Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Art Exhibit

CALL for ENTRIES: Out of Bounds

Learn more about the Out of Bounds exhibit at the Kavanagh Gallery at the Fine Line Creative Arts Center!seat belt

I eat in my car A LOT.  This has always been true.  Once upon a time, those meals consisted of a generous amount of fast food of the drive thru variety.  However, as my tolerance for processed food has waned but my travel for the job has increased, I find that packing food for the road has become more and more common.  Eating a decent meal is no longer an out of bounds activity for the car.  I do pull over to eat, but my seat belt has the permanent aroma of Italian dressing.  This next Call wants to know what YOU consider out of bounds.  This is a great opportunity and a beautiful space…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Fine Line Creative Arts Center (St. Charles, IL) for Out of Bounds at the Kavanagh Gallery.  The theme is broadly interpreted.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Out of Bounds, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission & is considered theft.

Learn more about the Out of Bounds exhibit at the Kavanagh Gallery at the Fine Line Creative Arts Center!CALL for ENTRIES:
Out of Bounds


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists living & working in the U.S.

MEDIA:  Open to all mediaPieces should encompass the definition of the title: beyond limit, banned, beyond the pale, forbidden, inaccessible, off-limits, prohibited, and restricted.

DEADLINE:  December 7, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  December 20, 2015

ENTRY FEE: $30 for up to 5 ($25 for members)

JUROR:  Three jurors will choose from the pool of applicants. Artists are selected on the basis of originality and quality of work.

AWARDS:  There will be a Best of Show award as well as a non-monetary People’s Choice Award, chosen by popular vote of the attendees of the show.

SALES:  The gallery will retain a 30% commission on all sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Kavanagh Gallery at the Fine Line Creative Arts Center!


CALL for ENTRIES: Magnificent Maps

Learn more about the Magnificent Maps exhibit from Artlink!grown

Have you ever eaten a persimmon?  I am headed out for a road-trip soon, and I am super excited about eating persimmon pudding in Indiana.  Persimmons are typically cultivated in the southeastern U.S. but grow WILD throughout much of Indiana.  I think their love of this weird little fruit has resulted in some of the best uses, including the notorious pudding.  Give a persimmon a try.  Make sure it is ripe though; trust me.  This next Call IS ripe and from Indiana.  (I know.  Bad.  Sorry.)  This is a great call…

Check out this Call for Entries from Artlink (Fort Wayne, IN) for the Magnificent Maps exhibit.  No entry fee.  The theme is broad & open to interpretation.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Magnificent Maps, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission & is considered theft.

Learn more about the Magnificent Maps exhibit from Artlink!CALL for ENTRIES:
Magnificent Maps


ELIGIBLE:  Open to all artists 18+ residing in U.S. (Sorry Shane Watt, they are missing out on the fine work of one amazing Canadian.)

MEDIA:  Open to all media. Eligible artwork should depict real or fictitious maps. Artists may incorporate collage pieces of maps or create new map- themed works of art.

DEADLINE:  December 1, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  All hung  *Editor’s Note: This in an update from the original post.


SALES:  A 35% commission will be retained by the gallery on all sold work.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Magnificent Maps exhibit from Artlink!

CALL for ENTRIES: Tiny Book Show

Learn more about the Tiny Book Show from Food for the Soul Train!soul FOOD

I love an amuse-bouche as much as the next foodie.  I love tapas & small plate menus too.  But, I don’t understand the tiny food trends I am seeing.  The videos of tiny food being made on tiny appliances? I am clearly missing something.  I cannot find a point to the concept of tiny food except for the cute factor.  Where food is concerned, more is almost inevitably better in my house.  But there is a time & place for everything.  This next Call is the perfect way to dive into tiny works.  Now to learn how to bind my work…

Check out  

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Tiny Book Show, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission & is considered theft.

