Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Drawing

CALL for ENTRIES: Sanctuary


Learn more about the Sanctuary exhibit from Gallery 263 in Cambridge, MA!now i’m COOKING

My kitchen is sacred; all of them have been.  Studio space is sacred, all of them are.  I have had them in every size, and every quality –both kitchens & studios.  Now, my studio is attached to my kitchen, separated by a counter in my tiny new apartment.  I cannot create art outside of the view of my stove, nor create food outside of the view paint tubes & Mason jars of brushes.  It has been the most productive of marriages, compact, comfortable, safe.  This Call wants to know more about YOUR sacred space.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Gallery 263 (Cambridge, MA) for the Sanctuary. $25 entry & all media considered. Investigate this space…

Learn more about the Sanctuary exhibit from Gallery 263 in Cambridge, MA!CALL for ENTRIES:
from Gallery 263

Sanctuary is a place, a feeling, where harmony, beauty, and stillness are shielded and allowed to flourish. A sanctuary can lift us up and make us feel big.  Or, it can shrink us down and show us humility in the face of infinity. We find sanctuary in the presence of awesomeness. It posts up in supportive communities and makes itself known when the impossible becomes reality.” –from

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all U.S. artists

MEDIA: All media will be considered

THEME: Sanctuary. Work that explores, depicts, criticizes, or creates safe havens & sacred spaces.

DEADLINE:  December 3, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  December 22, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $25 for up to 3, $40 for 4-6.

JUROR:  Maria Molteni is a multimedia & performing artist, educator & organizer. Her practice sprung from formalist roots, and has grown to incorporate research, social engagement & trans-disciplinary experimentation. From fiber to found-object sculpture, textile to movement, performance to publication, she employs processes per their ability to manifest elaborate conceptual orchestration and formal satisfaction. Her works introduce original or absurdist processes as applied aesthetic solutions & launched the international collective New Craft Artists in Action.

SALES: All proceeds from art sales go to the artist. Gallery 263 acts as the liaison between the artist & any parties interested in purchasing artwork. However, they do suggest a 30% donation to the gallery from any sales made.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Sanctuary exhibit from Gallery 263 in Cambridge MA!

CALL for ENTRIES: 12th National

Learn more about the 12th National Juried from the Arts and Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville!

comfort FOOD

We are approaching the one-year anniversary of the East Tennessee wildfires.  When I posted this Call last year, I lamented my emotional-eating reaction to those wildfires –baked goods.  But, a year later finds me back to a full-time studio practice, 40 lbs lighter & feeding my wildfire PTSD with more vegetables & fewer baked goods.  It’s a better place for me.  How about you?  Where were you a year ago? This next Call feels good & is also a great way to end your year.  Cash prizes too…

Check out this Call for Entries from Knox Arts & Culture Alliance for the 12th Nat’l Juried Exhibition. I have shown here.  I have juried here.  I teach here.  I would love to see your contribution here. Take a look…

Learn more about the 12th National Juried from the Arts and Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville!CALL for ENTRIES:
12th Nat’l Juried Exhibition
from Knox Arts & Culture Alliance


ELIGIBILITY: Artists 18+ living in the US

MEDIA: 2-D (painting, drawing, mixed media, printmaking, photography) & 3-D (sculpture of all media).

DEADLINE: December 10, 2017

NOTIFICATION: January 9, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $40 for up to 3, $7 ea. add’l. Members $25/$5.

JUROR:   During a two-year residence in Japan, Jeffrey Morton was drawn to Japanese art and culture, and it influences his work to this day. He exhibits his work regionally & nationally, including the Delaware Center for Contemporary Art, Wilmington, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, the Harrison Center for the Arts (Indianapolis) & the Hunter Museum (Chattanooga). Educated at Yale University & Temple University, Tyler School of Art (PA), Morton is a professor of art at Covenant College (GA).

AWARDS: $500 Best in Show, (2) $250 Juror’s Citations & an award for best work by a member, at least $1000 in cash awards.

SALES: 25% commission (20% for check/cash)

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Download the Prospectus from the Arts and Culture Alliance!


