Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: 3 Dimensional

CALL for ENTRIES: 56th Annual Masur


Learn more about the 56th Annual Juried Exhibit from Masur Museum!

the SMOOTH move

I finally have a use for all those black, frozen bananas cluttering my freezer –the afternoon smoothie.  I live with two high-metabolism guys, so the 4 o’clock afternoon snack is standard here.  I’m not new to the concept of the smoothie, but I am new to making them regularly.  Frozen cantaloupe, whole milk yogurt and a melange of other goodies like vanilla, berries, chia seeds.  I am frequently still NOT hungry when dinner prep time rolls around.  The best part is that they are super fast & have almost no clean up, giving me less distraction and fewer avoidance excuses.

I need fewer reasons to make excuses.  Do you hibernate from responsibility when overwhelmed? Me too. I am a member of a handful of online artistic communities, and I read all the bickering about what shows are worth entering and which aren’t.  No one seems to see different paths.  Everyone seems to have divided up into teams “realism” vs. “abstraction”, “fine art” vs. “applied arts”.  Where are you?  And why can’t your decision be based on where YOU are or where you want to be?  Right now, I am interested mainly in academic and museum shows because this is a period of growth and change.  What shows feel right to you?  Are you concentrating on publication?  Are you testing new work in online venues?  Are you searching for gallery representation or maybe higher volume commercial sales?  All of those paths are valid.  Don’t get sucked into the guilt of not fulfilling the vision someone else has for what being a successful artist means. (Remind me to talk about Insta-worthy studios sometime.)

Check out this Call for Entries for the 56th Annual Juried Exhibition from the Masur Museum of Art (Monroe, LA). $20 Entry & no commission.  This is a stunning museum show with a storied history. The juror has excellent curatorial vision.   I think this is a great opportunity, but is it the right fit for you?  Have a smoothie and get back to me. 🙂

Learn more about the 56th Annual Masur Juried Exhibit!CALL or ENTRIES:
56th Annual Juried
from Masur Museum


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all US artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media

DEADLINE: January 2, 2019 (extended) 

NOTIFICATION:  February 1, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 2, $10 ea. add’l (5 max.)

JUROR:  Catherine Futter is the Director of Curatorial Affairs at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, MO. Futter has curated a number of permanent collection installations of European and American art from medieval to the present, organized exhibitions that highlight living artists, and also has led the museum’s efforts to spark an area conversation about creating a cultural district in midtown Kansas City. Futter’s specialty is with European and American Decorative arts from 1850-present, and she has previously held positions at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Yale Center for British Art, and the Chrysler Museum of Art.

AWARDS: Best in Show is $1,000, and total awards are $3,200. The People’s Choice Award is $200.00 and will be voted on by visitors throughout the run of the exhibition. Best Packed: $100 This award will honor for the artist who packs their art in the most professional manner. 

SALES: The Masur Museum of Art does not receive a commission on sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Masur Museum!

CALL for ENTRIES: Mind, Spirit & Emotion 2018

Learn more about the 2018 Mind Spirit and Emotion exhibit from!

I love you a LATKE!

The holiday season is upon us.  What are you doing to see yourself through?  Whether you are a fanatic for latkes or sufganiyot, ribbon candy or fruitcake, jerk chicken or Tofurky®, chances are good your holidays involve more than glad tidings & good will.  It is a hard time of year for everyone, some more than others.  Be mindful, be kind, and please, take care of yourself.  This next Call wants to you to reveal your mind, spirit or emotion.  Do you have work to enter?

Check out this Call for Entries from for Mind, Spirit & Emotion 2018. $20 entry & no shipping.  The considered media is wide open too. Take a look…


Learn more about the 2018 Mind Spirit and Emotion exhibit from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Mind, Spirit & Emotion 2018


ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA:   Open to still media, including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, digital, prints, fiber art, collage, etc.

THEME: Mind, Spirit & Emotion “The visual narrative of the artist’s work should reveal their mind, spirit and emotion in the artwork.  The work should express the subject through the artist’s emotions, whether it is bold energy, subtle expression, mystery deepened or revealed, inner beauty, or a unique vision.”

DEADLINE:  December 3, 2018

NOTIFICATION:  December 14, 2018

ENTRY FEE:  $20 for 1, $10 ea. add’l

AWARDS:  $8,125 in cash & marketing prizes.  (e.g. 1st place $500, 2nd Place $400, 3rd Place $300, etc) + helpful marketing. There will be 7 Winners and 10 Honorable Mentions.  

