Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Art Blog

CALL for ENTRIES: Aug / Sept Print Issue

Learn more about the Aug Sept Print Issue from Create Magazine!

MENU options

Long before I dreamed of having a full time studio practice, I wanted to be a restaurant reviewer.  I wanted someone to pay me to eat food and talk about.  I got an English degree; I went to culinary school.  I abandoned the idea of capturing one of those ridiculously small number of jobs.  I still eat a lot of food, and I still talk about food more than most people.  This next Call offers us the opportunity to have your work reviewed.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Create! Magazine (print publication) for the 2018 August / September Print Issue.  $30 entry for this gorgeous magazine.  Don’t miss this chance…

Learn more about the Aug Sept Print Issue from Create Magazine!CALL for ENTRIES:
2018 Aug / Sept Print Issue
of Create! Magazine

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all media, i.e.: painting, sculpture, digital, printmaking, fiber, mixed media, photography, installation & more.

DEADLINE:  June 30, 2018

ENTRY FEE:  $30 for up to 3, $35 for 5, $40 for 10. *There is also an optional $15 for online review, if selected by curator.

JUROR: Conrad Benner is a photographer, podcaster, curator, and Founder of, a photo-blog that discovers art on the streets of Philadelphia. Conrad was recently named ‘One of the 100 Most Influential People in Philadelphia’ by Philadelphia Magazine & his blog named one of the ‘Best Blogs for Travellers’ by The Guardian and his photography highlighted by Mashable and Instagram. Established in January of 2011, Conrad’s primary focus with Streets Dept is to document and celebrate street art and graffiti. “In general, I believe deeply that the public space has a profound effect on us as individuals and on our city as a whole, and my aim with Streets Dept is to explore how we build and use public spaces creatively.”

AWARDS:  Artists selected by the guest juror will receive a 2-page spread including a brief bio, website, and 2 images in print and digital formats. Published artists will receive a complimentary digital issue and will be listed on Create! Magazine’s website/social media & will be listed with images, details and information on theirr website/social media for life. All featured artists will automatically be considered for any upcoming curatorial projects & exhibitions organized by the Create! team.  

SALES:  The Aug /Sept Issue will be available online, in London, New York, Amsterdam, Wilmington (DE), Philadelphia & more.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Create! Magazine.

CALL for ENTRIES: Below the Surface

Learn more about the Below the Surface exhibit from the 440 Gallery in Brooklyn NY!

slow BURN

Four days out of seven find my family eating spicy foods.  Before I quit smoking five years ago, I suspected my tolerance for spicy food came from my deadened taste buds.  But after years as a non-smoker, we eat more hot food, not less.  However, I’m not usually a fan of overtly fiery foods; I prefer the slow burn that simmers just below the surface.  I frequently start dinner thinking “this needed more heat” and end the meal with a flush having creeped up my scalp.  This next Call wants to know what is layered just below the surface of your work.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from 440 Gallery (Brooklyn, NY) for Below the Surface, a juried exhibition, Brooklyn, NY, July 5 – July 29, 2018.  Most of create work that is layered either literally or metaphorically, so this curatorial theme might work for you…

Learn more about the Below the Surface exhibit from the 440 Gallery in Brooklyn NY!CALL for ENTRIES:
Below the Surface 
from 440 Gallery

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all U.S. artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media 

THEME: “What lies below the surface? Is it visible or hidden, more than just a cursory glance? This exhibit will explore ways that artists are interpreting the physical layering of material versus the metaphorical strata of meaning. Show us how—from the simplest drawing to the most complex sculpture—art has the power to invoke something more than what meets the eye.” — 440 Gallery

DEADLINE:  June 1, 2018

NOTIFICATION:  June 17, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $405 up to 3, $5 ea. addl 

JUROR:  Peter Gynd is an independent curator and fifth generation artist originally from Vancouver, Canada. Gynd studied at the Alberta College of Art and Design and has exhibited in both Canada and the US. Peter Gynd lives & works in Brooklyn, NY and is the director at Lesley Heller Gallery in Manhattan’s Lower East Side.

SALES:   30% commission on all sales will go to the 440 Gallery. 

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the 440 Gallery in Brooklyn NY!

CALL for ENTRIES: Relationship

Learn more about the Relationship exhibit from LA Photo Curator!

