Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Drawing

CALL for ENTRIES: Botanica

Learn more from the Bedford Gallery!spring

It is ramp season again!  I love many, many things about living in the Great Smoky Mountains, but ramps are a Spring favorite for my family.  I appreciate the ability to forage for ramps, but if you are a less adventurous resident, our local farmers’ markets have a growing availability of ramps in gorgeous colors and varieties.  They are spectacular as the highlight of a tomato onion tart for brunch or just marinated in your best homemade vinaigrette.  This next Call is looking for your favorite takes on all thing plant life.  Investigate…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Bedford Gallery (Walnut Creek, CA) at Lesher Center for the Arts for Botanica.  This is a gorgeous gallery space for you to explore.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Botanica, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from the Bedford Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:


From 16th Century Flemish painters, to Cézanne and the Post Impressionists, the color and variety found in plant life, as well as the potent symbolism, has made it a popular subject for still-life work & artist studies.  Botanica asks artists to draw on these themes to create artwork that explores how plant life can be represented in a diverse reach of media.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all U.S. artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media

DEADLINE:  May 8, 2015

Learn more from the Bedford Gallery!NOTIFICATION:  June 1, 2015

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 3

JURORS:  Ken Harman, Dir., Hashimoto Contemporary & Spoke Art & MacKenzie Stevens, Curatorial Asst., Hammer Museum

AWARDS:  $3,000 in cash, plus prizes

SALES:  Artists are encouraged to sell their work.  Artists receive 60% of the sale price for work that is sold. In the past, public interest in available work has been high and the Gallery believes such artist-collector dialogue is a vibrant part of exhibitions. All work must have a declared value for insurance purposes, even if it is not for sale.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Bedford Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Fresh Paint Mag

Learn more from Fresh Paint Magazine!MORE please

I seek out Greek food.  I don’t have access to Greek food at home, except my husband’s exceptional version of Moussaka, so I’m always on the hunt.  I have noticed a rather odd phenomenon–Greek food crossed with diner culture.  I keep seeing menu after menu with both platters of fries AND bowls of Avgolemono.  Sometimes it is great to expect to get one thing but find yourself with options when you take a closer look.  I suppose this next Call is exactly like that.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Fresh Paint Magazine (online) for Juried July 2015.  This mag is delicious to see & hold. We are proud to have them as sponsors & this call is open to more than PAINTING

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Fresh Paint Mag, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from Fresh Paint Magazine!CALL for ENTRIES:
Juried July 2015


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA:  2-dimensional fine art disciplines (except photography) are welcome.

DEADLINE: April 30th, 2015

NOTIFICATION: June 1, 2015

ENTRY FEE: $25 for up to 3 images

JUROR:  Michael Kalmbach received his MFA in 2008. Shortly after graduation, he accepted a position at the Delaware College of Art & Design, and founded the New Wilmington Art Association, an artist collective that organized exhibitions in vacant spaces throughout the city of Wilmington from August 2008 to April 2013.  In June 2011, he accepted a contract with the State of Delaware’s Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health to develop a space for artists on the behavioral health spectrum.  Open since December 2011, the Creative Vision Factory fosters the creative potential of individuals with behavioral health disorders in a studio art environment, cultivating integration with the local community through a program of exhibitions, workshops, and communal space.  Kalmbach maintains his own painting practice and has exhibited work in venues throughout the Mid-Atlantic.

AWARDS: Published Artists will receive one or more full-color pages or more that includes an image, website & statement.  Selected artists will be chosen for a virtual studio visit, a complimentary issue of Fresh Paint Magazine (US Only), promotion through their social media network & exposure through the local Fresh Paint art organizations & venues.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Fresh Paint Magazine!

We are thrilled to have Fresh Paint Magazine as a sponsor of AAAD!


CALL for ENTRIES: Emotion & Energy of Color II

Learn more from!one potato

I like to think I am pretty smart about food.  But, regardless of what I know, I cannot kick the habit of eating emotionally.  Why is it the food we crave when we are sad or sick is always the unhealthiest of options?  Potato chips are my trigger food.  They’re in-house now; I can sense them.  Here’s a better use of your energy & emotion, trust me.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Emotion & Energy of Color II.  $20 entry & the cash prizes are DOUBLED this time. Investigate this one

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Emotion & Energy of Color II, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Emotion & Energy of Color II


ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: Open to all 2D Media, i.e. painting, drawing, collage, photography, digital, etc.

