Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Art Blog

CALL for ENTRIES: Winter Prize

Learn more about the Winter Prize from Western Bureau Arts! functional FOOD collections

I acquire things in threes & fives.  I’m partial to the odd, regardless of the source.  My mother likes the evens.  I have three wasabi turtles; she has a favorite pair of berry bowls.  I have five sets of chopsticks; she has pair of porcelain egg cups.  My collecting has been purposefully curbed due to a conscious decision to own less, but “three” is still a set for me.  This next Call offers a $300 prize & the possibility of becoming part of collection.  This one is quarterly…

Check out this Call for Entries from Western Bureau Arts for the Winter Prize 2017.  This quarterly prize is open to all media & offers a critique for EVERY entrant. Take a look…

Learn more Art Prize from Western Bureau Arts!CALL for ENTRIES:
Winter Prize 2017
from Western Bureau Arts


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all media

DEADLINE:  January 31, 2017


ENTRY FEE: $35 for up to 5

JUROR: The curators of Western Bureau Arts

AWARDS:  The winning artist will receive $300, WBAP Plaque (Western Bureau Art Prize), a featured profile on the Western Bureau website & a 300-word review from the WB chief curator.  Two artists will receive $100, WBAP Plaque (Western Bureau Art Prize) & a 150-word review from the WB chief curator.  All entrants will receive a brief, written critique of their work. All winners will be also considered for inclusion in the Western Bureau’s Collection.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Western Bureau Arts!

ARTIST of the DAY: Liz Ruest

"Coordinated Drift" (digital collage, 61 layers) by Liz Ruest
“Coordinated Drift” (digital collage, 61 layers) by Liz Ruest

“In the desire to find the new, do we also mourn the old,
the left-behind places?”
Liz Ruest


For years I have been trying to find the balance between the whirlwind of excitement that comes with every new milestone in my job with the desire to be still and quiet and ponder.  For me it is the balance between ‘busy’ and ‘creative’.  As grateful as I am to have the opportunity to work a non-traditional job as a performing artist, I miss the creative freedom to produce all of the visual work that consumes my quieter hours.  Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Liz Ruest, captures that struggle for me.  Can we move forward while looking backward?


Find your own narrative in the digital collage work of AAAD Artist of the Day Liz Ruest!



CALL for ENTRIES: What Remains

Learn more about the What Remains exhibit from LA Photo Curator!mystery LUNCH

My favorite culinary masterpieces are created from the random remains of my refrigerator or pantry.  This is how lunch comes to be almost every day.  Left over veggies from salad or stir fry end up as spring rolls; emergency canned goods create the best vegetable soup.  Because I live in a more rural location, bad weather & poor grocery planning can result in a hungry household.  But a little creativity amongst the ruinous remains, turns out the most delightful surprises.  This next Call wants to see what you creat from what remains.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from L.A. Photo Curator for the What Remains exhibit. $20 entry, no shipping, plus art publication for ALL entrants & an opportunity to support a great cause WITHOUT donating work. Great opportunity…

Learn more about the What Remains exhibit from L.A. Photo Curator!CALL for ENTRIES:
What Remains
from L.A. Photo Curator


“”We are almost always intrigued by what is left behind, either when a disaster strikes or simply when a home (or a city) is abandoned. The theme of ruin and abandonment provides a great deal of emotional impact and the imagery produced from these places of ruin can stay with us for a long time.” –from Jody Miller via

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Photography

DEADLINE: February 3, 2017 (Midnight PST)

NOTIFICATION: (and opening date) February 25, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $20 for up to 3. 15% of artist fees go to 2 charities per competition. 7.5% to the curator’s choice of charity and 7.5% to the first place winner’s chosen charity.  Miller has chosen the charity Sacred Stone Camp Legal Defense Fund.

CURATOR:  Jody Miller spent 40 years as  a designer / animator for the television industry; her profession melded beautifully with her favorite pastime.  She still  passionately “chases the light” and tries to present a slightly darker, edgier view of that light & the mysteries that lie therein. Miller’s portfolio is represented by Lightbox Photographic Gallery in Astoria, OR.

SALES: All sales are conducted between the artist & buyer.  There is no commission.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from L.A. Photo Curator!