CHEESE glorious cheese

I still get email about my relationship with food.  A number of my friends & peers are vegan and are bothered by my cheese obsession.  I dare say the majority of the people I know are vegetarian; therefore, any mention of meat ends in a little hate mail from frenemies.  And I still regularly get the “why do you write about food” question even though we’ve been at it for almost 10 years now.  I am surprised EVERY time.  I forget people read what I write, ha.  This next Call wants to know about your relationship to anything you care to share.  How will you answer this Call?

Check out this Call from L.A. Photo Curator (online) for the Relationship exhibit. $20 entry, no shipping, plus art publication for ALL entrants.   $20 entry and a curatorial them to which everyone can relate.  Take a look…

Learn more about the Relationship exhibit at LA Photo Curator!CALL for ENTRIES:
from L.A. Photo Curator

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Photography

THEME:  “Relationship is a word that can take on a wide range of meanings and characteristics. We all share many relationships: with our pets, with our friends, with money, with yourself, with each other, with our environment, etc.  In the scope of this call-for-entry, I am looking for images that illustrate how you define a relationship that is important to you. Is it a challenge for you to get out of bed, because of your relationship with a nagging back? Is driving frustrating to you because____ (fill in the blanks)? Do you look forward to going to your weekly arts meeting because your friend is there, and you would like the relationship to go deeper?  No matter how you define it, you cannot go through your day without experiencing a multitude of relationships. It’s your call!” — Timothy B. Anderson

DEADLINE:  May 22, 2018 (Midnight PST)

ENTRY FEE: $20 for up to 3. 20% of artist fees go to 2 charities –½ to the curator’s choice of charity & ½ goes to the 1st place winner’s choice.   Timothy B. Anderson has chosen The Sierra Club

CURATOR:  Timothy B. Anderson publishes Shadow & Light Magazine, 100-page bi-monthly photography magazine, which is now available in print. Anderson is also a publisher (Cygnet Press), and Editor-at-Large for black-and-white photography magazine, Adore Noir. You can see current examples of his photography at his personal site, below.  He has juried throughout the country for ANMPAS, Review Santa Fe, Review LA, Photo Lucida, The Center for Fine Art Photography, The Gala Awards & The Palm Springs Photo Festival. He has photographed workshops by Elizabeth Opalenik, Joyce Tenneson, and was asked by the iconic photographer Lucien Clergue to document his nude outdoor location workshop in Béssége, France, in 2009. 

AWARDS:  The curator chooses 1st place, 2nd place & 3 honorable mentions. The 1st place winner will receive a review by one or more curators including a Q&A about the photographer’s work. In addition, their image will be on the home page for a month. 2nd place & honorable mentions will have their image shown along with their bio, artist statement, C.V. and a link back to their website.

SALES: All sales are conducted between the artist & buyer.  There is no commission.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from LA Photo Curator!

CALL for ART: Gifts of Art

Learn more about the Gifts of Art program from Michigan Medicine!

one EGG or two?

Simplicity can be a gift.  Sometimes what I want to eat has less to do with a craving and more to do with the ease of preparation.  When I’ve had a productive day, a drawn-out night of cooking weighs me down.  Sometimes an egg sandwich is just an egg sandwich; sometimes an egg sandwich is a gift.  This next Call see the transformative effect of art on our reparative health as a gift.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Michigan Medicine (Ann Arbor, MI), the academic medical center of the University of Michigan, for Gifts of Art.  Contrary to the name’s implication, artists are NOT asked to donate work.  I like this call…

Learn more about the Gifts of Art program from Michigan Medicine!CALL for ENTRIES:
Gifts of Art 
from Michigan Medicine

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media.  Exhibits must fill an entire gallery.  Click here for gallery size information.

THEME:  “The Exhibition Program is designed to calm nerves, lift spirits, and engage minds.  This supports the healing process and reduces the stress and anxiety often associated with a healthcare setting.  Engaging with the arts in a medical setting can be an especially powerful, even transformative experience for patients and visitors.”

DEADLINE:  May 31, 2018

NOTIFICATION:  July 15, 2018

ENTRY FEE: None. (minimum of 15 quality images for solo artists, 24 for group shows)

AWARD: Solo or group exhibit at 1 of 9 galleries at Michigan Medicine.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Gifts of Art program from Michigan Medicine!