THEME: “Emotion & Energy of Color II”  The visual narrative of the work should present an individual interpretation of the subject, expressed in the emotion, energy and power of color.  How you as an artist interpret the world, your surroundings, dreams, passion, spirituality and emotions with color.  The work can express any aspect from representational to abstract.

DEADLINE:  April 20, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  April 27, 2015

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $35 for 3, $60 for 7

AWARDS: 1st Place: $1000 cash & other awards valued at $5200.  2nd place: $250 cash & other awards valued at $1625.  3rd Place: $125 cash.  4th Place: $75 cash.  5th Place: $50 cash.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from art-competitions dot net! 2
We are thrilled to have as a sponsor of AAAD!


CALL for ENTRIES: Turquoise

Learn more about the Turquoise Mail Art Call!don’t be

There aren’t really any naturally-occurring blue foods–of which I am aware.  But maybe that is why I’m not a fan of color blue, with the exceptions of navy (almost purple) & turquoise (high green only).  Blue foods scream, “Plastic” every time I see them–from icing on cakes to the blue tongues of toddlers eating shaved ice.  I know; my food quirks never end.  This next Call is just the perfect shade away from blue.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from curator Monika Mori for Turquoise, an International Mail Art Project.  There is no entry fee.  If you’re looking to add an international line to your resume or just break out of a creative rut, here’s a great opportunity…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Turquoise, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Turquoise Mail Art Call!CALL for ENTRIES:


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

THEME:  Turquoise

MEDIA:  15 x 10cm  (or 6″ x 4″) Postcards

DEADLINE:  Postmarked by March 31, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  All postcards properly addressed & postmarked will be included


Learn more about the Turquoise Mail Art Call!CURATOR:  Monika Mori, an Austrian contemporary multimedia artist creates playful moody paintings & collages celebrating experiences & emotions animated by dazzling colors.  Mori communicates through her works and wants to re-animate, in the native word-sense!  It is a language unto itself and there is merit to all interpretations.  The strength of her paintings reflect the strength of Mori herself, and the intensity of the message she has to convey.  Since 2008, her work has been exhibited worldwide and is included in major and private collection.

DOCUMENTATION:  Your artwork will be exhibited online in the blog TURQUOISE, an extensive catalog or book is possible if sponsors are found for the project.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Turquoise Mail Art Call!

CALL for ENTRIES: 3×3 Int’l Illustration

Learn more from 3x3 Magazine!melon or

Things are not always as they appear.  Take the Yubari melon, while it looks like a $4 canteloupe, it has a unique flavor you won’t ever forget.  And this $150 melon is far sweeter than the $4 doppleganger.  This next Call might look like a typical publication Call, but look closer and you’ll find it is worth every penny.  Looks are deceiving, so investigate…

Check out this Call for Entries from 3×3 Magazine for the Int’l Illustration Show. You can’t go wrong with Art Publication. Plus, competitions for illustrators are a rare find. Take a chance…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: 3×3 Int’l Illustration, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the 3x3 ProShow from the Magazine for Contemporary Illustration!CALL for ENTRIES:
Int’l Illustration


3×3 Magazine publishes the world’s best contemporary illustration as judged by some of the world’s top art directors, designers and illustrators.

Unlike many shows they have no boundaries, their entrants come from every part of the globe. They are still one of the best values around when it comes to entry fees and publication fees. And they continue to improve their entry process.

And unlike most show annuals that are on the bookshelves 3×3 Magazine’s annuals are prominently displayed on the newsstands in the US, Canada, the UK, Europe and parts of Asia where they are affordable to art directors and art buyers who may or may not be interested in illustration. There has been dramatic growth in the number of outlets stocking the 3×3 Magazine annual and the sales to art directors.

It is their mission to demonstrate the benefits of using illustration, this annual is their showcase.

Learn more from the Magazine for Contemporary Illustration!

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all illustrators, art directors, graphic designers, educators, students, recent graduates, editors, publishers in all countries for commissioned and non-commissioned work produced or published during the calendar year 2014.

DEADLINE: March 31, 2015

ENTRY FEE:  Single entries are $35 and Series (3–5 images only) are $60. They accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Publication fees are $90 which help cover the high cost of printing and distributing the annual and development of the app. Honorable mentions, $50.

JUDGES:  Ronn Campisi, former Design Director, Boston Globe; Christian Drury, former Senior Art Director, Wall Street Journal; April Montgomery, Art Director, IDG Enterprise, Samantha Johnson, Picture Editor, Penguin Press, U.K. & illustrators Nishant Choksi, United Kingdom, Christian Gralingen, Germany, Lasse Skarbovik, Sweden and Ellen Weinstein.

