Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Art Publication

ARTIST of the DAY: Kelly Jo Shows

"Portrait of Artist Rose Eken" (left) & "Portrait of Artist Dustin Yellin" (right) by Kelly Jo Shows
“Portrait of Artist Rose Eken” (left) & “Portrait of Artist Dustin Yellin” (right) by Kelly Jo Shows


“Shoes speak volumes about who we are. After time
they develop a character all their own.”
KJ Shows


Community is what you make it.  Creative endeavors are often solitary, singular.  I have, over the years, developed a love for creating my own artistic community online, worldwide.  When I learned of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Kelly Jo Shows, I instantly knew we were of similar ilk.  I appreciate how he reaches out to those whose work he knows and loves, but whose person he does not necessarily know at all. Bridging gaps of time and space… with shoes.


Journey into studios abroad with the work
AAAD Artist of the Day, Kelly Jo Shows!



ARTIST of the DAY: Annie Hermes

"Gun Won" (acrylic on canvas, 36"x36") by Anne Hermes
“Gun Won” (acrylic on canvas, 36″x36″) by Annie Hermes


“Most homicides in the United States are committed
with firearms, especially handguns.


I live in the South where gun ownership is common. Hunting & recreational shooting are part of the culture where I live.  Gun control is a heated debate.  Do I believe there are responsible gun owners? Sure.  Do I think I have the capacity to be a responsible gun owner? Sure.  Would I give up my right to bear arms?  Today–this minute.  The epidemic of gun violence has to end.  Maybe there is an answer to that epidemic that still allows for gun ownership.  But, today, as of this minute, no one has found it.  Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Annie Hermes, puts the question of gun violence in your face, on an enormous scale, in surreal color.  Do we have your attention?


You can’t avoid the questions posed by
the work of
AAAD Artist of the Day, Annie Hermes!


CALL for ENTRIES: What Remains

Learn more about the What Remains exhibit from LA Photo Curator!mystery LUNCH

My favorite culinary masterpieces are created from the random remains of my refrigerator or pantry.  This is how lunch comes to be almost every day.  Left over veggies from salad or stir fry end up as spring rolls; emergency canned goods create the best vegetable soup.  Because I live in a more rural location, bad weather & poor grocery planning can result in a hungry household.  But a little creativity amongst the ruinous remains, turns out the most delightful surprises.  This next Call wants to see what you creat from what remains.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from L.A. Photo Curator for the What Remains exhibit. $20 entry, no shipping, plus art publication for ALL entrants & an opportunity to support a great cause WITHOUT donating work. Great opportunity…

Learn more about the What Remains exhibit from L.A. Photo Curator!CALL for ENTRIES:
What Remains
from L.A. Photo Curator


“”We are almost always intrigued by what is left behind, either when a disaster strikes or simply when a home (or a city) is abandoned. The theme of ruin and abandonment provides a great deal of emotional impact and the imagery produced from these places of ruin can stay with us for a long time.” –from Jody Miller via

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Photography

DEADLINE: February 3, 2017 (Midnight PST)

NOTIFICATION: (and opening date) February 25, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $20 for up to 3. 15% of artist fees go to 2 charities per competition. 7.5% to the curator’s choice of charity and 7.5% to the first place winner’s chosen charity.  Miller has chosen the charity Sacred Stone Camp Legal Defense Fund.

CURATOR:  Jody Miller spent 40 years as  a designer / animator for the television industry; her profession melded beautifully with her favorite pastime.  She still  passionately “chases the light” and tries to present a slightly darker, edgier view of that light & the mysteries that lie therein. Miller’s portfolio is represented by Lightbox Photographic Gallery in Astoria, OR.

SALES: All sales are conducted between the artist & buyer.  There is no commission.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from L.A. Photo Curator!


