My food obsession strikes me as, well, obsessive sometimes. I cannot explain it really. As a kid raised by a single father, dinner was our time to hang out. Once I was old enough to cook (age eight), food became my familial contribution. As a teenager, food was comfort. And as a fully-grown adult, food is often my adventure amongst the many jobs that limit my time: executive, blogger, artist, musician, and last-but-not-least, mother. It is a passion, an entertaining and delicious escape as well as a quest for health. My desire to have you all enter and represent with this next Call has obvious motivation. Make me proud…
Check out this Call for Entries from the Dawson County Arts Council for The Art of Food for exhibit at the Bowen Center (Dawsonville, GA). This show is open to all media, including the written word. Investigate…
*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: The Art of Food, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.
The Art of Food
Food is vital to our lives, but its concepts and standards are as diverse as the culture that consumes it. What is the connection between food and art?
The Art of Food, calls for artists and writers who seek to explore representations of food, food consumption, food production, culinary traditions and emotional manifestations of this relationship.
ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists.
MEDIA: Open to all art media including the written word, traditional to contemporary work, 2D or 3D, using a singular method or using a variety of techniques and imaginative interpretations.
NOTIFICATION: June 30, 2012
ENTRY FEE: $35 for nonmembers of DCAC and $25 for members of DCAC. Writer jury fee is $10 for nonmembers of DCAC and $5 for members of DCAC.
JURORS: Kathy Rennell Forbes earned her BFA in Art and Art Education at the University of Georgia. The artist has exhibited in many solo art shows and has won awards in local, regional and national shows. She teaches art classes in the Atlanta area and workshops around the country. Kathy works in watercolors, acrylics and oils. Her representational paintings are in private and corporate collections throughout the United States, Australia and Europe, to include the French Olympic Committee in Paris. She is a Signature Member of the Georgia Watercolor Society and past President and is a Member of Excellence in the Atlanta Artists Center.
Tonette Taylor Long earned her Ph.D. in British Literature from Florida State University in Tallahassee. Her M.A. in British Lit. and her B.A. in French are from Auburn University. Excluding seven years of graduate school teaching, she has taught at the college or university level for eighteen years. She authored a reference book, edited a collection of scholarly essays, and published a number of scholarly articles and reviews on Southern women writers.
AWARDS: Visual art: Best in Show $500, Award of Merit (1) $250 and Honorable Mentions $125. Writing Art: Best Literary Piece $150, Literary Award of Merit $75, and Literary Honorable Mentions $50.
I appreciate the way you dressed up the page. It looks great! These are my photos because they are the only ones I had available at the time.