Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Art Festivals

CALL for ENTRIES: Mono No Aware 2014

Learn more about Mono No Aware!MOOOzzarella

I’ve been toying with the idea of making cheese.  I have had a 30+ year love affair with cheese–cow to sheep to goat.  Does anyone think I can convince Jon that we can raise and milk cows, sheep & goats, plus make cheese in addition to the blogging, art, singing & house renovation?  It isn’t what we normally do, but we can learn, right?  I am going to start with a cow’s milk mozzarella. Wish me luck.  This next Call may, or may not, involve media with which YOU are familiar, but I think you should take a look either way…

Check out this Call for Entries for Mono No Aware 2014. This is a really cool way to stretch your creative streak even if film is not your normal media.  Be sure to investigate this one…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Mono No Aware 2014, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Mono No Aware 2014CALL for ENTRIES:
Mono No Aware 2014


“Over the last 8 years, MONO NO AWARE has grown from 70 audience members on a single evening in 2007 to having 650 audience members… Submissions that came to us from the east & west coast of the U.S., now arrive from all over the globe.” —

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Contemporary art that incorporates Super 8mm, 16mm, 35mm or altered light projections as part of a sculpture, installation, dance, or expanded cinema performance.  Submissions including digital projections will not be considered (i.e. HDcam, DigiBETA, DVcam, DVD) all moving images should be from an analog source.

DEADLINE:  October 31, 2014

NOTIFICATION:  November 15, 2014

ENTRY FEE:  $20 suggested donation

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about Mono No Aware!

CALL for ENTRIES: Experimental

Enter the 5 Art Contest today!SUGAR
oh my

I am not a naturally-talented baker.  I can create savory dishes all day, but the precision required for baking is a trying experience for me.  I have been experimenting with a peanut butter cookie recipe for days. It only has 4 ingredients, and I have still made it no less than 12 times to get it exactly right.  My family is tolerant of baking experiments, but not every audience is as forgiving.  This next Call is specifically looking for your experiments, but don’t send peanut butter cookies.  Bribery is frowned upon…

Check out this Call for Entries for Experimental Documentary Films for the 2014 Currents New Media Festival from Parallel Studios.  You can enter for as little as $15 per film.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTIRES: Experimental, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Currents New Media Festival!CALL for ENTRIES: Experimental


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists (including minors)

MEDIA:  Experimental Documentary film:  short pieces 1-20 minutes & feature pieces 45-90 minutes

DEADLINE:  January 6, 2014

NOTIFICATION:  February 10, 2014

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1 entry, $15 each for 2, and FREE for those under 18 years old.

VENUES:  The Festival will be held in several venues throughout Santa Fe – El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe, Center for Contemporary Art, Digital Dome Facility at the Institute of American Indian Arts, Zane Bennett Contemporary Art, David Richard Gallery, the Railyard Plaza, Santa Fe Art Institute, Axle Contemporary, Warehouse 21 and the Tower Gallery on Pojoaque Pueblo.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Currents New Media Festival!

CALL for ENTRIES: Voyages

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I have been on a personal voyage for the past 9 months, and there is no end in sight.  My father died in December, betrayed by his body and love of food that didn’t love him back.  My grandmother struggles with Alzheimer’s and the loss of both her memory and her appetite.  I have been battling my health and grappling with the loss of my decades-long love affair with wheat.  I can’t help but believe that it is all a voyage taking me to some unknown path that will be my future.  The voyage has already spurred new art.  Let the theme of this next Call take you on your own personal voyage.  Don’t miss the opportunity…

Check out this Call for Entries for Voyages from the Kiernan Gallery (Lexington, Virginia). The entry fee is very reasonable, and the theme is a classic regardless of distance or perspective. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Voyages, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Kiernan Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:


For many, the spirit of adventure plays an enormous role in their passion for photography.  Whether traveling within your native land or abroad, leaving home with a camera puts a more critical set of eyes on our surroundings.  Photographs of exotic landscapes and cultures, and the people and places encountered along the way broaden our understanding of the world we live in. For Voyages, The Kiernan Gallery seeks images of your explorations away from home.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Photography: Alternative processes, digital, traditional, and toned images are all eligible.

