Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Mixed Media

CALL for ENTRIES: Dogwood Regional 2017

Learn more about the 2017 Regional Exhibit from Dogwood Arts!half BAKED

We all develop super powers as we age.   You know, that one thing you do so well that it seems slightly unreal.  My husband’s super power is baking.  Lucky me.  I try to resist, but sometimes you just can’t walk away when it is that good.  That’s how I feel about the next Call. If you qualify, don’t miss this chance.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Dogwood Arts (Knoxville, TN) for 2017 Dogwood Regional Fine Arts Exhibition— a regional Call for artists inside a 500 mile radius from Knoxville, TN.  We rarely publish regional calls, but this one is too fantastic to pass up.  Don’t worry, there is a link below to help you figure out if you qualify. Submit today

Learn more about the 2017 Regional Exhibit from Dogwood Arts!CALL for ENTRIES:
Dogwood Arts 2017


ELIGIBILITY: Open to artists 18+ residing within a 500 mile radius of Knoxville, TN (as the crow flies–a straight line). This will help calculate if you’re inside the radius

MEDIA: 2-D painting, drawing, mixed media, printmaking & photography; 3-D sculpture of all media & installation.

DEADLINE: March 3, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  March 31, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 3

JUROR: Leslie Noell is an artist, designer, and educator who currently works at Penland School of Crafts as director of programs. She earned a degree in graphic design from NC State University College of Design and an MFA in artisanry from the University of Massachusetts. Leslie studied at the Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design in Prague & spent 2 years as a core fellowship student at Penland School of Crafts.  Her work has been shown throughout the U.S.

AWARDS: Cash awards totaling $3,500 will be presented at the exhibit’s Opening Reception –Best in Show, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, 3 Merit awards & an award from Fast Frame.

SALES: Dogwood retains a 40% commission on all sales. Please price your work accordingly.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Dogwood Arts!


ARTIST of the DAY: Brian Somerville

"Shell-Shocked" & detail (ceramic, mixed media) by Brian Somerville
“Shell-Shocked” & detail (ceramic, mixed media) by Brian Somerville

“I sculpt beasts that tell stories. Brian Somerville

French philosopher Albert Camus once said, “A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world.”  But, I’ve always believed that we create the majority of beasts of this world from our anxiety and worry and imagination.  The beasts of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Brian Somerville, guide us through fear with a little humor. 

Explore the beast within in the work of
AAAD Artist of the Day, sculptor Brian Somerville!

CALL for ENTRIES: Seeing Blue

Learn more about the Seeing Blue exhibit from!unpopped CORN

Sleep is not my friend.  As a lifelong insomniac, and I have tried EVERY remedy –prescription, herbal, oils, sounds, aroma.  Lack of sleep promotes depression. For me, depression often takes the form of extended weeks or months of “the blues” marked by an remarkable lethargy and a sort of emotional paralysis.  It is more common in winter, so I am actively combating insomnia every February.  This year, I am having moderate success by not snacking late at night (my apologies to the massive hit sustained by the popcorn industry) & getting half an hour of moderate exercise each morning.  Creativity is the ultimate therapy & this next Call is a great chance to work out some pent up “blues”.  Investigate….

Check out this Call for Entries from and G25N for Seeing Blue. Open to still media, including digital. This opportunity could help drive traffic to your site from multiple back-links. Take a look

Learn more about the Seeing Blue exhibit from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Seeing Blue from & G25N

“The deeper the blue becomes, the more strongly it calls man towards the infinite, awakening in him a desire for the pure and, finally, for the supernatural…” — Kandinsky

ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: Open to all still media: painting, drawing, collage, photography, digital, etc.

THEME: BLUE. “The art created of any subject that is enhanced by the use of the color blue, whether it is a single dot of blue or a completely blue image. The color blue should enhance the narrative of the works subject as Blue can imply many emotions, symbolism or feelings, from blue marble to Blues music. Blue can express the future, good feelings, happiness, prosperity, ocean or sky, and we can feel blue, etc. “

DEADLINE:  February 27, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  March 14, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $25 for 3, $5 each add’l

AWARDS:  Up to twenty artists will be selected for a group exhibit, “Seeing Blue” at G25N’s online gallery opening on March 24, 2017.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!

We are happy to have as a sponsor of AAAD.



