Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Media

ARTIST of the DAY: Ronan Considine

from Rectilinear series by photographer Ronan Considine!

“They change drastically as hard edges become soft lines and muted colors become vibrant.” Ronan Considine


Context.  Election coverage has reminded me, once again, of how context matters.  Today, almost anything can known; however, without context, any statement can be made to mean anything.  Are we training people to be mistrusting?  Vigilant?  Both?   The photography of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Ronan Considine, employs long exposures to create ethereal, painterly images.  I find the Rectilinear series, purposefully devoid of context, make me want to know the context.  I want the how.  But would the context rob me of the joy of experience alone?  Again, context.


Explore the astounding range of AAAD Artist of the Day,
Ronan Considine!


ARTIST of the DAY: Phyllis Gorsen

"Between Heaven and Earth" (acrylic) by Phyllis Gorsen
“Between Heaven and Earth” (acrylic) by Phyllis Gorsen

“I focus on how the commonality of
shared patterns connects people”
Phyllis Gorsen


I quietly seek connections among us.  I find solace in subtle cues from the universe that I am not alone.  I find the accidental proof, like universal symbols found in pictorial language, give me the strongest feeling that we can find a way to communicate, eventually.  Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, painter Phyllis Gorsen, seeks those same connections through pattern.


Find yourself in the patterns of AAAD Artist of the Day, painter Phyllis Gorsen!


ARTIST of the DAY: Anne Blair Brown

"Good Habits" (oil) by Anne Blair Brown
“Good Habits” (oil) by Anne Blair Brown

“Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth and when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting.” –David Bowie


Art is always an exercise in bravery, in chance, in putting your creativity out to be judged.  The payoff in freedom from the fear of failure and growth through experimentation are immeasurable.  Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Anne Blair Brown, has such a great perspective on art sales, testing technique and being brave.  Read more here.


Explore more work by Artist of the Day, painter Anne Blair Brown!


CALL for ENTRIES: Fall Fresh

Learn more from Fresh Paint Magazine!

un-Spring SPROUTS

Fresh foods are the reward for surviving the Summer heat, right?  But many of my favorite foods are harvested, locally to me anyway, until September or later –watermelon, Brussels sprouts & sweet potatoes.   Here’s a link to finding the harvest schedule for your area.  This next Call is fresh for October publication. Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Fresh Paint Magazine (print & digital) for the October 2016 Edition, from this international independent bi-monthly art magazine based in US and UK . Open to more than painting...

Learn more from Fresh Paint Magazine!CALL for ENTRIES:
Fall Fresh


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all forms of painting, drawing, art photography, sculpture and mixed media are eligible.

DEADLINE:  August 25, 2016

NOTIFICATION:  September 15, 2016

ENTRY FEE: £30 for up to 2 (approx. $44 USD), £5 ea. add’l (approx. $7.76 USD).

CURATOR: Director & Founder, Bo-Lee Gallery, London – Jemma Hickman

AWARDS: Winning artists will be published in the next digital and print issue of FreshPaintMagazine (October 2016).

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Fresh Paint Magazine!

We are PROUD to have Fresh Paint Magazine as a sponsor of AAAD!



ARTIST of the DAY: Hollie Chastain

(left to right) Neighborhood 1 and 2, collage, by Hollie Chastain
(left to right) Neighborhood 1 & 2, collage, by Hollie Chastain

“I have an affection for a great city. I feel safe in the
neighborhood of man, and enjoy the sweet security
of the streets.” –Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


The one thing for which we all seem to long is feeling safe in the ‘neighborhood of man.’  Now, here, it feels like such an unlikely longing.   Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Hollie Chastain, creates glimpses, tiny microcosms of personality, individuality, of comfort.  Welcome home.


Find a place to BE in the collage work of AAAD Artist of the Day, Hollie Chastain!



ARTIST of the DAY: Greg Holden Regan

"Omnivore Robot" (mixed media on canvas) by Greg Holden Regan
“Omnivore Robot” detail (mixed media on canvas) by Greg Holden Regan

“I wanted to explore how we can consume enough to survive without consuming too much.” Greg Holden Regan


My thoughts are consumed with how small I can live these days.  How little space can I use?  How little stuff do I need?  How liberating would it be?  My current stumbling blocks to small space involve food.  No surprise.  Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Greg Holden Regan, addresses consumption using food as the catalyst to start the conversation.


