Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Established Artists

CALL for ENTRIES: The Bicycle 2019

Learn more about the 2019 Bicycle Call from Theatre Art Galleries!

FOOD to go

I have a friend that is a competitive cyclist and one that owns a coffee cart that is powered by custom-built tricycles, meanwhile I can’t ride a bike or a trike, or at least I don’t think so.  It has been a long time since I tried.  My friend that rides long distances carries a small pack with water and snacks. I picked up the protein bars she recommended, assuming they would be of questionable taste and that the lack of TASTE would prevent me from eating them like candy bars.  FAIL.  They taste like coconut cookies — delicious.  Ahhh.  I’m trying to forgive her, ha.  

Today’s call is all about the bicycle.  I exhibited in this show last year, and the venue is beautiful.  My interpretation of bicycle was NOT literal, so I was pleased to receive an acceptance letter.  My work did not sell, but the returned work was well-packed and received in an appropriate amount of time.  The entry fee is low; there are cash awards, and the commission is standard.  I may enter again this year.  How about you?

Check out this Call for Entries from Theatre Art Galleries -TAG (High Point, NC) for The Bicycle: Art Meets Form.  $20 Entry, 40% commission & cash awards.  Take a look…

Learn more about the 2019 Bicycle Call from Theatre Art Galleries!CALL for ENTRIES:
The Bicycle: Art Meets Form 
from the Theatre Art Galleries

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA:  Open to all media.  Subject matter must relate in some way to bicycles or cycling. 

DEADLINE:  July 26, 2019

NOTIFICATION:  August 6, 2019

ENTRY FEE: $20 up to 3 

JURY INFO:  All entries will be judged from digital images. Awards will be selected from the original works of art.

AWARDS:  1st Place $500, 2nd Place $250 & 3rd Place $100

SALES:   Theatre Art Galleries will retain a 40% commission on all work sold.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about The Bicycle exhibit from Theatre Art Galleries in High Point NC!

CALL for ENTRIES: Cimarron Nat’l Works on Paper

Learn more about the Cimarron National Works on Paper exhibit from Oklahoma State University Department of Art - Graphic Design and Art History!

list of DISTASTE

On paper, I am NOT a finicky eater, but there is a list of things I don’t eat by choice.  I’ve always disliked Ranch dressing until this 40 Aprons recipe changed my mind (not a sponsored post). The remainder of the list includes collard greens, anything eaten alive, American “cheese”, licorice & few other random odds & ends that are not normal options anyway. Sometimes you don’t know until confronted with an unedible.  I had to eat American cheese last week, and it is still on my mind, obviously, ha.  What are your outside food limits?

This next Call is on another of my lists, but this one is for far better reasons.  I appreciate academic shows, and they align with my list of shows that will help push me toward my career goals. OSU’s Art Department has a great record of good shows and excellent jurors.  This one is no different.  If you work on paper (including photography), and are looking for a quality show, try this one. They even pay return shipping up to $100.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Oklahoma State UniversityDepartment of Art, Graphic Design & Art History (Stillwater, OK) for Cimarron National Works on Paper.  $30 entry fee.  You know how I love an academic show…

Learn more about the Cimarron National Works on Paper exhibit from Oklahoma State University Department of Art - Graphic Design and Art History!Cimarron National Works on Paper 
from O.S.U. Department of Art, Graphic Design & Art History

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all U.S. resident artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to work on paper, including photography & paper-based multi-media work. 

DEADLINE:  July 8, 2019

SHIPPING:  If accepted, work must be received by August 29, 2019.

ENTRY FEE: $30 up to 3

JUROR:   Jodi Throckmorton, curator of contemporary art at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. As PAFA’s Contemporary Curator, Throckmorton oversees such programs as, the Morris Gallery Program and the Sculpture Plinth Program. Prior to her current position at PAFA, Throckmorton served as Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at the Ulrich Museum of Art at Wichita State University and as associate curator at the San Jose Museum of Art. She holds an MFA in Museum Studies from San Francisco State University, and a bachelor’s degree in Art History and French from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 

AWARD:  $2,000 will be available for purchase awards. Purchased work will be added to the permanent collection of the Department of Art, housed in the Oklahoma State University Museum of Art. Awards will be selected by the juror after the accepted work has been received.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Oklahoma State University Department of Art - Graphic Design and Art History!

