Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Mixed Media


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or not to sushi

I used to think always equate urban settings with sushi; however, sushi can be found everywhere these days.  I know of a town with a population of approximately 450, and even their local convenience store carries sushi.  I may have to revert to the idea of street vendors or food trucks as urban food.  Or maybe truly urban food is represented not by a specific type of food so much as a large variety of options.  Hmmm.  This next call wants to know how YOU define urban.  Investigate this opportunity…

Check out this Call to Artists for Urban from the Linus Galleries (California). The exhibit offers an online listing as well as the possibility for a showing in one of their brick and mortar galleries. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Urban, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Check out the Call for Entries at the Linus Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:

The city above,
the city below,
the skyline,
the people,
the streets.

Submit art that communicates the
essence of the word urban.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists.

MEDIA: All Media including:  Photography, wall sculpture, fabric, mixed media, painting, drawing. It must be wall hung. Sizes up to 12′. Video submissions will be displayed/accepted only for the online exhibition.

DEADLINE: January 7, 2013

Learn more about the Urban show from the Linus Galleries!ENTRY FEE: $35 for 3 entries, $5 per add’l

AWARDS: Accepted entries for this online exhibit will be judged again for their collective live exhibition at one of their art galleries.  Artists will be asked if they wish to submit their artwork for the collective exhibition, which is not a requirement to being a part of the online exhibition.

SALES: 40% commission on all sales.

ABOUT LINUS GALLERIES:  Linus Galleries is based in Southern California. They are located in Pasadena and Long Beach in Los Angeles County.

For complete details, Read the Guidelines!

Learn more about  the Linus Galleries!


Click to Subscribe to by Email!CRABBY
about winter

I am dreaming of a June picnic in the park.  I want crab salad on a beautiful buttery croissant, a bright spinach salad and a large glass of lemonade.  But that will have to wait.  Any picnic in the park right now would involve mittens and down bubble coats.  This next Call could be the perfect chance for my picnicking dreams.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries for ArtPark 2013 (Columbia, MD).  There is NO ENTRY FEE, and this is one of the lowest price art festivals that I have every seen.  Maryland is beautiful in June, by the way…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTREIS: ArtPark, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about ArtPark 2013!CALL for ENTRIES:
ArtPark 2013


ArtPark is part of LakeFest, a three-day celebration of the arts at the Columbia lakefront which is free to the public and runs in conjunction with the 2013 Columbia Festival of the Arts.  Show Dates & Times for ArtPark:  Fri., June 14, 5 – 9 pm, Sat., June 15, 12 – 9 pm, & Sun., June 16, 12 – 7 pm.  Please note that all artists are required to participate Friday, Saturday, & Sunday during specified hours. No exceptions will be made.

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Categories: Ceramics, Clay, Drawing, Painting, Glass, Jewelry, Leather, Metal, Mixed Media, Photography, Digital, Textile, Wood

Learn more about ArtPark 2013!DEADLINE:  March 1, 2013

NOTIFICATION:  Artists accepted to participate will receive invitations via email by March 18, 2013.

ENTRY FEE:   NO Entry Fee – NO Commissions.  Non-Refundable $275 Show Fee upon juried acceptance into the show. ($200 if NFPA 701 Fire Code Certified tent is provided by artist.)  Additional $50 Fee if Electricity Requested.  Editor’s Note:  For those of you unfamiliar with shows like this, $275 is REALLY cheap.  Many of them are $1000+.

SALES:  All artwork must be for sale at the price range indicated on the entry form.  Upon acceptance, as required by Maryland State law, exhibitor names and addresses will be submitted to the  Maryland State Tax office.  Artists that do not have a Maryland tax number will be issued a temporary permit (at no fee).  For additional information, call Maryland State Tax Division at (410) 767-1543.

For complete details, read the Full Call!

Learn more about ArtPark 2013!

CALL for ENTRIES: Larson’s 38th Biennial

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super art

I am always on the hunt for great snack foods.  I crave a crunchy, salty snack to take with me on the go, but I try not to inhale garbage.  Well, I tripped across a fantastic one this weekend.  Baked Lentil Chips from Mediterranean Snacks.  Don’t groan; I promise it doesn’t taste like tree bark.  I had the Roasted Pepper, and I can’t wait to try the others.  This might be a cool snack for you to take on your photo shoot for this next call.  Happy Snacking!

