Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: 3 Dimensional

CALL for ENTRIES: Points of Departure

Learn more from the Points of Departure Exhibit from the John Michael Kohler Arts Center!FRUITY fantasy

Food transports me.  While I travel a lot regionally, I spend far less time west of the Mississippi, much less outside the U.S. borders, than I would like. If I can’t be there or go there today, or this year, food offers an escape to places far and near — both past favorites & those destinations yet untraveled.  This next Call wants to discover the places to which you depart.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from John Michael Kohler Arts Center (Sheboygan, WI) for Points of Departure: An Exhibition without Borders.  No entry fee. Easy submission process. Fantastic theme…


Learn more from the John Michael Kohler Arts Center!CALL for ENTRIES:
Points of Departure
from JMKAC


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

THEME:  A place of escape—whether it is a psychological space in one’s own imagination or a physical place to venture off to.

MEDIA: Open to all 2-D or 3-D media

DEADLINE:  August 19, 2016


JUDGING:  Submissions will be evaluated based on their relevance to the exhibition concept, overall quality & adherence to submission rules.

SALES:  The Arts Center will retain 25% commission on all sold work.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the John Michael Kohler Arts Center!


CALL to ARTISTS: Purchase Award

Learn more from!fast FOOD

Groceries arrived at my door this week.  You see, we chose to become a one-car family years ago.  We live fairly remotely –2.5 miles from the closest two-lane road and nearly 10 miles to a minor four-lane highway.  So, when the water pump on our car erupted in the driveway, getting groceries became a challenge for the weekend. Luckily, we have access to a grocery delivery that costs less than the taxi to and from the grocery store would cost.  Some days, you just need a little help.  This next Call wants to offer a little help to artists.  Take a look…

Check out this Call to Artists from for the $1000 Purchase Award. $25 entry & send a link. It doesn’t get any easier. Don’t miss this one…

Learn more from!CALL to ARTISTS:
Purchase Award


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Open to all visual media, including but not limited to drawing, painting, conceptual, installation, prints, sculpture, glass, new media, mixed media, photography & video. (no dance or performance at this time)

DEADLINE: July 31, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $25 for up to 5

AWARDS: If selected as the winner, the award recipient must exchange one of their original works or smaller series of original works for inclusion into a collection, in return for the award. Work considered by the artist as of equal value, and available for acquisition can be negotiated upon receipt of the award. Shipping costs will be paid by

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Working Artist Grant and Purchase Award!


ARTIST of the DAY: Hollie Chastain

(left to right) Neighborhood 1 and 2, collage, by Hollie Chastain
(left to right) Neighborhood 1 & 2, collage, by Hollie Chastain

“I have an affection for a great city. I feel safe in the
neighborhood of man, and enjoy the sweet security
of the streets.” –Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


The one thing for which we all seem to long is feeling safe in the ‘neighborhood of man.’  Now, here, it feels like such an unlikely longing.   Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Hollie Chastain, creates glimpses, tiny microcosms of personality, individuality, of comfort.  Welcome home.


Find a place to BE in the collage work of AAAD Artist of the Day, Hollie Chastain!



CALL for ENTRIES: Games: Marbles to Minecraft

Learn more about the Marbles to Minecraft exhibit from Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Art Center! one POTATO, two POTATOES

I caught my child harvesting poisonous potatoes.  Digging up a rare, toxic tater is a good thing I’m told. They weren’t meant for us, luckily, and he didn’t dig them from our yard.  He found them in the Desert Biome on Minecraft.  If you don’t understand that last sentence, fear not, you can stick to checkers or chess for this next Call.  Play through…

Check out this Call for Entries from Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center (Solomons, MD) for Games: Marbles to Minecraft. $25 entry. I really don’t see this curatorial theme often. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Games: Marbles to Minecraft, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

CALL for ENTRIES: Games: Marbles to Minecraft from Annmarie


Learn more about the Marbles to Minecraft exhibit from Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Art Center!“From primitive dice games played with small pieces of bone or shell, to early checkers games developed in Ancient Greece, playing games has long been a means of human social interaction. In modern times, game culture has evolved into a multi-faceted, and largely commercial enterprise that includes board games, role playing, card games, and digital games, to name but a few. ” –from

ELIGIBILITY: All artists working in U.S.

MEDIA: Open to all media

DEADLINE: August 18, 2016

NOTIFICATION: August 29, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $25 for up to 4

JUROR: The exhibit will be juried by a 1-2 member panel; typically, one member of the panel is drawn from the Smithsonian Institution.