CALL for ENTRIES: Las Laguna Aqueous 2019

Learn more about the 2019 Aqueous from Las Laguna Gallery!

open up & say A-GUA

I quit smoking six and a half years ago.  I entirely expected to be able to better taste food.  What I didn’t expect was my sense of smell to like a blood hound.  My hearing also wildly improved, but my family believes the timing is just a ridiculous coincidence.  My sense of smell, while appreciated, has consequences.  The trash has to go out more often.  I can smell a soft spot in a potato in dry storage or an overly ripe banana all the way in my bedroom the minute I wake up.  The strangest smell revelation for me is water.  Water should be odorless, but it rarely is.  Tap water almost always reeks of chlorine or sulphur or has an acrid metallic odor. Ugh.

Meanwhile my husband is upfitting a small barn as my new studio, and it doesn’t have running water.  As a watercolorist, I have to have clean water.  As a solution, I designed an inexpensive system that pumps water from exchangeable 5 gallon jugs and a separate complex filter system to allow me to send the gray water out to water the flower beds.  I use non-toxic paints, and my filtration system is meant to capture the pigment, but I am going to plant white flowers… just in case.  This next Call is all about the water soluble media & has fewer guidelines than the society shows.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Las Laguna Gallery (Laguna Beach, CA) for Aqueous 2019, a show of work in water-soluble media. $35 entry & 35% commission.  Don’t miss this opportunity…

Learn more about the 2019 Aqueous from Las Laguna Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Aqueous 2019
from Las Laguna Gallery

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

THEME:  This is an open theme exhibition and all subject types will be considered. From Traditional landscapes, Local views, Abstracts, Wildlife, Pets, Figure studies, Seascapes, harbors, and beach scenes, Impressionistic landscapes or more.

MEDIA: Open to water soluble media: watercolor, acrylic, casein, gouache, ink & egg tempera

DEADLINE:  July 9, 2019

NOTIFICATION: June 15, 2019.  If accepted, delivery of work is July 25-30.

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 3 

SALES: The gallery will retain 35% commission on all sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!


Learn more from Las Laguna Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Strange Figurations 2019


Learn more about Strange Figurations from SlowArt Productions and the Limner Gallery!

future FOOD

Netflix & popcorn nights have accompanied my new revelation… the phrase “I had no choice” may be the most commonly uttered line written for television. We always have a choice.  The choice may be unthinkable, unspeakable and emotionally-devasting, but it is still a choice.  I have made glorious choices and horrific ones.  Those choices have allowed me to follow my heart and have fueled my creativity, but they have also created an unsustainable physical reality for me.  My body is betraying me; I’m not terminal, just infuriatingly chronic.

I have created bodies of work surounding how our bodies betray us.  But really, I made many of the choices.  So, thanks to Netflix #jokingnotjoking I am making new choices.  I am trying to gently strengthen my body and make healthier food choices.  Trying.  I love my life, and I’ve come to love the physicality of the figure I inhabit, so it is time to fight to keep it.  I’m not having a mid-life crisis or looking for immortality, I just want a chance to have a productive future.  I don’t think kale or avocado are miracle cures, but clean food & more movement have to be a start. Like I said, trying.

This next Call wants your figurative work, whatever your take.  Are you fighting for a figure?  Your own? Another’s?  Check out this Call for Entries from Slow Art Productions for Strange Figurations at the Limner Gallery (Hudson, NY). $35 entry, 35% commission, open to all media and all artists.  Take a look…

Learn more about Strange Figurations from SlowArt Productions and the Limner Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Strange Figurations
at the Limner Gallery

This exhibition will be held September 5-28, 2019.

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media forms

THEME:  “This exhibition is open to all interpretations of the concept, Strange Figurations. Included are all forms of surreal, visionary and extraordinary figurative art. All interpretations of the theme “Strange Figurations” will be reviewed and considered.” — Limner Gallery

DEADLINE: June 30, 2019

NOTIFICATION: July 30, 2019

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 4, $5 ea. add’l 

SALES:  SlowArt Productions will retain 35% commission on sales.  Prices set by the artist.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from SlowArt Productions and the Limner Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Harrow

Learn more about the Harrow Issue from Up the Staircase Quarterly!