Check out this Call for Entries from the Larson Gallery (Yakima, WA) for their 38th National Juried Biennial Photography Exhibition.  Quality Winter shows can be sparse at some years.  Here’s a great opportunity with a low entry fee per piece.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Larson’s 38th Biennial, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Larson's 38th Juried!CALL for ENTRIES:
38th National Juried Biennial
Photography Exhibition


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to artists residing in the US & its territories

MEDIA:  All forms of photography from traditional to experimental, created within the last two years

DEADLINE:  Rcv’d by Feb. 15, 2013

NOTIFICATION:  Mailed Feb. 22, 2013

ENTRY FEE:  $20 per image submission (up to 4)

JUROR: Gail Gibson has owned and operated the G. Gibson Gallery in Seattle, Washington since 1991.  The gallery exhibits national and international artists in painting, sculpture, and fine art photography.  Her current professional memberships include the Seattle Art Dealers Association and the Association of International Photography Art Dealers. Gail is also involved in the Mighty Tieton arts community in Eastern Washington.  From 1987 – 1991 she was the director of the Weston Gallery in California.

Degrees include a Bachelor of Arts in Art History & Painting from California State University, Long Beach, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography from the University of Washington.  Born and raised in Los Angeles, CA, she has been a resident of Washington state for over 30 years.

AWARDS:  Approximately $3000 in awards.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Larson Gallery in Yakima, WA!

CALL for ENTRIES: River Walk Int’l

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Did you know that the chokecherry, blueberry, raspberry, blackberry and thimbleberry (pictured left) ALL grow wild in Minnesota?  I could use some wild berries about now.  My grocery store is getting to that point in the season that only citrus fruit has any taste and you’re best to stay clear of the seemingly gold-plated (based on the price), tasteless berries.  This next Call hails from Minnesota, home of my current berry-envy.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from River Walk Artists (East Grand Forks, MN) for their 1st Annual International Juried Exhibition.  The entry fee is low, the commission rate is even lower.  And I don’t know about you, but I like involved in “firsts”.  Give it a try…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: River Walk Int’l, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from the River Walk Artists Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
1st Annual Int’l
Juried Exhibition


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA:  Painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, ceramics, sculpture, jewelry, fibers, computerbased art or mixed media

DEADLINE: Postmarked by December 21, 2012

NOTIFICATION:  January 8, 2013

ENTRY FEE:  $25 USD for up to 2 images.

JURORS:  Marie Strinden is the Executive Director of the North Valley Arts Council (NoVAC) in Grand Forks, North Dakota. NoVAC produces the Grand Cities Art Fest, the upper Midwest’s premiere juried art show, which hosts 160 artists and 40,000+ visitors every summer. NoVAC also administers support and advocacy programs for visual and performing artists, and is currently developing a collaborative arts center. Ms. Strinden holds a BFA from New York University.

Learn more from the River Walk Artists Gallery!Sue Fink is an artist, art instructor and Director of Education at The North Dakota Museum of Art. As Director of Education she instructs and coordinates all education programs at the Museum, which includes teaching, procuring artists-in-residence, writing curriculum based teacher materials for the Museum’s rural outreach program, conducting children, family and community based classes and workshops. Ms. Fink received her BFA at the Museum Art School, now known as the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon. Ms. Fink has received awards and commendations for her work including the Frida Kahlo Phenomenal Woman Award from the Multicultural Student Services Committee at the University of North Dakota.

AWARDS:  Cash awards (determined by the number of entries) will be distributed at the jurors’ discretion. Award winners will be notified by e-mail and awards will be distributed by mail not more than 30 days after the awards are announced on-line.

SALES:  River Walk Artists retains 30% commission of the sale price on all works sold or purchased.

For complete details, Download the Prospectus!