Learn more aboutthe Tiny Book Show from Food for the Soul Train!CALL for ENTRIES:
Tiny Book show


“The Tiny Book Show is our latest creative adventure and we need your help filling our library shelves. Our vintage caravan, Maude, will become a bookmobile of Lilliputian proportions, stopping in select locations around the country to display a collection of tiny books hand made by artists and writers from around the world.” –

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Hand-made books no larger than 3″ square.  Content is up to the artist, these books do not have to be “How to” titles, but certainly can be if you’d like!

DEADLINE:  December 1, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  All hung, or in this case, all included

AWARDS:  Dates & locations TBD and will be announced as travel plans are confirmed.

SALES:  FFTST will retain a 40% commission on all sales

*Editor’s Note:  I am always trying to encourage you to stretch yourself.  If you do ANY 2-dimensional work, chances are good you can bind it into a book.  Consider the possibilities.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more aboutthe Tiny Book Show from Food for the Soul Train!

CALL for ENTRIES: Flawed

Learn more from the A Smith Gallery about the Flawed Instant Film Exhibition!seasonal

My experience with pre-packaged instant food is sketchy at best.  You might find a box of instant oatmeal in my cabinet for lazy winter mornings.  But I find that some foods that are unnaturally dehydrated to the extreme never really recover, like cheese & coffee, while others thrive, like cocoa and popcorn.  I think of instant foods a little differently –preferring portable raw nuts, fruits, and even a few cheeses, best.  This time of year though, pomegranates are my favorite.  Just cut them in half, thump them with on spoon on the outside, and voilà –instant snackage.  This next Call wants your instant favorites.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the A. Smith Gallery (TX) for flawed | an instant film exhibition.  Rediscover the joy, freedom & accessibility of instant film. Buy a camera & film used. Stretch your skill set and find out what inspires you…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: flawed, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission & is considered theft.

Learn more from the A Smith Gallery about the Flawed Instant Film Exhibition!CALL for ENTRIES:
flawed | an instant film exhibition


“flawed : faulty, haywire, imperfect, erring, inaccurate, crooked” –from

ELIGIBILITY:   Open to all artists

MEDIA:   The only constraints are that work must be made with one of the many forms of instant film, be it original Polaroid, any one of the Fuji Instant or Impossible Project films, or even the latest New55 Film.

DEADLINE:  November 30, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  December 12, 2015

ENTRY FEE:  $30 up to 5, $6 ea add’l

JUROR:  Michael Kirchoff straddles  the worlds of both commercial and fine art photography.  A commercial shooter for twenty-five years, it is his fine art work that has set him apart from others, with instant film fueling more than a few bodies of work, both completed and ongoing. His consulting, training, and overall support of his fellow photographer and artist continues with help in constructing ones vision, producing artist lectures, and finding exhibition opportunities, which fill the gaps in time away from active shooting.

AWARDS: Jurors Selection receives $325 & (3) three Directors Selections will receive an exhibition catalogue.  Winning images will be exhibited at the A Smith Gallery from January 15 to March 6, and also published in a special editorial section of the international publication, Blur Magazine.

SALES:  A Smith Gallery will retain 40% commission.

For complete details, Read the full Call!

Learn more from the A Smith Gallery about the Flawed Instant Film Exhibition!

CALL for PROPOSALS: The Gallery

Learn more about Exhibition Opportunities at South Puget Sound Community College!WINE
with friends

Food with friends is my favorite event — trumped only by food, friends, family & art.  I am thrilled to be planning a 2016 trip to Seattle where cedar plank salmon and a Washington state wine with my favorite creatives are on my wish list.  Did you know that Washington is home to 850+ wineries & 350+ grape growers.  This Call hails from Washington and also appears prominently on my wish list.  It may be right for yours too…

Check out this Call for Proposals from South Puget Sound Community College (Olympia, WA) for 2016-17 Exhibitions at The Gallery at the Kenneth J Minnaert Center for the Arts.  This is a fantastic opportunity for a solo show or to curate a group.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for PROPOSALS: The Gallery, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Exhibition Opportunities at South Puget Sound Community College!CALL for PROPOSALS:
The Gallery