ORANGE you glad?

I’m going to have orange elbows any day now.  I have been craving and eating carrots daily.  In my area, they are usually around a dollar a pound for full size organics and make great chips for hummus, a great boost to Indian dishes, beautiful color in Buddha bowls.  When my son was learning to eat real food, he preferred anything sweet or starchy, naturally, with a preference for carrots and sweet potatoes.  His hands, feet, knees and elbows stayed a hilarious color of orange for a few weeks.  I expect mine to turn any day now, ha.

Continuing with this week’s publication theme, I want to introduce you to Up the Staircase Quarterly if you’ve not yet had the privilege.  Established in 2008, Up the Staircase Quarterly is an online journal of poetry, art, interviews, and reviews. New issues are published every February, May, August & November, unless otherwise stated. And for some of you that write poetry in addition to visual work, UtSQ nominates for the Pushcart, Best of the Net, and Best New Poets

They have a 10+ year history and a detailed Masthead for you to research.  So, check out this Call for Entries from Up the Staircase Quarterly (online pubication) for Harrow.  There is no entry fee, but also no payment. Do you have suitable work?

Learn more about the Harrow Issue from Up the Staircase Quarterly!

from Up the Staircase Quarterly

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media 

THEME:  Paranormal. Open to any takes on this subject–serious, quirky, and everything in between, work containing ghosts/spirits, aliens, conspiracy theories, cryptozoology, near death experiences, glitches in the matrix, extrasensory perception, pseudoscience, and any experiences that can be considered supernatural.

DEADLINE:  June 15, 2019

NOTIFICATION:  Less than 30 days

ENTRY FEE: No fee up to 10 images 

AWARD: Publishing credit, no monetary compensation.  Harrow goes live on August 1st.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Up the Staircase Quarterly!

CALL for ENTRIES: Lay of the Land

Learn more from Orion, America's Finest Environmental Magazine!

dandy DISHES

I woke up sneezing this morning for the very best reason — flowers are blooming.  They’ve been blooming for a while, but today, the wildflowers have taken over my side yard.  That means it is time to remind folks about eating flowers.  Rose petals are among my favorite salad toppings & oil additives, but dandelions are truly the star of edible blooms.  The yellow flowers are delicious, the greens are considered a superfood, and I hear you can roast & grind the root as a decaf coffee substitute.  As always, never eat a flower if you don’t know its history as well as the history of the land upon which it grows.  No one wants a belly full of pesticide.

Continuing with the publication-themed calls this week, pay attention to the next one.  This environmental magazine has a 30+ year track record, so doing research on what they want is easy.  They do publish a wide variety of styles; however, environmental work is their mainstay.  I have linked to their Call, and although they have an online entry system, you will find that they prefer you to simply email them a link to your work, NOT the work itself.  This is a great way to have someone consider a portfolio of images instead of hoping you picked the single “right” image for the submission.  Free & easy…

Check out this Call for Entries from Orion Magazine (print publication) for the Lay of the Land department.  There is no fee to enter, but please do your homework on this publication so that you can craft your submission to suit.  “America’s Finest Environmental Magazine”…

Learn more from Orion, America's Finest Environmental MagazineCALL for ENTRIES:
Lay of the Land Art
from Orion Magazine

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all 2-D media 

THEME:“We are always curious to hear from artists whose work shares our concerns with nature, culture, and place. Artists are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with past issues of Orion before approaching us with portfolios….artwork in Orion maintains intuitive connections to the physical world.” –

DEADLINE:  June 15, 2019



SUBMISSION NOTE: “Correspondence should ideally link to a web gallery, lightbox, or shared folder. We prefer not to receive media submissions attached directly to emails.”

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Orion, America's Finest Environmental Magazine!

CALL for ENTRIES: Opulent Mobility 2019

Learn more about the 2019 Opulent Mobility exhibit!

practice what you PEACH

I reject the notion that extravagant dishes require exotic foods. I find that the simplest foods, treated extravagantly, remain my favorites.  Have you ever had a vanilla-poached peach? Top it with  freshly whipped cream and a drizzle of raw honey, and it makes for the the most opulent dessert (or breakfast) you could ever want.  I’ve spent many a year unimpressed by this simple stone fruit to only to realize it was my own lack of imagination at fault.

