Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Drawing

CALL for ENTRIES: Interdisciplinary

Learn more about Interdisciplinary from Creative Living Works!beauty

Being a great cook, is an interdisciplinary skill.  I know a handful of people who claim to be so uncreative that they “can’t draw a stick figure”.  Clearly, creativity is not measured by the quality of your stick figures.  But I am willing to accept those sorts of self-assessments –unless they come from a great cook.  Composing the perfect dish requires great taste, some basic scientific knowledge, both an eye for design and nose for the perfect unexpected ingredient.  Without that combination of talent, meals are likely to be unremarkable.  This Call is another way to put a combo of talents to the test.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Creative Living Works (Somerville, MA) for Interdisciplinary, at the Washington Street Gallery. $20 Entry & 20% commission.  This is another reason to stretch your skills or even collaborate.  Investigate this opportunity…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Interdisciplinary, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Interdisciplinary from Creative Living Works! CALL for ENTRIES:


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all work that crosses one or more creative disciplines. Unique & experimental art is encouraged. The collaboration of fields may be in the subject matter, the medium or a combination.

DEADLINE:  December 15, 2015

ENTRY FEE:  $20 for up to 4

JUROR:  Heather Balchunas, originally from Westfield, MA has a BFA in illustration from Massachusetts College of Art in 1997.  Being active in the art community is an important part of her growth as an artist.  During her tenure at the Puppet Showplace Theatre, Balchunas found further creative stimulation through her position as an arts administrator. Whether it is puppet construction, theater, set design, or painting, one creative process influences another.

Dan Dez has been developing games since 2002. After receiving his BFA in Computer Animation at Ringling School of Art and Design, he started his game development career which has spanned around the country and across PS2, GameCube, XBOX, Xbox360, PS3, iOS, Android and PC.  He is now and independent game developer who has always had an appreciation for Fine Arts.  After graduating from RISD, Sean Hilts worked as freelance Graphic Designer, founded The Brothers Hilts, an illustration/design team, and is currently a Senior User Experience Consultant.

AWARDS:  Cash awards will be given for Best in Show, determined by a panel of jurors & a People’s Choice award, chosen via online voting.

SALES:  Washington Street gallery takes 20% commission on any works sold, however, work may be submitted as “Not for Sale”.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about Interdisciplinary from Creative Living Works!


ARTIST of the DAY: Amanda Senneby


If the life of American artist Margaret Keane, famous for drawing portraits & paintings with big eyes, taught us anything, it is to be careful who you trust with your name, with your work — with your legacy.  Today’s featured work leaves me with the same words of caution.  AAAD is happy to share the work of Stockholm-based artist Amanda Senneby, our current Artist of the Day, with you. (continues below)

small men GREAT WOMEN by Stockholm-based artist Amanda Senneby!
“small men GREAT WOMEN” by artist Amanda Senneby!

“A self-initiated book project with the working title Small Men Great Women.  The purpose of the project is to tell the story about successful couples where the women have been neglected in the historiography in favor of their men. I want to examine a simple way to communicate and pay attention to a difficult and inaccessible subject.” –Amanda Senneby

Learn more about Amanda Senneby!

CALL for ENTRIES: Women in Art

Learn more about the Women in Art exhibit from the Las Laguna Gallery!girly

Food for women apparently exists.  Well, it isn’t food exclusively for women, but I discovered there are a few foods that are even better for you if you’re female– including one of my favorites, flaxseed.  Not using flaxseed?  I love ground flaxseed as a substitute for bread crumbs on top of casseroles.   I mix flaxseed with a little Parmesan and a mist of olive oil and return the casserole to the oven until it just starts to brown.  Flaxseed adds a nutty flavor that I prefer over cracker crumbs, hands down.  This Call is also meant for women.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Las Laguna Gallery (Laguna Beach, CA) for Women in Art, a celebration of the creativity of women. Open to lots of media…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Women in Art, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Women in Art exhibit from the Las Laguna Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Women in Art


“The show is dedicated to the spirit and creativity of all women artists, past and present. Las Laguna Gallery in Laguna Beach, California is looking for some unbelievable women artists.” –from

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all female artists

MEDIA:   Open to works in Assemblage, Charcoal, Color Pencil, Collage, Digital Art, Drawings, Encaustic, Graphite, Illustration, Mixed Media, New Media, Painting, Pastel, Photo, Photography & Watercolor.  * Sorry new jewelry or sculpture for this exhibition.

