Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Mixed Media

CALL for ENTRIES: Animals 2

Learn more about the Animals 2 exhibit from!eat my

I’m afraid of eating wild mushrooms.  Correction, I am afraid of improperly identifying a mushroom as edible and doing unexpected harm to my family.  So, I have been trying to decide whether or not to grow them myself.  Growing mushrooms at home always conjures images of damp, basement-like conditions.  But research indicates I can crow them on logs in dappled shade, above ground, among the living, with fewer creepy-crawlies. This next Call want to know your views, wild OR domestic, but no veggies–just animals.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Animals Wild or Domestic 2.  $20 entry & open to 2D media.  Cash prizes & great marketing tools too

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Animals 2, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Animals 2 exhibit from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Animals 2


ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: All 2D media: painting, drawing, collage, photography, digital, etc.

THEME: Animals Wild or Domestic 2 The artists should intrigue and fascinate the viewer with their vision and interpretation of the animal’s beauty, elegance, strength, speed, delicateness, size, etc. The work can reflect on creatures of the land, sea & air from domesticated pet to a ferocious wild animal.  The art can be expressed from realism to abstraction.

DEADLINE: November 30, 2015

NOTIFICATION: December 8, 2015

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $35 for 3, or $60 for 7

AWARDS: $7,500 in cash & marketing prizes. All cash prizes have doubled (e.g. 1st place $1000, 2nd Place $250, 3rd Place $125, etc) + helpful marketing.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Animals 2 exhibit from!
We are thrilled to have as a sponsor of AAAD!



CALL for SUBMISSIONS: 46 Million

Learn more about the 46 Million Turkeys project from Fireseed Arts Gallery!eat a TATER
save a TURKEY

Sweet potato casserole, and I’m done.  Turkey has never been a part of my family’s holiday traditions.  In fact we are so obsessed with sweet potato casserole with a pecan pie top, we really just eat the rest of the meal as an excuse to consume ridiculous amounts of casserole.  It serves as a side dish & dessert then late-night snack.  We until it is gone.  It takes the four of us about 2 days.  I feel the need to put on stretchy pants just thinking about it.  This next Call is a fun turkey project.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Submissions from Fireseed Arts Gallery (Framingham, MA) for 46 Million Turkeys, an all-hung project to raise awareness.  No entry fee.  It only costs a single stamp to ship.  If you are stuck in a rut, this is a great way to jump start your creativity…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for SUBMISSIONS: 46 Million, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the 46 Million Turkeys project from Fireseed Arts Gallery!CALL for SUBMISSIONS:
46 Million Turkeys

“The National Turkey Federation estimates Americans eat approximately 46 million turkeys on a single Thanksgiving holiday. Imagine 46 million animals raised, killed, and eaten for one single holiday! Well that’s just it—it’s hard to imagine such a staggering number! The  46millionturkeys project invites members of the community to help create 46 million mini turkeys portraits as a reminder that every single one of those animals was a unique individual.” –from

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA: Open to all media, but restricted to 2″x 2″.  Recycled and/or upcycled materials suggested, but not required.

DEADLINE:  Ongoing until the “46 million” goal is reached.  An exhibit is held each November.  If submissions arrive prior to 11/21/15 –included in THIS YEAR’S exhibit.  If arrives AFTER 11/21/15 –included in next year’s exhibit.


ABOUT the Gallery:  Fireseed Arts is a creative enterprise founded as an incubator for profitable, sustainable, environmental art projects and businesses. We are artists, entrepreneurs and musicians with a passion for preserving and protecting our cultural and environmental heritage.” –from

For complete details, Read the Full Guidelines!

Learn more about the 46 Million Turkeys project from Fireseed Arts Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Winter, Joy & Gatherings

Learn more about the Winter Joy and Gatherings exhibit from the Meridian Street Gallery!parties for hosting
for roasting

The season of marshmallows & peppermint looms large.  Homemade marshmallows are the BEST.  I like to cut them in rounds just large enough to fit inside my mug of hot cocoa (like a giant crouton in french onion soup, ha).  Mine are made simply with water, sugar, gelatin, salt & vanilla.  Here’s a similar recipe if you want to give it a whirl.  Your cocoa will never be the same again.  This next Call wants your joyous Winter renderings.  Enjoy the season…

Check out this Call for Entries from Meridian Street Gallery (Indianapolis, IN) for Winter, Joy & Gatherings.  Here is your opportunity to work in a truly gorgeous space & possible holiday sales!  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Winter, Joy & Gatherings, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Winter Joy and Gatherings exhibit from the Meridian Street Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Winter, Joy & Gatherings