This next Call addresses mobility devices and their common ground the the common peach — a need for re-imagining.  Each year when this Call is announced, I revel in the notion of opulent mobility.  You need look no further than the work of curator A. Laura Brody as inspiration.  At its core, this show suggests that not only are we enough, but that we should celebrate our enough-ness.  That we deserve to move through our lives, through this world with a personal sense of opulence, with purposeful, extravagant creativity.  Sit with the notion of this Call and see where it takes you.

Check out this Call for Entries from curator A. Laura Brody for Opulent Mobility 2019.  This year the exhibit will be at the Dora Stern Gallery in New Jersey.  $20 Entry, 40% commission & a unique curatorial theme.  Stretch your creative muscles with this Call!

Learn more about the 2019 Opuletnt Mobility exhibit!CALL for ENTRIES: 
Opulent Mobility 2019

“I challenge you to imagine a world where mobility, disability, and access can be opulent. I challenge you to approach the work with thoughtfulness, humor, creativity, and care.  Because if we do not imagine a better world, we can’t make one happen.”  — A. Laura Brody

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all 2 & 3-D work, film, videos of performance art & music.

THEME: Radical re-imagining of the mobility of disability

DEADLINE: June 30, 2019, 5pm PST

NOTIFICATION:  by August 1, 2019

ENTRY FEE: $20 flat fee

CURATORS:  A. Laura Brody is a professional costume maker and designer who developed Opulent Mobility as a series of artworks, then built it into a juried group exhibit.  Anthony Tusler is a photographer & disability arts activist. His photographs of the 1977 disability occupation of the San Francisco Federal Building are on his site: aboutdisability.comCelene Ryan, Director of Artist Development for Arts Unbound has more than twelve years of experience as an arts management professional in NYC, working directly with many self-taught artists, most with special needs.

AWARD:  This year, Opulent Mobility 2019 will be hosted by Arts Unbound.  If accepted, artists’ work will be included in the physical exhibit at the Dora Stern Gallery in New Jersey.

SALES:  40% commission taken on sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about Opulent Mobility 2018!

CALL for ENTRIES: Unique Abstractions

Learn more about the Unique Abstractions exhibit from Las Laguna Gallery!


The notion of eating healthy is an abstract one. Even putting ethical concerns aside, there are health benefits (and disadvantages) to embracing vegetarianism, veganism and even raw diets.  Sugar is the devil, but artificial sweetners are differently malicious.  An excessively fatty diet can lead to heart disease but when coupled with an near absence of carbohydrates puts the body in ketosis that effectively treats diabetes in many.  Chocolate and red wine and coffee and kale, all abstractions of a healthy diet.

In art, abstraction takes a lot of forms.  At it’s broadest, abstraction is work that is non-representational. But, that begs the question, non-representational of what?  From that we get non-figurative & non-linear styles that are often included in surrealism, dadaism, cubism, fauvism, suprematism, art informel, neo-plasticism, de stijl & others.    This next Call wants to see all of your abstract creations.  My heart lies with abstraction, although I find reactions to it frustrating.  What’s your experience?  Are you insulated enough not to hear the voices of those that would dismiss the non-representational?  My mantra is ‘process not product’.  Excerise your muscle memory.  Lose yourself in process.  It works for me.  What works for you?

Check out this Call for Entries from the Las Laguna Gallery (Laguna Beach, CA) for Unique Abstractions, a show of abstract work in a wide range of media. $35 entry & 35% commission.  Don’t miss this opportunity…

Learn more about the Unique Abstractions exhibit from Las Laguna Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Unique Abstractions
from Las Laguna Gallery

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

THEME:  Abstraction.  “True abstract art not only utilizes flexibility and freedom; it also employs bold uses of color, line, pattern, form, process and composition.” —

MEDIA: Open to acrylic, airbrush, assemblage, charcoal, color pencil, collage, digital art, drawings, encaustic, fiber art, araphite, illustration, mixed media, new media, oil, painting, pastel, photography & watercolor.