DEADLINE: December 15, 2015

NOTIFICATION: December 16, 2015

ENTRY FEE: $35 for 3, $5 ea. add’l

SALES:  The gallery will retain 40% commission on all sales

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Women in Art exhibit from the Las Laguna Gallery!

ARTIST of the DAY: Amy Friend

perspective, yes

Get to know artist Amy Friend, our current Artist of the Day.  I struggled to choose what to post because she is, simply, in my head.  This work is both lush & toothsome. (continues below)

My Tangled Perspective by Amy Friend, AAAD Artist of the Day
My Tangled Perspective by Amy Friend

“A pleasure in the discomfort & need for the tension.”
— Amy Friend (from

“My current body of work focuses on a desire for balance and the dichotomy of my life; my desire for adventure and freedom versus a need for security and roots. Illustrating these themes is the current obsession of mine. Using metaphors and abstracts, my work maintains realism in its depiction. The compositions create a graceful struggle and an uncertain balance.”

Learn more about Amy Friend!


CALL for ENTRIES: Billboard Diversity

Learn more about the Embracing our Differences billboard project!EAT

I ate broccoli at dinner last night. *yawn*  Did you know there are approximately 30,000 edible plants on this planet?  Did you also know that a mere 50 crops make up 90% of the calories consumed?  How did we get so boring?  Diversity is the best part of eating and cooking and consuming (and being for that matter) even if I do forget that when shopping some days.  This next Call is another excellent way to celebrate diversity.  Take a look…

Check out this great Call for Entries for the annual Embracing our Differences billboard project (Sarasota, FL). No entry fee & $3000 in awards. Don’t miss this opportunity…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Billboard Diversity, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Embracing our Differences billboard project!CALL for ENTRIES:
Embracing our Differences


Our goal is to create a community where diversity and inclusion are valued while teaching the importance of being an ‘up-stander,’ not a ‘by- stander’.— from

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: 2-D work including but not limited to photography, digital, collage, drawing, painting, etc.  Remember, if chosen, it will be enlarged to 16′ x 12.5′  or 4.9 m x 3.8m.

THEME:  Enriching lives through diversity

DEADLINE: January 4, 2016 (midnight PST)

NOTIFICATION: Winning selections will be announced online by mid-March, 2016


AWARDS: A total of $3,000 USD in three separate $1,000 awards for Best-in-Show (adult), Best-in-Show (student) & People’s Choice.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about Embracing our Differences!


CALL for SUBMISSIONS: Artist Grant

Learn more about the Working Artist Grant and Purchase Award!cold & cheap

I am grateful for the apples, but I am missing fresh local veggies already.  My local orchard serves as my farmers market most weeks.  With their cold storage program, I can get local apples for most of the year, but the veggies they offer are limited as of November.  Aside from winter squash, the only thing LOCALLY fresh I’ll have until spring are potatoes, onions and maybe a hot house bell pepper or two.  My normal $25 farmers market budget will be too much for a change.  This Call is a great use for the extra $. Take a look…

Check out this Call for Submissions from for the $1000 Artist Grant/Art Purchase Award. $25 entry & send a link.  It doesn’t get any easier. Don’t miss this one…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for SUBMISSIONS: Artist Grant, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Working Artist Grant and Purchase Award!CALL for SUBMISSIONS:
Artist Grant


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Open to all media including traditional visual arts, painting, sculpture, mixed media, photography, video, new media & performance (no dance at this time).

DEADLINE:  November 30, 2015

ENTRY FEE: There is an application review fee of $25 for up to 5.