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

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CALL for ENTRIES: Red 2018

Learn more about the Red 2018 exhibit from!

flushed FRUIT

Red is my favorite color.  On an unrelated note, I’ve never eaten a red food I didn’t love.  Hmmm.  I find it hard to resist even the red-adjacent –raspberries, rambutan & now lychee.  Lychee is like the perfect cross of soft floral rose & tart white grapes.  Yum.  The next Call wants to see your “red” inspiration.  What’s not to love about red?

Check out this Call for Entries from for Red 2018. $25 entry & no shipping.  The theme is open to broad interpretation, and one artist now receives a $500 grant.  Take a look…


Learn more about the Red 2018 exhibit from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Red 2018


ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+ (int’l)

MEDIA:   Open to still media, including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, digital art, printmaking, fiber art, collage, etc.

THEME: Red “Colors often symbolize a variety of emotions, an artist’s truth, perhaps wild fantasies—from war, power, heat, love, sexuality, anger, and joy to ‘soft’ idealisms—these are but a few examples. Red, in particular here, can be used to draw the viewer closer emotionally in a way which enhances their reaction to the art. It may define intuitively an intended focal point that carries the viewer more deeply into the artist’s message.” –

DEADLINE: November 12, 2018

NOTIFICATION: November 23, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $25 for up to 3, $5 ea. add’l

AWARDS:  20 artists will be selected for an online group exhibit, “RED 2018” at Gallery25N; the exhibit and artists will be extensively marketed worldwide to over 26,000 people including art buyers, gallery owners, curators, collectors, etc.  One artist will be selected to receive the “Christopher E. Burke Fine Art Grant of $500. That artist’s work will become the image of the exhibition and will be used on the invitation, video title screen and on all online marketing.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

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CALL for ENTRIES: Animal Life 2018

Learn more about the Animal Life 2018 exhibit from!

bear-ly HUNGRY

I live in black bear country, and hyperphagia is coming to an end soon.  Hyperphagia is the time of year when the bears gorge themselves in preparation for their winter “hibernation”, although black bears don’t really hibernate, per see. (I digress.)  This means a few months on not being paranoid about leaving sunflower seeds in my car or a stray pizza box in the outdoor trash can.  Some people have raccoons, I have bears, ha.  This next Call is all about animal life.  Whatcha got?

Check out this Call for Entries from for Animal Life 2018. $20 entry, no shipping & open to all still media.  Thematically open to interpretation. Take a look…


Learn more about the Animal Life 2018 from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Animal Life 2018


ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA:   Open to still media, including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, digital, prints, fiber art, collage, etc.

THEME: Animal Life ““Animal” can be interpreted literally or conceptually for animals Wild, Domestic, On Land, In The Air or Under The Sea.  The image should intrigue and fascinate the viewer with the artist’s vision and interpretation of the animal’s beauty, elegance, strength, speed, delicateness, size, and or its environment. The work can reflect on creatures of the land, sea and air from the simplicity of a domesticated pet to a ferocious wild animal. The works depiction can range from the love one feels for a pet, the amazing diversity of life on the planet and the concern for preserving all creatures from extinction.

DEADLINE:  November 5, 2018

NOTIFICATION: November 16, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $10 ea. add’l

AWARDS:   $8,125 in cash & marketing prizes.  (e.g. 1st place $500, 2nd Place $400, 3rd Place $300, etc) + helpful marketing. There will be 7 Winners and 10 Honorable Mentions. 

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

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CALL for ENTRIES: Art of Darkness

Learn more about the Art of Darkness show from Soulard Gallery!


The darker my mood, the darker the chocolate needs to be.  The past few days have given me many reasons to eat emotionally, none of them good, but I cannot seem to find a chocolate with a bite dark enough match my roar.  I’m going to have to make art instead, clearly. This next Call wants your darkest art. Send them your best…

Check out this Call for Entries from Soulard Gallery (St. Louis, MO) for Art of Darkness.  Don’t miss the early bird deadline to save on entry fees. This is a great venue…


Learn more about the Art of Darkness show from Soulard Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Art of Darkness 
from Soulard Gallery


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media 

THEME: Darkness“work that is creepy, macabre morbid, surreal, unnerving, weird, ghastly, grotesque, hideous, grim, eerie, spook, gothic, sinister or disturbing.” — Soulard Art Gallery

DEADLINE:  October 14, 2018 at 5pm

NOTIFICATION: October 15, 2018

ENTRY FEE: No fee to submit (up to 3); however, there is a $30 “operational cost” fee. 

AWARD: Awards of Excellence & Merit will be awarded by guest judge, St. Louis artist Cindy Royal.

SALES:   No commission taken by the gallery. 