Learn more about Raw The Exhibition from IU Kokomo Art Gallery!

raw FOOD

In a world where so many people are vegetarian or vegan, steak tartar was once the most controversial food conversations one could have.  Now we have so many more choices of things with which to disagree.  If we just stick to raw foods, there are still subgroups like fruitarians, juicearians, or sproutarians which cause heads to metaphorically explode.  The bottom line is that people have the right to determine what goes into their bodies, and what we choose to eat says something about who we are.  We are what we eat, right?  This next Call wants to know the raw truth about you through your work.  This one is personal…

Check out this Call for Entries from IU Kokomo Art Gallery (Kokomo, IN) for Raw: The Exhibition.  There is no entry fee, the media is wide open & the commission rate is low.  If you’re willing to let it hang out, this could be a great opportunity…

Learn more about Raw: The Exhibition from IU Kokomo Art Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Raw: The Exhibition from
IU Kokomo Art Gallery

“Raw” calls for any work which begs the question what is public vs. what is private, work that is auto-biographical in nature, work which functions as confessional, revelatory, cathartic. We are seeking a divulgence, unbosoming, or unburdening; that which you have always wanted to say, to share, to let go.” — IU Kokomo Art Gallery

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all fine art media are accepted including: painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramic, glass, printmaking, photography, collage, pastel, video & mixed media.

DEADLINE:  December 1, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  December 15, 2017

ENTRY FEE: No entry fee

CURATOR:  Mary Ade, 2018 IU Kokomo Art Gallery intern

SALES:  Sales are encouraged. The gallery will retain 30% commission on all sales, giving the artist 70%.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from IU Kokomo Art Gallery!


CALL for ENTRIES: Red 2017

Learn more about the Red 2017 exhibit from G25N!

so close I can TASTE IT

Every year as December approaches, I get excited about the bounty of in-season clementines just around the corner.  And in all my excitement, I completely forget about the pomegranates.  It is almost a gift because I can’t miss what I don’t remember.  This next Call is excited about all things red, including pomegranates, but you won’t want to forget this one.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Red 2017. $25 entry & no shipping.  The theme is open to broad interpretation, and one artist now receives a $500 grant.  Take a look…

Learn more about the Red 2017 exhibit from G25N!CALL for ENTRIES:
Red 2017

ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+ (int’l)

MEDIA:   Open to still media, including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, digital art, printmaking, fiber art, collage, etc.

THEME: Red “Colors often symbolize a variety of emotions, an artist’s truth, perhaps wild fantasies—from war, power, heat, love, sexuality, anger, and joy to ‘soft’ idealisms—these are but a few examples. Red, in particular here, can be used to draw the viewer closer emotionally in a way which enhances their reaction to the art. It may define intuitively an intended focal point that carries the viewer more deeply into the artist’s message.” –

DEADLINE: November 13, 2017

NOTIFICATION: November 27, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $25 for up to 3, $5 ea. add’l

AWARDS:  20 artists will be selected for an online group exhibit, “RED 2017” at Gallery25N; the exhibit and artists will be extensively marketed worldwide to over 26,000 people including art buyers, gallery owners, curators, collectors, etc.  One artist will be selected to receive the “Christopher E. Burke Fine Art Grant of $500. That artist’s work will become the image of the exhibition and will be used on the invitation, video title screen and on all online marketing.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!



CALL for APPLICATIONS: Paris Residency

Learn more abotut the Georgia Fee Artist Residency in Paris!
POMME de terre

While most of the U.S. is pumpkin spice obsessed this Fall, I am looking forward to potatoes.  Yes, I can get potatoes year ’round, but most of my favorite potato dishes are French-inspired, winter comfort food.  Raclette is a firm cheese made from cow’s milk, meant to melted and served over potatoes. Gratin dauphinois is a glorious combination of potatoes, cream & garlic reminiscent of scalloped potatoes.   How about hachis parmentier, consisting mashed potatoes & ground beef, layered with cheese?  The only thing better than these winter foods would be eating them in Paris.  This next Call could give you just that opportunity.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Applications from ArtSlant for the Georgia Fee Artist | Writer Residency.  There is no entry fee for this two-month residency in Paris –including travel & a monthly stipend.  There is a Paris-specific component & only about a week until the deadline, so don’t delay getting to work on this application…

Learn more abotut the Georgia Fee Artist Residency in Paris!CALL for APPLICATIONS:
Georgia Fee Residency
from ArtSlant

“The Residency selects artists and writers who critically engage with the city of Paris, its history and its potential. It provides an opportunity for awardees to explore the cultural landscape of Paris; to deepen their practice through experimentation & research; and to increase exposure of their work to an international audience.” –

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 24+

MEDIA: Open to all media

DEADLINE:  October 31, 2017, midnight GMT

ENTRY FEE: None. Must have at least a free profile on ArtSlant.

JUROR:  There are four judges who select the resident. Judges are traditionally experienced professionals in the art and/or education community in Paris or other major cities.