“For exhibition during the 2016-17 academic year, The Gallery seeks proposals that ‘spark’; light a way, innovate a path.” –

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  All media considered

DEADLINE:  November 30, 2016


*Editor’s Note:  This is the simplest Call process you may ever see.  For those of you that have never ventured into Proposal writing, take a chance.  Put your best foot forward, show them your best work and be brave.  Don’t talk yourself out of a proposal because of distance or shipping.  Be smart and tackle the issues before.  Think it out.  There is usually a solution.  I have faith in you; you got this.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about Exhibition Opportunities at South Puget Sound Community College!

CALL for SUBMISSIONS: 46 Million

Learn more about the 46 Million Turkeys project from Fireseed Arts Gallery!eat a TATER
save a TURKEY

Sweet potato casserole, and I’m done.  Turkey has never been a part of my family’s holiday traditions.  In fact we are so obsessed with sweet potato casserole with a pecan pie top, we really just eat the rest of the meal as an excuse to consume ridiculous amounts of casserole.  It serves as a side dish & dessert then late-night snack.  We until it is gone.  It takes the four of us about 2 days.  I feel the need to put on stretchy pants just thinking about it.  This next Call is a fun turkey project.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Submissions from Fireseed Arts Gallery (Framingham, MA) for 46 Million Turkeys, an all-hung project to raise awareness.  No entry fee.  It only costs a single stamp to ship.  If you are stuck in a rut, this is a great way to jump start your creativity…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for SUBMISSIONS: 46 Million, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the 46 Million Turkeys project from Fireseed Arts Gallery!CALL for SUBMISSIONS:
46 Million Turkeys

“The National Turkey Federation estimates Americans eat approximately 46 million turkeys on a single Thanksgiving holiday. Imagine 46 million animals raised, killed, and eaten for one single holiday! Well that’s just it—it’s hard to imagine such a staggering number! The  46millionturkeys project invites members of the community to help create 46 million mini turkeys portraits as a reminder that every single one of those animals was a unique individual.” –from

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA: Open to all media, but restricted to 2″x 2″.  Recycled and/or upcycled materials suggested, but not required.

DEADLINE:  Ongoing until the “46 million” goal is reached.  An exhibit is held each November.  If submissions arrive prior to 11/21/15 –included in THIS YEAR’S exhibit.  If arrives AFTER 11/21/15 –included in next year’s exhibit.


ABOUT the Gallery:  Fireseed Arts is a creative enterprise founded as an incubator for profitable, sustainable, environmental art projects and businesses. We are artists, entrepreneurs and musicians with a passion for preserving and protecting our cultural and environmental heritage.” –from

For complete details, Read the Full Guidelines!

Learn more about the 46 Million Turkeys project from Fireseed Arts Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Surreal Salon 8

L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon's surreal culinary recreation of Zao Wou-ki's dark abstract artwork!
Source: de Sarthe Gallery, ©Zao Wou-Ki-ProLiterris, Zurich via Bloomberg; Robuchon via Bloomberg

a sea of

What happens when food imitates visual art? At Art Basel Hong Kong in 2015, that question was answered by 10 stellar chefs.  The image to the left is L’Atelier de Joel Robuchon combination of French sea bass, seasonal black truffle, celery mousse line & Malabar pepper sauce to recreate Zao Wou-ki’s dark abstract work.   This dish, and at least 9 others in this vein, were available at restaurants in the Hong Kong area back in March.  I can’t know how tasty it was, but, my oh my, how beautiful.  This next Call wants your surreal work, but not the culinary version.  What was it Benjamin Franklin said? ““Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days.  This exhibit is longer than 3 days, so hold the fish

Check out this Call for Entries from Baton Rouge Gallery Center for Contemporary Art (BRGCCA, Baton Rouge) for Surreal Salon 8.  $30 entry. If your work is accepted, DO NOT MISS this opening.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Surreal Salon 8, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Surreal Salon 8 from the Baton Rouge Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Surreal Salon 8


ELIGIBILITY:  Artists 18+ residing in U.S.

