Art and Art

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Art and Art

Category: Art Sales

CALL for ENTRIES: Sirens & Seahorses

Learn more about Sirens & Seahorses from the Shoe Factory Art Co-op!olives or

I wax nostalgic around holidays, and Mother’s Day made me think of pimento loaf.  When I was around 7, my father & I lived in Little Rock, Arkansas.  My Mom wasn’t around (that’s a long story for another time), and my Dad made all my lunches.  In his mind, pimento loaf was an appropriate lunch meat for a 7 year old.  At night, I would sneak to the bedroom door and whisper “peanut butter & jelly” while he prepared to make my lunch–subliminal influence.  I quit getting pimento loaf, and at least 3 days a week, I got Goober Grape®.  My Dad never mentioned it.  This next Call also conjures images of childhood for me.  Maybe my childhood wasn’t the standard.  Hmmm…

Check out this Call for Entries from The Shoe Factory Art Co-op (Rochester, NY) for Sirens & Seahorses. I can’t wait to see this show! Take a chance…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Sirens & Seahorses, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Sirens & Seahorses from the Shoe Factory Art Co-op!CALL for ENTRIES:
Sirens & Seahorses

Artists are asked to create and submit original artwork depicting mermaids and/or seahorses. Other real, mythical, or fantasy sea creatures may also be considered, but mermaids and seahorses are preferred.

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all media

DEADLINE:  July 13, 2014

ENTRY FEE:  $25 for up to 2 images

JURORS: Submissions are juried by the Shoe Factory Art Co-op.

SALES:  The Shoe Factory Art Co-op will retain 25% commission of the price of any artist’s work sold or special ordered by patrons.

ABOUT the SHOE FACTORY: We provide opportunities for artists to exhibit and sell their work in Rochester’s Neighborhood of the Arts! Our mission is to promote our creative work within a supportive network of artists and friends. –from

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Shoe Factory Arts Co-op!


Learn more from the Connecticut Audubon Society!here chicky

When I was pregnant, I couldn’t eat anything that looked like a bird.  The smell of fresh-roasted chicken made me ill.  And, while I could eat a chicken nugget or bad, food-service breaded chicken patty, the mere sight of a drumstick would make me violently ill.  At the time, I worked behind the cheese counter at The Gourmet Shop–which was, and still is, famous for the hundreds of pounds of chicken salad they make & sell everyday.  That job didn’t last long.  This next Call IS NOT for roasted birds; I suspect they would prefer imagery of birds that are still very much alive.  Just sayin’…

Check out this Call for Entries from Connecticut Audubon Society (Fairfield, CT)  for the the 5th Annual Birds and Their Habitat art exhibit & sale.  Put your work in front of people interested in buying.  See for yourself…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Birds, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn about the Birds and their Habitat exhibit from the Connecticut Audubon Society!CALL for ENTRIES:
5th Annual Birds & Their Habitat


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:   Painting, photography, sculpture, printmaking, wood carving, ceramics & fine art crafts. As the title suggests, works must feature birds and/or the beauty of nature, from bird life and their habitats to the diversity of natural landscapes specific to Connecticut and the North East.

DEADLINE:   June 14, 2014

ENTRY FEE:   $30 for 3 to 5 images

JUROR:  Will be based upon technique/execution, quality & uniqueness of work by a panel

AWARDS:   If chosen, you will be able to display 5 to 10 images

SALES:  40% commission to Connecticut Audubon Society

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Connecticut Audubon Society!


extra fructose?