AWARDS:  The Georgia Fee Artist | Writer Residency in Paris provides the recipient with lodging for 2 months in an apartment/studio in the 15th arrondissement, travel to and from Paris, and a $1000/month stipend. Residents are expected to secure their own travel documents & visas. Requirements depend on country of origin.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more abotut the Georgia Fee Artist Writer Residency!

CALL for ENTRIES: Embracing our Differences

Learn more about Embracing our Differences 2018!i always need TACOS

I eat SO MANY tacos.  Because I travel so often, I find picking a good restaurant, be it counter service or table, has odds not unlike roulette (37 to 1).  But I have consistently had great tacos, nearly everywhere.  I rarely meet anyone that doesn’t like a good taco.  They are like the great joiners of people.  Aside from being bad eating-while-driving food (due to the mess), I can eat a taco almost anywhere with almost anyone.  Differences seem to disappear.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the answer to embracing our differences was a simple as the ordering from the local taco truck?  It isn’t, but until we find a solution and do the work, this next Call wants your ideas about coexistence.  Take a look…

Check out the Call for Entries for the Annual Embracing our Differences Exhibit in Sarasota, FL. Your work on a billboard, no entry fee & $3000 in awards. Plus, this is a great way to try on public art for size. Don’t miss this opportunity…

Learn more about Embracing our Differences 2018!

Embracing our Differences

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: 2 Dimensional work (photography, digital, collage, drawing, painting, etc.)

DEADLINE: January 9, 2018

NOTIFICATION: Announced online at their website by mid-March, 2018


AWARDS: A total of $3,000 USD will be presented in the form of three separate awards – $1,000 each for “Best-in-Show Adult;” “Best-in-Show Student;” and the “People’s Choice.”

JURY PROCESS: Both “Best-in-Show” awards will be granted by a three-judge panel of art professionals. The “People’s Choice” award will be determined by visitors to the exhibits.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about Embracing our Differences!


ARTIST of the DAY: Terri Lloyd

"Aquarius: Eccentric Altruism" and "Aquarius: Aloof Rebellion" by Terri Lloyd
“Aquarius: Eccentric Altruism” and “Aquarius: Aloof Rebellion” by Terri Lloyd

“I don’t put a lot of stock into such things personally…”
Terri Lloyd

I’m a Gemini.  My husband is a Virgo, and my son is Leo.  My mother is an Aquarius while my father is a Capricorn, like his mother Emma.  My great aunt Magdalene was a Cancer. She read our horoscopes to us at the breakfast table just after riotously laughing at the B.C. comic strip — the comic & predictive located on the same page.  I could always find myself in the predictions for every sign.  It was either childhood narcissism or an early indicator an eventual empathetic nature.  Regardless, I never put much faith in the accuracy of astrological signs, but I know many, many people try very hard to fulfill expectations that make us appear inculpable in our own journey.  

Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day Terri Lloyd, has completed a series, As Above, So Below that revolves around the signs of the zodiac.  The third sentence of the press release began, “I’d don’t put a lot of stock in such things personally”.  It seems perfectly in line with that dark wit & humor for which her work is known.  I love this series so much.  I appreciate that she incorporates mudras as a sort of universal language, and just like my childhood, I could identify with every sign more than the last.  It was hard for me to choose an image to feature.  I finally chose Aquarius because it suited my perspective today.  But they are all fantastic.  Please take the time to pass an eye over each one.

FYI, all of the links to Lloyd’s work, on this page, will lead you to her Hatchfund campaign for As Above, So Below.”  This campaign will allow Terri to print & frame all 26 large-scale images to show at the StARTup Art Fair in 2018.  You don’t have to donate to look at or appreciate the images (click on updates), but every $5 helps another artist fund her opportunity.  You’ve been there, just steps away from grabbing what you want. Here’s your opportunity to help her grab just such an opportunity, and it offers rewards to boot.  She has to get to 50% funding in just a few days; after that, she has a benefactor with matching funds.  I encourage you to put yourself in her shoes & lend a hand.

Check out the full series from AAAD Artist of the Day, Terri Lloyd.



CALL for ENTRIES: Spectrum Gestalt 5

Learn more about Spectrum Gestalt 5 from the bG Gallery in Santa Monica! the full SPECTRUM

I dream of rainbow colored foods.  No doubt you’ve read more than one of my artificial food coloring rants. And, for the record, I don’t understand why one would color food for the sake of coloring them.  But the good news is, we are finding our way back to natural pigments made from tumeric, beet root & blueberries.  One day, I’ll get to eat rainbow cupcakes with full abandon & no fear.  This next Call wants the entire rainbow, but you’re only responsible for ONE of the colors.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Bleicher/Gorman Project Space Bergamot Station aka bG Gallery (Santa Monica, CA) for Spectrum Gestalt 5.  Enter for as little as $15.  This show is part curated show, part installation.  Fascinating…

Learn more about Spectrum Gestalt 5 from the bG Gallery in Santa Monica!