THEME:  This annual juried exhibition that highlights the growing quality and popularity of the pop-surrealist/ lowbrow movement in American contemporary art.

MEDIA:  All media will be considered.

DEADLINE:  November 13, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  December 1, 2015

ENTRY FEE: $30 for up to 3

JUROR:  Elizabeth McGrath has always had an eye for the strange beauty in the grotesqueries of life, an appreciation nowhere more evident than in her own work. Inspired by the relationship between the natural world and the detritus of consumer culture, she brings forth a new cavalcade of creatures from the darker corners of the streets, the city and the imagination. Her work has been exhibited at Sloan Fine Art, IguaPop, Billy Shire Fine Arts, Stychnin & La Luz de Jesus as well as in Berlin, Rome, Paris, Barcelona, Tokyo, London & across 13 states.

AWARDS:  One work from the show will be named “Best in Show” and will be recognized and prominently featured in an upcoming 2016 editorial in Juxtapoz Magazine. In recent years, the exhibition has featured the work of hundreds of artists from more than 30 U.S. states.

SALES:  All work must be for sale.  The gallery retains 50% commission on sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about Surreal Salon 8 from the Baton Rouge Gallery!

CALL for ENTRIES: Yosemite Renaissance 31

Learn more about Yosemite Renaissance 31!both

125 calories per ounce.  Hikers often aim to only pack foods that have a caloric count of at least 125 calories an ounce.  Can you imagine?  How many people do you know that eat celery because they believe it is an negative calorie food?  Priorities.  I am not an avid hiker.  Honestly, any hike that takes me more than a day is probably out of the question.  But even then I would have to pack food. I would be grateful for calorically dense food, if only because I would have less to carry, ha.  This next Call hails from the ultimate hiking mecca.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Yosemite Renaissance 31, an all media exhibit with a $15 entry & 25% commission.  If your work is chosen, it might become part of a traveling exhibit.  You only have a couple of weeks left to enter…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Yosemite Renaissance 31, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Yosemite Renaissance 31!CALL for ENTRIES:
Yosemite Renaissance 31


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all media including the following: painting, photography/digital & other media including drawings, pastels, printmaking, textiles & all 3-D works.

DEADLINE:  November 15, 2015

NOTIFICATION:  Late December

ENTRY FEE:  $15 per entry (up to 8)

JUROR:  The Board of Directors of Yosemite Renaissance (consisting of artists, curators and administrators) will make the initial selection of works for the exhibition. Cash award-winners will be selected by independent judges to be announced.

SALES: A 25% commission will be retained on all sales. *Yosemite Renaissance is a non-profit organization for the arts of Yosemite, supported, in part, by funds & services from the Mariposa County Board of Supervisors, Delaware North Companies Parks & Resorts and the National Park Service.

AWARDS:  Up to 2 images may be chosen from an artist.  Cash awards will be distributed at the discretion of the judges.  Purchase awards may be given as well.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about Yosemite Renaissance 31!


Learn more about H2O Exhibit at the Darkroom Gallery!looking down the

I drink everyday–bottles & bottles of water.  As my alter ego, I perform 4 to 5 days per week, and on stage, I suck down approximately 24 ounces of water every 45 minutes to keep my voice in check.  So, let’s talk about the bottles.  I know that disposable bottles are not ideal due to the waste issue, but I am paranoid about being able to be certain that I am really getting disposable bottles truly clean.  I have searched for a reusable bottle that has a large enough opening (for proper cleaning) but is both very compact (has to fit on a mic stand) and non-descript (so it doesn’t stick out in every picture).  I am open to recommendations.  In the meantime, here’s an idea of what to do with YOUR water.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Darkroom Gallery (Essex Junction, VT) for H2O. $24 entry. We’re proud our readers have been both shown & awarded at Darkroom. You know you have work for this theme…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: H2O, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about H2O Exhibit at the Darkroom Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:


