Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Digital Art

CALL for ENTRIES: Inside Out

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Some taste aversions are simply irreversible.  Whole cherry tomatoes and catfish–never again.  I bit into a rotten cherry tomato once. Now they have to be cut in half or I can’t even think about eating them without gagging.  I won’t tell the catfish story so I don’t ruin a perfectly good fish for anyone.  I have absolutely NO aversion to this irreversible Call.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Giants in the City with the support of Miami Dade Cultural Affairs, The Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum at Florida International University, The Bakehouse Art Complex, The Lunch Box Gallery, The Young At Art Museum, The Artisan Lounge, and Wynwood Exhibition Center (WEC) for Inside Out, a cover-art competition for Irreversible Magazine. This is a great opportunity for exposure at Art Basel Miami…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Inside Out, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from Irreversible Magazine!CALL for ENTRIES:
Inside Out


Irreversible Magazine is seeking contemporary visual artists for our juried competition Inside-Out. Winning work will be published by Irreversible Limited Edition Magazine during Art Basel Miami week Dec 2012 with Cover Featured Artist Award. Enjoy other opportunities to win as 25 artists will be selected by a panel or highly noted jurors for recognition in Publication and through a physical exhibition.

ELIGIBILITY:  All artists (18+)

MEDIA:  Images of Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Photography, Mixed media, Digital art, Installation art, Earth art, and Video art will be considered.

Learn more from Irreversible Magazine! DEADLINE:  October 20, 2012

NOTIFICATION:  November 1, 2012

ENTRY FEE: $35 for 4 images, $5 per add’l up to a maximum of 10 images.  PayPal only.

JURORS:  Bernice Steinbaum, PhD, is one of the most respected members of the art community in the United States.  Gallerist,  dealer, curator, juror, speaker and author Ms. Steinbaum has a reputation for a discerning eye, honest tongue, and snappy wardrobe.

Carol Damian, Professor & Director and Chief Curator of the Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum at Florida International University, Miami.  Alejandro Mendoza is the Founder artist /curator of GIANTS IN THE CITY a monumental inflatable art in public places exhibition.  Rodolfo Vanmarcke & Elaine Minionis  are Directors at The Lunch Box Gallery.  Carlos Suarez de Jesus is an Art Critic.  Armando Colina of the Arvil Gallery Mexico D.F 40 years.

AWARDS:  One Featured Cover Artist Award:  Winning image and artist name featured on the front cover along with a full page artist profile.  Four Exceptional Entries:  One medium sized image, and short statement will be featured in a collective profile segment.  Twenty Honorable Mention Awards:  One smaller image, artist name and website information will be listed in Inside-out feature section.

For complete details, Download the Prospectus!

Download the Prospectus from Irreversible Magazine!

CALL for ENTRIES: Collectors Choice

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and ATE

I collect food-specific dishes.  Weird, I know.  I have ceramic turtles for wasabi, three-legged lava rock bowls for salsa, futuristic pods for olives, individual berry bowls, and there will be more.  (Maybe these egg cups).  Always the proper tool for the job, you could say.  This next Call is really ALL about the collectors.  See if this one is right for you…

Here’s an interesting Call for Entries from the Sylvia White Gallery in Ventura, California for the 2013 Collectors’ Choice.  I am intrigued, this is a great opportunity for a few of you, but the challenge is in figuring out if YOUR work is something this anonymous group of collectors want.  Investigate for your self…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Collectors Choice, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Sylvia White Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
2013 Collectors’ Choice


Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA:  Paintings, mixed media, paper, photography, sculpture, installation, digital, video and performance.

DEADLINE:  November 15, 2012 at 11:00 pm Pacific Standard Time (PST) / Midnight, Mountain Standard Time (MST)

ENTRY FEE:  $35 (USD) for 3 images, $5 each additional image, maximum 10.