I had brown tomatoes at dinner tonight, and they were NOT rotten.  They were Kumatoes–a hybrid developed in Spain.  I noted they were a touch sweeter, but less exotic tasting than they appeared.  But, I can’t resist a weird fruit or vegetable, so I tried them as a part of a Caprese Salad.  Pretty, but forgettable. This next exhibit is all about Color as well; just make sure you don’t send pretty-but-forgettable work.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition (BWAC) for Color.  Be sure to wow them by the early bird deadline. Don’t miss this one…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Color, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Color Exhibit from BWAC!CALL for ENTRIES:


This is an open Call for Submissions from artists all over the USA for an exhibit in our gallery–an 8000sf Civil War-era warehouse on the Red Hook waterfront. With its trendy restaurants, bars, boutiques and billion dollar view of the Statue of Liberty and New York Harbor, it’s an exciting place to visit and EXHIBIT. The enormous space of the gallery affords us the opportunity to exhibit really huge work, and we welcome it. –from the COLOR prospectus

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all U.S. artists 18 years+

Learn more about BWAC online!MEDIA:  Open to all traditional & non-traditional 2D & 3D media

ENTRY FEE: $45 for up to 3 if rcv’d by May 19, 2014, then $65.

DEADLINE:  June 2, 2014

NOTIFICATION: June 16, 2014

JUROR:  Lauren Hinksonis the Assistant Curator for Collections at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. She conducts permanent collection research with a focus on contemporary and time-based art. She also works closely with the museum’s acquisition committees and organizes presentations of works from the Guggenheim collection for venues worldwide.

Learn more from BWAC!In addition to her research, she has curated Il Guggenheim: l’Avanguardia americana, 1945–1980 at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome and Lasting Images at the Guggenheim Museum in New York.  Prior to joining the Guggenheim in 2008, she worked in the Department of Prints and Illustrated Books at the Museum of Modern Art, NY.

AWARDS:  Best of Show Gold $1000, Best of Show Silver $500, People’s Choice $250, Curator’s Choice $250 & Certificates of Recognition of $100 ea

SALES:  BWAC will retain a 25% commission on all exhibition sales.

For full details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from BWAC!

CALL for ENTRIES: Then & Now

Learn more from the Arts & Culture Alliance!APPETIZERS
for 2000+

Cooking for you would be fun.  I hear from many of you from time to time about your art, but most often I hear about your food.  I often think about one or more of you when I’m cooking something you love.  This next Call will give me a chance to cook  for you–well, kind of.  This is a Call for a show at The Emporium Center Gallery, located just below The Balcony Gallery, also located at The Emporium Center in Knoxville, TN.  This show opens on July 4th downstairs at the same time my personal solo show opens upstairs in The Balcony Gallery.  I’ll be providing a few gluten-free goodies as hors d’oeuvres for both openings.  I would be thrilled to have you with me that night.  Enter the show & let me cook for you…

Check out this Call for Entries from The Arts & Culture Alliance (Knoxville, TN) for the Then & Now. Only $20 for entry & I’ll cook for you to boot. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Then & Now, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from the Emporium Center Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Then & Now


The Arts & Culture Alliance’s Then & Now Exhibition celebrates the ten-year anniversary of the Emporium Center by hosting 20-25 artists to showcase two of their works in a side-by-side format:

  • A piece of artwork from “then” (at least 10 years old) &
  • A piece of artwork from “now” (created within the last 2 years)

Learn more from the Emporium Center!ELIGIBILITY:
Open to all artists

Open to all media

June 1, 2014

June 16, 2014

$20 for up to 3 sets.
(Free for members)

JUROR:  Then & Now will be juried by the Board and Staff of the Arts & Culture Alliance.

AWARDS:  A $200 award will be given to one artist for their set of “then” and “now” works, as designated by the jurors.

SALES:  25% commission (20% for check/cash).

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Download the Prospectus from the Arts and Culture Alliance!

