Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: 3 Dimensional

CALL for ENTRIES: Positive / Negative

Learn more about the Postive Negative 31 at ETSUs Slocumb Galleries!comfort FOOD

When winter hits, my mood often turns darker.  But, instead of pizza & ice cream (okay, sometimes instead), I try to reset my nutritional routine.  I am always surprised how unexpected foods can trigger a change in mood.  Healthy fats like that found in fish, nuts, avocado are shown to improve brain health while vitamin D found in dairy (and non-dairy mylks) are a big help if I have been stuck indoors.  Spicy foods offer anti-inflammatory benefits that help with circulation and my energy levels.  Making a positive change in what I eat often helps me combat a negative turn in my mood when winter sets in.  This next Call is all positive.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Slocumb Galleries at ETSU (Johnson City, TN) for the 31st Positive/Negative, a nat’l juried exhibit. Open theme considers most media. Don’t miss it…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Positive / Negative, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Postive Negative 31 at ETSUs Slocumb Galleries!CALL for ENTRIES:


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists residing in U.S., age 18+

MEDIA: Open to all 2D & 3D media, plus video.  Note: There is no theme.

DEADLINE: December 17, 2015 (extended to Dec. 20th)

EXHIBIT DATES: Feb. 8 to March 4, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $36 for up to 3 entries

JUROR: Al Miner is Asst. Curator of Contemporary Art at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston since 2010. There Miner has curated 8 exhibits and authored monographs including ‘Ori Gersht: History Repeating,’ and ‘Gonzalo Fuenmayor: Tropical Mythologies.’ His next major project opens April 2016 exploring the link between found object practices and urbanization in Asian megacities.   Prior to MFA, Miner worked at the Hirshhorn Museum &Sculpture Garden in Washington D.C.

AWARDS: Up to $1,000 in cash prizes ($500 for Best of Show, $100/ea Honorable Mention) and exhibit opportunities.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Postive Negative 31 at ETSU's Slocumb Galleries!

ARTIST of the DAY: Maurice Mbikayi

I love technology; I do. 

Technology is what allows AAAD to offer free resources to artists.  But I have days when I look around the restaurant or library (or my own livingroom) and I wonder at the blue glow of electronic devices on nearly every face in the room.  Is this where & what we want to be?  Have we weighed the positives & negatives of the constant immersion? Today’s Artist of the Day , Maurice Mbikayi, has given us his perspective in a series of works that are definitely worth investigating. (continues below)

Narcisurfing Netizenship by Maurice Mbikayi (computer keys, cables, fibreglass & wood)
Narcisurfing Netizenship by Maurice Mbikayi (computer keys, cables, fibreglass & wood)

“I a dragged into a virtual world of codes daily.  There, an irresistible fascination and a whispering concern transform me into something alien.” –Maurice Mbikayi

Learn more about Maurice Mbikayi!

GETTING a SHOW: Updated Resource

Getting a Show: Avoiding the Pitfalls & Pratfalls by RLGibson began as a way to keep track of shows worth entering for artists, friends and peers– beginners, emerging & established. And over the years, I have found that established artists still make many the same mistakes I see from beginners, over and over again. As a gallerist, juror & critic, I am regularly asked why I choose one artist’s work over another.  There is never just one reason, but there are a handful of regular mistakes that influence my decisions NOT to choose work.  The obvious first issue: the art must be good, or at least promising–that should be the most important fact.  But to tell the truth, there’s a gallery or a show out there for most art– the sumptuous & the sour.  But, because the world is full of banana peels, we’ve newly updated one of our artist resources…

Getting a Show: Avoiding the Pitfalls & Pratfalls!

CALL for ENTRIES: Bang Bang

Learn more about the Bang Bang exhibit from On The Ground Floor!SWEET

White chocolate is not chocolate.  Every year I have to remind a few folks.  Those cocoa bean solids are the defining issue.  I’ll eat just a kiss, or a smooch if you will, of white chocolate each year.  But when I say, “I’m craving chocolate”, the answer is never white-chocolate-macadamia-nut anything.  Just to be clear.  Consider this my yearly white chocolate PSA.  And to be honest, I’d rather have my smooches & kisses a very different way –like this Call.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from On the Ground Floor (Los Angeles) for Bang Bang.  Another great Call from a fantastic venue, $25 Entry & open to all media. Don’t miss this opportunity…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Bang Bang, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from On the Ground Floor!CALL for ENTRIES:
Bang Bang


“Brancusi did it. Rodin did it. Even Tamara de Lempicka did it.

“The kiss has left its mark on many works of art, from the stone carvings of Constantin Brancusi to its marble predecessor sculpted by Rodin. With her kiss, Tamara de Lempicka delivered a woman swept off her feet by a high society gentleman, clad in an oily top hat, against the cubist backdrop of a city port. Each kiss carries its own sentiment.