Learn more about the Sylvia White Gallery!JURORS:  Each art collector may select one or more pieces by artists that are not currently represented in their private collection.   Collectors’ names will be kept anonymous until the opening reception. Editor’s Note:  My assumption is these are collectors that purchase work in the Sylvia White Gallery.  Because they are anonymous, the best recommendation I have for research is to spend some time investigate the artists the gallery represents, since in theory, it is their work these collectors are purchasing–at least in part.

AWARDS:  Selected artists will participate in 2013 Collector’s Choice January 2-February 9, at Sylvia White Gallery.

SALES: Unless otherwise specified, accepted works will be considered for sale at the price indicated and 30% commission will be retained by The Sylvia White Gallery.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Sylvia White Gallery!


Click to Subscribe to by Email!CREAM CHEESE ONLY,
hold the cake

I am not a fan of red velvet cake. Someone will be at my door any moment to evict me from the South, but I am just don’t get it. Most of the red velvets I have tasted are lightly cocoa-flavored cakes with the plastic-y overtone of excessive amounts of artificial red coloring. I wonder if beetroot can be used to color with adding the flavor of beetroot? Hmmm. Iwill be patient. Someone will come up with one I love eventually. In the meantime, don’t miss this RED Call for Entries. The deadline fast approaches…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Darkroom Gallery (Essex Junction, VT) for Red. The entry fee at Darkroom is always low ($20), and they will provide free matting & framing if you work in their standard sizes. The jury method for this one is a change from the norm with TWO jurors EACH choosing a winner. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you enter, please make sure to let them know that you found the Call on We’ve got a great history with them…including Best of Show!

Learn more about the Red show at the Darkroom Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:

Red. A primary color. Light. Laser. Sunset. Earth. Brick. Fire. Lips. Blood. Heart. Heat. Heroism. Rage. Loyalty. Aggression. Honor. Evil. Love. Stop. Curry.

Pepper. Paprika. Pomegranate. Cherry. Apple. Red Dress. Red Riding Hood. The Scarlet Letter. The Red Badge of Courage.Raise the Red Lantern. Happiness.

Success. Fortune. Fertility. Passion. Lust. The Feast of the Martyrs. Rose. Ruby. Cardinal. Sin. Loss. Communism. Socialism. Revolution. And, a safelight in a Darkroom.

Red. Roja. Rosso. Rouge. Red. Rot. Rooi. Roig. Rood.
Red. Roge. Rudhira. RED.

Learn more about the Darkroom Gallery online!ELIGIBILITY: Entrants must be at least 18 years old. If younger, you must have a legal guardian make the submission for you.


September 19
, 2012

September 25, 2012

JUROR: Brooks Jensen is a mainstay at the popular Review events such as Photolucida and the Houston FotoFest. As a fine art photographer, author, and educator, he has counseled one-on-one, hundreds of photographers on their work, technique, and careers through personal reviews, and many more through his workshops, books, and multi-media outlets. As publisher of LensWork, he has reviewed thousands of submissions over the last 20 years. He brings a studied eye, to say the least, to his Jury task for our exhibition “Red.”

Brooks Jensen, together with Maureen Gallagher, are Co-Editors of LensWork Magazine, LensWork Extended, and LensWork Daily, an online resource for news, technology, commentary, and discussion through blogs and podcast. The award-winning LensWork magazine is an anthology-style periodical published bi-monthly, featuring 3-4 portfolios, articles and commentary, and is devoted to fine art black & white photography. It was first printed in September of 1993 and is currently available in print and for download. LensWork Extended is its expanded online companion, also featuring color work, available on disc and for download. At you’ll find easy access to extensive educational opportunities through downloadable short and long tutorials, books and eBooks, and audio interviews, in addition to the LensWork Daily blogs, and an extensive collection of beautiful museum-quality publications.