CALL for ENTRIES: 2015 Season

Learn more from Roy G Biv!do paleo

With 7 months left in the year, I’ll probably change my food plan at least another 3 times.  Then there’s all the changes I’m going to make in 2015 to contemplate.  Do I forgo sugar or diary or meat?  Do I consider going vegan or vegetarian or even paleo?  I have 7 whole months to eat potatoes & decide, right?  This next Call is your opportunity to make decisions about your art in 2015.  Art is an easier decision t make…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Roy G Biv Gallery (Columbus, OH) for their 2015 Exhibition Season.  $25 entry & you could end up with your own show. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: 2015 Season, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from the ROY G BIV gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
2015 Exhibition Season


ROY G BIV Gallery is a nonprofit art gallery located in the historic Short North neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio. Founded in 1989, ROY G BIV is known for presenting innovative contemporary art by emerging artists from around the world.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Open to all media

DEADLINE:  May 31, 2014

ENTRY FEE:  $25 for 10 to 15 images

JURORS:  Ann Hamilton is a visual artist internationally recognized for her large-scale multimedia installations. She is a Distinguished University Professor at The Ohio State University and a recipient of the Heinz Award and the MacArthur Fellowship. She represented the United States in the Venice Biennale in 1999.

Learn more from Roy G Biv!Michael Mercil  is the Chair of Graduate Studies in the Department of Art at The Ohio State University. His work has been exhibited nationally, including at the Socrates Sculpture Park, NY, and the North Dakota Museum of Art.  James Voorhies is the Director of the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts at Harvard University.  He is curator and writer whose work has appeared in publications for Texte zur Kunst, frieze and Haus der Kulturen der Welt.  Lisa Dent is the Director of Resources & Award Programs at Creative Capital, a national nonprofit that provides grants to artists. Previously she served as the Curator of Contemporary Art at the Columbus Museum of Art.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Read the Full Call from the Roy G Biv Gallery


CALL for ENTRIES: Nicolet

Learn more from Nicolet College!KRINGLE
minus the Kris

Since diagnosed with a wheat allergy, bread isn’t an option for my family. And honestly, I don’t really miss it.  We’ve come up with alternatives for pizza dough, cookie dough and pie crust.  But I can’t come up with substitutes for puff pastry or the heavenly 32 layers of flaky dough that is the Kringle.  Help. Me.  Please. The cravings will go away before I am forced to make road trip to Wisconsin–I hope.  In the meantime, I’ll have to make do with dreams of a road trip for this next Call, also from Wisconsin.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Northern Arts Council & the Nicolet Art Gallery (Rhinelander, WI) for 27th Annual Northern National Art Competition. Over $8500 in awards…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Nicolet, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Cookie Cutter Falls by Thomas Pettengill--Learn more from Nicolet College!CALL for ENTRIES:


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to 18+ U.S. artists

MEDIA:  Open to all 2-D media

DEADLINE:  May 10, 2014

NOTIFICATION:   June 27, 2014

ENTRY FEE: $30 for up to 2

JUROR:  Linda Benedict-Jones teaches courses in the history of photography at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She is the Curator of Photography, Carnegie Museum of Art. Previously, she served as the Executive Director of Silver Eye Center for Photography in Pittsburgh; Curator of Education at Pittsburgh’s Frick Art & Historical Center; and Guest Curator at Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Museum of Art, where she co-curated the major exhibition Pittsburgh Revealed: Photographs Since 1850.

Learn more from Nicolet College!Prior to moving to Pittsburgh in 1993, Benedict-Jones was Curator of the Polaroid Collection in Cambridge, Massachusetts & Director of Polaroid’s Clarence Kennedy Gallery.  She earned a Master’s degree in Visual Studies from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1982. She has taught courses in photography at Carnegie Mellon University, University of Pittsburgh, Harvard Extension School , Northeastern Univ. & London College of Printing.

AWARDS:  More than $8,500 will be awarded.  Three $1,000 Awards of Excellence.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Nicolet College!