CALL for ENTRIES: Pushing Paper

Learn more about the Pushing Paper exhibit from the Barrett Art Center!

my CREME-filled heart

My husband and I celebrated our 20th anniversary with Chinese takeout because neither of felt like cooking or grocery shopping.  It was our typical night egg drop soup & steamed dumplings, but the thing that made the night a celebration came in a paper bag.  A beautiful, fresh chocolate eclair from our local doughnut shop, a guilty pleasure from the middle years of our marriage when that was one of the only splurges we could afford.  Since then, I tend to watch my sugar intake and my husband was diagnosed with a wheat allergy.  But with a that single damn-the-consequences pastry, I felt the heart flutter that says he’ll stick for another twenty.  Some of the best things come in, or on, paper just like in this next Call.  Plus the gallery is gorgeous…

Check out this Call for Entries from Barrett Art Center (Poughkeepsie, NY) for Pushing Paper.   This venue is spectacular, and venues open to cutting edge work are always appreciated.  Take a look…

Learn more about the Pushing Paper exhibit from the Barrett Art Center!CALL for ENTRIES:
Pushing Paper
from Barrett Art Center

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all U.S. artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media that explores & manipulates the materiality of paper, as well as works on paper, including watercolor, oil, photography, prints, digital work & drawings.   Artists are invited to provide a juxtaposition of traditional styles and cutting-edge practices. In addition to 2-D works in all media, sculpture & installation are all encouraged.

DEADLINE:  May 16, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $40  for up to 3, $5 ea. add’l ($30 for members)

JUROR:  Paul Wong is Artistic Director (retired 2017) of Dieu Donné and a master papermaker/artist who has collaborated with many artists producing groundbreaking work in the creative papermaking medium for over 38 years. Wong has widely exhibited his work in paper, books & installations since 1975 at museums & galleries including Neuberger Museum, Plains Museum, Columbia College Center for Book and Paper Arts, and Dieu Donné. He has conducted papermaking lectures and workshops including: NY Library, Haystack, Penland, Banff, Oxbow, PBI, UArts-Philadelphia, UA-Tuscaloosa, Columbia College-Chicago, Morgan Conservatory-Cleveland  

AWARDS:  $1,300 in prizes –two $500 prizes & two $150 prizes.

SALES:  Barrett Art Center will retain a 30% commission for sales (20% for members).

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Barrett Art Center!

CALL for ENTRIES: Still Life 2.0

Learn more about the Still Life 2.0 from NY Photo Curator! 1

FRUIT bowl

My husband has been throwing new bowls for me. (He’s a commercial potter.) I now have bowls of fruit and yarn and onions and paper clips.  Because I can’t decide on a glaze color, he keeps throwing while I cannot part with any of them.  Now it appears that all things in my house have to be stored in bowls.  I’m am currently rationalizing it as a study in perpetual still life.  This next Call encourages a far broader interpretation of still life than fruit in a bowl.  Send them your best…

Check out this Call for Entries from N.Y. Photo Curator (online) for the Still Life 2.0 exhibit. $20 entry, no shipping, plus art publication for ALL entrants.  Be sure to check out this juror’s work; it is fantastic.  Take a look…

Learn more about the Stil Life 2.0 from NY Photo Curator!CALL for ENTRIES:
Still Life 2.0
from N.Y. Photo Curator

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Photography

THEME:  Still Life 2.0. “From the Greco-Roman art, mostly depicting offerings for the gods, to the Dutch masters of the 16th and 17th centuries, to the vanitas and, later on, to impressionism and cubism, still lifes have always been providing keys to understanding cultures of different eras and regions, as well as the psyche of each individual artist. Forget about fruits and flowers or bowls and skulls. Or not. Introduce us to your world by arranging and displaying your updated version of still life. Invite us into your fears, desires, dreams and attachments. Show us your treasured collections or simply what you’re hoarding

” –Fran Forman

DEADLINE:  April 30, 2018 (Midnight PST)

ENTRY FEE: $20 for up to 3. 20% of artist fees go to 2 charities –½ to the curator’s choice of charity & ½ goes to the 1st place winner’s choice.  Yorgos Efthymiadis has chosen the PRC in Boston (The Photographic Resource Center).

CURATOR:  Yorgos Efthymiadis is an artist from Greece who resides in Somerville, MA.  He was a finalist for the 2017 Massachusetts Cultural Council Fellowship and was presented with a 2017 Emerging Artist Award from St. Botolph Club Foundation. He has exhibited in various locations, including Filter Photo Festival, Danforth Art Museum, the Griffin Museum of Photography and the PRC in Boston.  Lately, he created a gallery in his own kitchen, titled The Curated Fridge (Crusade for Art Engagement Grant Finalist, Winner of the Popular Vote). The idea behind this project is to celebrate fine art photography and connect photographers around the world. There is a guest curator for every show which run on a quarterly basis, free of charge.  Yorgos is represented by Gallery Kayafas in Boston, MA.