Learn more from the Darkroom Gallery!AWARDS:For this exhibition each juror will make a Juror’s Choice and the winners may choose a: 40-minute eConsulation with Brooks – $60 value OR a one-year Full Access Membership to LensWork Online – $59 value. Each juror will also choose TWO Honorable Mentions. The winners may choose a: one-year Subscription to LensWork Magazine (print version) – $39 value OR a one-year Subscription to LensWork Extended (DVD version) – $39 value. People’s Choice gains free entry into a future exhibit.

SALES: Darkroom offers free matting and framing of accepted entries for the duration of each of their exhibitions, subject to standard sizes. Photographers set their own prices if they wish to sell their work and retain all rights to their photographs. For commission details, go to the bottom of the Submisssion Rules page!

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Darkroom Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: 12 12 International

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There are a few things that I simply can’t feed my friends, in-laws, and co-workers.  If I were to show up at a party with escargot, the rumors of my impending insanity would abound.  In the art world, I have learned that I simply can’t show my work in an area where fine artisan crafts are what sells. Well, this next Call has a juror that I suspect you can’t freak out.  Investigate for yourself…

Check out this Call for Entries for the 2012 International Photo Exhibition from the 12 12 Gallery (Richmond, VA)  This juror is known for his own visually provocative work, and I know I have work I can’t show ANYWHERE that I plan to enter.  How about you?

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: 12 12 International, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Download the Prospectus from the 12 12 Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
International Photo Exhibition


ELIGIBILITY: Artists around the world age 18+ may submit up to 3 images for consideration.  Additional images may be submitted at an additional cost for up to a total of 5 works. Work previously exhibited at 12 12 Gallery is not eligible.

MEDIA: Any photographic process

DEADLINE: September 24, 2012

NOTIFICATION: October 5, 2012

ENTRY FEE: Each entrant will pay a non-refundable $25 (US) entry fee for 3 images.  Additional images, at $5 (US) each, for up to 5 total images, may be submitted.

JUROR: Ignatius Widiapradja, Associate Professor of Art and Design, has been teaching at Drake University since 1985. He has taught studio courses in Painting, Drawing, 2 Dimensional Design, and Digital Photography and Editing.

Learn more about juror Ignatius Widiapradja at the 1212 Gallery!Professor Widiapradja’s current creative works are primarily in painting and digital print. In his works, the articulation of images and spatial construction form a cohesive multidimensional reality that exhibits a state of constant flux.

It is the mapping of overlapping memories, future projections and multidimensional processes of awareness. In our memories, images, events, feelings, desire, and space happen simultaneously and are inseparable and intertwined.  Riveting, provocative, and meticulously articulate in their design, Professor Widiapradja’s digital compositions combine artist-captured images that represent landscape, travel, nature, portrait, studio, commercial, and fine art photography.

Learn more about juror Ignatius Widiapradja at the 1212 GalleryHis international aesthetic represents the majestic Himalayas, the peoples of Indonesia, Nepal, Bhutan, Buddhist temples, and much more; electronically sewn together to bring new perspective and juxtaposition to familiar objects of nature and human form.

AWARDS: Cash and prizes up to $1000 will be awarded solely at the discretion of the exhibition juror. Recognition of work by Professor Widiapradja may also be designated to the extent he deems appropriate. These designations may not include a cash prize. Also, 12 12 Gallery Director, Martin McFadden, will award a Director’s Choice Award.

SALES: All work must be for sale. 12 12 Gallery will receive a 35% commission.

For complete details, Download the Prospectus!

Download the Prospectus from the 12 12 Gallery!