Learn more about the Redhanded 7 exhibit!RASPBERRIES
& beet-red cheeks

That moment when someone unexpectedly walks in the kitchen while you’re cramming the last of the chocolate chips in your mouth like Lucille Ball in a chocolate factory… simply common place at my house.  Insert raspberries or pickled beets into that sentence, and it has my name written all over it.  I’m constantly being caught red-handed.  Luckily for me, this next Call is for all of my red-handed compatriots–in & out of foodie-landTake a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Curator Sharon Meriash for 7th Annual RED Show at the T Gallery Denver (Denver, CO).  $10 Entry, a great theme & juror too!  I want to enter this one, but alas, I work in black & white.  Time to work outside the comfort zone…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: REDhanded, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Redhanded 7 exhibit!CALL for ENTRIES: REDhanded


Why RED?  Red is the warmest and most striking of all colors. Red is the color most chosen by extroverts and one of the top picks of males. Red can mean love, lust, anger, temper, fiery heat and warmth. Red can symbolize danger. In China, red is the color of prosperity and joy where brides wear red and front doors are often painted red. Red is Tuesday’s color. Red roses symbolize passionate love. Red is the color of Mars. Red is the color of blood with strong symbolism as life and vitality. And we believe artists who work in RED understand the power of creating art within shades of red.  Here’s hoping to catch you RedHanded! –from the prospectus

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Each piece must be created in 50% PLUS shades of red.  All works are square in finished orientation, 20”x20” being the largest accepted size.

Chalk work by Juror Eric Matelski!DEADLINE:  May 18, 2014

NOTIFICATION:  May 23, 2014

ENTRY FEE: $10 for 1 & $5 ea. add’l

JUROR:  Artist & curator, Eric Matelski, has made his place in the art community by painting live, curating exhibits, coordinating art events & donating his time and artwork to charities and non-profits. He also produces a number of group art shows each year with his art production company Art Pimp.

In 2008 Matelski was named by the City of Denver & the Rocky Mountain News as one of the cityʼs 150 unsung heroes for his work in the Denver art community.  In 2010 he was awarded a MasterMind award. In 2013 he was named one of Denverʼs top 100 creatives. And just this year, he received the ArtReach Ginger Merelli Special Events Volunteer Award.  Matelski also serves as part of the artist committee for Denver Chalk Art Festival.

SALES:  T Gallery retains a 30% commission.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Redhanded 7 exhibit!

CALL for ENTRIES: Top 40

Learn more about the Top 40 Exhibit from LACDA!gonzo for

A hummus monster lives at my house.  He can go through a tub of hummus a day with corn chips, carrots, pork rinds; it matters not.  We often make something instead of buying it to reduce the amount of ingredients and unpronounceable crap in our food.  However, if I am going to give in and make 40 spice hummus for the little monster in my house, I’ll have to give up the “fewer ingredients” efforts. (Check out the recipe.)  This next Call is looking for the best 40 ingredients for their show.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from LACDA (Los Angeles, CA) for their Top 40 Juried Exhibition. Did I mention you don’t have to ship your work?  Investigate this show opportunity

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Top 40, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Top 40 Exhibit from LACDA!CALL for ENTRIES:
Top 40


ELIGIBILITY:   Open to all artists (Int’l)

MEDIA:  Digital art & photography

DEADLINE:  May 26, 2014

NOTIFICATION:  June 2, 2014

ENTRY FEE:  $35 for up to 3

JUROR:  Joanna Szupinska-Myers, Curator of Exhibits for CA Museum of Photography & Ryan Linkoff, Parsons Curatorial Fellow at LACMA (L.A. County Museum of Art)

AWARDS: 40 winners will be selected.  Winners receive 1 print up to 24″x36″ on museum quality paper to be shown in an int’l group exhibit at LACDA.

SALES:   Gallery retains 50% commission on all sales.

For complete information, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about LACDA online!