AWARDS: If selected as the winner, the award recipient must exchange one of their original works or smaller series of original works for inclusion into a collection, in return for the award. Work considered by the artist as of equal value, and available for acquisition can be negotiated upon receipt of the award. Shipping costs will be paid by

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Working Artist Grant and Purchase Award!

CALL for ENTRIES: Animals 2

Learn more about the Animals 2 exhibit from!eat my

I’m afraid of eating wild mushrooms.  Correction, I am afraid of improperly identifying a mushroom as edible and doing unexpected harm to my family.  So, I have been trying to decide whether or not to grow them myself.  Growing mushrooms at home always conjures images of damp, basement-like conditions.  But research indicates I can crow them on logs in dappled shade, above ground, among the living, with fewer creepy-crawlies. This next Call want to know your views, wild OR domestic, but no veggies–just animals.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Animals Wild or Domestic 2.  $20 entry & open to 2D media.  Cash prizes & great marketing tools too

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Animals 2, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Animals 2 exhibit from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Animals 2


ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: All 2D media: painting, drawing, collage, photography, digital, etc.

THEME: Animals Wild or Domestic 2 The artists should intrigue and fascinate the viewer with their vision and interpretation of the animal’s beauty, elegance, strength, speed, delicateness, size, etc. The work can reflect on creatures of the land, sea & air from domesticated pet to a ferocious wild animal.  The art can be expressed from realism to abstraction.

DEADLINE: November 30, 2015

NOTIFICATION: December 8, 2015

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $35 for 3, or $60 for 7

AWARDS: $7,500 in cash & marketing prizes. All cash prizes have doubled (e.g. 1st place $1000, 2nd Place $250, 3rd Place $125, etc) + helpful marketing.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Animals 2 exhibit from!
We are thrilled to have as a sponsor of AAAD!



CALL for SUBMISSIONS: 46 Million

Learn more about the 46 Million Turkeys project from Fireseed Arts Gallery!eat a TATER
save a TURKEY

Sweet potato casserole, and I’m done.  Turkey has never been a part of my family’s holiday traditions.  In fact we are so obsessed with sweet potato casserole with a pecan pie top, we really just eat the rest of the meal as an excuse to consume ridiculous amounts of casserole.  It serves as a side dish & dessert then late-night snack.  We until it is gone.  It takes the four of us about 2 days.  I feel the need to put on stretchy pants just thinking about it.  This next Call is a fun turkey project.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Submissions from Fireseed Arts Gallery (Framingham, MA) for 46 Million Turkeys, an all-hung project to raise awareness.  No entry fee.  It only costs a single stamp to ship.  If you are stuck in a rut, this is a great way to jump start your creativity…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for SUBMISSIONS: 46 Million, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the 46 Million Turkeys project from Fireseed Arts Gallery!CALL for SUBMISSIONS:
46 Million Turkeys

“The National Turkey Federation estimates Americans eat approximately 46 million turkeys on a single Thanksgiving holiday. Imagine 46 million animals raised, killed, and eaten for one single holiday! Well that’s just it—it’s hard to imagine such a staggering number! The  46millionturkeys project invites members of the community to help create 46 million mini turkeys portraits as a reminder that every single one of those animals was a unique individual.” –from

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA: Open to all media, but restricted to 2″x 2″.  Recycled and/or upcycled materials suggested, but not required.

DEADLINE:  Ongoing until the “46 million” goal is reached.  An exhibit is held each November.  If submissions arrive prior to 11/21/15 –included in THIS YEAR’S exhibit.  If arrives AFTER 11/21/15 –included in next year’s exhibit.


ABOUT the Gallery:  Fireseed Arts is a creative enterprise founded as an incubator for profitable, sustainable, environmental art projects and businesses. We are artists, entrepreneurs and musicians with a passion for preserving and protecting our cultural and environmental heritage.” –from

For complete details, Read the Full Guidelines!