ART PUBLICATION: Naming Ceremony Nov. 2012

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I am intrigued by how menu items get there names.  Wouldn’t restaurants have it easier if they could just put “Mc” in front of any item and make it a hot ticket?  It works for the golden arches.  Did you know that some locations actually sell the “McLobster sandwich”?  Really?  Google it.  This next call has little to do with naming things except for their name, but check it out anyway…

Check out this Call for Entries for November 2012 Issue from Naming Ceremony online showcase. This is a really inexpensive ($5 for 10 images), and the links back to your website could be valuable. Don’t miss this art publication opportunity…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, ART PUBLICATION: November 2012 Naming Ceremony, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from Naming Ceremony Magazine!CALL for ENTRIES:
November 2012 Issue

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: any topic/theme/style/medium you would like to show off

DEADLINE: September 30, 2012


ENTRY FEE: $5 for 10 images

AWARDS: It will be compiled with other chosen works and published in Naming Ceremony’s Art Gallery Magazine both in print and online.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Naming Ceremony magazine!


CALL for ENTRIES: (Re)capturing Womanhood

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I took French as my foreign language in high school.  In hindsight, Spanish would have been more useful, but French turned out to be handy when my love of food emerged.  I am enamored with the use of feminine and masculine nouns.  Did you know that un chocolat is masculine while une orangina is feminine?  Orange you glad I’m publishing this next call?  Bad, I know.  Forgive me…

Check out this Call for Entries for (Re)capturing Womanhood at Southern Illinois University (Carbondale, IL) then traveling, brought to you by curators Angela J. Aguayo and Stacy Jill Calvert.  There is no entry fee, but no opportunity for sales.  This is a great academic show with opportunities for your work to travel the country.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: (Re)capturing Womanhood, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the ReCapturing Womanhood Show!CALL for ENTRIES: (Re)capturing Womanhood

What does your world look like?

Recapturing Womanhood is a traveling art exhibit addressing how women of all ages, races, orientations and abilities document their daily life with mobile media technology. In particular, how the ease and proximity of these devices offer insight into the everyday lives of contemporary women.  They are particularly interested in photos that respond back to the typical images of women in popular culture and recapture an undocumented womanhood.

This travelling show will begin at the University of Southern Illinois Carbondale!ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all women

MEDIA:  Original photographs MUST have been captured and edited with a mobile device.

DEADLINE:  October 1, 2012

NOTIFICATION:  November 1, 2012


CURATORS:  Angela J. Aguayo is an Assistant Professor of Cinema and Digital Culture at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale where her teaching, production and research program reflect a strong interdisciplinary focus on documentary studies, rhetoric, critical and cultural studies as well as video production.

Stacy Jill Calvert is Graduate Student in Digital Documentary & New Media at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.  She continued in the world of dot-coms in the 90s and now works professionally as a Social Media Marketing strategist while pursuing her artistic passion as a Digital Storyteller.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the ReCapturing Womanhood Show!


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I am dumfounded by the number of times I use “I” while writing this blog.  But popular opinion confirms that a certain about of narcissim is inherent in the act of blogging…period.  I suppose I could start writing about the food quirks of the famous.  It’s election season in the US, anyone want to talk about Jimmy Carter and peanuts?  I didn’t think so.  This next Call encourages a healthy dose of narcissism.  Be your own muse…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Darkroom Gallery (Essex Junction, VT) for id – The Object of Self. The entry fee at Darkroom is always low ($20), and they will provide free matting & framing if you work in their standard sizes. The jury method for this one is a change from the norm. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you enter, please make sure to let them know that you found the Call on We’ve got a great history with them…including Best of Show! I entered this one myself.  You’ve got a little time left…don’t miss out.

Learn more about the id - the Object of Self show from Darkroom Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
id – The Object of Self


The self-portrait: Is it your compulsion? Your obsession? An impulse?

Was it out of necessity (the mandatory Photo 101 exercise, a portrait for the office newsletter, or because you needed to self-promote)? Is it the autobiographical record you decided was best told in image?

Sometimes we have to step in front of the lens – we can’t seem to communicate what we want to others, or maybe we’re just the most convenient choice for a model (the least expensive, for sure). Even if we got there by default, there is no one better able to translate our vision to the camera than ourselves. Perhaps you were experimenting with persona or striving for a personal perfection? Were you desperately seeking Self?

