Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Digital Art

CALL for ENTRIES: Digital Art & Photography

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I am a wierdo, admittedly.  I am obsessed with food.  I don’t drink coffee.  I rarely wear pants.  I won’t do much that can’t be done in four inch heels, and I don’t like prints…unless they are geometric.  Oh yeah, that is just the tip of the weirdness iceberg.  I like geometric food too…Gorgeous round egg yolks, little logs of goat cheese, and the perfect grid of a golden waffle.

Be a part of the grid with this open digital art and photography Call for Entries named Snap to Grid from the Los Angeles Center for Digital Art (LACDA).  Build your resume with online entry, guaranteed acceptance and a chance to get special consideration for future solo and group exhibits.  What more could you want?

CALL for ENTRIES: Snap to Grid at LACDA

Show your work in our un-juried exhibit featuring digital art and photography. All entries will be printed (8.5″x11″ on heavyweight paper) and shown in our gallery arranged in a grid. Entrants submit JPEG files of original work.

Learn more about LACDA online!Multiple entries are permitted. Separate registration required for each image. Exhibit is limited to space available, early entry is advised.

All styles of artwork and photography where digital processes of any kind were integral to the creation of the images are acceptable. Digital video stills and screen shots of web/new media are acceptable. Documentation shots of digital installation and digital sculpture are acceptable.

Special consideration is given to “Snap to Grid” artists for inclusion in future exhibits. Entrants to our calls for submissions form the pool of artists from which we select the majority of our exhibitors. There have been a large number of “Snap to Grid” participants who have been included in group exhibits, as well as a number of solo shows.

Proceeds for “Snap to Grid” benefit these gallery programs and keep LACDA thriving. Exhibit your work, build your resume, and support our gallery. Everybody wins!

Prior Snap to Grid reception at LACDA!Eligibility:  This call is international, open to all geographical locations.

Show Dates:  Nov 11-Dec 4, 2010

Deadline for entries:  October 25, 2010

Entry Fee:  Registration fee is $30US.

Submission Rules:  Registration and submission are done online only. JPEG file uploads are the only accepted submissions under 2MB each. Please do not send materials to LACDA. All materials sent to LACDA will not be viewed and cannot be returned.

Multiple Entries:  Multiple entries are permitted. $30 registration fee for each additional image. Separate registration required for each image.

Two easy steps to exhibit your work at LACDA…

1) Register (one registration fee for each image) here:

2) Upload images (separate upload for each image) here:

Prior Snap to Grid reception at LACDA!Gallery Statement:  “Every year for 50 years the L.A. Municipal Gallery has held its ‘Open Call’ exhibit where any artist can show up with their art and an entry fee (to benefit gallery programs) and the piece is shown.

“The Los Angeles Center For Digital Art decided to launch an international experiment of the same nature where the artists upload images that are printed and hung by the gallery. The hundreds of works are displayed in a grid like installation (reminiscent of postcard art shows of the 1980’s) where every work submitted is exhibited.

“The usual (less than democratic) selection process where only the precious few are chosen is turned on its head in a curatorial anarchy where everyone gets to participate and the viewer is literally left to be the judge. The show represents a snapshot of a current moment in art history when digital imaging has reached the hands of the many, an age where culture belongs to the ‘mobblogers’ around the globe.

“From Thailand to Texas, amateur to academic, beautiful to banal and beyond the monumental quantity and variety of “Snap to Grid” becomes an aesthetic experience where each individual piece adds to an agglomerative effect that has a life of its own.”

For full details, visit the LACDA website!

CALL for ENTRIES: Int’l Cell Phone Photo Show

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The response to the last cell phone photo show that I posted was overwhelmingly positive, and you know how I love positive feedback.  To that end, I decided to encourage the spontaneous photographer in us all.  When inspecting my own cell phone shots for this post, I realized much to my surprise that I take an alarmingly large number of cell pics of both my food and the places I eat.  Hmmmm…

Check out this perfect little Call for Entries for The International Cell Phone Photo Show from Artspace MAGQ in Miami.  You can enter for as little as $8, and they will print your cell phone pic for you.  If your pic doesn’t sell during the show, they will mail it to you.  What more could you possibly want?