CALL for ENTRIES: April 2017 Issue

Learn more about the April 2017 Issue of ArtMaze Mag! early EATS

I struggle with breakfast. Starting my morning with the proper fuel sets the tone for my day, but I struggle nonetheless.  My art year is not that different from my work day –both go better with a little preparation.  This concept of preparation is why I have been pushing art publication for the past couple of weeks.  This is the time of year to drive traffic to your website in preparation for the full swing of the exhibit season.  I understand that some of you like online opportunities and some of you prefer print.  This next Call offers both options, plus international distribution.  Get prepared…

Check out this Call for Entries from ArtMaze Mag for the April 2017 Issue.  This is a great juror and a plush print. Enter for as little as $25USD.  Take a look…

Learn more about the April 2017 Issue of ArtMaze Mag!CALL for ENTRIES:
April 2017 Issue
from ArtMaze Mag


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all media

DEADLINE:  February 25, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  By March 15, 2017

ENTRY FEE: £20-30 for 3 to 5 images (approx $25-38 USD)

JUROR:  Work chosen by jurors from the Beers London gallery.

AWARDS:  Artists selected by the guest curator will receive a 1-page or 2-page spread including a brief bio, website, and 2-3 images in print and digital formats. All published artists will receive a digital copy of the magazine and will be promoted on our website/social media.

DISTRIBUTION: ArtMaze Magazine is an independent international publication which will be distributed both nationally and internationally in stores and via the online store.  ArtMaze Mag will be available in New York (McNally Jackson Books), London (White Cube Gallery and Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery) and throughout the UK in select stores such as Magalleria (Bath), Magazine Brighton (UK) and others. Print and digital copies will also be available at

For complete details, Read Full Call!

Learn more from Art Maze Magazine!


CALL for ENTRIES: 2017 Academy Nat’l

Learn more about the 2017 National Juried from the Academy Center of the Arts! comforTABLE

Winter is the season of indulgent foods.  Comfort foods have changed for me over the years, but they still tend to be slow-cooked, hearty fare. My favorite indulgences are french onion soup with fresh parmigiana, Swiss steak over pureed potatoes, masala laden with cauliflower & chickpeas or black-bean chili with a squeeze of lime.  And don’t forget the gulab jamun.  Luckily winter comes but once a year –much like this next Call.  Indulge…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Academy Center of the Arts (Lynchburg, VA) for the 2017 National Juried Art Exhibit.  This is a great arts organization, and I think you’ll appreciate all they have to offer.  Take a look…

Learn more about the 2017 National Juried from the Academy Center of the Arts!CALL for ENTRIES:
2017 Nat’l Juried
from Academy Center of the Arts


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists, 18+ residing in U.S.

MEDIA:  Open to many media, including: painting, sculpture, drawing, printmaking, fiber, glass, ceramics, wood, metal & mixed media. No photography accepted. 

DEADLINE: February 24, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  March 10, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 3

JUROR:  Lauren Rice received her MFA in Painting and Drawing from American University in Washington, DC and her BA in Studio Art from Knox College in Galesburg, IL.  She has had numerous national solo exhibitions, select group exhibitions & has been a fellow at The Kala Art Institute in Berkeley, CA & an artist-in-residence at The Luminary in St. Louis, MO. Her recent work was published in New American Paintings, edition 118.  Rice is currently an Asst. Professor of Art at Longwood University in Farmville.

AWARDS: Cash awards given at the discretion of the juror.  Best of Show $1000

SALES: The Academy Center of the Arts retains 35% commission

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Academy Center of the Arts!

ARTIST of the DAY: Liz Ruest

"Coordinated Drift" (digital collage, 61 layers) by Liz Ruest
“Coordinated Drift” (digital collage, 61 layers) by Liz Ruest

“In the desire to find the new, do we also mourn the old,
the left-behind places?”
Liz Ruest


For years I have been trying to find the balance between the whirlwind of excitement that comes with every new milestone in my job with the desire to be still and quiet and ponder.  For me it is the balance between ‘busy’ and ‘creative’.  As grateful as I am to have the opportunity to work a non-traditional job as a performing artist, I miss the creative freedom to produce all of the visual work that consumes my quieter hours.  Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Liz Ruest, captures that struggle for me.  Can we move forward while looking backward?


Find your own narrative in the digital collage work of AAAD Artist of the Day Liz Ruest!