AWARDS: Annmarie will present cash awards to outstanding work from installed works. Awards are contingent upon sponsors; typically there are four awards of approx. $200 each.

SALES: Annmarie will retain a 40% commission of the listed sale price.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center!

ARTIST of the DAY: William Hall

"The Fifth Labor" (dry pigment & polished grout) by William Hart
“The Fifth Labor” (dry pigment & polished grout) by William Hart

“I ask the question ‘what if?’.  I am not always happy with the result, nor is it  always what I expected.” William Hart


Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day asks the universal question, and better yet, is brave enough to admit that he isn’t always happy with the outcome.  Thank you.  The unrelenting pressure to make creativity look easy and always perfect, not only leads to the demise of artist confidence, but renders experimentation and growth high risk.


Discover the possibilities with the mixed media work of
AAAD Artist of the Day, William Hall!


ARTIST of the DAY: Regardt van der Meulen

"Untitled" (20 mm mild steel round bar) by Regardt van der Meulen
“Untitled” (20 mm mild steel round bar) by Regardt van der Meulen

“People habitually live with a misled sense of security, the illusion that our environment or civilisation is dependable and static. Often times the dangers and violence of the current world we live in interrupts and the illusion of safety is exposed.” 
Regardt van der Meulen


A friend recently messaged me to say, “I don’t know how I’m going to make it through today. How do you do it?” I replied, “I just put on foot in front of the other until I get to the end.”  In hindsight, even that simple plan is fraught with assumption.  ANY way you get through is better than NOT getting through.  Don’t worry about the bonus points for style.  Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Regardt van der Meulen sculpts with full awareness of the ephemeral nature of how we exist. Fragile, but stubborn.


Steel yourself with more work from AAAD Artist of the Day,
Regardt van der Meulen!




CALL for ENTRIES: Really, Really

Learn more about the really really affordable art show from BWAC!squish SQUASH

Need a squash recipe?  We should talk.  Because they are in-season, inexpensive & always in-stock at my farmer’s market, it seems as though my family eats “crookneck” summer squash & zucchini nearly every day –sauteed, cassarole’d, mashed & even as soup.  It is the perfect make-something-with-what-you-have veggie, and it is really, really affordable, sometimes 99¢ or less a pound.  This next Call is for really, really affordable art, but I promise their definition is more palatable.  Time to purge the studio…

Check out this Call for Entries from BWAC (Brooklyn, NY) for The really, really Affordable Art Show. Take advantage of a discount for early entry, a distinguished juror & a possible purchase award. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Really, Really, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the really really affordable art show from BWAC!CALL for ENTRIES:
Really, Really Affordable Art Show
from BWAC

“This is a selling show with art priced for all.  The people most likely to buy your work in the future are your current collectors.  After all, they have expressed their love of your work with their wallet – the sincerest compliment.   But now it is time to expand your collector base in NYC.” –from

ELIGIBILITY: Open to U.S. artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media

ENTRY FEE: $45 up to 6, $5 ea. add’l (early bird), $55 for up to 6, $5 ea. add’l (June 24 – July 6) or $65 up to 6, $5 ea add’l after July 6

DEADLINE: July 26 (early bird) or August 8, 2016, midnight PST (final)

NOTIFICATION: August 23, 2016

JUROR: Helga Christoffersen, Assistant Curator at New Museum of Contemporary Art, NYC.

AWARDS: Best of Show Gold:  $1000 Purchase Prize (Helga Christoffersen collection), Best of Show Silver: $250 & Eight (8) Certificates of Recognition: $100 each

SALES: BWAC will retain a 25% commission on all exhibition sales.  For THIS SHOW, all work must be priced at $499 or below. Every artist selected by Helga Christofferen can also send in one additional pieceof the artist’s choice for the really‐really Affordable Art section. These will be slightly smaller pieces and priced at $399 or less.

For full details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the COLOR exhibit from BWAC!



CALL for ARTISTS: Open Doors 2016

Learn more about Open Doors 2016 from Newark Arts Council and Aferro Gallery!hold the PUMPKIN

Farmer’s markets are in full swing. Summer heat is pervasive –and distracting.  Most galleries & arts organizations take a casual approach to Summer programming due to competition from outdoor activities. But Fall is just around the corner, and it signals the onslaught of pumpkin-flavored foods and arts festival that take advantage of the glorious weather.  This next Call is for just such a festival.  This could be an opportunity for you.