Spectrum Gestalt 5
from bG Gallery

“Part curatorial, part installation Spectrum-Gestalt brings together artists’ works from a wide variety of genres and mediums, grouping them into an expansive spectrum of color. Spectrum is one of our most popular exhibits each year having a similar concept but a different installation structure.” –bG Gallery

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media. Work should be predominantly a single color.

DEADLINE:  September 30, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $15 for one (4″x4″ or smaller / all hung), $20 for one (any size) or $40 for up to 3 any size.

SALES:  bG Gallery will retain 50% commission on sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the bG Gallery in Santa Monica!

CALL for ENTRIES: Lemonade Small Works

Learn more about the Small Works exhibit from the Lemonade Stand Gallery!SWEET and sour

Lemons fix everything.  You know that iced tea that is too bitter at your local diner.  Lemon.  And that soft drink that is too much syrup and not enough carbonation.  Lemon, again.  The vodka cranberry make with too much juice?  Lemon works better than lime.  It truly is a miracle fruit.  The gallery sponsoring this next Call comes with lemon built into the name.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from The Studios of Key West & Lemonade Stand Gallery (Key West, FL) for 2017 Small Works Exhibit at the Sanger Gallery.  Enter for as little as $12, and be design, the shipping is low cost.  I like this opportunity, and I appreciate the opportunity to participate in Key West…

Learn more about the Small Works exhibit from the Lemonade Stand Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
2017 Small Works Exhibit from
the Lemonade Stand Gallery

“The Key West community is strong and we are working diligently to rebuild our island after Hurricane Irma to get it back up and running asap.  Almost every building on the island of Key West weathered the storm in great condition including our host gallery, The Studios of Key West.  Together with TSKW, we are excited to present a beautiful exhibit on November 2nd.” –Letty Nowak, Lemonade Stand Gallery owner

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media. Finished work, must be 10″ or less including the frame.

DEADLINE:  Extended* to October 6, 2017 (updated on Sept. 20)

NOTIFICATION:  October 9, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $12 per piece entered

SALES:  The gallery will retain 50% commission on sold work. All artwork must be for sale.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Small Works exhibit from the Lemonade Stand Gallery!



CALL for ENTRIES: Botanik

Learn more about the BotaniK exhibit from Las Laguna Gallery! best served WARM

I have a tiny refrigerator.  Well, let me re-phrase that.  I have a small (by American standards) full-size refrigerator. When I down-sized to a smaller home in preparation for a more mobile existence, my refrigerator shrank too.  Luckily, my new smaller home & its appliances are located only 5 minutes from the grocery store which is a marked improvement from the 20+ minutes it took before I moved.  As a result, I can now by produce more often & store it outside of my new, tiny-to-me refrigerator, making for fresher, tastier meals.   This next Call wants to know about your botanicals, but they don’t have to be edible.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Las Laguna Gallery (Laguna Beach, CA) for the BotaniK exhibit.  Sales commission is only 25% & $35 entry. Since extra images are only $1, be sure to enter LOTS of work. Don’t miss this opportunity…

Learn more about the BotaniK exhibit from Las Laguna Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
BotaniK from
Las Laguna Gallery

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists (int’l)

MEDIA: Open to drawing, painting, assemblage, collage, digital art, encaustic, fiber art, illustration, mixed media, new media, photography (traditional & digital), & printmaking.

THEME:  Botanical art

DEADLINE:   October 8, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  October 13, 2017

GUEST ARTIST:  Growing up on a farm & co-owning a nursery for most of her life, Sally Painter has always been surrounded by the beauty of the natural world.  It’s not surprising she turned to nature for inspiration when she took up painting. Flowers & other plants & trees are her favorite subjects.  Sally says, she strives to paint something more than simply a realistic depiction of these subjects. “I interpret the subject with brush in hand, allowing my imagination to select colors & forms. . . Painting is my therapy, my peaceful, creative place, and I treasure that,” says the artist.

ENTRY FEE: $35 for 1, $1 ea. add’l. 

SALES: The Las Laguna Gallery will retain 25% commission on all sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Las Laguna Gallery!
