimic their louder human counterparts. Intriguing.


Discover more of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, photographer Ed Freeman!


CALL for ENTRIES: 3rd Coast National

Learn more about the Third Coast National exhibit from K Space Contemporary! something’s FISHY

My son is spending the summer in Texas.  Before he left, he was excited about what he assumed would be all the BBQ & Tex Mex food he could eat.  He neglected to remember that Texas is a coastal state.  Corpus Christi alone has dozens & dozens of well-reviewed seafood restaurants. this next Call wants the unexpected and just happens to hail from Texas.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from K Space Contemporary (Corpus Christi, TX) for the 3rd Coast National exhibit.  Open to any media, great juror & venue.  Don’t miss this one…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: 3rd Coast National, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Third Coast National exhibit from K Space Contemporary!CALL for ENTRIES:
3rd Coast National


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to U.S. artists 18+

MEDIA:  Open to all media

DEADLINE:  July 8, 2016

NOTIFICATION:  August 1, 2016

ENTRY FEE:  $40 for up to 3 ($30/members), $5 ea. add’l

JUROR: Sharon Kopriva is a visual artist born in Houston Heights.  Kopriva’s extensive exhibition record includes solo shows at prestigious institutions, such as The Menil Collection in Houston, Ogden Museum of Southern Art in New Orleans, and museums in India, Germany, China and other parts of the world.  Her work has been reviewed in numerous publications including Art in America, Art News, Art Lies and Art+Culture.  Kopriva was awarded the prestigious Texas State Visual Artist of the Year, Texas Artist of the Year-Art League of Houston& a Mid-America Arts Alliance/National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship Award in Sculpture.

AWARDS:  $2500 in cash awards for the top 5 works: Erick Schaudies Memorial Award for Best of Show plus 4 places. Honorable Mentions are given at the juror’s discretion.

SALES:  All works must be For Sale. KSC collects payment & retains 40% commission.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from K Space Contemporary!



ARTIST of the DAY: Emilyann Gachko

"Ken" (photograph) by Emilyann Gachko
“Ken” (photograph) by Emilyann Gachko

At least once per day, my husband and I have an interaction that results in my saying, “Never die. I can’t date again.”  It is usually some bizarre, embarrassing action or phrase or conversation that reveals a level of intimacy that feels abnormal.  We are a metaphorical three-legged monster –connected at the hip.  And while I am grateful, I can also recognize it for the freakish co-dependence that it is.

Don’t force me to change, but let me change, you know?
–Ken as interviewed by Emilyann Gachko


Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Emilyann Gachko has taken on a sort of documentary process of the personalities of internet dating.  She puts a human, humane face on the people who find themselves looking for a life partner.  The project is just beginning, but I was intrigued enough to read every entry so far.  I still have no interest in dating again, but “Love, Me” has made me realize that people looking for love are just like me.  Shared experience and needs and desires build tolerance.  Tolerance is good.


Fall in Love with AAAD Artist of the Day, photographer Emilyann Gachko!





CALL for ENTRIES: Pets 2

Learn more about the Pets 2 Exhibit from!tricky TREATS

My dog only eats dog treats at home.  When she’s at the dog sitter’s house, she will only take cat treats.  I don’t get it.  I once had a cat that would only limp when I watched her.  How odd to think that our perceived expectations alter even the behavior of our furry family.  This next Call wants to know about your favorite animal friends.  An opportunity with a little heart…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Pets We Love 2. $20 entry & this exhibit is proudly supports the ASPCA®. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Pets We Love 2, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Pets 2 Exhibit from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Pets We Love 2


ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: 2-D media: painting, drawing, photography, digital, collage, fiber, etc.

THEME: Pets We Love “Pets become family, and are caring companions that we love and honor. Their relationship to us is as working, service and emotional loving partners from the exotic to the domestic animals. It is no wonder that they have graced historic and contemporary works of art. Whether we have or do not have a pet we all still need to respect and protect them.” –from

DEADLINE: July 5, 2016

NOTIFICATION: July  14, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $10 ea. add’l

AWARDS: & will co-market the ten artists and their artwork in the exhibition worldwide. Click here for details.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!
We are thrilled to have as a sponsor of AAAD!






ARTIST of the DAY: Tracie Cheng

(left to right) Intercession and Cinder & Smoke (oil and acrylic on wood) by Tracie Cheng
(left to right) Intercession and Cinder & Smoke (oil and acrylic on wood) by Tracie Cheng

“I want a calm understanding to be felt, despite what may never be known. I want us to find more possibility in the intangible, and allow for it to come into its own.” —Tracie Cheng


We grow up hearing “anything’s possible”. But is it really?  Possibilities vary from person to person.  Privilege aside, doesn’t the individual’s talents and tendencies shape what is truly possible?  I believe we find our possibilities where we look for them.  I struggle with faith but find the need for absolutes stifles creativity. The work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Tracie Cheng suggests possibility in the intangible which requires faith in some form.  Maybe it is dichotomy, not contradiction.


Ponder the possibilities with
AAAD Artist of the Day, Tracie Cheng!





CALL for ENTRIES: New School 2

Learn more about the New School 2 exhibit from ROY G BIV! don’t mix my GREENS

300 miles from home, and we each wanted a salad on the go.  Google sent me in the direction of a grocery store on the next exit with a huge salad bar.  I came out with a traditional pile of mixed greens, spring peas, boiled eggs, carrots & cucumbers.  My husband came out with segregated little piles of beets, broccoli florets, roasted tomatoes & olives, a wonder of little bites not unlike antipasto.  Two schools of thought, equally valid.  This next Call simply requires a school.  Great exhibitions space…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Roy G Biv Gallery (Columbus, OH) for New School 2 for an exhibit at the Pearl Conard Art Gallery. Only $5 to enter. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: New School 2, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the New School 2 exhibit from ROY G BIV!CALL for ENTRIES:
New School 2 from ROY G BIV


ELIGIBILITY: Open to artists currently enrolled in an undergraduate program

MEDIA: Open to all media

DEADLINE:  July 11, 2016


ENTRY FEE:  $5 per pieceNo fee for ROY members. Student membership is $25. Student membership waives entry fees for the year & other benefits. Learn more here.

JURORS: Marisa Espe is an educator at the Wexner Center for the Arts & a founding member of MINT Collective. Espe is also a contributor for Refigural, a quarterly digital magazine on fashion, beauty and art.  David Butler is an artist and the Education & Outreach Coordinator at the Pizzuti Collection. Butler’s paintings refer to social issues, pop and mass culture. Along with his visual arts background, Butler has maintained ten-year career as an educator, illustrator, and mural painter.  Maria DiFranco is an artist & Graduate Teaching Associate for Ohio State University.  DiFranco’s work incorporates printmaking, drawing, sewing & painting.  She earned her B.F.A in Printmaking from the Rhode Island School of Design.

AWARDS:  The selected artists’ work will be exhibited from September 19–October 7, 2016, at the Pearl Conard Art Gallery.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Read the Full Call from the Roy G Biv Gallery