ARTIST of the DAY: Peter Bragino

"Current of the Soul" (acrylic, marker & water pigment) by Peter Bragino
“Current of the Soul” (acrylic, marker & water pigment) by Peter Bragino

“It’s a gift of the intuition that helped me know from a very early age what I would do in life. It’s the first time I fully recognized my soul. That’s why the inner connection to self is so important to me and why my work focuses on celebrating and shining a light on that relationship. I believe everyone has the ability and the right to connect in that way with their own inner knowing. I believe that all personal wisdom and true direction comes from that connection.” Peter Bragino


Wading through this year’s schedule of exciting trips and new adventures has also left me mourning a loss of creative time.  But I make the schedule.  Do I over-schedule so I have a way to excuse lower production.  Is it self sabotage?  Is it a lack of inner connection to my creative self?  The work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Peter Bragino, reminds me that the ability to connect lies in all of us, but the will must be our own.


Connect to your own creativity through the work of
AAAD Artist of the Day Peter Bradigo!


ARTIST of the DAY: Cecile Perra

"Coiffe" (glass painting/photogram) by Cecile Perra
Detail of “Coiffe” (glass painting/photogram) by Cecile Perra

“Assise dans l’instant, armée de vieux papiers, précieux
tissus porteurs d’histoires, portraits intimes que je
transforme, mêlant familles et inconnus, j’ass
je couds, je peins, je gratte…”
Cecile Perra

“Seated in the moment, armed with old papers, precious fabrics carrying stories, intimate portraits that I transform, mixing families and unknown, I assemble, I sew, I paint, I scratch…”  –Cecile Perra  (Please forgive the translation.)


For many, December consists of meeting after meeting with collages of people.  Images and memories laid over philosophy and politics and ultimately framed as a family member.  Pieces and parts, both good & bad.  Part fiction, part reality; the difference is hard to distinguish.  The work of Cecile Perra, today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, mirrors that patchwork progenitor that each of ponders across the table.


Ponder patchwork familial characters with today’s AAAD Artist of the Day Cecile Perra!


CALL for ENTRIES: Faces of Humanity

Learn more about the Faces of Humanity show from G25N and!CREAM of the crop

Dairy isn’t everyone’s friend.  My child has struggled with it for years.  He loves it far more than it loves him.  To this day, nothing is better than seeing his FACE when he stretches warm cheese off a pizza or eats that first spoonful of ice cream.  People suffer for fashion and art.  Why not for the love of dairy?  This next Call wants to see all the faces of humanity, not just the dairy daze.  You know how I love portraiture…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Faces of Humanity. $25 entry & no shipping.  The media is pretty wide open too. Take a look…

Learn more about the Faces of Humanity show from G25N and!CALL for ENTRIES:
Faces of Humanity


ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA:   Open to still media, including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, digital, prints, fiber art, collage, etc.

THEME: Faces of Humanity  “For this group exhibition the curators will be selecting artwork that communicates the diversity of humanity by capturing the emotion, beauty, love, hope, and wisdom as seen in the faces of people from different cultures.”

DEADLINE: January 16, 2017

NOTIFICATION: January 27, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $25 for up to 3, $5 ea. add’l

AWARDS:  20 artists will be selected for an online group exhibit, “Faces of Humanity” at Gallery25N; the exhibit and artists will be extensively marketed worldwide to over 20,000 people including art buyers, gallery owners, curators, collectors, etc.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!



ARTIST of the DAY: Carrie Mae Smith

"DuPont Circle Quilt" by Carrie Mae Smith
“DuPont Circle Quilt” by Carrie Mae Smith

“I am interested in re-materializing the sort of objects that history leaves out, utilitarian objects
too common to be recorded or preserved. Historic objects and structures that signify or embody
the evidence of marginalized people who once occupied them.  In this way I engage with concerns
of class, gender and domesticity, through analyzing both forms and their position in society.”
Carrie Mae Smith


So, I opted out of holiday celebrations this year.  I am not feeling particularly Grinch-y; however, it has been a sobering year, and I didn’t feel compelled to fake it.  As a result, I am wading through the unnecessary “cheer ups” & the non-stop recipes for snowflake-shaped confections. I think that it is that very sense of introspection about domesticity and gender that drew me to Carrie Mae Smith, today’s AAAD Artist of the Day.


Discover the value of the discarded & dismissed through
the work of
AAAD Artist of the Day Carrie Mae Smith!