“When lips meet, they promise temporary escape or a lifetime of devotion. When tongues touch, they deliver notes to our lovers, detailing desire or a lack thereof.” –from

Learn more about the Bang Bang exhibit from On The Ground Floor!ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Open to all media

THEME:  The kiss –open to interpretation

DEADLINE:  January 3, 2016


CURATOR: Malika Ali is a L.A.-based artist & curator working in multiple media including film & video, installation, photography & the written word. She is an alumna of Howard University & The American Film Institute where she earned a Master of Fine Arts degree.

Malika Ali has exhibited with The Greater Cleveland Urban Film Festival, Arena 1 Gallery, Upstairs at the Market Gallery, and On The Ground Floor (OTGF), an artist-run space she co-founded in the View Park district of L.A. Her blog converges contemporary art, writing, design, lifestyle, family, culture & politics.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Bang Bang exhibit from On The Ground Floor!


ARTIST of the DAY: Richard Shilling

art of the land, POWERED by the SUN

I live rurally, by choice, and find the environment I live in almost overwhelmingly inspirational.  Today’s Artists of the Day has found a way to put my inspiration to work for him AS art.  Enjoy the gorgeous, ephemeral work of Richard Shilling.  So many of his works are powered by the sun, just like today’s Power It Forward Call. (continues below)

4 Colour Sunwheel by Richard Shilling
4 Colour Sunwheel by Richard Shilling (coloured leaves, dogwood frame & the evening sun)

“Through his ongoing relationship with nature he explores themes to do with time, ecology and the constant flux of the seasons and expresses these ideas through his unique land art images.  Every sculpture is photographed in natural light, using normal camera equipment and without any Photoshop…  Each photo accurately depicts how each sculpture appeared, at its most vibrant moment, before the elements reclaim the materials back to nature.” –from

Learn more about Richard Shilling!


Learn more about the Blue exhibit from!holiday

I have broken my own blue-food rule.  I have ranted & raved for years about food coloring.  I have forever sworn off any faux food colored any shade of blue, but I have given in.  This year will be my very first time in my life that I will have a “real” Christmas tree (living, as opposed to artificial).  So, I decided that all the ornaments and decorations should be “real” too (read handmade or homemade).  I couldn’t resist the most beautiful electric-blue gum drops I have ever seen.  I am testing them out as a sweet garland.  Forgive the hypocrisy, but I promise not to eat them.  This next Call is another non-edible use for all things blue.  Maybe this one’s for you…

Check out this Call for Entries from and G25N for Blue. Only $20 to enter. This Call is open to seven different media including digital & fiber art. Take a look

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Blue, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Blue exhibit from!CALL for ENTRIES:


“The deeper the blue becomes, the more strongly it calls man towards the infinite, awakening in him a desire for the pure and, finally, for the supernatural… The brighter it becomes, the more it loses its sound, until it turns into silent stillness & becomes white.”
— Wassily Kandinsky

ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: Open to all still media: painting, drawing, collage, photography, digital, etc.

THEME: BLUE. The art created of any subject that is enhanced by the use of the color blue, whether it is a single dot of blue or a completely blue image. The color blue should enhance the narrative of the works subject as Blue can imply many emotions, symbolism or feelings, from blue marble to Blues music. Blue can express the future, good feelings, happiness, prosperity, ocean or sky, and we can feel blue, etc. It can be used to enhance, emphasize or be a focal point in the art.

DEADLINE:  January 4, 2016

NOTIFICATION:  January 13, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $10 each add’l

AWARDS:  Up to Fifteen artists will be selected for a group exhibit, “BLUE” at G25N’s online gallery opening on January 22, 2016.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!
We are happy to have as a sponsor of AAAD.



ARTIST of the DAY: Jan Huling

a happy HEART

It is time for holiday mayhem again. I want to encourage you to just say “no”.  I’m not suggesting you expect your five year old to give up gifts in lieu of a shiny red apple.  But I do want you to give up the undue pressure to make anyone’s holiday perfect, including your own.  I do want to encourage you to use your resources in support of the the people you love and what they can offer or create in this world.  Make it have heart or just say “no”. Today’s Artist of the Day Jan Huling offers the most literal example of that concept I can imagine. Enjoy. (continues below)

Corazon by Jan Huling
“Corazon” by Jan Huling

My 3-dimensional collages combine found objects with surface design, sometimes touching on narrative themes. I’m also drawn to religious and political icons, inspired by a continuing fascination with indigenous or popular culture and world religions. By juxtaposing these icons with an eclectic assortment of objects, the viewer is challenged to consider common images within an altered context. The [construction] process is slow and meticulous, zen-like, with the choice of forms motivating color schemes and iconography.— Jan Huling

Learn more about Jan Huling!

