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Art and Art

Category: greeting cards

CALL for ENTRIES: Courage Kenny Cards 2018

Learn more about becoming a Courage Kenny cards artist!

screaming GREENS

As we approach the New Year, I keep having flashbacks to a screaming pressure cooker preparing collard greens each New Year’s Day. The sounds & smells have been spurred on because of my new electric pressure cooker, a gift from my mother for Christmas. Yes, I know that I normally shy away from large, trendy gadgets, but I just couldn’t resist.  This one does more & replaces other small appliances, so I’m giving it a whirl.  I’ve had two successful attempts in a row — Swiss steak then pork chops with apples.  Maybe collard greens next.  This next Call wants your reflections on the holidays.  You likely have work for this one…

Check out this Call for Entries for 2018 Artists for Courage Kenny Cards.  You can enter up to a dozen images for only $10. Artists are paid licensing fees & given credit on the back of every card.  Proceeds help support rehabilitation & services for people with disabilities.  Take a look…

Learn more about becoming a Courage Kenny cards artist!CALL for ENTRIES:
2018 Cards 
fm Courage Kenny

“Courage Kenny Cards are high quality holiday cards . . . . Proceeds from the sale of these cards support rehabilitation, independent living & recreational services for people with disabilities.” from

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to two dimensional drawing, painting, illustration & photography.

THEMES:  Holidays: Thanksgiving, Symbols of the Season, Winter City Scenes, Religious Christmas, Winter Landscapes & Winter Wildlife.

DEADLINE:  January 7, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $10 for up to 12 entries

JUROR:  A panel of judges from the greeting card industry reviews all entries.

AWARDS:  Approximately 30 pieces of art are selected each year for reproduction on holiday cards.  Artists receive a license fee, nationwide recognition through the distribution of more than 300,000 catalogs, promotional pieces, web site and other marketing. An artist photo, profile and web site link are featured on the Courage Kenny Cards web site.  

The artist retains ownership and copyright of the artwork. The artist grants Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the artwork on a Courage Kenny Card for five years. The artist’s name, copyright notification and title appears on the back of each card. Courage Kenny may change the title and/or add a border, design element or title to the art to create an appropriate marketable holiday card.

SALES:  A license fee of $400 is paid to the artist for selected art. 

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about becoming a Courage Kenny cards artist!