AWARDS: Winners will be featured in the printed annual & online; honorable mentions, online.  A free app will be sent to leading art directors & art buyers giving further exposure to student winners. Best of Show & Gold medal winners receive our distinctive 3×3×3-inch cube, Silver and Bronze winners receive a framed award; distinctive merit and merit winners receive paper certificates.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Read the Full Call from 3x3 Magazine!

CALL for ENTRIES: Faces of Humanity

Learn more from!teenie weenie

I’m torn about chili with beans.  I love it; I do.  And, I live with an acne-prone teenager.  And, kidney beans are high in zinc which helps fight acne.  But, the side effects of consuming large amounts of kidney beans, or any beans for that matter, are daunting.  Let’s leave it at that.  This next Call is good for the face–without the side effects.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Faces of Humanity. $15 entry & the prize packages are actually useful.  Investigate the opportunity

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Faces of Humanity, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Faces of Humanity


ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA:  Open to all 2D Media, i.e. painting, drawing, collage, photography, digital, etc.

THEME: “Faces of Humanity” – Seeing our humanity in the faces of different people can bring understanding and connection to the many different cultures of the world. The work can express any aspect from representational to non-representational.

DEADLINE: March 9, 2015

NOTIFICATION: March 13, 2015

ENTRY FEE: $15 for 1, $30 for 3, $60 for 7

AWARDS: 1st Place: $500 cash & other awards valued at $5200. 2nd place: $125 cash & other awards valued at $1625. 3rd Place: $75 cash. 4th Place: $50 cash. 5th Place: $25 cash.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from art-competitions dot net! 2
We are thrilled to have as a sponsor of AAAD!


CALL for ENTRIES: Art of Brands (Spring)

Learn more from Art of Brands!

my italian

What would we do without the iconic dishes that make up the safety net?  You know the ones…everyone likes some version of it.  They tend to be my “go to” meals on nights when I have to plan in advance.  Since I don’t know what anyone will be in the mood for, I hit the highlights.  Tonight is spaghetti night.  No matter who is coming, I can cover vegetarian, vegan & gluten-free if need be.  This Call is all about iconic art categories.  Please investigate this one.  If you work in 2-D, there is probably a way to make this work for you

Check out this Call for Entries from Art of Brands (a new AAAD sponsor) for Iconic Images.  There is no entry fee, and this could be a great way to earn money from your art.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note:  So many of you have talked to me about selling your work w/o being bogged down running a gallery or about art fairs or gallery representation.  I know you often leave the conversation not feeling like nothing is accessible.  I like THIS opportunity.  If you work in 2-D, don’t dismiss this Call.  Some of you might consider simply doing what you already do but direct some content to suit this purpose.  It won’t be for everyone, but I think it is a valid option for a lot of you.

Learn more from Art of Brands!CALL for ENTRIES:
Art of Brands


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to 2 Dimensional work including drawing, painting, illustration, printmaking, photography, digital art, mixed media, etc.

THEME:  Favorite interests (car, city, kids, gaming, sports, technology, wine, etc.) or specific, iconic brands (Alfa Romeo, Concord, celebrities, etc).  Art of Brands is just beginning to fill out their categories, so be sure to let them know if you have work that you think might fit but isn’t currently represented.

Learn more about Art of Brands!DEADLINE:  Ongoing entries wanted. *For my favorite artistic procrastinators, don’t worry, I’ll post this Call for Entries at least once per quarter for a while just in case you are too busy to enter today.

NOTIFICATION:  Within 72 hours of completing the sign-up process

ENTRY FEE:  No entry fee

CURATORS:  A committee of members with backgrounds in art

SALES:  For reproductions (like paper, canvas, di-bond, acrylic/plexi glass) the commission rate is 20%.  Art of Brands also sells originals.  Commission for originals is higher & is discussed with artists individually and separately from the reproduction work. Payments for sales are made to artists on a quarterly basis.

For complete details, Check out Art of Brands online!