Download the Prospectus from the River Walk Artists Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Octagon Center

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To my knowledge, there are no octagon shaped foods–unless you count chocolates that come in an octagon shaped box.  However, there are definitely seven-sided foods.  Tourné potatoes were a rival to my sanity in cooking school.  Two inches long with seven perfectly rounded sides.  We weren’t allowed to blunt the ends.  They had to be perfectly pointed little oblong taters–nearly football shaped.  It still causes me physical pain to even think about them.  But they were beautiful.  Let’s stick with the octagon, though, like the one in this next Call.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Octagon Center for the Arts (Ames, IA) for the 45th Annual Clay, Fiber, Paper, Glass, Metal, Wood National Juried Exhibition.  Don’t be fooled by the name, ANY MEDIA is considered.  Don’t miss this opportunity…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Octagon Center, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from the Octagon Center for the Arts!CALL for ENTRIES:
Octagon Center


ELIGIBILITY:  Artists must be at least 18+ &  reside within the continental U.S.

MEDIA:  Any media, including photography, painting, sculpture, mixed media, jewelry, etc.

DEADLINE:  December 8, 2012

NOTIFICATION:  December 17, 2012

Learn more from the Octagon Center for the Arts!ENTRY FEE:  For up to 3 works is:  $30 for non-members or $25 for current college students and Octagon members.

JUROR:  Michael X. Ryan, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, IL. Director of Student-Run Galleries + Projects, Department of Exhibitions

AWARDS:  Best of Show: $1,000; 1st Place: $500; 2nd Place: $250; 3rd Place: $100; & (3) Honorable Mentions: $50 ea.

SALES:  The Octagon retains a 40% commission on any artwork that is sold, so price accordingly on entry form.  Artwork not for sale must be marked NFS and have a value for insurance purposes.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Octagon Center for the Arts!

CALL for ENTRIES: Mystery Build 2013

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Last year, I mentioned gingerbread house kits and got one in the mail from a reader.  The result, well, we won’t talk about it.  But, when it comes to baking, I have to depend on kits, or leave it to my husband for the scratch-made goods.  I’m not great at it.  The recipe for this Christmas Cake (left) by Delia Smith used to be available in kit form.  This will be my fruitcake substitute this year. The next Call wants you to be inspired by a kit of mystery materials. Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries for Mystery Build 2013. This year’s theme is “Re-Invent a Work of Art”.  What can be better than getting a mystery box of supplies by mail? Investigate this one…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Mystery Build 2013 anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the 2013 Mystery BuildCALL for ENTRIES:
Mystery Build 2013

Mystery Build is an art challenge developed by two artists to inspire creativity. The concept is simple. Buy a kit. Make something out of the contents of the kit. And, upload either a picture or video of your creation.

ELIGIBILITY: Contest is only open to legal residents of the U.S. and D.C. Contestants must be 18 years of age and older to receive cash prizes. Contestants under the age of 18 must have an adult who is 18 or older complete the Submission Form.

THEME: “Re-Invent a Work of Art” — You may interpret the contest’s theme any way you wish. Perhaps a re-creation of a famous painting in the form of a sculpture, or a new perspective or hidden angle on a familiar work of art. You will specify what work of art you are re-inventing on the submission form. Any work of art can be used, in any medium from painting, to film, music, architecture, photography, sculpture, culinary arts etc. The entry should not be a replica of the work but a re-interpretation, continuation, or unique version of the original artwork.

Learn more about the 2013 Mystery Build! MEDIA: You must buy a Mystery Build Kit. You may choose to use anything in the Kit and the Mystery Build tin itself, but you are not required to use all of the materials. Entrants MAY ADD paint, varnish, lacquer, food coloring, oil, water, dye, ink, and similar liquids to decorate or enhance the entry, or to manipulate the materials. Liquids may not be used for structural elements, but may only be used as a surface enhancement or as a tool. Substances which are not liquid at room temperature, such as wax, are excluded. Liquid adhesives not included in the Kit are also not permitted. Judges will have final ruling on use of liquids.

Entrants may use any tools available to them to alter the materials in the Mystery Build Kit, barring tools that add or leave behind an additional physical material, such as a stapler which leaves a metal staple, or a soldering operation which adds solder. You may make tools out of any materials you want. Tools may include molds, which also do not have to be made of materials from the Kit.

2012 6th place winner - Hugo and the Mystery Clock by Leslie StancilDEADLINE: Submissions are due by 10/20/13 at 12:59 p.m. ET.