CALL for ENTRIES: Miami Cell Phone Photo Show

Miami Cell Phone Photo Show!The call to artists show The International Cell Phone Photo Show  is for any and all artists worldwide to submit any work that is produced using any cell phone available to the artist. The goal of this show is to showcase  artwork from around the world in their gallery for patrons to see and purchase your unique pieces.  They welcome your photo submissions.

PRINTING:  You will be responsible to upload your image(s) to their site and, they will print your images on the finest quality 100% cotton rag paper available using their state of the art new Large Format Epson 9900 printers with archival ultrachrome inks.  Artspace wants to represent your work in the best possible manner on the best quality papers using the best technology available.

Your copyright will be strictly protected.

Learn more about the Gallery at Artspace MAGQ in Miami!COMMISSION:  Artspace will charge a 20% commission on works sold.

ENTRY FEE:   $8 per image or a max of 5 images for $35.  Payable by PayPal or if you do not have a PayPal account, you can use a credit card.

They will mail you the image that they have printed after the completion of show if the image has not been sold.

DEADLINE:  September 30, 2010

If you have any questions, read the Call on their Website!


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I often post international artist residency opportunities and get lots of email in return that basically says, “I wish.” And, believe me, I understand the frustration of needing the inspiration and time and space of a residency, but not being able to afford the luxury of a month in Spain or Chile. Well, what if I told you that you could get the full foreign tour AFTER you do the work? Stop and smell the sushi, folks.

Check out this International Art Competition and Exhibition from Sakuraba Gallery in Japan. The artists that are selected to exhibit will be brought to Japan from their home country to attend the opening reception. Airfare, cost of hotel stay for up to ten days, and a small group tour of Sendai are included. ENTER TODAY!

CALL for ENTRIES: International Art Competition–Japan

Next year, Sakuraba Gallery will host an art competition to recognize the best artists from outside of Japan. The artists that are selected to exhibit will be brought to Japan from their home country to attend the opening reception.

Learn more about the Sakuraba Gallery online!Airfare, cost of hotel stay for up to ten days, and a small group tour of Sendai are included. Meals and spending money are not provided.

The opening reception will be held on February 5th, 2011 at 19:00. The exhibition will be open from that day until April 2nd 2011.

DEADLINE: Must be received by January 1, 2011. 12:01pm JST.

GUIDELINES: Artists must submit a completed entry form and pay a non-refundable entry fee of $30 US dollars (via Paypal or Google Checkout) to submit 3 works of art.

ELIGIBILITY: The competition is open to artists 18 years of age or older world-wide; however, artists must not currently reside in Japan or have resided in the past for longer than two years. Artists cannot be Japanese citizens or hold duel citizenship with Japan and another country. Publishers, galleries, agents, and collectors may not submit artwork on behalf of artists.

Learn more about the Sakuraba Gallery online!All works submitted must be original in design and concept. Artwork must not be copied, in part or wholly, from any published or copyrighted work. Artwork based upon a copy-written work for the sake of parody or critic is acceptable on a case by case basis.

MEDIA: Drawings, paintings, printmaking, photography, digital art, sculpture, installations, ceramics, fiber art, wearable art, jewelry, and mixed media. Media not accepted: Video/film and live performance pieces.

Acceptance/Notification: Artists will be notified by January 5, 2011 as to whether or not they have been selected for the exhibition. Winners have 24 hours to accept or decline the invitation to come to Sendai. Gallery staff will begin working with the artist immediately to make travel arrangements. For those who decline, an alternative cash prize of $1000 will be awarded. Award winners will be announced to the public with the opening reception on February 5, 2011.