ARTIST of the DAY: Peter Bragino

"Current of the Soul" (acrylic, marker & water pigment) by Peter Bragino
“Current of the Soul” (acrylic, marker & water pigment) by Peter Bragino

“It’s a gift of the intuition that helped me know from a very early age what I would do in life. It’s the first time I fully recognized my soul. That’s why the inner connection to self is so important to me and why my work focuses on celebrating and shining a light on that relationship. I believe everyone has the ability and the right to connect in that way with their own inner knowing. I believe that all personal wisdom and true direction comes from that connection.” Peter Bragino


Wading through this year’s schedule of exciting trips and new adventures has also left me mourning a loss of creative time.  But I make the schedule.  Do I over-schedule so I have a way to excuse lower production.  Is it self sabotage?  Is it a lack of inner connection to my creative self?  The work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Peter Bragino, reminds me that the ability to connect lies in all of us, but the will must be our own.


Connect to your own creativity through the work of
AAAD Artist of the Day Peter Bradigo!


CALL for ENTRIES: 54th Annual Masur

glorious GIFTS

Give me more fat.  Seriously.  In the winter, I find a drizzle of olive oil improves every dish from grits at breakfast to soup at dinner.  And when the stars align & all the ingredients come together, I end up with a tiny bottle of truffle oil in my stocking during the holidays.  It is truly the best way to top off any meal.  This next Call is just like that –the best of all the ingredients.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries for the 54th Annual Juried Exhibition from the Masur Museum of Art (Monroe, LA). $20 Entry, no commission, the gallery is stunning AND this year’s juror is unparalleled.  This is a great opportunity!

Learn more about the 54th Annual Juried from the Masur Museum!CALL or ENTRIES:
54th Annual Juried
from Masur Museum


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all US artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media

DEADLINE: February 1, 2017 (online entries) or January 21 for postmarks

NOTIFICATION: February 22, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 2, $10 ea. add’l (5 max.)

JUROR:  Gia Hamilton’s practice as a cultural facilitator is collaborative & community based. In 2009, Hamilton founded Gris Gris Lab, as a place-based incubator and cultural exchange space.  Her current projects include the Atlanta Biennial, Southern Parlour & the Afrofuture Society Salon series. The Afrofuture Society is an online platform for artists of color that provides a place to communicate across disciplines & communities.  Hamilton is currently on the board of the Alliance for Artist Communities.

AWARDS: Best in Show is $1,000, and total awards are $3,300. The People’s Choice Award is $200.00 and will be voted on by visitors throughout the run of the exhibition. Best Packed: $100 This award will honor for the artist who packs their art in the most professional manner. 

SALES: The Masur Museum of Art does not receive a commission on sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Masur Museum!


CALL for ENTRIES: 26th OPA Nat’l

Learn more about the 26th Annual OPA Juried Exhibition! HEADS will roll

Fresh cabbage abounds in February.  Many of our local growers had such a successful cabbage crop this year that I am now scrambling for ways to take advantage of this fresh goodness.  Cabbage stuffed, stewed, pickled & raw; I find the traditional uses most compelling.  Tonight? Cabbage rolls.  Get your motivation rolling with this traditional Call.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries for the 26th Annual National Exhibition from Oil Painters of America to be exhibited at the Eisele Gallery of Fine Art (Cincinnati, OH).  $100,000 in awards including $25K Best of Show.  Make us proud…

Learn more about the 26th Annual OPA Juried ExhibitionCALL for ENTRIES:
26th Nat’l Juried
from Oil Painters of America


ELIGIBILITY: Open to artists residing in the U.S., Canada & Mexico

MEDIA: Representational oil painting

DEADLINE: January 27, 2017

NOTIFICATION: February 23, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $30 for 1 or $45 for 2 (plus membership fee of $70). More membership information can be found on the OPA website, under the Member Services tab.

JURORS: The awarding juror will be OPA Master Signature member William Whitaker.

AWARDS: The total awards will be approximately $100,000, including a $30,000 Best In Show.

SALES: Commission of 40% is required by the gallery for all paintings sold.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Oil Painters of America!

ARTIST of the DAY: Erwin Wurm

"Bad Thoughts II" (bronze, patina) by Erwin Wurm
“Bad Thoughts II” (bronze, patina) by Erwin Wurm

“If you approach things with a sense of humor, people immediately
assume you’re not to be taken seriously. But I think truths about
society & human existence can be approached in different ways.
You don’t always have to be deadly serious. Sarcasm & humor
can help you see things in a lighter vein.”
Erwin Wurm


During this month, during this season, we all need to figure out how to arm ourselves with humor in defense of the heaviness of being.  Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Erwin Wurm, has such a light touch.  The humor, irony even, helps feel pro-active without dismissing the problem. Thanks, Erwin.


Arm yourself with the work of AAAD Artist of the Day, Erwin Wurm!