ELIGIBILITY: Open to U.S. artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to painting, mixed media, fiber, photography, drawings, pastel, sculpture, printmaking & more

THEME:  Work of a winter & holiday theme, happiness, joy & gatherings

DEADLINE:  November 20, 2015

NOTIFICATION: November 22, 2015

ENTRY FEE: $30 for up to 5

SALES: All accepted works must be for sale during the show and must remain on exhibit for the entire duration of the show. The Gallery will retain a 30% commission from the sale of artwork.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Winter, Joy & Gathering Exhibit from Meridian Street Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Yosemite Renaissance 31

Learn more about Yosemite Renaissance 31!both

125 calories per ounce.  Hikers often aim to only pack foods that have a caloric count of at least 125 calories an ounce.  Can you imagine?  How many people do you know that eat celery because they believe it is an negative calorie food?  Priorities.  I am not an avid hiker.  Honestly, any hike that takes me more than a day is probably out of the question.  But even then I would have to pack food. I would be grateful for calorically dense food, if only because I would have less to carry, ha.  This next Call hails from the ultimate hiking mecca.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Yosemite Renaissance 31, an all media exhibit with a $15 entry & 25% commission.  If your work is chosen, it might become part of a traveling exhibit.  You only have a couple of weeks left to enter…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Yosemite Renaissance 31, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Yosemite Renaissance 31!CALL for ENTRIES:
Yosemite Renaissance 31


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all media including the following: painting, photography/digital & other media including drawings, pastels, printmaking, textiles & all 3-D works.

DEADLINE:  November 15, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  Late December

ENTRY FEE:  $15 per entry (up to 8)

JUROR:  The Board of Directors of Yosemite Renaissance (consisting of artists, curators and administrators) will make the initial selection of works for the exhibition. Cash award-winners will be selected by independent judges to be announced.

SALES: A 25% commission will be retained on all sales. *Yosemite Renaissance is a non-profit organization for the arts of Yosemite, supported, in part, by funds & services from the Mariposa County Board of Supervisors, Delaware North Companies Parks & Resorts and the National Park Service.

AWARDS:  Up to 2 images may be chosen from an artist.  Cash awards will be distributed at the discretion of the judges.  Purchase awards may be given as well.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about Yosemite Renaissance 31!

CALL for ENTRIES: 2016 Nat’l Juried

Every last member of my family is a mustard fiend.  There are rarely ever appearances of plain yellow mustard in my house.  Dijon is the mustard of choice for the majority of the family.  And while I have a soft spot for homemade, hot Chinese mustard, I rarely indulge (too lazy to make it).  Brown mustard gets an occasional at bat around here on a whim, but Dijon is our comfort zone, our fall back, our home base if you will.  This next gallery is a little like home base for me.  Please don’t miss this opportunity…

Check out this Call for Entries from The Arts & Culture Alliance for the Nat’l Juried Exhibition of 2016. This is a great arts organization. I have shown work here.  I have juried a show here.  I teach here.  I would love to see your contribution at this opening. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: 2016 Nat’l Juried, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the 2016 National Juried Exhibition from the Arts and Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville!CALL for ENTRIES:
Nat’l Juried Exhibition 2016


ELIGIBILITY: Artists 18+ living in the US

MEDIA: 2-D (painting, drawing, mixed media, printmaking, photography) & 3-D (sculpture of all media).

DEADLINE: December 6, 2015

NOTIFICATION: January 4, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $40 for up to 3, $7 ea. add’l. Members discounted.

JUROR:   Samantha Andrews is an art educator and east Tennessee native who believes in the power of art to change lives. Working closely with the ever-expanding artist community in Nashville, TN, Andrews creates opportunities & resources for people to see their world in new ways through art.  She is currently Assistant Director of Experiential Learning at the Frist Center for the Visual Arts and is a two-time Emmy® Award winner for the television series ArtQuest: Art is All Around You.

AWARDS: $500 Best in Show, (2) $250 Juror’s Citations & an award for best 2ork by a member

SALES: 25% commission (20% for check/cash)

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Download the Prospectus from the Arts and Culture Alliance!