For complete details, visit the Sakuraba Gallery website!

ART COMPETITION: Go, Speed Racer, Go!

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I suspect you’ll judge me, but I have to admit that there are more than a few classic cartoons that are a part of my every day life.  I realize that I am dating myself, but on this Labor Day weekend…I have no doubt that Boo Boo would love to steal my pic-a-nic basket when I am at Bays Mountain Park.  Umhmmm…

How ’bout you?  Do you have a favorite?  Check out this Call for Entries for the 2010 Speed Racer International Art Competition sponsored by Maximillian Gallery in Los Angeles.  Your work could end up as Limited Edition prints or even licensed for products and clothing.  Enter early to save on Entry Fees!

2010 Speed Racer International Art Competition

2010 Speed Racer International Art Competition!You have the opportunity to create art based on the classic Speed Racer™ cartoon and win in the competition, have the original Speed Racer™ art you create sold, have your artwork Published and made available for sale as a Limited Edition print, perhaps even have the Speed Racer™ art you create licensed for use on products and apparel…

All the while gaining valuable exposure for you and your art. It’s an exciting competition and we look forward to your participation! Emerging and established artists are invited to enter.

2010 Speed Racer International Art Competition!MEDIA: Painting, Drawing, Photography, Digital, Print (etching, lithograph, silkscreen, linoleum cut, woodcut, monotype…), Sculpture and Video.  Multiple entries can be made in as many categories as desired.

Examples of art you can create include placing Speed Racer™ image(s) in a new context; making new drawing(s), painting(s), etc of Speed™ and/or other character(s), car(s), etc; a photo of a model dressed like Speed™ and/or other character(s) and a sculpture of Speed and/or the Mach 5™… Videos are 1 min max and can include digital art, re-editing existing scenes mixed with art, actor(s)… You can direct/act in and do a monologue, spoken word, a scene… There’s no limit to what you can create! Please see below for more guidelines on appropriate art.

DATES: The competition start date is August 10th, 2010 at 9 AM EST and the deadline to submit art is October 31st, 2010 at 8 PM EST. During the first week of November 2010, a total of SEVEN (7) WINNERS shall be selected in each category, for a total of FORTY NINE (49) WINNERS.

2010 Speed Racer International Art Competition!ART PANELISTS:  A diverse panel of art professionals—including MAXIMILLIAN GALLERY founder Caradoc Ehrenhalt and international Art Dealer Sonce Leroux, will select the winners in the Art Panelists Competition.

The panel will select three artists as the 2010 Speed Racer™ Art Competition Winners. Each Artist will be awarded: First Place, Second Place or Third Place Juried Competition WinnerA Limited Edition print of the First Place winner’s art published by MAXIMILLIAN GALLERY with 5 prints from the edition given to the artist; Participation in the MAXIMILLIAN GALLERY 2010 Speed Racer™ International Art Competition Exhibition to be held at a location to be determined; Featured in the press release announcing the winners; Featured in winners area on the website; Art licensing representation and Art gallery representation.

2010 Speed Racer International Art Competition!The public will vote online for their favorite Speed Racer art with awards as follows:

First Place Public Vote Winner: First Place Public Vote Winner; A Limited Edition print of the First Place winner’s art published by MAXIMILLIAN GALLERY with 5 prints from the edition given to the artist; Participation in the MAXIMILLIAN GALLERY 2010 Speed Racer™ International Art Competition Exhibition to be held at a location to be determined; Featured in the press release announcing winners; Featured in winners area on the website; Art licensing representation; and Art gallery representation.

Second and Third Place Public Vote Winners:  Second Place or Third Place Public Vote Winner; Featured in the press release announcing winners; and Featured in winners area on the website.