Learn more about the Darkroom Gallery online!For those willing to dig deep and bare all, the self-portrait is a reward for your bravery – because whether you love it or hide it in the depths of your archives for decades, you’ve learned from it. Whatever your intention, there is nothing closer to an authentic portrait, than to sit both behind and in front of the lens. And whether for totally narcissistic or completely humble intents – you have to admit, it’s you.

ELIGIBILITY: Entrants must be at least 18 years old. If younger, you must have a legal guardian make the submission for you.


August 22
, 2012

September 5, 2012

JUROR: Cig Harvey exhibits internationally, teaches internationally, and photographs everywhere in between. She balances her always imperative personal imaging pursuits with a large number of commercial clients. She is published widely, has won numerous awards, and retains a reputation as an instructor/mentor that leaves waiting lists worldwide.

Learn more about Juror Cig Harvey!Cig will choose a Juror’s Choice and honorable mentions, but otherwise, it’s all YOU! Each of you who submits your self-portraits will be able to vote for up to four images (including one of yours if you’re that confident!). No anxiety here…images will be anonymous, labeled with titles and medium only if provided by their authors. You will not know who you are voting for, and your peers will not know who you voted for. Only those who make a submission will have access to vote. Though you are not required to vote, by submitting your images, you give the other submitters the right to view (and vote for) your images. The 50 to 60 images that get the most votes will be showcased in our gallery and online.

AWARDS: All selected entries are exhibited in the gallery and included in a full color exhibit catalog. Juror’s Choice receives a 20×35″ vinyl exhibit banner featuring their image. People’s Choice gains free entry into a future exhibit.

SALES: Darkroom offers free matting and framing of accepted entries for the duration of each of their exhibitions, subject to standard sizes. Photographers set their own prices if they wish to sell their work and retain all rights to their photographs. For commission details, go to the bottom of the Submisssion Rules page!

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Darkroom Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: dARTboard Digital Art

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…all the way home

I never try foods solely based on their origin.  I love exotic foods, and I’ll try something new out of intrigue in a heartbeat.  But, I gave up pursuit of snooty foods because they are snooty when I gave up butchering the French language to impress the staff at the boulangerie.  This next Call has far more merit, despite its foreign eligibility restrictions.  Take a look…

Check  out the Call for Entries from the Vilcek Foundation for the 2nd Annual dARTboard Digital Art Exhibit on  There is no entry fee, but the eligibility restrictions are very specific.  Pay attention to the details…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: dARTboard Digital Art, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about dARTboard Call for Digital Art Entries!CALL for ENTRIES:

2nd Annual dARTboard
Digital Art Exhibit


ELIGIBILITY:  Eligible applicants must be foreign-born (originally foreign citizens) and be permanent US residents (green card holders) or naturalized U.S. citizens.

MEDIA:  Computer-based and new media technologies

DEADLINE:  5PM EDT on Oct. 22, 2012

NOTIFICATION:  By Nov. 30, 2012


JUROR:  Like their first winner, Ukrainian-born artist Irina Danilova, this year’s chosen artist will be invited to exhibit his or her new media work on the dARTboard, where it will be on display on beginning in early 2013.

AWARDS:  The chosen applicant will receive an Artist’s Honorarium of $5,000

For complete details, Download the Guidelines!

Learn more from the Vilcek Foundation!

CALL for ENTRIES: Botanicals

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by the bushel

Every winter, I lament the prices of produce and dream of summertime when produce will be cheaper.  Every summer, I get angry all over again when I realize that produce never really gets that much cheaper except for the occasional special on summer squash.  This next call is all about produce (well, in part) and isn’t ever very expensive.  This one might be for you…

Check out the Call for Entries from the Light, Space & Time Gallery for their online Botanicals competition. You know that I am not a huge fan of online competitions; however, I think of this as digital publication which is always a good thing. The entry fee is dirt cheap, and the value of inbound links to your website is priceless. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Botanicals, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Botanicals show from the Light Space and Time Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:

Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery announces a Juried Art Competition with the theme “Botanicals” and the gallery would like for all 2D artists (including photography) to send their best interpretation of the theme “Botanicals” by depicting flowers, herbs, leaves and plants.