Learn more about the Voyages Call from The Kiernan Gallery!DEADLINE:
October 24, 2013

Approx. 8 days later

5 for $25, each add’l $5

JUROR: Christy Karpinski is the founder and editor of F-Stop Magazine, an online photography magazine that promotes contemporary photography from established and emerging photographers from around the world with the intent to inspire and support a community of artists.  Christy has an MFA in photography as well as background in Women’s Studies and Sociology.  She teaches photography at Columbia College Chicago.

Learn more from The Kiernan Gallery!AWARDS: All images will be reproduced in an exhibition catalogue available for purchase. A Juror’s Choice and Director’s Choice will also be announced and both winners will receive a free copy of the catalogue.

SALES: Kiernan Gallery no longer takes commission on sold works. But, they DO still have incentive to sell your work. The Kiernan Gallery was founded by an emerging artist, and recognizes the importance of selling work; they believe that if artists are paying a submission fee, the gallery should not also take a portion of the sale. They do reserve the right to negotiate 20% in order to make a sale.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Read the full call from The Kiernan Gallery website!


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or treats?

I’ve gotta figure out how to make composting work in my life.  The amount of food discarded from my kitchen from trimmings alone could no doubt eliminate any need to purchase mulch or fertilizer again…ever.  I’m told there are simple guidelines and compact systems commercially available.  This next Call may not e interested in your food scraps, but they DO want your trash.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Ojai Art Festival (Ojai, CA) for Discarted.  I love trash art shows, and the cash awards range from $500 to $1500.  Don’t miss this opportunity…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Trash, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Discarted show from Ojai Art Festival!CALL for ENTRIES:


The art will be shown in approx. 40 shops, restaurants and galleries in Ojai from Nov. 7 -24, 2013.   The opening weekend is Nov. 7-10, coinciding with the Ojai Film Festival’s Focus Earth screenings. Every year, nearly 4,500 people attend the film festival events. The goal is to stimulate environmental awareness, encourage conservation, and promote new ways of thinking about art, sustainability, and the environment.

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  DISCARTED asks artists to work with trash, discarded objects and materials to raise questions and ideas, aesthetic and moral, about the life of the planet our wasteful society threatens.  Art from trash, discarded objects and material: Submitted work may be reasonably considered ‘Art from trash, discarded objects and material’ if it is entirely, or primarily, composed of at least 75% material(s) that would have otherwise been disposed into the waste streams. Accepted art includes collage, assemblages, wall hangings, sculpture, other 2 or 3-dimensional artwork and moving or projected images.

Learn more about the Discarted show from Ojai Art Festival!DEADLINE:  September 22, 2013

NOTIFICATION:  October 6, 2013

ENTRY FEE:  $20 per piece, up to 3 pieces per artist

JUROR:  Deborah Munk has served as the Director of the Artist in Residence Program at Recology since 2007.   The Artist in Residence Program at Recology San Francisco is a unique art and education program that provides Bay Area artists with access to discarded materials, a stipend, and a large studio space at the Recology Solid Waste Transfer and Recycling Center. By supporting artists who work with recycled materials, Recology hopes to encourage people to conserve natural resources and promote new ways of thinking about art and the environment.

AWARDS:  First Place $1500; Second Place $800; and Third Place $500.

SALES:  60% will go to the artists, 30% of the sale will go to the shop or venue where the art is displayed, 10% to Ojai Art Festival.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Ojai Art Festival!

