Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

CALL for ENTRIES: Cartoon Cult

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What food reminds you of childhood?  Cookies?  Spaghetti?  Taco Night?  Nope, not for me.  For me it is Krystals*.  I spent a number of my younger years living alone with my Dad, and he didn’t really cook.  So, my childhood was a blur of fast food…Krystal, Del Taco and Farmer John’s Smorgasboard. I am so not making this up BTW.  But even though my childhood food memory is Krystal, I still LOVE them as an adult.  Much the same with the theme for this next call for entries…

Check out the Call for Entries for Cartoon Cult from The Soundry, a former auto body shop that has been converted into a public coffee shop, art gallery, and shared studio space for artists and musicians.  You still love cartoons; you know you do.  This show is all hung, and the entry fee is low.  All of that equals a great resume builder.  Give it a try…

Here’s the Call for Entries for
Cartoon Cult

Learn more about the Cartoon Cult show at The Soundry!Cartoon Cult is an art show celebrating contemporary art forms of cartoons, comics, digital animation, illustration, anime, and videogames (emphasis on original characters). 

ELIGIBILITY:  Cartoon Cult is unjuried.

MEDIA:  If you have any questions about what can be included in the show, please email Jennifer or Melissa at The Soundry.

ENTRY FEE:  The submission fee is $25 and artists may submit up to 5 pieces. All work must be for sale and ready to hang or display.

DEADLINE:  November 19, 2010

DELIVERY: November 23 – 30, 2010

The Gallery at the Soundry

Visit The Soundry online!The gallery at The Soundry occupies about one quarter of their total space. It’s a rough-around-the-edges kind of space with good lighting and comfortable seating.

They hang their member’s artwork in this area and offer it for sale. This is the place to go in Vienna, Virginia if you’re looking for work from emerging artists, or if you just want to kick back, sip a latte, and take in some new sights.

The artwork in the gallery changes regularly, and a large portion of their gallery space is set aside for installation works.

The garage atmosphere and undergound, working-studio feel give visitors an experience they’re guaranteed not to find anywhere in the region.

Make sure you hurry:

Submissions are due by November 19, 2010.

Delivery of art work is due to The Soundry by November 23 – 30, 2010.

* Editor’s Note:  This blog is in no way associated with The Krystal Company.  Any reference made herein is merely the experience of me, R.L. Gibson, Editor & Krystal Lover.