CALL for ENTRIES: $1000 Grant / Purchase Award

Learn more from!sweet

My grocery bill is absurd.  I’m not having dinners of foie gras & truffles.  In fact, most of our meals are vegetable laden.  I try to stop by the farmers market at my local apple orchard.  This week, it was $25 for apples, onions, 4 sweet potatoes, 3 bell peppers & 2 eggplant.  As you might imagine, I then proceeded to spend a fortune at the grocery store to supplement my farmers market finds.  I have a family of only three people + my four-legged child.  I buy in-season, cost-conscious items.  I consider myself a master food shopper, and I can barely hang on to a healthy menu.  How are people without access to locally-grown produce options supposed to avoid eating processed food?  The economics of hunger are devastating.  This next Call is an excellent use of YOUR $25.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from for the $1000 Working Artist Grant/Art Purchase Award.  This may very well be the simplest process for the biggest possible return.  $25 Entry.  Don’t miss this one…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Telling Stories, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from!CALL for ENTRIES:
$1000 Grant / Purchase Award


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:   Open to all media including traditional visual arts, painting, sculpture, mixed media, photography, video, new media & performance (no dance at this time).

DEADLINE:  October 31, 2015

ENTRY FEE:  There is an application review fee of $25 for up to 5.

AWARDS:  If selected as the winner, the award recipient must exchange one of their original works or smaller series of original works for inclusion into a collection, in return for the award.  Work considered by the artist as of equal value, and available for acquisition can be negotiated upon receipt of the award. Shipping costs will be paid by

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!

CALL for ENTRIES: Mind, Spirit & Emotion II

Learn more about Mind, Spirit and Emotion II from!ohm

Cheese is a spiritual experience for me.  I declare my irrational love of goat cheese often.  But, an unexpected run in with some Manchego took me on an emotional roller-coaster this week.  Trust me–sheep’s milk cheese.  This Call wants work that has captured your mind, spirit & emotion.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Mind, Spirit & Emotion II. $20 entry & open to 2D media. Cash prizes & great marketing tools too

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Mind, Spirit & Emotion II, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Mind, Spirit and Emotion II from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Mind, Spirit & Emotion II


ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: All 2D media: painting, drawing, collage, photography, digital, etc.

THEME: “Mind, Spirit & Emotion II” – The artists/photographers visual narrative of their work should reveal their mind, spirit and emotion in the artwork.  The work should express the subject through the artist’s emotions, whether it is bold energy, subtle expression, mystery deepened or revealed, inner beauty, or a unique vision.  The art can be expressed from realism to abstraction.

DEADLINE: October 26, 2015

NOTIFICATION: November 4, 2015

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $35 for 3, or $60 for 7

AWARDS: $7,500 in cash & marketing prizes. All cash prizes have doubled (e.g. 1st place $1000, 2nd Place $250, 3rd Place $125, etc) + helpful marketing.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!
We are thrilled to have as a sponsor of AAAD!


CALL for ENTRIES: Dogwood Arts 2016

Learn more about the 2016 Dogwood Arts Regional Fine Art Exhibition!
photo credit:


Did you know there is an edible form of the dogwood? Cornus Mas, aka Cornelius Cherry Dogwood, produces small ruby red or yellow fruit that makes great jam.  The fruit is a common Iranian snack when salted, and I’ve even heard rumors that a few home brewers have been make wine from the fruit.  I’m thinking that finding the jam might be the easiest start.  In the meantime, let’s celebrate the non-edible dogwood by making art for this next Call.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Dogwood Arts (Knoxville, TN) for 2016 Dogwood Regional Fine Arts Exhibition a regional Call for artists inside a 500 mile radius from Knoxville, TN.  Don’t worry, there is a link below to help you figure out if you qualify. This is a fantastic Call

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Dogwood Arts 2016, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.
Click on The Haunt by Dustin Farnsworth to Learn more about the 2016 Dogwood Arts Regional Art Exhibition!
“The Haunt” by Dustin Farnsworth

Dogwood Arts 2016


ELIGIBILITY: Open to artists 18+ residing within a 500 mile radius of Knoxville, TN (as the crow flies–a straight line). Here’s a link to help you find out if you’re inside the radius. *We don’t often publish regional calls. This is a rare exception.   I have a soft spot because it is so close to home.

MEDIA: 2-D painting, drawing, mixed media, printmaking & photography; 3-D sculpture of all media (may submit 2 images) & site-specific installation.  *4-D art (e.g. video, performance & time-based) is ineligible.