CALL for ENTRIES: Bike Art

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Once in my pajamas (about 5pm), I am too lazy… to walk or drive the .3 miles to one of my favorite restaurants for a caprese salad, chocolate chip banana bundt cake or any of their fantastic offerings.  And, they are truly fantastic.  They need a bike delivery person, right?  I’ll have to remember to drop that in the suggestion box.  This next Call sees all that is good about the bicycle as well.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Poudre Studio Artists & Galleries (Fort Collins, CO) for the Get on Your Bike & Ride, the 3rd annual bike art exhibit. Cool theme. The award amounts are low, but the commission rate is low too!

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Bike Art, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from the Poudre Studio Artists and Galleries!CALL for ENTRIES:
Get on your Bike & Ride


Open to all artists

MEDIA: The purpose of this exhibit is to showcase art portraying or related to bicycles.

All original artistic interpretations are welcome; contemporary, traditional, or abstract—2 or 3 dimensional pieces.

DEADLINE: May 14th, 2013

Learn more about the 3rd Annual Bike Art Exhibit!NOTIFICATION:
May 17th, 2013

$30 for up to 3 pieces,
$10 for each add’l piece

AWARDS: $50 first, $25 second, and $15 third place will be posted on the website as soon as the winners are determined.

A $10 People’s Choice award will also be offered and will be determined by a vote of visitors, which will be tallied at the end of the exhibit.

SALES: There is a 30% commission on all sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Download the Prospectus from the Poudre Studio!

CALL for ENTRIES: 43rd Octagon Art Festival

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How is it that I love soy nuts and edamame, but cannot stand tofu?  I’ve tried it firm and silken and every other variety.  Ick.  I just can’t handle the texture.  Something about it seems, well, wrong.  But, I didn’t used to like ginger, beets or aspargus, and now I eat each of them regularly.  Maybe I’ll warm up to tofu.  You know Iowa is famous for corn, but they grow lots of soybeans too.  This next Call hails from Iowa.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Octagon Center for the Arts (Ames, Iowa) for the 43rd Annual Octagon Art Festival. We’ve had a lot of requests for additional art festival listings, so here’s one nearly in the middle of the US that makes it approximately day’s drive from half the US.  Don’t be shy…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: 43rd Octagon Art Festival, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from the Octagon Center for the Arts!CALL for ENTRIES:
43rd Octagon Art Festival

Main Street in Downtown Ames, Iowa on Sunday, September 22, 2013 from 10 am – 5 pm. More than 14,000 people attend. You will be in good company with more than 100 professional artists. Visual arts, children’s art areas and performing arts form the foundation of the Octagon Art Festival. The festival is held outdoors on pavement, rain or shine, in the Main Street Cultural District in downtown Ames.

ELIGIBILITY:  Artists at least 18 years of age may apply.

MEDIA:  Fine art or fine craft.  Work created with use of commercial kits, molds, patterns or pre‐fabricated forms will not be allowed.

DEADLINE:  June 15, 2013

NOTIFICATION:  June 29, 2013

Learn more from the Octagon Art Center!ENTRY FEE:  Artists are required to submit a non‐refundable $15 jury fee by check or money order.  Both the booth fee ($100) and the jury fee ($15) must be paid in advance of the jurying process. If the artist is not accepted by jury to participate in festival, the booth fee will be returned.

JUROR:  A panel of professional artists will serve as jurors and will perform an on‐site judging for cash purchase awards on the day of the festival between 10am ‐ 2pm.

AWARDS: 3 Honorable Mentions ($100 each) and one Best of Show ($150) will be presented to the winning artists at 2pm.

SALES:  No commission

For complete details, Download the Prospectus!

Learn more from the Octagon Center for the Arts!