CALL for ENTRIES: Chromatic

Learn more about the Chromatic Exhibit from Norwalk Parking Authority!asphalt APPETITE

I ate a lot of parking lot food this week.  I have been on the road the entire year so far, and it snowed every single day of my travels.  The roads were mostly clear, but the parking lots were a different story.  So, if the grocery was clearer than the diner, they made my lunch choice takeout salad bars over greasy-spoon burgers.  If the hotel’s lot hadn’t been plowed yet, it was microwaveable oatmeal instead of the local waffle purveyor.  Parking lot food, like parking lot art, can do an artist/body good.  This next Call from a parking authority is a perfect example. Great call…

Check out this Call for Entries from Norwalk’s Parking Authority (Norwalk, CT) for Chromatic Exhibit at Maritime Gallery at the Maritime Garage.  Art, everywhere…

Learn more about the Chromatic Exhibit from Norwalk Parking Authority!CALL for ENTRIES:
fm Norwalk’s
Parking Authority


“Vigorous tones paired with visions of grandeur describes the impetus behind ‘Chromatic’. The crossing of senses is a mysterious phenomenon in which its experience is as personal as it is outcome. Show us how music appears to you either through your own personal inspiration or through this link provided by jazz musician Jim Clark.” –

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA:  Open to wall-hung media less than 48″W & less than 84″H

DEADLINE: January 27, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 5

JURORS Jeanine Esposito & Frederic Chiu of Beechwood Arts

SALES:  Norwalk Parking Authority retains 30% commission.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Norwalk Parking Authority!


CALL for ENTRIES: Women in Art

Learn about the Women in Art exhibit from Las Laguna Gallery!
of green

The women in my family have a grudge against the snap of a fresh green vegetable.  My mother has canned green beans for her sisters for the last half-dozen years.  Her process for canning requires a certain amount of cooking plus heat-sealing the jars which compromises the texture.  But, that isn’t where the grudge match ends; my aunts cook canned green beans for hours in addition.  What did green beans ever do to the women in my family?  While I contemplate those answers, here’s a Call that wants to see more work by women.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Las Laguna Gallery (Laguna Beach, CA) for Women in Art, an exhibit of creativity by women. Don’t miss this opportunity…

Women in Art
from Las Laguna Gallery


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all women artists

MEDIA: Open to many media, including acrylic, airbrush, assemblage, charcoal, color pencil, collage, digital art, drawings, encaustic, fiber art, graphite, illustration, mixed media, new media, oil, painting, pastel, photography & watercolor.

THEME:  None “This exhibition is dedicated to the spirit and creativity of all women artists, past and present.” — from

DEADLINE:  February 1, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  February 11, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $35 for 1, $2 ea. add’l

SALES: The gallery will retain 25% commission on all sales

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Las Laguna Gallery!


ARTIST of the DAY: Carrie Mae Smith

"DuPont Circle Quilt" by Carrie Mae Smith
“DuPont Circle Quilt” by Carrie Mae Smith

“I am interested in re-materializing the sort of objects that history leaves out, utilitarian objects
too common to be recorded or preserved. Historic objects and structures that signify or embody
the evidence of marginalized people who once occupied them.  In this way I engage with concerns
of class, gender and domesticity, through analyzing both forms and their position in society.”
Carrie Mae Smith


So, I opted out of holiday celebrations this year.  I am not feeling particularly Grinch-y; however, it has been a sobering year, and I didn’t feel compelled to fake it.  As a result, I am wading through the unnecessary “cheer ups” & the non-stop recipes for snowflake-shaped confections. I think that it is that very sense of introspection about domesticity and gender that drew me to Carrie Mae Smith, today’s AAAD Artist of the Day.


Discover the value of the discarded & dismissed through
the work of
AAAD Artist of the Day Carrie Mae Smith!



ARTIST of the DAY: Cyrus Kabiru

"American Darts" by Cyrus Kabiru
“American Darts” by Cyrus Kabiru

“My work has everything to do with my dad. First the glasses. Now the bicycle. He raised me well and showed me the future. He wasn’t the kind of parent to give you things. Beyond food, clothes and shelter, the next step was you.” — Cyrus Kabiru


As the new year creeps closer, I find myself searching for a new frame of mind, a new perspective, a new framework, a new set of eyes, if you will, with which to navigate the world.  Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Cyrus Kabiru, offers us a reminder that we choose how we frame our future –crafting something new from pieces of our past, new, used or discarded.


Find a new perspective in the work of AAAD Artist of the Day Cyrus Kabiru!