Nourish yourself with the work of  AAAD Artist of the Day,
mixed media painter
Greg Holden Regan!


ARTIST of the DAY: Sunga Park

"Ilica Street, Zagreb, Croatia" (watercolor) by Sunga Park
“Ilica Street, Zagreb, Croatia” (watercolor) by Sunga Park

“Watercolors taught me about life, because I created tons of failures over repeated attempts.” Sunga Park


With xenophobia rocking every continent these days, I find myself drawn to universal symbols and signs and habits.  I love seeing clotheslines the world over –streetlamps, sidewalks, door knockers.  We are so much more alike than we are different.  The work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Sunga Park, takes me around the world, but the details land me right back on my doorstep.


Take a trip around the world with AAAD’s Artist of the Day, watercolorist Sunga Park!



FREE Resources.

Enjoy FREE resources from!

Over the past seven years Art& has evolved.  If you haven’t been with us from the beginning, just assume we’ve always been this fabulous.  But if you’ve been reading for 5+ years, well, we’re happy to have had a witness to the transformation.  The fundamental change from rambling, long posts to shorter posts in standard formatting came somewhere around year two, followed quickly by changes to color and imagery.  Last year the branding got more consistent, and the pics grew in size.

Even my taste in food has changed over time. 


This year we have begun to follow through on the art portion of Art& with the #artistoftheday posts, but we still have a lot of work to do.  And the next step is offering additional resources for professional development like grants, purchase awards and residencies –maybe even a guest post or two.

If you want to help, we welcome your suggestions, need your re-posts & shares.  What do YOU need?  On a more personal note, I would welcome your feedback & support.  Seven years is a long time to post opportunities, and the payoffs have been huge on a personal level.  The artists and jurors and gallerists that I have have come to know and love and count amongst my friends and peers remains the biggest and most unexpected gift.  Thank you.  If we don’t know each other, comment or message or email me.  Say hello.  I’m here for, fingers-crossed, years to come.

Check out Art&Art’s new Resources Page!



ARTIST of the DAY: Monica Loya

watercolor by Monica Loya
watercolor portrait by Monica Loya

When I saw this image by today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Monica Loya, I thought that is exactly how I feel right now.  Trying to remain stoic while slowly shaking my head in disbelief.


“Simple, direct & feminine.” Monica Loya describing her style


Discover yourself in the work of Artist of the Day, painter Monica Loya!



CALL for ENTRIES: Games: Marbles to Minecraft

Learn more about the Marbles to Minecraft exhibit from Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Art Center! one POTATO, two POTATOES

I caught my child harvesting poisonous potatoes.  Digging up a rare, toxic tater is a good thing I’m told. They weren’t meant for us, luckily, and he didn’t dig them from our yard.  He found them in the Desert Biome on Minecraft.  If you don’t understand that last sentence, fear not, you can stick to checkers or chess for this next Call.  Play through…

Check out this Call for Entries from Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center (Solomons, MD) for Games: Marbles to Minecraft. $25 entry. I really don’t see this curatorial theme often. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Games: Marbles to Minecraft, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

CALL for ENTRIES: Games: Marbles to Minecraft from Annmarie


Learn more about the Marbles to Minecraft exhibit from Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Art Center!“From primitive dice games played with small pieces of bone or shell, to early checkers games developed in Ancient Greece, playing games has long been a means of human social interaction. In modern times, game culture has evolved into a multi-faceted, and largely commercial enterprise that includes board games, role playing, card games, and digital games, to name but a few. ” –from

ELIGIBILITY: All artists working in U.S.

MEDIA: Open to all media

DEADLINE: August 18, 2016

NOTIFICATION: August 29, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $25 for up to 4

JUROR: The exhibit will be juried by a 1-2 member panel; typically, one member of the panel is drawn from the Smithsonian Institution.

AWARDS: Annmarie will present cash awards to outstanding work from installed works. Awards are contingent upon sponsors; typically there are four awards of approx. $200 each.

SALES: Annmarie will retain a 40% commission of the listed sale price.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center!