ARTIST of the DAY: Cyrus Kabiru

"American Darts" by Cyrus Kabiru
“American Darts” by Cyrus Kabiru

“My work has everything to do with my dad. First the glasses. Now the bicycle. He raised me well and showed me the future. He wasn’t the kind of parent to give you things. Beyond food, clothes and shelter, the next step was you.” — Cyrus Kabiru


As the new year creeps closer, I find myself searching for a new frame of mind, a new perspective, a new framework, a new set of eyes, if you will, with which to navigate the world.  Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Cyrus Kabiru, offers us a reminder that we choose how we frame our future –crafting something new from pieces of our past, new, used or discarded.


Find a new perspective in the work of AAAD Artist of the Day Cyrus Kabiru!




Learn more about the Root Exhibit from LA Photo Curator! digging DEEP

It is root vegetable season again.  It isn’t all just potatoes and carrots.  Root veggies are one of my only opportunities to have fresh food all the way through the winter.  I’ve been preaching about turnip roots for years; try them as a substitute, if only in part, for mashed potatoes.  Or celeriac is delicious.  Rutabagas are divine, albeit stinky.  How about kohlrabi?  It isn’t actually a root vegetable, but it holds just as long in cool dry temps.  They are like savory comfort foods, minus the warm cheese.  This next Call invites you to delve into YOUR roots.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from L.A. Photo Curator for the Root exhibit. $20 entry, no shipping, plus art publication for ALL entrants & an opportunity to support a great cause WITHOUT donating work. Great opportunity…

Learn more about the Root Exhibit from LA Photo Curator!CALL for ENTRIES:
from L.A. Photo Curator


“My research has led me to find that the word, ‘root’ has ties to mathematics, music, machinery and computers to list only a few. Without giving too many clues, I’d like you to delve deeper into the meaning of this word for you and illustrate this word through your photography.  It could be related to a source, the origin of a thing or being, a foundation, an anchor and lots more. Have fun and let your mind explore.” –from Susan Spiritus via

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Photography

DEADLINE: December 31, 2016 (Midnight PST)

NOTIFICATION: (and opening date) January 25, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $20 for up to 3. 15% of artist fees go to 2 charities per competition. 7.5% to the curator’s choice of charity and 7.5% to the first place winner’s chosen charity.  Spiritus has chosen the charity RaceToEraseMS.

CURATOR:  Susan Spiritus has been a leader in the field of fine art photography for 40 years, opening the doors to her Southern California gallery in 1976 so that she could share her passion for photography with others.  For the past twenty years the Susan Spiritus gallery has participated in local art fairs including PhotoLA, the Los Angeles Art show, Photo San Francisco, Los Angeles Festival of Books, and most recently, Classic Photographs Los Angeles. She serves on the Board of Advisors for International Photography Awards (IPA) and the Center for Fine Art Photography (C4FAP).

SALES: All sales are conducted between the artist & buyer. L.A. Photo Curator does not handle any part of sales. There is no commission.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from L.A. Photo Curator!



Learn more about the Love Issue from F-Stop Magazine!feed me PLEASE

My husband Jon is my personal chef and all-around family-taker-care(er)-of(er).  We try not to take advantage, but it is just his nature.  Part of how he shows his love is feeding & caring of all our ridiculousness.  We are grateful and well-fed.  Over the years, we have come to count on creamy hummus, soft muffins & decadent quiche. This next Call wants to see your love.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from F-Stop Magazine for Love, (Issue #81). No entry fee, and it is a gorgeous publication opportunity.  Take a moment to look at the last few issues. You’ll be inspired. We can’t wait to see your images published here

Learn more about the Love Issue from F-Stop Magazine!CALL for SUBMISSIONS:
Love, Issue #81
from F-
Stop Magazine


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists


MEDIA: Photography

DEADLINE: January 15, 2017

PUBLICATION: February 1, 2017


AWARDS: Selected artists/photographers will have images published in Issue #81

ABOUT F-Stop: F-Stop Magazine is an online magazine featuring contemporary photography from established & emerging photographers from around the world. Each issue has a theme that the unites the images to create a dynamic dialogue. Founded in 2003 and published online, bi-monthly.

For complete details, Read the Guidelines!

Learn more from F-Stop Magazine!