DEADLINE: January 22, 2016

NOTIFICATION: February 12, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 3 (through Jan 15) & $45 for up to 3 (Jan 16 – Jan 22)

JUROR: Nandini Makrandi is Chief Curator & Curator of Contemporary Art at the Hunter Museum of American Art. She has been with the Hunter since 2004 and has originated over 30 original exhibitions in that time, including three nationally touring exhibition projects. Previously, Makrandi taught art history at the UT, Chattanooga and served as a curator at the Knoxville Museum of Art.  Makrandi has a M.A. from Texas Tech & a B.A. from Mercer in GA, and participates regularly in the region as a juror, guest curator & speaker.

AWARDS: Cash awards totaling $4,000 will be presented at the exhibit’s Opening Reception –Best in Show, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, 2 Merit awards & an award from Fast Frame. All accepted artists are encouraged to attend the Awards Reception at The Emporium Center.

SALES: Dogwood retains a 40% commission on all sales. Please price your work accordingly.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Dogwood Arts!


CALL for ENTRIES: 12×12

Learn more about the 12x12 exhibit from MTSUs Todd Art Gallery!PEPPER
not ground

My chicken stock has been a little off lately.  I make chicken stock at least once a week, and I thought I was doing everything the same, but all the dishes I make with stock of been a little off as well.  The chicken soup & casseroles & pasta dishes were all missing something.  Peppercorns.  I ran out of peppercorns and used fresh ground pepper in their place.  It amazes me that such a small thing can make such a big difference.  This next show wants your small things to make a big difference in their next exhibit.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from MTSU’s Todd Art Gallery (Murfreesboro, TN) for the 12×12 show, a national small works. There is a discount for early entries, so don’t delay…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: 12×12, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the 12x12 exhibit from the Todd Art Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES: 12×12


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to artists 18+

MEDIA:  Open to works that do not exceed 12”x12”x12”.  There are no media restrictions.

DEADLINE:  December 4, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  December 15, 2015

ENTRY FEE: $30 for up to 3 (through Nov. 16, 2014) or $40 for up to 3 (Nov. 17-Dec. 4)

JUROR:  A native of the South Bronx, Dr. Leslie King-Hammond was educated in the New York City public education system. After attending City University of New York and Johns Hopkins University she began teaching art history at Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA). Later appointed Dean of Graduate Studies she retired in 2008 as Graduate Dean Emerita.  During her storied career King-Hammond has served as the Founding Director of the new Center for Race and Culture at MICA, received a number of Mellon Grants, and a Trustee Award for Excellence in Teaching.
Check out the 12x12x12 Call for Entries at the Todd Gallery!Other honors include the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History & Culture’s Chairperson of the Board and Chairperson of the Collections and Exhibits Committee; appointment to the Board of the Creative Alliance for the Artists, Baltimore, MD.; and project director for Ford/Phillip Morris Fellowships for Artists of Color at MICA (including Yale School of Art, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Cranbrook Academy of Art, and California Institute of the Arts).

AWARDS:  MTSU Arts Award $1,000, Dean’s Award $500, Department of Art Award $200, Award of Excellence $100, Up to 3 Awards of Merit $50 each.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the 12x12 exhibit from the Todd Art Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: The Dark Slide

Learn more about The Dark Slide Art Show from Dubuque Arts Collective!demon

The dark decent into junk food debauchery starts with the potato chip.  With the chip comes the dip.  With the dip, how far behind can the fries be?  What are fries without sriracha mayo and mounds of warm cheese.  It all starts with the chip.  This next Call is a far more productive way to make a dark slide.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Dubuque Area Arts Collective (Dubuque, IA) & Mind Flip Productions for the 3rd Annual Dark Slide Skate Art Show! No entry fee & fast notification. This could be interesting…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: The Dark Slide, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about The Dark Slide Art Show from Dubuque Arts Collective!CALL for ENTRIES:
The Dark Slide

“Regional, national, and international artists will present their artistic creations, rendered on skateboard decks. Functioning as a canvas for street art for decades, the Skate Art Show highlights the art of the skateboard deck and skateboarding culture.” –from

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Open to all media that can be represented on the deck of a skateboard*.  T-shirt & poster designs are also sought.  *If you do not have access to a skateboard deck, one may be provided for you.

PARTICIPATION DEADLINE:   October 18, 2015.  If interested in participating, you must email by the deadline.

SHOW DATES:  November 28, 2015 – January 31, 2016


SALES: T-shirts, prints and decks will be for sale during the exhibit. Work not sold during exhibit will be for sale online for a year through Dark Slide online stores. Proceeds (after expenses) will be split between artists, art gallery & Dubuque’s new skate park.  Email for details.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Dubuque Area Arts Collective!