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Art of Darkness show from the Soulard Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Moment in Time 2018


Learn more about the Moment in Time exhibit from!

the PLATE truth

Where are the beautifully plated foods?  I have been home from my residency for 3 days, and I miss my housemates, my studio, the time to focus solely on creation, and honestly, I miss the sauce swirls and flower garnishes on every meal.  So bratty, I know.  Even the goulash was stunning.  Fear not, I’ll publish the Call for that residency another day.  In the meantime, here’s a Call for your best still life work.  Investigate…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Moment in Time 2018 & the Christopher E. Burke Fine Art Grant. $25 entry & no shipping.  Remember that “still life” need only be life that is still, no basket of fruit required.  And, one artist now receives a $500 grant.  Take a look…


Learn more about the Moment in Time exhibit from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Moment in Time 2018


ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+ (int’l)

MEDIA:   Open to work in any medium including digital and experimental mediums

THEME:  STILL LIFE “can be a very personal view of an artist’s daily life. . . . The magic of still life imagery is that they [sic] can show us a new way of looking at the ordinary objects around us. Once they are placed into a specific arrangement and then captured in paint, ink, pastel, photography or any other medium – the objects take on a whole new meaning. They are imbued with a life beyond the ordinary. Their existence becomes recorded in time. The objects chosen for a still life painting often have a special meaning, either on a personal, cultural, societal, religious or philosophical level. The themes surrounding the artwork often provoke introspection and reflection in the viewer. The way that the objects are depicted can evoke a wide variety of emotions“. –

DEADLINE: October 15, 2018

NOTIFICATION:  October 20, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $25 for up to 3, $5 ea. add’l

AWARDS:  20 artists will be selected for an online group exhibit, “MOMENT IN TIME 2018” at Gallery25N; the exhibit and artists will be extensively marketed worldwide to over 26,000 people including art buyers, gallery owners, curators, collectors, etc.  One artist will be selected to receive the “Christopher E. Burke Fine Art Grant of $500. That artist’s work will become the image of the exhibition and will be used on the invitation, video title screen and on all online marketing.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

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CALL for ENTRIES: Light of Day

Learn more about the Light of Day exhibit from!


BREAKFAST eggspert

I miss breakfast.  I have been complaining about being sick of eggs for 10 years, but I’d give anything for an egg sandwich right now.  My residency provides the basics so that we can make our own breakfast –eggs, bread, butter, yogurt, granola.  But, you know what happens when a chef prepares every lunch & dinner you eat?  In my case, I’ve become too lazy to make my own breakfast outside a bowl of granola. *sigh*  This next Call if for your impressions of the light of day… not necessarily what you eat a dawn, ha.  Take a look.

Check out this Call for Entries from for Light of Day. $20 entry, no shipping & open to all still media.  Thematically open to interpretation. Take a look…


Learn more about the Light of Day exhibit from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Light of Day


ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA:   Open to still media, including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, digital, prints, fiber art, collage, etc.

THEME: Light of Day Perhaps the sun as it rises to a new day suddenly presents to you an inspiring fascination which you creatively pass forward through an exciting new work of your own.  Nature’s light and your artistic hopes become realized and are seen fresh and renewed. . . . The artist’s and photographer’s exciting, potentially enlightening moment may bring forth to many cultures art work demonstrating subjective concepts, philosophies, or even political expressions and worldwide aspirations. We look forward to seeing these works which represent either a literal or metaphorical portrait of your ‘light of day’.”

DEADLINE:  October 8, 2018

NOTIFICATION: October 17, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $10 ea. add’l

AWARDS:   $8,125 in cash & marketing prizes.  (e.g. 1st place $500, 2nd Place $400, 3rd Place $300, etc) + helpful marketing. There will be 7 Winners and 10 Honorable Mentions. 

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

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CALL for ENTRIES: 2019 Trestle Residencies

Learn more about Artst Residency at Trestle Gallery!

JELLY much?

Why do we always want what we cannot have?  Deprivation drives some people mad.  I am not being deprived; I’m just stubborn.  It is a control issue.  The food at my residency is phenomenal cuisine offered in a beautiful setting.  I have eaten every manner of veloutĂ©, terrine & and savory foam imaginable, but I am currently craving a PB&J and banana pudding, separately of course.  Ridiculous.  This next Call is for a residency that does not provide meals, so you are welcome to eat all the junk food you can stand, ha.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from The Trestle Gallery (Brooklyn, NY) for Trestle Artist Residency and Visiting Artist Residency.  This is an opportunity to have work space in Brooklyn while developing a relationship with a great non-profit contemporary art space for only a $10 submission fee.  Take a look…


Learn more about Artist Residency at Trestle Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
2019 Artist Residencies from
The Trestle Gallery


The visiting residency is “ideal for established artists with a serious practice looking for a space to make work while engaging with the Trestle Gallery & Art Space community.” While the Trestle Artist Residency is “aimed at helping artists find a foothold in the art world while they develop a new body of work as an Trestle Art Space Member.”