ENTRY FEE: $36 for the kit

JUDGING PROCESS: An independent, qualified panel of judges will judge all eligible Entries received based on the criteria found here.

AWARDS: There are $15,000 in cash Prizes. Grand Prize $5,000, 2nd Place $2,000, 3rd Place $1000, 4th Place $700, 5th Place $600, 6th Place $500, 7th Place $450, and $1500The People’s Choice Award (Public Voting Winner) $1000. Check here for complete prize details.

For complete details, Read the Rules!

Learn more about the Mystery Build project!

CALL for ENTRIES: Style & Fashion

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to me

Greek yogurt is clearly the fashionable food of the year.  We prefer Stonyfield Farm Organic.  I love it, but I am really tired of the commercials.  On my last grocery trip, I saw a new brand of hummus that said “Now with Greek Yogurt.”  Really?  Putting yogurt in hummus is like putting mayo in guacamole; just say no.  This next Call is about all that is stylish and fashionable.  Don’t miss this opportunity…

Check out this Call to Artists for Style and Fashion from the Linus Galleries (California). The exhibit offers an online listing as well as the possibility for a showing in one of their brick and mortar galleries. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Style & Fashion, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Check out the Call for Entries at the Linus Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Style & Fashion

What’s your idea of style?  The subject of countless magazines, we love to see fashion and style surround us. Submit your best fashion or style art.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists.

MEDIA: Photography, wall sculpture, fabric, mixed media, painting, drawing. It must be wall hung. Sizes up to 12′.

DEADLINE: November 19, 2012

ENTRY FEE:  $35 for 3 entries,  $5 per add’l

AWARDS: Accepted entries for this online exhibit will be judged again for their collective live exhibition at one of their art galleries.  Artists will be asked if they wish to submit their artwork for the collective exhibition, which is not a requirement to being a part of the online exhibition.

SALES:  40% commission on all sales.

For complete details,  Read the Guidelines!

Learn more about  the Linus Galleries!

CALL for ENTRIES: Nat’l Juried 2012

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I believe in buying locally grown food.  I’d like to say my motivating factor is green; however, truth-be-told, it just tastes better.  Something that travels 50 miles to my table is just going to be fresher than something that travels 500 or even 5000 miles to my table.  This next Call is local FOR ME, but it is a great opportunity for some of you as well…

Check out this Call for Entries from The Arts & Culture Alliance for the National Juried Exhibition of 2012. This is a great show run by a great organization. I’ve shown here several times. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Nat’l Juried 2012, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

National Juried Exhibition 2012


"Natural Edge Vase with Occlusions" (Maple wood) by Wes LoukotaThe Arts & Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville announces a call for entries for its National Juried Exhibition of 2012. The Arts & Culture Alliance’s National Juried Exhibition was developed to provide a forum for artists to compete on a national scale and display their work. Approximately 40-50 fine art works encompassing all styles and genres from both emerging and established artists will be selected by the juror, Patrick DeGuira, for exhibition in the main gallery of the beautifully-restored Emporium Center at 100 S. Gay Street, Knoxville’s downtown arts anchor location. The Emporium is free and open to the public Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

ELIGIBILITY: All artists 18 years and older living in the US.

MEDIA: Entries must be original works completed within the last two years in the following categories: Painting (oil, watercolor, acrylic, pastel, digital, and mixed media), Graphic Arts (pencil, charcoal, pen and ink, conte, colored pencil, and printmaking), 3D (sculpture, ceramic, and fibers), and Photography.

DEADLINE: Postmarked by December 8, 2012

NOTIFICATION: Mailed January 7, 2012

"Fire on the Ground" (Mixed media) by Nathaniel GalkaENTRY FEE: $40 for up to three works. Up to 3 additional entries may be submitted for $7/ea.  Diptychs and triptychs are considered one work.  Works are juried by digital images only.  Each 2D work may be represented by one digital image, and each 3D work may be represented by up to three separate digital images: two full views and one detail view.

JUROR: Patrick DeGuira lives and works in Nashville, TN. He has exhibited his work at the Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Brooks Museum of Art, Hunter Museum of Art, Cheekwood Museum of Art, as well as numerous commercial, non-profit, University galleries, and is represented by Zeitgeist Gallery. In addition to his exhibition career, he has worked as a Museum Exhibit Designer, Educator, and Curator.