ELIGIBILITY: Light Space & Time encourages entries from all 2D artists regardless of where they reside and regardless of their experience or education in the art field.

MEDIA: All two dimensional media are eligible. Botanical art will include flowers, herbs, leaves and plants.

DEADLINE: The submission process for artists ends August 28, 2012.

ENTRY FEE: $10 for 2 Entries or $15.00 for 3 to 5 Entries

Learn more about the Light Space and Time Online Gallery!AWARDS: Awards will be for 1st through 5th places. Also, 5 Honorable Mention places will be awarded. In addition, depending on the amount and the quality of the entries, Special Recognition rewards will also be given as well.

BENEFITS: Your artwork is exposed to thousands of visitors to the website each month. Your artwork is retained on the website in the Archives section for further and ongoing exposure.

The Artist’s website is linked to Light Space & Time. Winners for that month are promoted in direct email pieces to gallery owners and directors, corporate art representatives and decision makers in the art world. Winners for that month will be promoted to 50+ news and press release outlets, thus creating more traffic, exposure and back links to the artist and their website. Participating winners are gaining valuable experience, marketing their artwork and building their resumes for a very low cost to take part in one of the gallery’s online competitions. *Editor’s Note: This statement is not a guarantee from, but it comes directly from the Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery website.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Botanicals show from the Light Space and Time Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Altered

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I love to alter recipes.  Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn’t.  I love to test how far I can push the limits.  Bok choy instead of napa cabbage, dates instead of figs, lemon instead of lime.  Just stay in the family tree, and you’ll be fine.  This next call wants to know how you alter photographs.  Don’t miss this chance…

Check out this Call for Art Entries for Altered a alternative process photo show at Open Shutter Gallery (Durango, Colorado). Enter your photographs for $25, but be sure to make the September 15th deadline!

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Altered, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.


Learn more about the Altered Show from the Open Shutter Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:


A juried exhibition for photographers working in low-fidelity or alternative process photography. Images must be shot with a toy or vintage camera and/or printed in an experimental or antique / alternative process.

ELIGIBILITY: This competition is open to all artists. Works must be original, created within the last two years and may not have been shown previously at Open Shutter Gallery. All works must be framed, ready to hang, and for sale.

MEDIA: Photographic images must be captured or printed in an experimental, antique or alternative process (or altered in some way).

Learn more about the Juror for the Altered show at Open Shutter Gallery!DEADLINE:
September 15, 2012

September 23, 2012

ENTRY FEE: First three entries: $25, each additional entry is $5 each.

JUROR: Mark Sink is a photographer, curator, and teacher who has made a living from fine art photography since 1978.  Sink lived in NYC in the 80s. He worked with and documented the lives and works of Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Rene Ricard, and other art luminaries of that decade.

In the early 1990s, Sink was an inspirational driving force and co-founder of the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver.  In recent years, Sink has worked as a private art consultant in Denver, independently curating a wide range of shows.

Learn more about the Altered Show from the Open Shutter Gallery!Photography runs deep in Sink’s family heritage.  Sink’s great-grandfather was photographer James L. Breese, who was the founder of the Camera Club of New York, one of the earliest organizations of fine art photographers.  Even further back, Breese’s uncle— Samuel Finley Breese Morse—is known as “the father of American photography”.

AWARDS: Cash awards and alternative process supplies will be awarded.

SALES: A 50% commission will be retained on all artwork sold during the exhibition.  Works should be priced accordingly and may not be changed after submission.  Selected artists are encouraged to mat works in white and frame with black.

For complete details, visit the Altered website!

Download the Toyed With Prospectus!