Learn more about the XY Exhibit from the Darkroom Gallery!FIRED UP
not fried

How did grilling become the domain of men in TV commercial land?  Is it the fire?  If yes, how is fire masculine?  Is it just the grilling of meat specifically, or is it equally masculine to grill eggplant?  How do these idiotic ideas start?  We’ll this next Call is looking for explorations of what it means to be male–even the stereotypes.  So, fire up your grill and serve them a hot one…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Darkroom Gallery (Essex Junction, VT) for XY. Low entry ($24) plus free matting & framing.  I can’t wait to see this exhibit…

*Editor’s Note: Please make sure to let them know that you found the Call on I have a soft spot for this gallery, and I want them to know they have our support…

Work by Juror George Awde!CALL for ENTRIES: XY

Photographs of the strengths and virtues of masculinity coupled with the Achilles’ heel of meeting these stereotypes.

Do all men have power? Do all men want power? Is masculinity the same in every culture and time period? Does the performance of masculinity depend on the categories of race, class, and sexuality? The answer to the first three questions is a resounding no, while the answer both to the fourth one is a clear yes.

Darkroom Gallery is calling for photographs that explore the field of cultural, social, historical, political, psychological, economic, and artistic constructions of masculinity.  What makes something or someone “male”?  These definitions change with communities across the world and throughout history. There is a tense and complex relationship between hegemonic masculinities & subordinate masculinities.  Throughout history, men have paid a steep price for not adhering to, or consciously resisting, stereotypical masculine models.  Let’s remember sex and gender are separate entities.

Learn more about the Darkroom Gallery online!Wanted are images interrogating these male ideals: photographs of warriors, fathers, of wimps and muscle men. Little boys can be “snakes and snails and puppy dog tails” but they can also love the color pink. Inanimate objects can imply such meanings. In the wake of patriarchal fanfare show us the vulnerability, gentleness and supple subtleties behind what is means to inhibit/exhibit being “male”. — from

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Photography

DEADLINE:  June 11, 2014

NOTIFICATION:  June 16, 2014

FEE: Up to 4 for $24 (online)/$29 (email)

JUROR:  George Awde teaches photography at Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar and co-director of Marra.tein, a residency and research initiative in Beirut.  He received his BFA in painting from Massachusetts College of Art & his MFA in photography from Yale University’s School of Art.  Awde’s works have been exhibited internationally & published in several international publications & catalogs.

AWARDS: All selected entries are included in a full color exhibit catalog & gallery exhibition. Juror’s Choice: 30×48″ image banner. People’s Choice – a free future entry.

SALES: Free matting & framing of accepted entries, subject to standard sizes. For commission details, go to the bottom of the Submissions page!

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Darkroom Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Real & Surreal

Learn more about the Real and Surreal exhibit at the Sandra Lee Gallery in San Francisco!TOAST
of the town

Holy crap, I need a Toastermobile.  No really.  Bob Blumer, the Surreal Gourmet, has a vintage Airstream transformed in a mobile kitchen–the Toastermobile.  I could take AAAD on the road.  This next Call wants both the real AND the surreal.  Wonder what they think of the Toastermobile.  Investigate this one…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Sandra Lee Gallery (SLG) in San Francisco, CA for Real & Surreal. $25 entry fee & the chance for a solo exhibition.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Real & Surreal, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Real and Surreal exhibit at the Sandra Lee Gallery in San Francisco!CALL for ENTRIES:
Real & Surreal


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Painting, mixed media or sculpture

DEADLINE:  July 16, 2014

NOTIFICATION:  August 15, 2014

ENTRY FEE:  $25 for up to 3, $10 ea. add’l

JUROR:  Dewitt Cheng, art writer for Artillery, Art Ltd, and other publications, and Curator for Stanford Art Spaces, an exhibition program serving several university venues.

AWARDS:  The artist who is awarded first place will receive a solo exhibition at Sandra Lee Gallery.  The artist awarded second place will receive a two person exhibition.  Details/dates to be discussed with the artist after juried show.

SALES:  SLG will receive a 50% commission if work is sold

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Real and Surreal exhibit at the Sandra Lee Gallery in San Francisco!