CALL for ENTRIES: Interdisciplinary

Learn more about Interdisciplinary from Creative Living Works!beauty

Being a great cook, is an interdisciplinary skill.  I know a handful of people who claim to be so uncreative that they “can’t draw a stick figure”.  Clearly, creativity is not measured by the quality of your stick figures.  But I am willing to accept those sorts of self-assessments –unless they come from a great cook.  Composing the perfect dish requires great taste, some basic scientific knowledge, both an eye for design and nose for the perfect unexpected ingredient.  Without that combination of talent, meals are likely to be unremarkable.  This Call is another way to put a combo of talents to the test.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Creative Living Works (Somerville, MA) for Interdisciplinary, at the Washington Street Gallery. $20 Entry & 20% commission.  This is another reason to stretch your skills or even collaborate.  Investigate this opportunity…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Interdisciplinary, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Interdisciplinary from Creative Living Works! CALL for ENTRIES:


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all work that crosses one or more creative disciplines. Unique & experimental art is encouraged. The collaboration of fields may be in the subject matter, the medium or a combination.

DEADLINE:  December 15, 2015

ENTRY FEE:  $20 for up to 4

JUROR:  Heather Balchunas, originally from Westfield, MA has a BFA in illustration from Massachusetts College of Art in 1997.  Being active in the art community is an important part of her growth as an artist.  During her tenure at the Puppet Showplace Theatre, Balchunas found further creative stimulation through her position as an arts administrator. Whether it is puppet construction, theater, set design, or painting, one creative process influences another.

Dan Dez has been developing games since 2002. After receiving his BFA in Computer Animation at Ringling School of Art and Design, he started his game development career which has spanned around the country and across PS2, GameCube, XBOX, Xbox360, PS3, iOS, Android and PC.  He is now and independent game developer who has always had an appreciation for Fine Arts.  After graduating from RISD, Sean Hilts worked as freelance Graphic Designer, founded The Brothers Hilts, an illustration/design team, and is currently a Senior User Experience Consultant.

AWARDS:  Cash awards will be given for Best in Show, determined by a panel of jurors & a People’s Choice award, chosen via online voting.

SALES:  Washington Street gallery takes 20% commission on any works sold, however, work may be submitted as “Not for Sale”.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about Interdisciplinary from Creative Living Works!


ARTIST of the DAY: Eric Rhein

today is a NEW DAY.

I have experienced so much loss in my lifetime.  In the late 1980s & early 90s, I lost dozens to AIDS & a handful with HIV to suicide in the throes of gripping fear.  Beginning in the mid 1990s, the prognosis of those living with HIV+ opened up to a hopeful future as the expectation, not the exception.  Today’s Artist of the Day Eric Rhein creates intimate work that addresses the full scope of emotion surrounding diagnosis and post-diagnosis living.  And, with the approach of World AIDS Day, December 1st, AAAD is privileged to share this work with you. (continues below)

"Niagara" by Eric Rhein, found-object assemblage
“Niagara” by Eric Rhein, found-object assemblage

Rhein’s considered and intuitive use of repurposed objects is a hallmark of his work.  The act of giving such cast-offs a new life mirrors the artist’s own spiritual path. Rhein felt a calling to address the universal aspects of the human experiences-particularly its vulnerability, resilience, and possibilities for transcendence—as experienced after his diagnosis with HIV in 1987.–from

Learn more about Eric Rhein!

ARTIST of the DAY: Danielle Evans


I have a love for the written word, both for content AND form.  I good sign for anything–barbershop, hardware or boutique, will make my heart skip a beat.  I may have found my soul mate in today’s Artist of the Day Danielle Evans of Marmalade Bleue, whose “heartstrings are plucked by lettering”.  Did I mention that she uses mostly food?  I know… soul mates.  Plus, what better ART to pair with today’s ART DEADLINE? (continues below)

Love You more than Pizza by Artist of the Day Danielle Evans!
“Love You more than Pizza” by Artist of the Day Danielle Evans. The pizza image was carved blindly without stencil, using 4 mediums, eventually executing the final on a extra large, 16″ diameter pie.

As a kid, I loved making Valentines and dropping them in my classmates’ handmade holiday boxes with a piece of candy. This year I realized Instagram had adopted a direct message box requiring a private image to start a discussion which reminded me of this nostalgic practice. I set to work on the theme ‘Love You More Than…’ and sent over 250 private message Valentines with personal notes to the recipients.  I pulled every pun, sparing no dad joke. This was about more than love.–Danielle Evans

Learn more about Danielle Evans!