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about winter

I am dreaming of a June picnic in the park.  I want crab salad on a beautiful buttery croissant, a bright spinach salad and a large glass of lemonade.  But that will have to wait.  Any picnic in the park right now would involve mittens and down bubble coats.  This next Call could be the perfect chance for my picnicking dreams.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries for ArtPark 2013 (Columbia, MD).  There is NO ENTRY FEE, and this is one of the lowest price art festivals that I have every seen.  Maryland is beautiful in June, by the way…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTREIS: ArtPark, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about ArtPark 2013!CALL for ENTRIES:
ArtPark 2013


ArtPark is part of LakeFest, a three-day celebration of the arts at the Columbia lakefront which is free to the public and runs in conjunction with the 2013 Columbia Festival of the Arts.  Show Dates & Times for ArtPark:  Fri., June 14, 5 – 9 pm, Sat., June 15, 12 – 9 pm, & Sun., June 16, 12 – 7 pm.  Please note that all artists are required to participate Friday, Saturday, & Sunday during specified hours. No exceptions will be made.

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Categories: Ceramics, Clay, Drawing, Painting, Glass, Jewelry, Leather, Metal, Mixed Media, Photography, Digital, Textile, Wood

Learn more about ArtPark 2013!DEADLINE:  March 1, 2013

NOTIFICATION:  Artists accepted to participate will receive invitations via email by March 18, 2013.

ENTRY FEE:   NO Entry Fee – NO Commissions.  Non-Refundable $275 Show Fee upon juried acceptance into the show. ($200 if NFPA 701 Fire Code Certified tent is provided by artist.)  Additional $50 Fee if Electricity Requested.  Editor’s Note:  For those of you unfamiliar with shows like this, $275 is REALLY cheap.  Many of them are $1000+.

SALES:  All artwork must be for sale at the price range indicated on the entry form.  Upon acceptance, as required by Maryland State law, exhibitor names and addresses will be submitted to the  Maryland State Tax office.  Artists that do not have a Maryland tax number will be issued a temporary permit (at no fee).  For additional information, call Maryland State Tax Division at (410) 767-1543.

For complete details, read the Full Call!

Learn more about ArtPark 2013!

CALL for ENTRIES: Mono No Aware

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I love  herbs that are not as they seem–lime basil, chocolate mint, and pineapple sage.  I’m planting the herbs in my garden this past weekend, and I am dazzled by the choices at my local farmer’s market.  Pineapple sage may be my favorite find.  Thanksgiving stuffing will never be the same again.  This next call appears to be a call for filmmakers, but things are not always what they seem.  Investigate…

Check out this Call for Entries for Mono No Aware sponsored in part by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, the Brooklyn Arts Council, Inc (BAC) and by the participants of MNA filmmaking workshops. This is a really cool FREE way to stretch your creative streak even if film is not your normal media. Be sure to investigate this one…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Mono No Aware, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

CALL for ENTRIES: Mono No Aware


Click to learn more about Mono No Aware!Mono No Aware is an international film event open to any person or group of persons making work that incorporates Super8mm or 16mm film format as part of that presentation. (Expanded Cinema) In previous years, 16mm film was blended with dance performance, Super8 with live spoken word/audience involvement, & multi-projections with live jazz/musical devices. This is not a film festival for film-makers, so much as it is an film event for everyone. They believe there is magic in seeing a film print projected, a presence a poet has when reading their own work, a feeling that resonates in your chest when seeing music performed live. For these reasons they encourage live film with live additional audio/visual elements.

ELIGIBILITY: Open internationally. Dancers, Sculptors, Musicians, Theorists, Scientists, Athletes, Visual artists, everyone, AND Film-makers are encouraged to submit.

Click to learn more about Mono No Aware!MEDIA: Entries are only be accepted on Super8 or 16mm film. FILM ONLY. No Digital Video.

DEADLINE: October 31, 2012

NOTIFICATION: Nov. 14, 2012

ENTRY FEE: None. They believe that your time and effort are fee enough. But, if you would like your film and materials sent back to you it is necessary to include a self-addressed stamped envelope with enough postage to get your items from Brooklyn, NY. (11211 zip code) back to your mailing address.

This event is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by the Brooklyn Arts Council, Inc (BAC) and by the participants of MNA filmmaking workshops, KODAK, ADOBE, DIJIFI, and PAC-LAB. Mono No Aware is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Click to learn more about Mono No Aware!