2010 Speed Racer International Art Competition!Gallery Founder Caradoc Ehrenhalt will also select a Winner. The Artist will be awarded: A Limited Edition print of their wining art published by MAXIMILLIAN GALLERY with 5 prints from the edition given to the artist; Participation in the MAXIMILLIAN GALLERY 2010 Speed Racer™ International Art Competition Exhibition to be held at a location to be determined; Featured in the press release announcing the winners; Featured in winners area on the website; Art licensing representation; and Art gallery representation.


ENTRY FEES: Each entry submitted by September 15th 2010 is $25, after September 15th 2010 each entry submitted by October 31st, 2010 is $35. Each additional entry made by an Entrant who wishes to submit additional work by September 15th 2010 is $15, after September 15th 2010 each additional entry made by an Entrant who wishes to submit additional work by October 31st is $25.

Questions? See the full Rules & Guidelines!


Click Here to Subscribe to this Blog by Email!I get a lot of email, queries and facebook comments as to the legitimacy of the calls I post.  And, while I understand that one rotten apple can spoil the barrel.  Rest assured, I make every effort to sniff out the bad apples.  To my knowledge, I have never post a fraudulent or scam call.  Let me know if I ever do.

On that note, I am always hesitant to post calls for online exhibitions because they tend to strike my readers as a way to lose their cash for little benefit in return.  However I must say, I am a big fan of art organizations that lay it all out there.  Take today’s call for example.  

Austin Museum of Digital Art The Austin Museum of Digital Art says, “Since AMODA currently has no permanent exhibition space, there are some types of visual art that are more practical for us to present than others. In particular, we are seeking artwork to display in our Digital Showcase Series.  The Digital Showcase is a one night only event featuring live electronic music and visual art in a social setting, such as a bar or nightclub.”  I get it, and I appreciate the fact that the call isn’t hidden in some vague archaic language.

Austin is known for its innovative art vision, and I love the idea of bringing art to the public instead of coercing the public to come see art.  Here’s the call:

Check out the Digital Showcase concept!VISUAL ART

The Austin Museum of Digital Art is open to receiving a wide range of visual art submissions, including anything that they would define as digital art. Please see their About Digital Art page for more information.

“However, since AMODA currently has no permanent exhibition space, there are some types of visual art that are more practical for us to present than others. In particular, we are seeking artwork to display in our Digital Showcase Series. The Digital Showcase is a one night only event featuring live electronic music and visual art in a social setting, such as a bar or nightclub.”

The forms of art that work well in these events are video art, computer animation, digital prints, performance pieces, live video, multimedia installations, and interactive pieces. To submit visual art for their Digital Showcases Series, please send an email to (See the submission guidelines below for more info on what to include in your email.)

Learn more about Digital Art at Austin Museum of Digital Art!FLYER ILLUSTRATION

Each Digital Showcase features a different flyer illustrator. If you would like your work to be considered, please contact their Creative Team Director at (See the submission guidelines below for more info on what to include in your email.)


Examples of your work:

  • when you send a submission, please include examples of your art, music, etc.
  • they strongly prefer a link to a website where we can view or listen to examples of your work
  • if this is not possible, you may also attach images, audio files, or short video files to your email

Short bio and work description:

  • it would be helpful to include a short bio and description of your work
  • this may include your history as an artist, where your work has previously been shown, where you have previously performed, etc.
  • it may also include details on the concept/subject of your work, and any special display considerations
  • they prefer a link to a website where they can read this information, but you may also include it in the body of your email, or as an attachment

Submission replies:

  • they make every effort to read and catalog all submissions, and consider them for future events
  • however, AMODA is an all-volunteer organization and cannot guarantee a reply to every submission
  • even if you do not receive a reply, please feel free to send additional submissions in the future, as you create new work (this is an exception to most gallery rules)

For more information, please visit the AMODA Call for Submissions. is a free service–forever and always. But clicking on a sponsor’s ad can help you find additional Art Deadlines and help this service remain free. I’ve filtered the ads so they are mostly about art. I hope you find something intriguing! Thanks for your support!