Art and Art

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Art and Art

Category: Art Exhibit

ARTIST of the DAY: Melissa Hill

star light STAR BRIGHT

Some days are tougher than others.  On the toughest of days, I wish for the ability to see things through a larger lens, if you will.  I wish for perspective.  The ability to see things without the subjectivity of whim or personal tragedy or privilege.  Surely a different view would lend answers to the who and the why.  Or maybe just compassion and tolerance for others, for oneself.  The work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Melissa Hill, gave me just a glimpse of that perspective I crave.  (continues below).

"The Stars Remember Pangea" by Melissa Hill (installation)
“The Stars Remember Pangea” by AAAD Artist of the Day Melissa Hill (installation)

“I hope that my work has enough longevity and nuance for people to look at it and take something from it and for those same people to walk through life, change themselves, and then reflect upon it in a different light. I want their interpretation to shift and evolve as they do. I want this because in the end, I think that the act of creating and recreating is at the very heart of being human.” — Melissa Hill


Ponder the big questions with the work of
AAAD’s Artist of the Day, Melissa Hill!

CALL for ENTRIES: Light & Shadow

Learn more about the Light and Shadow exhibit from 1650 Gallery!shelf LIFE

My next kitchen will not have cabinet doors.  My need for symmetry & years of practice in downsizing lend to neat kitchen cabinets.  There are exceptions: storage containers whose lids hide like socks in a dryer and the lazy Susan corner cabinet that probably has unflavored gelatin from 2010 hiding in the shadows.  I am moving to an all new, albeit all tiny, space in 12 to 18 months, and all the kitchen storage will be open.  All light and no shadows for me.  This Call, however, wants both your light AND your shadows.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the 1650 Gallery (Los Angeles, CA) for Light & Shadow, a juried photography exhibit. $35 entry & free matting and framing (pre-set sizes). There’s even a way to avoid shipping. Theme open to broad interpretation…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Light & Shadow, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Light and Shadow exhibit from 1650 Gallery! CALL for ENTRIES:
Light & Shadow fm 1650 Gallery


“The beauty of light never fails to inspire. It comes in many colors and styles, from the soft monochrome palette of the pre-dawn to the raging intensity of Times Square at midnight. Light can dazzle, light can seduce; light can be so intoxicating many spend hours attempting to capture its essence inside a tiny light-tight box otherwise known as a “camera.” Whether the photographer chooses color or black and white, the expression and compression of the wonder of light from our daily world onto a 2d piece of paper in a compelling way remains both the Nirvana and the great white whale of all photographers past, present and future. Studious professional photo-geek Ansel Adams identified 10 distinct “zones” of light from pitch black to pure light in an attempt to tame the photo beast; in his wake countless lives have been dedicated to the artistic pursuit of these 10 expressions of luminosity” — from 1650 Gallery

ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: Photography

DEADLINE:  April 10, 2016

NOTIFICATION: By April 17, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 5, $5 ea. add’l

Learn more about the Light and Shadow exhibit from 1650 Gallery!JUROR: Andrew Overtoom is an award-winning filmmaker & photographer living in L.A. He publishes THE UNDEAD NEG, is launching a quarterly photography journal & owns the 1650 Gallery.

AWARDS: Best In Show, 2nd & 3rd Place will be awarded & posted after the opening. Awarded photos will be featured on the show page & Best In Show winners will have a small portfolio featured in the 1650 Spotlight gallery.

SALES: Selected artists may choose to offer their work for sale. The gallery retains 50% commission. The 1650 Gallery offers free matting and framing for accepted photographs that fit their pre-cut mat sizes for the duration of the exhibition. Photo sizes are 8″ x 10″, 11″ x 14″ 16″ x 20″, or 20″ x 24″.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the 1650 Gallery!


CALL for ENTRIES: Show #31

Learn more about Show #31 from Field Projects!smashingly

Do you own a food mill?  Think of it as a low-tech food processor.  I love them because it makes leftovers multi-use.  Run your chunky marinara through the mill for pizza sauce, while the food processor tends to make a watery mess. Baked apples, once milled make a great granita.  Veggies from making stock end up as a great, light sauce for a fast noodle lunch.  Your time is valuable.  Don’t waste it by throwing away the left overs.  Eat them.  This next Call is a multi-purpose tool.  Apply for one show and get considered for multiples.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Field Projects (NYC) for Show #31. $25 entry for all artists & all media. Plus, this entry submits your work for consideration for future shows as well. This is a wonderful opportunity!