CALL for ENTRIES: Scriptapalooza

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Some days are meant for meatloaf no matter how much you love lamb chops.  Vegetarian?  Okay, some days are meant for frozen peas no matter how much you love edamame.  A change in routine is necessary to make you appreciate what you have.  This next Call offers a HUGE change of pace for some of you, not so much for others.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries for Scriptapalooza.  Yep, it is a call for something other than visual arts.  So many of you have multiple talents that I thought we would take a short detour from our regular programming to let you stretch your creative genius in an alternate direction.  It can’t hurt…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Scriptapalooza, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Scriptapalooza!CALL for ENTRIES: Scriptapalooza


“Our number one priority has always been the writer, from choosing our judges to creating opportunities for writers. We continue to surround ourselves with reputable and successful companies, including the many production companies, literary agents and managers who read all the entered scripts.

Our past winners have gone on to win Emmys, get signed by agents, managers, have their scripts optioned and even have their scripts made into movies.

Discovering & Promoting
Writers Since 1998


Learn more about Scriptapalooza!But the most important prize of all is that Scriptapalooza will promote, pitch and push the Semifinalists and higher for an entire year. No other competition in the world does that.” –from the Scriptapalooza website

Open to any writer, age 18 or older

MEDIA:  One 80-140 page screenplay written in English

DEADLINE & ENTRY FEE:  By March 5th – $50, by April 16th – $55, or by April 19th – $60

JUDGES:  The list of judges is too long to reproduce.  Visit the judges page for a complete list!

AWARDS:  Over $25,000 in cash and software prizes including $10,000 for first place.

For complete details, visit the Scriptapalooza site!

Learn more about Scriptapalooza!

CALL for ENTRIES: 3 Minute Pictureshow

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It won’t surprise you that I sneak food into the movie theatre.  For the record, it isn’t about being cheap–although I am astounded by the price of movie popcorn.  It is actually about not being willing to eat the version of popcorn they still serve at my local theatre.  Scary glow-in-the-dark, butter laden ickiness.  I prefer a little parmesan, asiago and fresh-cracked black pepper on my delicate morsels.  How ’bout you?  This next Call will undoubtedly give you a reason to check out two different theatres’ popcorn.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries for the Three Minute Picture Show!  Get your filmed screened in Portland or San Francisco, and get this… there is a sliding scale entry fee from $5 to $25.  More money for popcorn!

Learn more about the 3 Minute Picture Show!CALL for ENTRIES: 
3 Minute Pictureshow


Anyone ages 6 and up, regardless of experience, can sign up to take part. Participants have the month of July to create a cinematic masterpiece, 3 minutes or less, and upload it (don’t worry, they’ll tell you how) to 3-minute HQ.

ELIGIBILITY: All films must contain original footage and music only – no copyrighted materials are allowed.  All 3-minute films must be made expressly for the 3-Minute Picture Show.  No previously made movies are allowed. You can start thinking about your film/plotting/story-boarding now, but all filming, editing, and assembly work must be completed only between July 1 and July 31, 2011.

Watch the winning video HOME from 2010!

Click on the picture (left)
to watch last year’s
winning video “Home.”


MEDIA:  Feel free to work in any wacky medium, but all submissions, regardless of original format, must be submitted through their website.

DEADLINE: On or before July 31, 2011.

ENTRY FEE: Sliding scale from$5 to $25

AWARDS:  The Three-Minute Picture Show also offers a gathering place to watch your film on the big screen in front of a live audience; at its fun faux black tie “Oscars” style screenings.  The 2011 Black-Tie Gala & Film Screening and family-friendly Twinkling To-Do (for 6-17 year olds) take place in Portland, OR on August 20 at the Clinton St. Theater and in San Francisco on August 27 at the Victoria Theatre. 

For complete details, visit the Three Minute Pictureshow site!

Learn more about the 3 Minute Picture Show!