He just finished working on the Carrie Mae Weems exhibition (at the Frist in Nashville) and the exhibition the Rise and Fall of Apartheid: Photography and the Bureaucracy of Everyday Life at the International Center of Photography.

AWARDS: At least $1,000 in cash awards will be given as designated by the juror, whose decision is final.

SALES: Non-members: 45% commission (40% for cash and check sales).

For complete details, Download the Prospectus!

Download the Prospectus from the Arts and Culture Alliance!

CALL for ENTRIES: Illumination of Imagination

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coffee for none

My husband is a tea drinker, and it is my fault.  So, I don’t like the smell of brewed coffee.  (I hear the nasty emails being pecked out on keyboards across the world.)  I haven’t drank a cup of coffee in 18+ years.  I think brewed coffee smells like skunk spray.  No joke.  So for a long time, my husband used a French press because the odor was lessened.  But then the plunger on the press broke, and neither of us ordered a new one.  Now, he drinks Earl Grey every morning.  I feel a little bad. (Not really.)  Hobbits like tea, or so we are led to believe.  You figure out how that is connected to this next Call by investigating for yourself…

Check out this Call for Entries from Six Summit Gallery (Ivoryton, CT) for Illumination of Imagination! The entry fee can be as low as $10. This could be a great opportunity for you to sell art AND the juror is very well documented. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Illumination of Imagination, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Juror David T Wenzel!CALL for ENTRIES:
Illumination of Imagination


Six Summit Gallery presents “Illumination of Imagination” their 3rd Annual Holiday Art Celebration, juried by David T Wenzel.  Thousands of people descend upon their little village the first Saturday of every December. They hope you will join this special art exhibition.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists, and despite the title and the support of breast cancer awareness, the theme is wide in content.

MEDIA: Original work in oil, water color, pastel, acrylic, mixed media, collage, graphics, photography, sculpture. Photo-mechanical reproductions of original work (giclee prints) are not eligible.

DEADLINE:  Received by November 10, 2012

Learn more from the Summit Six Gallery!

NOTIFICATION:  November 14, 2012

ENTRY FEE:  First entry $10, 2 entries $15 and 3 entries $20.

JUROR:  David T. Wenzel is an illustrator and children’s book artist. He is best known for his visualization of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, illustrated in graphic novel format.  The Hobbit, Graphic Novel is one of the most successful graphic format adaptations of a piece of classic literature David has worked on Kingdom of the Dwarves, written by Robb Walsh, published by Centaur Books.

David has left his artistic mark on a variety of non-book related projects including puzzles, greeting cards, and two entire miniature kingdoms of collectible figurines.  Many may remember him from the days when he worked on The Avengers for Marvels Comics.

SALES: Gallery receives 35% on accepted sold work. 5% of sales will be reserved for charity. Artists will receive 60% of sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Six Summit Gallery!

REMINDER: Open Call in Monterey

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It is clementine season.  Every year around this time, clementines start popping up in the grocery store, and every year I muse over the fact that they seem more like summer fruit than winter.  Did you know that in California (where they were grown as early as 1904), a lot of people call them Christmas Oranges?  Who knew.  This next Call also hails from California.  Take a look!

Check out this Open Call for Proposals from the Monterey Peninsula College Art Gallery in Monterey, CA. The entry fee is extremely low, and if you’re looking for a solo show…this could be your opportunity!

*Editor’s Note: If you are reading the post REMINDER: Open Call in Monterey anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

OPEN CALL: Art Gallery in Monterey, CA

Read the Full Call from Monterey Peninsula College Art Gallery!Monterey Peninsula College Art Gallery is reviewing exhibition proposals for six exhibits in the 2012 – 2013 academic year.

Open to U.S. resident artists.

MEDIA: Open to all media.

DEADLINE: October 31, 2011

NOTIFICATION: None stated. *Editor’s Note: Most open calls take approximately 3 months to notify. Call it a lesson in patience that could end in a solo show.

ENTRY FEE: Check made payable to MPC Art Gallery Trust Fund for handling fee of $20.00 for up to 10 images.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Read the Full Call from Monterey Peninsula College Art Gallery!