Check out this Call for Artists from Newark Arts Council (Newark, NJ) & Gallery Aferro for Open Doors 2016.  This 4-day festival also has curated show opportunities. All you have to do is send a FREE email.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ARTISTS: Open Doors 2016, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Open Doors 2016 from Newark Arts Council & Aferro Gallery!CALL for ARTISTS:
Open Doors 2016 from Newark Arts Council & Aferro Gallery

“The Newark Arts Council is excited to invite you to participate in Open Doors 2016, the citywide arts festival.  The festival draws thousands of visitors, as more than 40 venues join forces to showcase visual, performing, and literary art. In 2016, the festival will run concurrently with the Dodge Poetry Festival & Newark Celebration 350, which marks the city’s 350th birthday.”

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all media

DEADLINE: August 1, 2016

CURATORS:  This year the NAC has contracted with Gallery Aferro to produce Open Doors, your contact person will be Evonne Davis, she can be reached here.

AWARDS:  Opportunities for individual artists include consideration for curated exhibits, access to temporary space in which they can individually showcase their works, artfair/project style during October 20-23, and having your artwork shared with curators

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Newark Arts Council!


CALL for ENTRIES: Fur, Feathers & Fins

Learn more about the Fur Feathers and Fins exhibit from the Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center!scraps or SNACKS?

Countertop composting alludes me.  We bought the mini-composter, we diligently saved scraps.  The problem is that we never have enough green bits.  The culprit?  The dog.  She’s addicted to carrot ends and lettuce spines and broccoli stalks.  This next Call wants to hear about your furry, feathered and finned culprits.  I love this venue…

Check out this Call for Entries from Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center (Solomons, MD) for Fur, Feathers & Fins. $25 entry, epic jurors & a great show, every time. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Fur, Feathers & Fins, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Fur, Feathers & Fins exhibit from the Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center!CALL for ENTRIES:
Fur, Feathers & Fins from Annmarie

“Surveys report that about 62% of American households include a pet. Why do we seek out the companionship of animals? Why do we need to be close to them? What needs do they fulfill? The jury seeks works that explore the wide world of pets & the role that our faithful companions play in our lives.” –from

ELIGIBILITY: All artists working in U.S.

MEDIA: Open to all media

DEADLINE:  August 10, 2016

NOTIFICATION: August 22, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $25 for up to 4

JUROR: The exhibit will be juried by a 1-2 member panel; typically, one member of the panel is drawn from the Smithsonian Institution.

AWARDS: Annmarie will present cash awards to outstanding work from installed works. Awards are contingent upon sponsors; typically there are four awards of approx. $200 each.

SALES: Annmarie will retain a 40% commission of the listed sale price.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center!




CALL for ENTRIES: 3rd Coast National

Learn more about the Third Coast National exhibit from K Space Contemporary! something’s FISHY

My son is spending the summer in Texas.  Before he left, he was excited about what he assumed would be all the BBQ & Tex Mex food he could eat.  He neglected to remember that Texas is a coastal state.  Corpus Christi alone has dozens & dozens of well-reviewed seafood restaurants. this next Call wants the unexpected and just happens to hail from Texas.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from K Space Contemporary (Corpus Christi, TX) for the 3rd Coast National exhibit.  Open to any media, great juror & venue.  Don’t miss this one…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: 3rd Coast National, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Third Coast National exhibit from K Space Contemporary!CALL for ENTRIES:
3rd Coast National


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to U.S. artists 18+

MEDIA:  Open to all media

DEADLINE:  July 8, 2016

NOTIFICATION:  August 1, 2016

ENTRY FEE:  $40 for up to 3 ($30/members), $5 ea. add’l

JUROR: Sharon Kopriva is a visual artist born in Houston Heights.  Kopriva’s extensive exhibition record includes solo shows at prestigious institutions, such as The Menil Collection in Houston, Ogden Museum of Southern Art in New Orleans, and museums in India, Germany, China and other parts of the world.  Her work has been reviewed in numerous publications including Art in America, Art News, Art Lies and Art+Culture.  Kopriva was awarded the prestigious Texas State Visual Artist of the Year, Texas Artist of the Year-Art League of Houston& a Mid-America Arts Alliance/National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship Award in Sculpture.

AWARDS:  $2500 in cash awards for the top 5 works: Erick Schaudies Memorial Award for Best of Show plus 4 places. Honorable Mentions are given at the juror’s discretion.

SALES:  All works must be For Sale. KSC collects payment & retains 40% commission.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from K Space Contemporary!