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists. 

MEDIA: Open to all media

DEADLINE:  October 1, 2018

RESIDENCY DATES:  January 1 – June 30, 2019

SUBMISSION FEE: $10 for up to 3

NOTE:  These residencies do NOT provide housing. 

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about The Trestle Gallery!

ARTIST RESIDENCY: AiR Tilburg (The Netherlands)

Learn more about the SEA Tilburg Artist Residency!

pie or TAART

When I was a child, my grandmother would occasionally bake a special dessert and exclaim, “as American as apple pie” when she would deliver it to the table. I’m not sure why, just an odd familial colloquialism I suppose.  But apple pie certainly isn’t an American original.  The Dutch have recorded recipes for apple pie dating back to 1514.  An appeltaart is a deep pie with a pastry top and bottom.  It’s filled with a apple, sugar, cinnamon & lemon juice and sometimes raisins or currants.  Now, I’m hungry.  This next Call is for a residency in The Netherlands.  It is as Dutch as apple pie. *snicker*  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the SEA Foundation (The Netherlands) for a Open Call AiR.  30€ application fee.  Two residents will receive full funding; there are non-funded residency options as well.  This gift of time may be just what you need…


Learn more about the AiR Tilburg from the SEA Foundation!ARTIST RESIDENCY:
Open Call AiR
from the SEA Foundation


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to professional artists, age 25+. Students are not eligible.

MEDIA:  Open to visual artists, curators & art theorists/writers in all stages of their career.

DEADLINE EXTENDED:  October 22, 2018 (Editor’s note: Please pay attention to the time and zone of the deadline when applying.)

NOTIFICATION:  Longlist November 1, 2018. Shortlist (invited) November 15. Fellowships announced December 1.

ENTRY FEE:  €30 (currently approx. $35 USD)

JURORS:  Artistic merit is the basis for selection. All applications will be judged by a panel consisting of SEA Foundation team members that is complemented by international advisors.

AWARDS:  Two selected residents for the 2019-2020 program will be offered a fully funded fellowship which includes access to all facilities, mentoring, a weekly stipend and a production budget.  Funded by SEA Foundation: Studio and private living quarters; Heating, water and electricity; Bespoke mentoring and training; Use of shared kitchen and common residency rooms; WIFI everywhere on the premises; Breakfast; Use of workshop and equipment; Use of art-related library; Interaction with local peers and other residents; Office facilities and printers; PR activities; Free parking (road side) Bike on loan; Stipend of 200 euro (approx $233 USD) per week; Production budget 1500 euro (approx. $1745 USD) depending on project costs. Paid by the resident: Travel costs & personal expenses.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the AiR Tilburg from the SEA Foundation!


CALL for ENTRIES: Emerging Artists 2019

Learn more about the 2019 Emerging Artist show from the Limner Gallery!


So, I’m writing this post from an artist residency in New York.  I have been here for three days, and I have lost 5 pounds.  I am eating glorious food prepared in a traditional French manner breakfast, lunch & dinner, compliments of the restaurant on the property.  How is this possible you ask?  I eat exactly three meals a day.  Normally I am a grazer, eating off and on all day.  But, I am currently in a town with a population of approx. 150 people without a vehicle or availability of a local grocer.  I have spent three solid days in my studio coming out only to be fed,  and the end result is weight loss.  I can see the tabloid headline now — “Emerging Diet Trend:  eat anything & lose weight”. Ha.  Until then, here’s a Call for emerging artists.  Bon appĂ©tit..

Check out this Call for Entries from Slow Art Productions for Emerging Artists 2019 at the Limner Gallery (Hudson, NY). $35 entry open to all media and all artists.  Take a look…


Learn more about the 2019 Emerging Artist show from the Limner Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Emerging Artists 2019
at the Limner Gallery


This event is devoted to the discovery, introduction and promotion of Emerging Artists. The exhibition will be held February 27 – March 23, 2019, at the Limner Gallery.


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media forms of painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, graphics, digital and installation art, video, etc.

DEADLINE:  October 31, 2018

NOTIFICATION:  December 30, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 4, $5 ea. add’l OR $50 for 10

SALES:  SlowArt Productions will retain 35% commission on sales.  Prices set by the artist.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!