AWARDS:  The curator chooses 1st place, 2nd place & 3 honorable mentions. The 1st place winner will receive a review by one or more curators including a Q&A about the photographer’s work. In addition, their image will be on the home page for a month. 2nd place & honorable mentions will have their image shown along with their bio, artist statement, C.V. and a link back to their website.

SALES: All sales are conducted between the artist & buyer.  There is no commission.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from NY Photo Curator!

CALL for ENTRIES: Scapes 2018

Learn more about Scapes 2018 from!sunny SWEETS

After a day of planting African daises and marigolds for my mother, I have the first (& hopefully only) minor sunburn of the season. A sunburn always makes me crave melon, but cantaloupe and honeydew aren’t at their best at the moment.  Hopefully by the time my mother’s landscape of Mexican heather is in full bloom, even the watermelon will be ripe.  In the meantime, this Call wants to know about the different “scapes” in your life — land, city, sea or mind.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Scapes 2018. $20 entry & no shipping.  The media is pretty wide open too. Take a look…

Learn more about Scapes 2018 from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Scapes 2018

ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA:   Open to still media, including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, digital, prints, fiber art, collage, etc.

THEME: Environmental settings “…artists’ visions may transport the viewer to a lovely landscape, cityscape, seascape, or mindscape that invites them to enter their realm of beauty, uniqueness, serenity, etc.  However, works reflecting human impact against the land, seas, etc., always major concerns, are encouraged as well. The earth’s landscapes are places of thought, meditation, reflection, tranquility, and at times sorrow.  The landscape artists’ creations are defined and weighted only by the depth at which their presentations enrich our heart and conscience.”

DEADLINE: May 7, 2018

NOTIFICATION: May 18, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $10 ea. add’l

AWARDS:  $8,125 in cash & marketing prizes.  (e.g. 1st place $500, 2nd Place $400, 3rd Place $300, etc) + helpful marketing. There will be 7 Winners and 10 Honorable Mentions.  

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!

CALL for ENTRIES: 55th Annual Masur

Learn more about the 55th Annual Juried from the Masur Museum!

STARCHY staples

Did you know that nearly 85% of the rice eaten by Americans is grown in the United States?  Despite living in the south for the majority of my years, I was unaware until recently.  Louisiana is famous for Creole food including red beans & rice, but I had no idea that Louisiana is also one of the top three producers of rice in the U.S.  The next time you’re watching the pot that never boils, read the back of the rice bag.  This next Call is another one of my favorite things to hail from Louisiana.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries for the 55th Annual Juried Exhibition from the Masur Museum of Art (Monroe, LA). $20 Entry & no commission for this stunning museum show.  This is a great opportunity!

Learn more about the 55th Annual Juried from the Masur Museum!CALL or ENTRIES:
55th Annual Juried
from Masur Museum


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all US artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media

DEADLINE: May 10, 2018 (online) or April 30 (postmark)

NOTIFICATION:  June 15, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 2, $10 ea. add’l (5 max.)

JUROR: Joel Parsons is a curator, artist & teacher based in Memphis, where he is the Director of Clough-Hanson Gallery at Rhodes College & Asst. Professor. His curatorial practice is often collaborative and driven by a desire to bring institutional resources to bear on conversations of equity and marginality. He is the founder and co-director of Beige, an alternative gallery devoted to the work of LGBTQ artists.  As a Thomas J Watson Fellow in 2007-2008, he studied relational art practices in emerging global art centers. He received an MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. 

AWARDS: Best in Show is $1,000, and total awards are $3,200. The People’s Choice Award is $200.00 and will be voted on by visitors throughout the run of the exhibition. Best Packed: $100 This award will honor for the artist who packs their art in the most professional manner. 

SALES: The Masur Museum of Art does not receive a commission on sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Masur Museum!