CALL for ENTRIES: Associazione Radar

Learn more from Associazione Radar! christmas in JANUARY

With January come treats from Spain.  Meant to be holiday gifts, goodies inevitably arrive delayed from my friends including my favorite cheeses, quince paste & beautiful little sausages.  Don’t delay your entry to this next Call that could result in your own show.  The deadline is approaching…

Check out this Call for Entries from Associazione Radar for 8 Solo Shows. Yes, 8 galleries throughout Spain will EACH choose an artist to which to offer a solo show. This could be the start of an enduring partnership.  Take a look…

Learn more from from Associazione Radar!CALL for ENTRIES:
8 solo Shows
fm Associazione Radar


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all media

DEADLINE:  January 20, 2017

ENTRY FEE: 40€ for 1 (approx. $42USD) , plus 5€ ea. add’l ($5.28 USD)

JURORS & AWARDS:  Each of the 8 galleries in jury, located in the most important Spanish areas for contemporary art, will choose one artist to realize a solo show. The exhibition can be a prelude to a long-lasting collaboration (many of the artists who won the prize in Italian editions, now work permanently with the galleries that rewarded them). The galleries choose freely and autonomously their own winners and are just required to select artists with whom they had never had previous work relationships. Exhibits will open in the 2017-2018 season.

SALES:  All commercial transactions regarding sales are handled directly between the gallery & artist.  Transports costs are meant to be covered by the artist.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Associazione Radar!

CALL for ENTRIES: Below Zero

Learn more about the Below Zero exhibit from LibertyTown Arts! beware the ICE

I lamented to a friend about my having to buy frozen dinners to supplement my child’s homemade options due to scheduling conflicts, and that session of whining spun off into a whole other discussion about why we quit calling them “TV dinners”.  My friend optimistically believes it is because people, generally speaking eat in front of the TV less often.  However, I suspect it is because we eat FROZEN meals far more commonly than just in front of the TV.  I am grateful there are some better options out there. So, if you’re standing at a counter, fork in hand, eating a frozen dinner & scrolling art deadlines on your phone, use it as inspiration to consider all thing frozen for this call.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from LibertyTown Arts (Fredericksburg, VA) for a nat’l juried exhibit, Below Zero.  $25 Entry & 40% commission.  Be sure to investigate this opportunity

Learn more about the Below Zero exhibit from LibertyTown Arts!CALL for ENTRIES:
Below Zero
from LibertyTown Arts


“Hell has frozen over. The trees have lost their leaves, the sun is shining fewer and fewer hours everyday…and yet there is still immense beauty in the world. A drop frozen at the tip of a tree branch, crystals forming in a mud puddle…now more than ever, we artists need to find the glimmers of hope and push them to the forefront. And we may have some cold demons to exorcize. Show us what you think about this winter in all its cold, bleak wonder and possibility.” –from

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to artists, age 16+

MEDIA:  Open to all media

DEADLINE:  January 13, 2017 (10pm EST)

NOTIFICATION:  January 16, 2017

ENTRY FEE:  $25 for 1, $5 ea. add’l up to 10. (Members $15 for 1, $5 ea. add’l). 

AWARDS:  First Place $250, Second Place $150 and Third Place $75

SALES: LibertyTown keeps a commission of 40% on all show sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from LibertyTown Arts Workshop!


CALL for ENTRIES: Women in Art

Learn about the Women in Art exhibit from Las Laguna Gallery!
of green

The women in my family have a grudge against the snap of a fresh green vegetable.  My mother has canned green beans for her sisters for the last half-dozen years.  Her process for canning requires a certain amount of cooking plus heat-sealing the jars which compromises the texture.  But, that isn’t where the grudge match ends; my aunts cook canned green beans for hours in addition.  What did green beans ever do to the women in my family?  While I contemplate those answers, here’s a Call that wants to see more work by women.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Las Laguna Gallery (Laguna Beach, CA) for Women in Art, an exhibit of creativity by women. Don’t miss this opportunity…

Women in Art
from Las Laguna Gallery


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all women artists

MEDIA: Open to many media, including acrylic, airbrush, assemblage, charcoal, color pencil, collage, digital art, drawings, encaustic, fiber art, graphite, illustration, mixed media, new media, oil, painting, pastel, photography & watercolor.

THEME:  None “This exhibition is dedicated to the spirit and creativity of all women artists, past and present.” — from

DEADLINE:  February 1, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  February 11, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $35 for 1, $2 ea. add’l

SALES: The gallery will retain 25% commission on all sales

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Las Laguna Gallery!