Learn more about Art of Brands!*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Art of Brands (Spring), anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

CALL for ENTRIES: The Book as Work of Art for All

Learn more from Autonomie Projects!THAI
me up

Cookbook authors have my number.  Make the food look fantastic on the cover, and I’ll buy it.  Yes, I judge books (some books) by their covers.  I recent bought quick & easy thai.  I’m just going to say that my judgement of the cover resulted in sticky rice with mangoes.  It was worth it.  This next Call encourages you to judge books by their covers as well.  Sometimes is just WORKS…

Check out this Call for Entries from Autonomie Projects for The Book as a Work of Art for All.  Small works AND open to many media & interpretations.  This one sounds inspiring…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: The Book as a Work of Art for All, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from Autonomie Projects!CALL for ENTRIES:
The Book as
a Work of Art
for All

This Artist Call invites artists to explore a panoply of creative interpretations of the book cover as a two-dimensional artwork, or of the book cover as a three-dimensional conceptualized art object.

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Various Media:  Drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, collage & mixed media.  Max size 10” W x 13”H x 6”D

DEADLINE:  February 22, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  March 4, 2015

ENTRY FEE: $25 for 1 & $40 for two

CURATORS:  Autonomie Projects’ curatorial team of Chelle Barbour, M.A. Art and Curatorial Practices, USC and Vincent Johnson, MFA Art Center College of Design, will select the works for both its gallery space, electronic catalog and virtual gallery space on-line exhibition.

SALES:  Sales are encouraged. Artists receive 50% of the sale price.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Autonomie Projects!

CALL for ENTRIES: Trans*

Learn more from Waterloo Arts!BREAKFAST
in bed

Gender rolls are “squishy” at my house.  My husband does most of the cooking.  I am the disciplinarian.  Even our mail comes bizarrely addressed since I didn’t take his last name.  It works for us.  It is what we know.  And, well, the food is good. 🙂  I use #imarriedforthefood a lot.  This next Call explores gender identity & the experience of being trans.  If this isn’t the Call for you, please pass it along…

Check out this Call for Entries from Waterloo Arts (Cleveland, OH) for Transgender Art Exhibit.  I realize this applies to only a small percentage of AAAD readers; however, I am hoping you will post, re-post & tweet this Call so it can be found by artists that would best benefit.  Thank you…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Trans*, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from Waterloo Arts!CALL for ENTRIES: Trans*


Waterloo Arts is seeking artwork which addresses the experience of being trans* or the topic of gender identity more broadly.

ELIGIBILITY:  Artists must identify as trans* individuals & reside in the U.S. or Canada.

MEDIA:  Sculpture, painting, drawing, photography, printmaking, mixed media, collage, assemblage, ceramics, fiber art, artist book – original artwork only.

DEADLINE:  February 28, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  March 11, 2015

ENTRY FEE:  $5 for up to 10 images

JUROR:  Will include professional artists & members of the trans* community.

SALES:  Waterloo Arts Gallery takes a 30% commission on artwork sold during the exhibit

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Waterloo Arts!

CALL for ENTRIES: Spring in NYC

Learn more from the Sylvia White Gallery!TOMATO

The height of the foodie season is Summer thanks to all that beautiful fresh local produce.  But I frequently find myself jumping the gun” and convincing something in early Spring is Summer-worthy.  Tomatoes get me every time.  Take my advice and wait.  This next Call for a spring art show in NYC simply won’t wait for Summer.  This is a great way to dip your toe in the pool of mega-shows while leaving the details to the professionals.  Investigate…

Check out this Call for Entries from Sylvia White Gallery (Sylvia White’s Art Advice is one of our sponsors) for a NYC Art Show space.  If you always wanted to be a part of one of these shows (minus the booth-sitting), this is a great opportunity.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Spring in NYC, anywhere other than by email subscription or via, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Sylvia White Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Spring in NYC


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists age 18+

MEDIA:  Various media, including: paintings, mixed media, works on paper, photography, sculpture, installation art, and digital media

DEADLINE:  February 15, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  March 1, 2015

ENTRY FEE:  $45 includes review of 5 images

Learn more from the Sylvia White Gallery!

AWARDS:  SWG will be awarding ONE or more artists, an entire wall of booth space  (10’x10’) at one of the best NYC Art Fairs.  More artists may be selected (up to 5) depending on the number of entries received.  As many of you know, galleries spend thousands of dollars purchasing booths and individual artists are not allowed to participate without gallery representation.  This year, up to 5 lucky artists will join our stable to be represented by SWG.  Entries will be judged as a whole, instead of by individual piece.  Each artist may submit up to 3 applications.  For example, if you are a painter AND a sculptor, you should submit two applications, one in each medium.  All work submitted must be available for sale.

SALES:  NO commission will be retained by the Sylvia White Gallery.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Sylvia White Gallery!