Learn more about the IACA Mini Grant!

pantry PEPPER

What’s the weirdest pantry staple at your house?  It seems like a tiny thing, but my kitchen is rarely without thai chili paste; it has become my go-to source of heat.  Typically it is a combo of red chili pepper, garlic, lemongrass, galangal (ginger), salt, shallot, spices & Kaffer lime.  It is a balanced flavor for me, regardless of the origin of the dish, and it is easier than roasting a pepper from scratch every time I want to add a little heat. I add it to dishes time and time again.  This next Call is one I will probably post time and time again because $9 is a do-able gamble for many of you, and I appreciate the projects they have funded thus far.  See if it is right for you…

Check out this Call for Entries from Integrity Arts & Culture Association (Rock Island, IL) for a $250 Mini-Grant.  The grant deadline for this year’s second award is almost here. The application is simple & only costs $9.  Take a look…

Learn more about the IACA Mini-Grant!CALL for ENTRIES:
Mini-Grant from
the Integrity Arts
& Culture Association

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to U.S. artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to literary, visual & performing arts

DEADLINE:  April 22, 2018

NOTIFICATION:  Mid May, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $9 per applicant

AWARDS:  IACA Mini-Grants generally average $250, and are intended to assist with such things as: art supplies, recording studio time, exhibits, performances, project related expenses, etc. This is our way of planting seeds that we believe will continue to grow. 

ABOUT IACA:  Integrity Arts & Culture Association is a non-profit Christian arts organization, which was founded on June 25, 2002 by an artist for artists. “We are passionate about the literary, performing and visual arts, and we welcome your involvement. We are dedicated to producing high quality programs that educate, inspire and entertain. We also reach out to youth and provide education, grants, field trips and a venue for artistic creativity.” *Editor’s Note:  I cannot find any indication that content of proposed projects are required to have religious content, nor any indication that it is a criteria in judging.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the mini grants from IACA!

CALL for ENTRIES: Natural Encounters

Learn more about the Natural Encounters Exhibit from NY Photo Curator!

just NUTS

I shop from a half-dozen grocery stores. Because all but one is out of town, my menu is often reflected in my travels for the week.  Thai food only shows up on the table when I make it 30 miles out to get natural peanut butter.  I mean, the local grocer has something called “natural”, but I think we can agree that just because something CAN be eaten doesn’t mean it SHOULD be eaten –natural or not.  However, I do love the junky peanut butter cereal available everywhere that is neither natural nor contains actual peanut butter.  Hi, my name is Rachel, and I’m a food snob hypocrite.  It’s complicated.  This next Call is all about our relationship to the natural world.  I can’t wait to see this one…

Check out this Call for Entries from N.Y. Photo Curator (online) for the Natural Encounters exhibit. $20 entry, no shipping, plus art publication for ALL entrants.  Be sure to check out this juror’s work; it is fantastic.  Take a look…

Learn more about the Natural Encounters Exhibit from NY Photo Curator!CALL for ENTRIES:
Natural Encounters
from N.Y. Photo Curator

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Photography

THEME:  Natural Encounters. We now know that 60% of primate species are threatened with extinction, as are hundreds of other species. In the the Arctic, large areas of permafrost are melting, and an ice swath the size of Delaware is separating in Antarctica. These are signposts for a hopeless future for our planet, and it’s our responsibility as artists to call attention to, and alter, this course.  Please submit images that address the connection and interdependence between humans and the natural world. The images may or may not be documentary. I’m looking for emotional impact as well as a strong composition. I encourage all photographic techniques, although the message is more paramount than the medium.” –Fran Forman

DEADLINE:  March 31, 2018 (Midnight PST)

ENTRY FEE: $20 for up to 3. 20% of artist fees go to 2 charities –½ to the curator’s choice of charity & ½ goes to the 1st place winner’s choice.  Fran Forman has chosen the Animal Legal Defense Fund.

CURATOR:  Fran Forman‘s photo paintings have been exhibited widely, both locally and internationally, and are in many private collections as well the permanent collections of the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum, the Houston Museum of Fine Arts, The Grace Museum & the County Down Museum.  Forman was selected to be Artist in Residence at Holsnoy Kloster, Norway, in 2016 and exhibited at the Sunnhordland Museum in Norway in 2017. Recently, Fran has mounted solo exhibitions as well as numerous group shows.  She is represented by Pucker Gallery (Boston), After Image Gallery (Dallas), and Susan Spiritus Gallery (CA). She is a Resident Scholar at the Women’s Studies Research Center at Brandeis, a recipient of several grants and Artist Residencies, and teaches digital collage internationally.

AWARDS:  The curator chooses 1st place, 2nd place & 3 honorable mentions. The 1st place winner will receive a review by one or more curators including a Q&A about the photographer’s work. In addition, their image will be on the home page for a month. 2nd place & honorable mentions will have their image shown along with their bio, artist statement, C.V. and a link back to their website.

SALES: All sales are conducted between the artist & buyer.  There is no commission.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from NY Photo Curator!