“…inviting photographs that illustrate the beauty of water in all its mutable forms, and also images depicting our increasingly difficult relationship with water.  Water as muse, water as destroyer; the creative possibilities are limitless.” –

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Photography

DEADLINE: November 4, 2015

NOTIFICATION: November 12, 2015

ENTRY FEE: 4 for $24 (online)/$29 (email)

*Editor’s Note: Please be sure to remember that it IS important to let Darkroom Gallery know you found their Call on The hard-working folks at the Darkroom Gallery are friends & sponsors of AAAD, and we always want them to know they have our support…

JUROR: Gary Braasch is an environmental photojournalist and writer who documents nature, environment, biodiversity and climate change around the world. He has been a nature photographer for more than 40 years, and is internationally known for dramatic, artistic and science-based nature photography. His images and assignment articles have been published by Time, LIFE, New York Times Magazine, Discover, Smithsonian, National Geographic, Scientific American and the United Nations among many others.

Learn more about the H2O show from the Darkroom Gallery!Most of his work is on conservation or natural history subjects, the coverage of which gained Gary the Ansel Adams Award from the Sierra Club in the U.S., and the Outstanding Nature Photographer citation from the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA). He was a founding Board Member of NANPA and a founding Fellow of the International League of Conservation Photographers.

He received the Ansel Adams Award from the Sierra Club and the Outstanding Nature Photographer citation from the North American Nature Photography Association. In 2010 he was named as one of the Forty Most Influential Nature Photographers by Outdoor Photography magazine.

AWARDS: Selected entries are included in a full color exhibit catalog & gallery exhibit. Plus: Juror’s Choice: 30×48″ image banner; People’s Choice – a free future entry; Honorable Mentions receive free exhibition catalogs and free entry in a future exhibition.

SALES: Free matting & framing of accepted entries, subject to standard sizes. For commission details, go to the bottom of the Submissions page!

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the H2O show from the Darkroom Gallery!


CALL for ENTRIES: 2016 Nat’l Juried

Every last member of my family is a mustard fiend.  There are rarely ever appearances of plain yellow mustard in my house.  Dijon is the mustard of choice for the majority of the family.  And while I have a soft spot for homemade, hot Chinese mustard, I rarely indulge (too lazy to make it).  Brown mustard gets an occasional at bat around here on a whim, but Dijon is our comfort zone, our fall back, our home base if you will.  This next gallery is a little like home base for me.  Please don’t miss this opportunity…

Check out this Call for Entries from The Arts & Culture Alliance for the Nat’l Juried Exhibition of 2016. This is a great arts organization. I have shown work here.  I have juried a show here.  I teach here.  I would love to see your contribution at this opening. Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: 2016 Nat’l Juried, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the 2016 National Juried Exhibition from the Arts and Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville!CALL for ENTRIES:
Nat’l Juried Exhibition 2016


ELIGIBILITY: Artists 18+ living in the US

MEDIA: 2-D (painting, drawing, mixed media, printmaking, photography) & 3-D (sculpture of all media).

DEADLINE: December 6, 2015

NOTIFICATION: January 4, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $40 for up to 3, $7 ea. add’l. Members discounted.

JUROR:   Samantha Andrews is an art educator and east Tennessee native who believes in the power of art to change lives. Working closely with the ever-expanding artist community in Nashville, TN, Andrews creates opportunities & resources for people to see their world in new ways through art.  She is currently Assistant Director of Experiential Learning at the Frist Center for the Visual Arts and is a two-time Emmy® Award winner for the television series ArtQuest: Art is All Around You.

AWARDS: $500 Best in Show, (2) $250 Juror’s Citations & an award for best 2ork by a member

SALES: 25% commission (20% for check/cash)

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Download the Prospectus from the Arts and Culture Alliance!