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Show #31, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about Show #31 from Field Projects!CALL for ENTRIES:
Show #31
from Field Projects


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all media

DEADLINE:  April 9, 2016

NOTIFICATION:  April 19, 2016

ENTRY FEE:  $25 for up to 5

CURATOR:  Jesse David Penridge holds a Master from the University of Sussex, UK in Aesthetics.  Since entering the art world from the side of philosophy & theory Penridge has curated exhibitions, both solo & in collaboration with museums & not for profit institutions. He is also an ultra-marathoner & endurance cyclist (when he has time)!

AWARDS:  All submissions will be considered for Show #31 and the accompanying online show.  Plus, Field Projects Panel will be considering the current submissions for future group shows, solo shows & art fairs.

SALES:  All artwork in Show #31  must be for sale, with FP retaining 50% commission.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Field Projects!

CALL for PROPOSALS: Solo 2017

Learn more about the 2017 Solo Exhibition opportunities from VisArts at Rockville!solo

When left alone, I tend to eat solitary foods.  I stood in my kitchen and ate cottage cheese (from the container & yes it was end of the container).  For breakfast yesterday, strawberries.  For Monday’s snack, pickled beets. But my meals with family or friends are balanced and diverse. I try not to overthink it; surely it is just simplicity, not laziness, right?  This next Call requires neither simplicity nor laziness, but you will be on your own.  Be brave…

Check out this Call for Proposals from VisArts (Rockville, MD) for 2017 Solo Exhibits at the Gibbs Street Gallery.  For those of you ready to take this step, this is a great size for a solo exhibit.  Take a look
*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for PROPOSALS: Solo 2017, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from VisArts at Rockville!CALL for PROPOSALS:
2017 Solo Exhibitions
from VisArts at Rockville


The Gibbs Street Gallery offers exhibitions that explore the breadth of contemporary art featuring emerging to mid-career artists. Exhibits reflect a wide range of media and experimental approaches that offer the viewer unexpected interactions with art. The gallery is approximately 1,100 square feet with 16 ft. ceilings. It is on the street level with floor to ceiling windows along one wall. (Click Here for floorplan.)

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

DEADLINE: March 30, 2016 11:59 EST


AWARDS:  Selected artists will be scheduled for a solo exhibition. Add’l support for the execution of exhibition programming is available.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from VisArts at Rockville!

CALL for ENTRIES: Land & Seascapes

Learn more about the Land & Seascapes exhibit from!north south
east west

I have such reservations about corn but none about corn pudding.  We had it for dinner tonight.  I always think of corn as hailing from Iowa.  (I am clearly like a marketing sponge.)  But as I spent hours on the back roads of Ohio last year trying to avoid the nightmare that is I-75 South, I drove through miles and miles and miles of corn fields, intersected only by the occasional two-lane or gravel road.  Dazzling. Beautiful. Waving both “hello” & “goodbye”.  A landscape of corn.  In Ohio.  This next Call wants your landscape or seascape, or even your corn.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Land & Seascapes. $20 Entry & great marketing awards.  Interpretation of the theme is liberal…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Land & Seascapes, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Land & Seascapes exhibit from!CALL for ART ENTRIES:
Land & Seascapes from


“I want the people looking at my work to feel a sense of all the possibilities of painting, and, through that, in life as a whole. When that happens, I feel I’ve accomplished something useful.”
— Wolf Kahn

ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA: Open to any still medium: painting, collage, photography, drawing, digital art, sculpture, fiber art, etc.

THEME: “Land & Seascapes”  – Present your vision of a landscape and/or seascape in a unique way — emotional expression, symbolic interpretation or precise representational views.

DEADLINE: March 21, 2016

NOTIFICATION: March 30, 2016

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $35 for 3 and $60 for 7

AWARDS: First place $1000 cash + $5,000 marketing value, 2nd place $150 cash + $1,500 marketing value, 3rd place $125, 4th place $100, 5th place $75, 6th place $50, & 7th place $25.  The 1st through 7th place winners’ work + 10 Honorable Mentions will have their work featured in Art-Competition.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!
We are happy to have as a sponsor of AAAD.


ARTIST of the DAY: Mark Castator

cooling OFF

My brain spins. And my mouth usually keeps up. I turned to my husband recently & asked, “Are your ears tired? I can’t seem to shut up.”  I struggle to quiet my mind, hence twenty years of insomnia. Some days I require a sole project or a single object upon which to focus to have a more solitary soundtrack in my head. I find the work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Mark Castator, requires me to concentrate on the forms within the form which is oddly calming. (continues below)

Learn more about AAAD Artist of the Day sculptor Mark Castator!
Leda: Moons of Jupiter by sculptor Mark Castator

“Engage the eye. Quiet the mind. Open the heart.” Mark Castator


Calm your mind with the work of
Artist of the Mark Castator!