DEADLINE:  June 7, 2019

NOTIFICATION: June 12, 2019.  If accepted, delivery of work is June 26th to July 2nd.

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 3 

SALES: The gallery will retain 35% commission on all sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!


Learn more from Las Laguna Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Meltdown

Learn more about the Meltdown Call from the Limner Gallery


It is no secret that I’m a little, well, let’s call it cheese “focused”. But we all have our priorities.  After being seperated by an ocean for 4 weeks, my husband and I stopped by a local dairy farm less than 24 hours after reunited… to buy cheese. Priorities.  Cheese glorious cheese.  A few days later, I made summer squash au gratin also known as “squash makes all the melted cheese a legitimate choice”, au gratin for short.  Melted cheese means I’m home, ha.  Think of it as my oven’s welcome mat. It is the best kind of meltdown.

I have been known to indulge in an epic meltdown of a personal nature on occasion.  The last U.S. presidential election put me in an ugly place for weeks.  Every insuing attack on civil rights, environmental regulations, access to health insurance & the ability to govern the workings of my own body have warranted their own meltdowns.  My work has changed.  My life has changed.  I worry about becoming numb to the suffering of others, to the loss of agency, to the restrictions on the ability to speak freely.  Where is this planet’s population headed?  While I was in Scotland recently, I was regularly engaged by locals about American politics.  People want to understand what is going on in the United States.  I couldn’t explain.  I can’t explain.  So, I just keep working.  Right now, THAT is what I can do. 

This next Call in interested wants to see how your work reflects a sense of meltdown, whatever your interpretation.  What do you have to say?  Could this be the place for you to say it?  Check out this Call for Entries from Slow Art Productions for Meltdown at the Limner Gallery (Hudson, NY). $35 entry, 35% commission, open to all media and all artists.  Take a look…

Learn more about the Meltdown Exhibit from the Limner Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
at the Limner Gallery

This exhibition will be held June 14 – July 13, 2019.

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media forms

THEME:  “We are living in an age of global crisis – of catastrophic MELTDOWN, a crisis the proportions of which, sadly, needs no description.  Historically artists have foreseen, described and been inspired by crisis. The subject of this exhibition is every aspect of the MELTDOWN crisis, be it global, personal, environmental, financial, psychological, scientific and/or spiritual.” — Limner Gallery

DEADLINE: April 30, 2019

NOTIFICATION: May 31, 2019

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 4, $5 ea. add’l 

SALES:  SlowArt Productions will retain 35% commission on sales.  Prices set by the artist.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from SlowArt Productions and the Limner Gallery!

ARTIST of the DAY: Alice Wellinger

The Envelope by AAAD Artist of the Day Alice Wellington!
“The Envelope” (acrylic on canvas, 40cm x 40cm) by Alice Wellington

“Kunst ist schön, macht aber viel Arbeit” Karl Valentin

“Art is beautiful, but it does a lot of work.” — Karl Valentin

I was on a flight from Chicago to Atlanta recently when the pilot announced it was going to be a very bumpy ride.  I’m not a bad flyer, but it doesn’t stop me from white-knuckling the armrest everytime we drop a few feet.  But sharing my flight was a 3-year-old girl, traveling with her father, all full of energy & curiousity.  Everytime we would hit turbulence and drop a little, she would giggle & laugh & hold her stomach.  For me, turbulence is a chance I’m going to die, for her, it is a stomach drop in the elevator or over the top hill of a rollercoaster.  I will never experience airplane turbulence the same way.  Perspective.

When asked (frequently BTW) about my favorite artist or style of art, my immediate reaction is to reject being backed into a corner by that sort of reductivism, but eventually my answer boils down to “perspective”.  I want to be shown a different way to see, feel or be with something in the world, or not in the world as the case may be.  I’ll take irony, sarcasm, absurdism, realism, surrealism or any other work that makes me better, or worse, for the experience. The wit of Austrian-based artist & illustrator, Alice Wellinger, today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, drew me in immediately.  Take the time to click any of the links in this feature to explore more of her work.  “Beneath her editorial work she develops her personal art, which is surreal,ironic, dealing with the troubles of daily life and childhood memories.” You won’t be dissapointed.

Gain a new perspective with the work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Alice Wellinger!