Learn more about the 46 Million Turkeys project from Fireseed Arts Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Surreal Salon 8

L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon's surreal culinary recreation of Zao Wou-ki's dark abstract artwork!
Source: de Sarthe Gallery, ©Zao Wou-Ki-ProLiterris, Zurich via Bloomberg; Robuchon via Bloomberg

a sea of

What happens when food imitates visual art? At Art Basel Hong Kong in 2015, that question was answered by 10 stellar chefs.  The image to the left is L’Atelier de Joel Robuchon combination of French sea bass, seasonal black truffle, celery mousse line & Malabar pepper sauce to recreate Zao Wou-ki’s dark abstract work.   This dish, and at least 9 others in this vein, were available at restaurants in the Hong Kong area back in March.  I can’t know how tasty it was, but, my oh my, how beautiful.  This next Call wants your surreal work, but not the culinary version.  What was it Benjamin Franklin said? ““Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days.  This exhibit is longer than 3 days, so hold the fish

Check out this Call for Entries from Baton Rouge Gallery Center for Contemporary Art (BRGCCA, Baton Rouge) for Surreal Salon 8.  $30 entry. If your work is accepted, DO NOT MISS this opening.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Surreal Salon 8, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Surreal Salon 8 from the Baton Rouge Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Surreal Salon 8


ELIGIBILITY:  Artists 18+ residing in U.S.

THEME:  This annual juried exhibition that highlights the growing quality and popularity of the pop-surrealist/ lowbrow movement in American contemporary art.

MEDIA:  All media will be considered.

DEADLINE:  November 13, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  December 1, 2015

ENTRY FEE: $30 for up to 3

JUROR:  Elizabeth McGrath has always had an eye for the strange beauty in the grotesqueries of life, an appreciation nowhere more evident than in her own work. Inspired by the relationship between the natural world and the detritus of consumer culture, she brings forth a new cavalcade of creatures from the darker corners of the streets, the city and the imagination. Her work has been exhibited at Sloan Fine Art, IguaPop, Billy Shire Fine Arts, Stychnin & La Luz de Jesus as well as in Berlin, Rome, Paris, Barcelona, Tokyo, London & across 13 states.

AWARDS:  One work from the show will be named “Best in Show” and will be recognized and prominently featured in an upcoming 2016 editorial in Juxtapoz Magazine. In recent years, the exhibition has featured the work of hundreds of artists from more than 30 U.S. states.

SALES:  All work must be for sale.  The gallery retains 50% commission on sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about Surreal Salon 8 from the Baton Rouge Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Winter, Joy & Gatherings

Learn more about the Winter Joy and Gatherings exhibit from the Meridian Street Gallery!parties for hosting
for roasting

The season of marshmallows & peppermint looms large.  Homemade marshmallows are the BEST.  I like to cut them in rounds just large enough to fit inside my mug of hot cocoa (like a giant crouton in french onion soup, ha).  Mine are made simply with water, sugar, gelatin, salt & vanilla.  Here’s a similar recipe if you want to give it a whirl.  Your cocoa will never be the same again.  This next Call wants your joyous Winter renderings.  Enjoy the season…

Check out this Call for Entries from Meridian Street Gallery (Indianapolis, IN) for Winter, Joy & Gatherings.  Here is your opportunity to work in a truly gorgeous space & possible holiday sales!  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Winter, Joy & Gatherings, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Winter Joy and Gatherings exhibit from the Meridian Street Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Winter, Joy & Gatherings


ELIGIBILITY: Open to U.S. artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to painting, mixed media, fiber, photography, drawings, pastel, sculpture, printmaking & more

THEME:  Work of a winter & holiday theme, happiness, joy & gatherings

DEADLINE:  November 20, 2015

NOTIFICATION: November 22, 2015

ENTRY FEE: $30 for up to 5

SALES: All accepted works must be for sale during the show and must remain on exhibit for the entire duration of the show. The Gallery will retain a 30% commission from the sale of artwork.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Winter, Joy & Gathering Exhibit from Meridian Street Gallery!