CALL for ENTRIES: Illustration Awards

Learn more about the International Illustration Awards from 3x3 Mag!need a

I am not a fan of buffet restaurants. Even when I get past the being herded like school children through a cafeteria line, I have trouble with all inclusive nature.  How can one hold everything at a single temp & humidity and expect everything to thrive? Some foods are fragile. Celery & carrots require higher humidity. Dairy needs a lower temp than washed greens.  In exchange for larger variety, we end up with mediocre versions of fresh food that would have better maintained their individuality in a kitchen.  This next call is a hand-picked selection of the highest quality, not a buffet.  Interested? Me too.

Check out this Call for Entries from 3×3 Magazine for the Int’l Illustration Show.  Quality art publication that is both curated but open to illustration is a rare combination. These fees are among the lowest in the industry.  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Illustration Awards, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the International Illustration Awards from 3x3 Mag!CALL for ENTRIES:
Illustration Awards
from 3×3 Magazine


3×3 Magazine publishes the world’s best contemporary illustration as judged by some of the world’s top art directors, designers and illustrators. They welcome entrants come from every part of the globe are still one of the best values regarding entry & publication fees.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists for commissioned & non-commissioned work produced/published during 2015.

DEADLINE: March 25, 2016

NOTIFICATION: by June 25, 2016

ENTRY FEE: Single entries are $35 and Series (3–5 images only) are $60. Note: Publication fees for winners are $85 to cover the printing & distributing. Honorable mentions pay $50.

JUDGES:  Read the FAQ for a complete list of judges.

AWARDS: Winners will be featured in the printed annual. Best of Show & Gold medal winners receive our distinctive 3×3×3-inch cube, Silver and Bronze winners receive a framed award; distinctive merit and merit winners receive paper certificates. The eBook will be offered free to a select list of art directors worldwide. In addition all winners will be invited to participate in the 2017 Illustration Directory sent free to 6,000+ art directors and art buyers in America.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the International Illustration Awards from 3x3 Mag!


ARTIST of the DAY: Barbara Witkowska

gray DAYS

Cold weather can be lovely –in its season. But I crave blue skies. I get a few during winter’s grip; however, as March marches forward, I am growing intolerant of the gray days. My optimistic nature makes me want to find the beauty in the gray.  Imagine my delight to find the work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Barbara Witkowska with all his glorious shades of gray. (continues below)

Paintings by Barbara Witkowska
Work by Barbara Witkowska

“The idea of human value intrigues me, the desire for domination & power over the world.” Barbara Witkowska


Celebrate the shades of gray in the work of
Artist of the Barbara Witkowska!


CALL for ENTRIES: Portfolio

Learn more about the Portfolio issue from F-Stop Magazine!naturally

I like to think I eat fairly clean.  But by coincidence, I ran out of all of my standard sauces at one time which necessitated my seeing them ALL in my shopping cart at once.  Who new? Soy, fish, oyster, Worcestershire, Thai chili, plum, four vinegars, 3 mustards, and lets not forget sriracha. In my defense, there ARE a few of scratch-made ones like barbecue & chocolate sauce.  It seems my portfolio of foods aren’t all as pure as I’d like to believe.  This next Call want your purely individual portfolio.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from F-Stop Magazine for Portfolio, (Issue #76). No entry fee, and it is a great opportunity to show a full body of work. Take a moment to look at the last few issues. You’ll be inspired. We can’t wait to see your images published here

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Portfolio, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Portfolio issue from F-Stop Magazine!CALL for SUBMISSIONS:
Portfolio from F-Stop Magazine


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

THEME: For issue #76 F-Stop Magazine is looking for a body of work.

MEDIA: Photography

DEADLINE:  March 15, 2016

PUBLICATION: April 1, 2016


AWARDS: Selected artists/photographers will have images published in Issue #76

ABOUT F-Stop: F-Stop Magazine is an online magazine featuring contemporary photography from established & emerging photographers from around the world. Each issue has a theme that the unites the images to create a dynamic dialogue. Founded in 2003 and published online, bi-monthly.

For complete details, Read the Guidelines!

Learn more about the Wonder-Full issue from F-Stop Magazine!

ARTIST of the DAY: Jylian Gustlin

abstract math PORTRAIT

I have a well-known soft spot for portraiture.  A significant part of my own work has revolved around facial expression, but abstract art calls to me.  I buy abstract work.  I find that my interpretation and feelings about this work evolves as my time with it increases.  I am always delighted to find a marriage of the abstract and the figurative. Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Jylian Gustlin gives me just that marriage. (continues below)

Hera 3 (left) and Zues 1 (right) by Jylian Gustlin
Hera 3 (left) & Zeus 1 (right) by Jylian Gustlin

“I knew that if I finished [a degree in computer science & mathematics], I would never make art.” Jylian Gustlin


Delight in the math with the work of the
Artist of the Jylian Gustlin!
