Someone emailed me an appreciative note about my recent post featuring a rubber chicken. I explained that finding Calls for Entry day after day was far easier than figuring out how to make a food reference day after day. There have only been a few that I wasn’t particulary proud of like the Rice A Roni reference to San Francisco. Nothing against Rice A Roni…it just wasn’t a creative reference. So here I am…horses? Carrot, folks. That’s all I’ve got.
Check out this great Call for Entries in Ex Arte Equinus 4 brought to you by Art Horse Magazine. The fees are reasonable, and this in an excellent opportunity to get true value from Art Publications. Check it out…
CALL for ENTRIES: Ex Arte Equinus 4
Ex Arte Equinus is an international art competition dedicated to presenting the equine as fine art. The amount of equine artists working today is astounding. Ex Arte Equinus is a chance for artists worldwide to have their work recognized in a fine art format, in a competition that will provide equine artists the opportunity to compete and have their work seen on an international level.
Images of winning artwork will be published in issue #12 of Art Horse Magazine (published March 2011). Winners and selected images will also be published in a limited edition hardback book about the show, available from Art Horse Magazine.
ELIGIBILITY: Contest is open to artists worldwide. Open to artists 17 years and older. All artwork must be original work executed by the artist. Works produced by non-human artists are not eligible. Works based on a photograph must have the photographer’s permission before entering that work. Works must include a suggestion of an equine form in the image submitted (i.e. a still life painting of tack or hunting dogs would not be acceptable for this show). Previously submitted works are welcome, however works that placed or appeared in any previous Ex Arte Equinus competition or book are not eligible.
CATEGORIES: All artists will compete for the awards in these categories (note that multimedia pieces should be entered based on predominant media):
Paintings: Includes watercolors, oils, acrylics, and any other ‘wet’ traditional or non-traditional painting media. This category does not include “digitally painted” pieces or electronically-generated art for this competition. Any image entered into an inappropriate division will be moved by the jurors into the correct division at the time of judging without penalty to the artist.
Drawings: Includes drawings, pastel, charcoal, etchings, and other traditional or non-traditional types of ‘dry’ drawing media. This category does not include “digitally drawn” pieces or electronic art for this competition. Any image entered into an inappropriate division will be moved by the jurors into the correct division at the time of judging without penalty to the artist.
Sculpture: Includes 3-dimensional works completed using traditional or non-traditional materials. Copies of originals are accepted for cast media (such as bronze, wax, ceramics, or resin) if they are submitted as entries by the sculpting artist only.
Digital Art: Includes any artwork completed digitally, including digital image that has a photograph as its base, such as an image heavily reworked or texturized with Photoshop, any images with painted or pasted backgrounds, foregrounds, layers, or subjects, and any image which is entirely computer-drawn or computer-created. Digital collages are included in this division. Please review the qualifications for the Photography division below if you have questions. Any image entered into an inappropriate division will be moved by the jurors into the correct division at the time of judging without penalty to the artist.
Photography: Includes digital or film photography (alternative film or traditional film types of images and /or processing), color or black and white. Photo should include the image or suggestion of a real, live horse in some way. Artists may be asked to provide the original file if a digital image is in question as to the amount of reworking. Any image entered into an inappropriate division will be moved by the jurors into the correct division at the time of judging without penalty to the artist.

Selected works and information about the show will be printed in a color hardbound book that will be available on the Art Horse Magazine website.
ENTRY PROCEDURE: Submit entries on CD, or online. SUBMIT ONLY A DIGITAL VERSION OF YOUR IMAGE. Do not sent actual work.
Send your files via email to: exarte_images@gmx.com (total size per email is 15mb, so you may need to send multiple emails.) DO NOT send images prepared for web pages or internet viewing. For flatwork (paintings, drawings, photos, digital), submit one image per entry, with a limit of 12 entries per artist. For sculptures: Multiple views of your piece may be needed to sufficiently show the piece in entirety (i.e. front and side views). Submit up to two images per entry, with a limit of 12 entries per artist. Please name your files with Artist’s last name, entry number, and view number (i.e. Smith_1_1.jpg, Smith_1_2.jpg, etc.)

$30.00 per artist will include up to 3 entries. Additional entries up to twelve may be added at $10.00 each.
USEAGE RIGHTS: By submitting for jurying, artists grant Art Horse Magazine permission to use the submitted images in publication of issue 10 of Art Horse Magazine, in online display and printed promotion about the competition only (such as informational booklets sent to sponsors etc.), and in publication of the show programme. Artists grant the use of their image(s) as stated here without further compensation from Art Horse Magazine. Artist and title recognition is always included at use.
AWARDS: Prizes include rosettes for first place through third place for each category. First place and overall winners receive custom glass awards and one copy Ex Arte Equinus IV programme book will be awarded to each first place artist and overall Award winners. Winning works will be included in issue #12 (Winter, 3/11) of Art Horse Magazine and in the published show programme book as an opportunity to present the work to an international audience of equine art collectors and enthusiasts.
JURORS: Each category will be judged separately. Susan Leyland (Drawing category), Rachael Waller (Photography category), Sherron Sheppard (Digital Art category) and Kathi Peters (painting category), and Lyne Raff, editor (sculpture category).
JURY NOTIFICATION: On or about sixty days from final entry deadline.
DEADLINE: October 30, 2010. Electronic entries only after 10/20